TheBuddha ago

That's a hell of a good race.

TheBuddha ago

The BMW is out, effectively. The wheel is off it and it's in the gravel.

TheBuddha ago

The pit reporter, Dakota, is cute as a button - but she's also an experienced racer. She came up through the Ginetta Junior Driver program, as I recall. She knows her shit and she's only 19.

Alas, she has to wear a fire-resistant (they're not fireproof) race suit to be down there in the pit. At least it's form hugging!

TheBuddha ago

Now THAT was a spectacular wreck!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, by the way, this isn't IMSA - but it is quite similar. This is the Blancpain series, and is also sportcar racing with driver changes. This one isn't mixed classes on the same track at the same time, normally.

Well, it isn't different classes of cars. It is different classes of drivers - which makes it interesting. You have pro, am, and pro-am, in this series. Like other series, they race to a formula (the rules), so it's mostly about driver vs. driver. One of these days, I'll do a post about BoP.

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

i think this car sub thing may get big

TheBuddha ago

I hope so. I'm going to do my best. It'd be easier if I could just have the sub, @puttitout. I'd be able to sticky and set up the CSS to link to resources that'd make it easier for people to keep track of the different events.

But, I understand that voat politics may make that problematic - though the votes indicated that people support doing exactly that. But, it'd probably lead to drama...

zyklon_b ago

im am betting he will capitulate to the requests. You are one of if not the most liked and popular goats


will be rPV crying foul

TheBuddha ago

If the voting system comes soon, I'm pretty sure I'll "win" the sub.

I could make my own sub, but I really want this keyword.

I can't really think of a better name for the sub, except maybe 'letsgoracing.' That's not very good.

zyklon_b ago

It aint catchy.

im goin into town now to pick up new mower and kayak.

TheBuddha ago

What kinda kayak?

zyklon_b ago

sun dolphin is name i am lookong at walmart and atwoods for

TheBuddha ago

I am pretty happy with my Old Town kayaks, but you may not be able to get them easily in your region. They weren't even very expensive or anything.

zyklon_b ago

how many u got?

TheBuddha ago

Four and one canoe. I have a bass boat, but it's damaged and stored in a barn.

zyklon_b ago

Cool. i like kayaking cause it dont stress my injured knee

TheBuddha ago

I enjoy it. I've even learned to fly fish from one.

zyklon_b ago

ima catfish from mine as seems be a lot of fun

member when i used to type "alot"? lol

TheBuddha ago

I've never been catfishing.

And yes, I remember.

zyklon_b ago

Oh dude catfish is so fun and they get huge. living so close to oklahoma we "noodle" em

TheBuddha ago

I know they get big but I didn't fish until I retired, really.

TheBuddha ago


I fucking told you! That BMW is pretty much leading a parade!

He's going slow, even under caution - like really slow. He's got a line of eager people behind him. Why is he going slow, 'cause it's fucking raining!

Also, that is just an M4, from the looks of it. And, you can buy street versions of all these cars. The street cars are actually a little faster, 'cause they don't have the giant wing giving them extra downforce. These cars are realistically affordable for some people and you really only need two of them for the season. You'll need to foot quite a bit of the expenses, as there isn't a lot of sponsorship money in this series. I think that's a good thing.

TheBuddha ago

Oh shit! Ferrari dude is gonna kick the shit out of AMG (Mercedes) dude! That was some fucking horrible driving by the AMG and he ruined the race for both of them - needlessly.

I can understand the anger!

derram ago :

MAIN RACE - MONZA - Blancpain GT Series Endurance 2019 - ENGLISH - YouTube

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TheBuddha ago

Also, this is the first of the season. So, it should be good. It's been a pretty good weekend, so far. There's another race at 12:30, I believe.

TheBuddha ago

If you want to know why my daily driver is strictly a good-weather car, I strongly suspect this race will show you why.