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This is "Clown World," a Voat collaboration with @not_saying_a_thing, who wrote the refrain on which this is based. I never would've bothered with this shit if not for his post. He's a pretty cool guy, I heard a rumor that he's like six foot twenty and fuckin' kills folks for fun.

The song is a variation of Mad World. Here's a version by Gary Jules as accompaniment. If you want to earn your stars and stripes in the Great Meme Wars, sing, record, then upload this somewhere like Catbox. Hope you like it! If you don't, go fuck yourself. Heil Honkler. o/

So surrounded by these foreign faces

Other races, less white spaces

Diversity in all the workplaces

Going nowhere, foreign warfare

Too few fear them filling up our nations

TV stations push invasions

Your resistance is a racist statement

Face debasement, then replacement

And I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

To think that my own mommy's

Now my fat transvestite dad

And the media is lying

That you're wicked in white skin

So I'm gazing out and sighing

At millions of Mexicans

It's a crazy circus

Clown world

Children born into a Third World future

Dying birth rates, dying birthdays

White girls trade 'em for work at computers

Just commuters, just consumers

Went to school to learn that I was evil

Gassed the masses, harassed lasses

Why's my teacher call these strangers peaceful

"Whites are fascists," passed my classes

And I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

To think that my own mother's

Now my fat transvestite Dad

And the media is lying

That you're wicked in white skin

So I'm gazing out and sighing

At millions of Mexicans

It's a crazy circus

Clown world

Browning up your world

Clown world

Nadeshda ago

I will try hook up tonight and do this for you.


Good goat. Knock it out of the park, Nadeshda.

Nadeshda ago

Are you ready? Here we go Sir

Mad World Rendition by a goat on Voat:

@thebuddha @crazy_eyes @COF @expertshitposter @Rotteuxx

Who am I missing that would appreciate this?

LostandFound ago

Ah you fucking hero ! Bravo very well done !

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for listening Sir! Thanks to the guys who wrote lyrics and gave the opportunity, I am not a hero just an average being on Voat. Have a wonderful day!

ExpertShitposter ago

God damn!!!! Gj both you and @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS

Nadeshda ago

Thanks for listening ESP!


What a fucking masterpiece, put it in the Wordsmithsonian. My hat's off to you.

Nadeshda ago

geez flanks mister it was you guys that started it, thanks for putting it there and asking... much appreciated as it was awesomely written. If you guys want to do more stuff just let me know...


My comment with our lyrics is the top comment in this thread, so into the very top of it I edited your link next to a big bold caps line because you deserve more exposure than to be buried down here in a comment thread. You should post this as its own topic.

Nadeshda ago

Oh Sir I didn’t do it for exposure, I did it becase you asked and it was in my capabilities to do it tonight. I love that song btw... that certainly helped :)

PS: see what I said to @not_saying_a_thing here for context...


I believe you. I'll definitely remember your offer to record other stuff for me. You're the biggest thing on Voat right now, Nadeshda. The biggest. When I was a lad, the doctors always told me I'd have a big pianist. I didn't know what the hell they were on about, but it all makes sense now. Cheers!

crazy_eyes ago

Sweet! You really captured the mood of the song in that rendition. Great job!

TheBuddha ago

Everyone, I presume.

Nadeshda ago

okay you want me to put a special entry on the top right? Not hidden in a comment? I read yer mind sometimes.... ya know...

TheBuddha ago

But of course.

Nadeshda ago

Done :)

Nadeshda ago

^ @not_saying_a_thing @majb

Look above :)

majb ago

That was very well done. Thank you for that!!

not_saying_a_thing ago

Wow. Nicely fucking done right here. Hard to believe this went from some extremely tired shit posting to an actual thing that happened. Thank you for uploading this.

Nadeshda ago

It’s amazing what can happen when we stand together! I am as much stoked as you, any other night and this couldn’t happen, I have been struggling for years to get my recording stuff, months trying to figure it out, then it went into storage several months then I moved.

It’s been one helluva journey till now @thebuddha can confirm.

It was meant to happen tonight... or so I guess... :)

TheBuddha ago

It's a grand conflagration.

As I've oft said, I just put the thread here and show it can be done. You folks do the real work. I just throw hours at it.

Nadeshda ago


Now that’s a very interesting word to use, I would love for you to explain what that means to you, in your own words one day... hopefully soon.

TheBuddha ago

A giant fire that is threatening.

Nadeshda ago

Yikes... should I run for cover?

TheBuddha ago

Nah... It's too late. The thread has bloomed and you're stuck being a contributor now.

I read all the comments this morning. We're a damned mess!

Nadeshda ago

Yikes that bad? I haven’t made it through tge whole thread yet, not for lack of trying though. My goodness Sir it snowballed, what have we done, ahem, I mean you... ;)

Pancakes may save the day, yet again...

TheBuddha ago

I made more typos and bizarre comments than normal! The thread was also all over the place and it was insanely busy. We were at about 100 comments per hour. From now on, that metric is called CPH, just so you know.

That's insanely fast. 60 CPH is insanely fast.

It's a good thing, I guess.

Nadeshda ago

It was pretty darn crazy and fast paced last night. I step away for a couple of weeks and you created a beast if a thread! Wow man... hopefully I will talk to you soon, I cannot be here every Friday as I have some commitments to tend to at times but certainly when I can be here, I will help as much as I can. You kniw this... the typos, lol... I need no encouragement in this department as I am a natural! :) lol

TheBuddha ago

I should have ample free time this coming week. We should babble at one another.

Nadeshda ago

Awesome; remember Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the Babel fish? Well, I will make sure to have the proper install then...

TheBuddha ago

I actually enjoyed the movie. It's a rare time when I enjoy the movie as much as I enjoyed the books.

Nadeshda ago

The book was one of my favorites growing up, think it’s possibly time to read again. Did you see the BBC series back in the day?

TheBuddha ago

No, I never did get around to watching the series - nor did I listen to the radio broadcasts.

I've never really been all that big on movies and television. I did read the entire HHGTTG book series, however.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah me too about reading the whole series though. I heard the series is pretty good as well as the audio, may look into that this and see if I can get hold of it for the kids. Hopefully they read the book first though, but they are a bit young still.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, but the books are excellent.

I'm gonna watch some live racing!