I took a girl’s v/unity once.

fightknightHERO ago

make "Angry Goy 3D" and i'll make you a moderately rich man

theoldones ago

the first idea that springs to mind, is a simple doom shooter using the simple graphics the game already has

fightknightHERO ago

we already have MoonDoom

to be frank, i'ed rather play some 2D game in the vain of Angry Goy

than play a "3D" game which uses 2D sprites...

theoldones ago

i can't help with what isnt defined unfortunately. so, you want to know how 2D works?

jkfaksj776 ago


goon squad shit alt






all posting within in under ten minutes of each other

https://files.catbox.moe/2sfkeh.JPG <------boom after I I called him out




consistently call people called jews in same format



https://voat.co/u/NiggerVirus <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

after calling him out, he this user is "a pretty good guy" on sbbh


hey goy, im "im just like you"

https://voat.co/u/0_--_0 <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

https://voat.co/u/14HonkHonk <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/DayOfThePillow <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/ShakklezthaKlown <-------shit alt

https://voat.co/u/SumeJirke <----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Black_Phillip <-----shitpostingalt

[–] Splooge [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 minutes ago

Cope harder

http://archive.is/RKXk0 <-------------here splooge admitting to it

https://voat.co/u/Splooge <----- shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Diggernicks <-------- most likely /u/splooge its a DV account confirmed

more to come

jkfaksj776 ago

the /u/oldones is a known goon squad member I highly suspect upvoat manip @puttitout

suck so hard you got restricted on a free speech site

did I tho? fucking goon squad... I wonder if you are on my list.....

nope, but added


(1) @SeanBox - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9566 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719769

(2) @MadWorld - Member for: 3.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9923 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15719966

(3) @argosciv - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1334 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(4) @LivingRedInBlue - Member for: 1 year / Comment Contribution Points: 651 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720138

(5) @Professorballs - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 297 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720151

(6) @dan_k - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5377 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720480

(7) @VicariousJambi - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 7846 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720111

(8) @hungry_mungry - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2359 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720973

(9) @HillBoulder - Member for: 1.8 years / Comment Contribution Points: 8631 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15720927

(10) @Shekelstein6M - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21182 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721180

(11) @kevdude - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 74661 (Waited till we hit 10 users before I added myself to the list. I hate this motherfucker)

(12) @BLOODandHONOUR - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 35090 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721795

(13) @I_Always_Lie - Member for: 12 months (1 year) / Comment Contribution Points: 2978 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721750

(14) @Crensch - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 33318 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15721473

(15) @Javik2186 - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 4908 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722183

at this point he claims everyone on this list is a "Q-tard" https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722476

(16) removed

(17) @Fetalpig - Member for: 1.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 5569 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15722829

(18) @carlip - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 16272 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723855

At this point he claims that all the people on the list are 3 month old accounts with 200 ccp (I updated the list to include user stats) https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2929314/15723704

(19) @Inaminit - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6361 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15723961

(20) @Renatus - Member for: 3 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1084 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15724219 (EXCELLENT WRITE UP IN HIS SIGNING STATEMENT)

(21) @CameraCode - Member for: 9 days / Comment Contribution Points: 273 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725053

(22) @Intrixina - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 1158 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15725768

(23) @RumpRangerRick - Member for: 2.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 9003 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15727984

(24) @shewhomustbeobeyed - Member for: 2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 2660 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15728527

(25) @FridayJones - Member for: 3.1 years / Comment Contribution Points: 3108 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15730687

(26) @Hand_of_Node - Member for: 6 months / Comment Contribution Points: 5965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15736801

(27) @TheKobold - Member for: 3.4 years / Comment Contribution Points: 21965 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15734244

(28) @turbola - Member for: 2.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 329 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15742234

(29) @blumen4alles - Member for: 1.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 607 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15751945

(30) @Shes2fat4me5 - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 223 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15752451

(31) @Mumbleberry - Member for: 1.9 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11698 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15753673

(32) @AaronBuurr - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 188 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15762995

(33) @Runway22L - Member for: 2.2 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11987 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15773666


(34) @Splooge - Member for: 9 months / Comment Contribution Points: 4443 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/15797116

http://archive.is/RKXk0 <-------------here is admitting to it

(35) removed

(36) @draaaak - Member for: 3.5 years / Comment Contribution Points: 23686 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16099539

(37) @CognitiveDissident5 - Member for: 1.7 years / Comment Contribution Points: 11697 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16156275

(38) @King_Leopold_II - Member for: 2 months / Comment Contribution Points: 1483 https://voat.co/v/whatever/2930125/16553685

(39) @drstrangegov - Member for: 2.3 years / Comment Contribution Points: 6613 https://voat.co/v/funny/3060109/17016552

ive added these downvotes alts of the goon squad

you want to know the hilarity of this list is, I have been on here longer than all of them


Submissions: This user has upvoted 72 and downvoted 71 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 1106 and downvoted 1106 comments.

MadWorld ago

I am counting seven different formats to your sperg accounts. Of those seven, one paid too much attention to proper formatting. If you do not sperg so much, maybe people will take you seriously. If you suspect something is wrong, make an argument and present your findings.

Have a good day Mr. Sane.

jkfaksj776 ago

lol rememer whener you we tried to steal subvervese from me...... fucking funny right?

jkfaksj776 ago

only faggots say speg faggot

SeanBox ago

How come you don’t actually add to your list. You threaten everybody but never follow through. Pussy

jkfaksj776 ago

so it is your alt????? interesting... i will add that


SeanBox ago

U pinged me, faggot.

jkfaksj776 ago

sweet faggot... i was trying to this post...



fucking goon squad





all posting within in under ten minutes of each other

https://files.catbox.moe/2sfkeh.JPG <------boom after I I called him out

http://archive.is/41hUO <----- theoldones is user @seanbox alt I suspect voat manip with all of them




consistently call people called jews in same format



https://voat.co/u/NiggerVirus <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

after calling him out, he this user is "a pretty good guy" on sbbh


hey goy, im "im just like you"

https://voat.co/u/0_--_0 <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

https://voat.co/u/14HonkHonk <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/DayOfThePillow <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/ShakklezthaKlown <-------shit alt

https://voat.co/u/SumeJirke <----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Black_Phillip <-----shitpostingalt

[–] Splooge [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 minutes ago

Cope harder

http://archive.is/RKXk0 <-------------here splooge admitting to it

https://voat.co/u/Splooge <----- shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Diggernicks <-------- most likely /u/splooge its a DV account confirmed

more to come

SeanBox ago

How retarded are u? No one cares what u think. Why don’t u get it?

jkfaksj776 ago

lol.... still caliin me "sane" and going how retarded at the the same time you shit alt



you are dead to me

@crensch and @gabara and @kevdude both ban people on voat and deletes legit content

just a reminder all....



@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

just one example from a shit alt @smokenofire


and he fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying


He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes now even saying I c&p replies as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING







and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"


kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.


[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago

It's Dial. I block all his accounts now. He adds nothing to this place.

here is @kevdude submissions history, fucking amazing work kevnog getting people banned and downvoated to nothing!

https://voat.co/u/kevdude/submissions <---- notice how every thing is upvoat from the PV goonsquad.... FFS all he does post shit motorhead remakes. Im calling voat manip on him... its so jewy

Still Zero on who systematically downvoated (and at this point close to a hundred accounts) me. "OOOOh no it cant be Protectvoat" can it?"


Hey @crensch, aint you that power mod from /v/GreatAwakening ?




here is "the builder" @kevdude threatening users @puttitout


here is "the builder" @kevdude harassing users in their personal verses


SeanBox ago

I wish you were dead to you.

jkfaksj776 ago

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

Lol you drunkard. Shit alt btw

SeanBox ago

your mom is a faggit

bezzy ago

Naw nigga, the world is gonna collapse in 30 years, these these guys how to do cool shit in Minecraft

Osmanthus ago

Unity is a trap. It's easy to start, but the early ease turns into endless complexity.
Notice AAA games have never been made with it.

theoldones ago

i'm only trying to cover the beginner steps, not the advanced shit

Peaceofthesoul ago

Absolutely, also considering the more pozzed the commercial sector gets, the more popular indie devs are getting.

Lord_Mari ago

Oh, yes!! That would be great. As based Voat is, I would like to use it for other things so I won't be forced to use Reddit. Currently, I'm using GameMaker Studio 2 to develop a small game. Some help would be nice.

theoldones ago

neat, i know nothing about gamemaker studio specifically, but i'll try to help if i can

Lord_Mari ago

That will be great, thank you. Is it okay if I post gamemaker content in v/unity ?

theoldones ago

go ahead dude. the more people posting info there the better

kevf4 ago

I am interested in game dev, but not necessarily Unity. I've written a couple of game engines in my personal time and enjoy learning concepts more than frameworks.

Right now I'm checking out the "Dreams Creator Early Access" on PS4. It's basically a game engine with visual programming. Seems great for beginners.

redsfan277 ago

Are you a CIA glow in the dark niggerfaggot or something?

lol props for starting and finishing something. i always start and my lazy niggerness takes over

Socks_are_okay ago

To everybody who's interested in setting up games or other types of storytelling:

Unsure if you're familiar with it, but when I was doing my gamedesign education, The Art of Gamedesign: a book of lensed, by Jesse Schel was mandatory. It's a great book with a lot of good tips and guidelines.

NiggerVirus ago


GasChamber ago

Anyone tried https://godotengine.org/ yet?

theoldones ago

not yet but i plan to. they handle 3d coordinates and sound in some different ways compared to unity

22trilionAsecond ago

I would love to help and talk to other people interested in this stuff.

I am pretty good at hard surface at 3D modeling in 3DsMAX. Here's a WIP of my latest hobby project

I am OK with modeling in blender and have some basic experience with zbrush and mudbox.

Its been a while but I can also use Photoshop, quixel and would love to learn how to use substance painter.

I currently have a shitty gtx760 and need to buy a hard rive for scuplting and texturing programs.

I have a degree in games development but have never working in the industry. ( lol art degree debt )

theoldones ago

kickass. maybe make a post on v/unity for this. i got blender experience mainly, enough to crank out open-world size gameplay levels, and i've been playing around with complex textures lately

Chap ago

I personally think the IT industry is dead and dying. All the hardware hasn't evolved or the software in a very long time. For instance the PlayStation 4 Pro even is just running UNIX, under its FreeBSD UI. And UNIX hasn't changed since 1951.

I'm a registered Microsoft developer myself until 2069, if I live that long. I was invited this week to the developer conferences here in the UK. If your interested :



I wont be attending. But I hope that the cream of the current crop of developers, engineers and analysts all do. I'm sure they will send me notes, to read at me leisure as they know I prefer that.

As for me releasing anymore software, I probably won't again before my license to do so ends anyway. My software already runs on over 90 billions devices today, and still growing. And yes, that's UNIX based Hexadecimal, like I said, from 1951.

The milleials and theyre new languages, are going nowhere fast. Let alone these so called Engines, and Tool Chains involved.

The hardware has to keep growing in computing power just to keep up with how badly all the code is written. If the code was even slightly any good to begin with you shouldn't have to be buying the latest hardware just to run it.

szopjal_lovat ago

Game development is easy. It is making and animating all that 3D graphics is hard. At least for me as I have no idea how to do it. I would develop a game that is mostly about humans. Should I use Poser?

grendelbiter ago

For Unity I highly recommend UMA - Unity Multipurpose Avatar. It is a very flexible system to create characters and swap clothing'/armor at runtime. t's not easy to get into though. There is also MakeHuman if you need less detailed static characters.

theoldones ago

i use blender for my 3D models, but its one of many viable programs. blender at least, is easy and free

LostandFound ago

Please do, while im not a dev or nor do I intend to be I know lots of people that are and Id hate to think they learn to make faggot games for giant faggots on reddit.

crazyjuan ago

I know the basics of python, and I have a strategy board game that I would like to recreate. Are you exclusively c#?

theoldones ago

i started in python too but i'd have to practise again to use

now i do c#. what do you want to recreate?

crazyjuan ago

The game is called 'A Mighty Fortress' which is set during the 30 years war of religion between the Catholics, Protestants and Muslim Ottoman Empire. Very old, probably hasn't been printed in the last 25 years - would love to immortalise it on a computer.

Any tips for structuring the development process. I'm awful at art, but would be willing to give it a shot with the right dev tools.

theoldones ago

what problems been hard for your current process to deal with?

crazyjuan ago

This is my first game project - I've done some ad hoc stuff for work before.

As I'm a Dev noob my problems are along the lines of user interface, and mapping an encoding into something visual.

I'll sub to /v/unity to see what you have to offer

theoldones ago

theoldones ago

there's short advice i can give on UI building, lemme right a post here

iitpanun ago

I'm interested for sure.

Merlynn ago

The first thing to do when developing a game is have some idea of what you want make. First person,third person,over head,point and click,just a nice general idea. Once you have that,then you can start thinking about recruiting teams.

WordCorrector ago

Do. It.

I would read it for sure and I may even comment sometimes. I like learning new stuff.

theoldones ago

first post is already up, covering some basic organizational stuff

WordCorrector ago

Ok heading there now to read through.

dunklederf ago

unity is for fags

theoldones ago

all it is is entry level, and fags just happen to be one group among many smart enough to monkey-pound a unity game together

dunklederf ago

fair enough, im mostly bitchposting out of spite to unity, because i'm an unrealfag myself

Plavonica ago

Just graduated with a CS degree ( they say it's in the mail). Hell yeah I would be interested. Would give me something to learn while job hunting.

M346 ago

Is it going to be like Carl H programming?
I'd like to learn some more about how to work with tools and engines. I'm hopefully going to buy a fixer upper saturday though and that will take all my time.

theoldones ago

i can offer 5 minutes here and there depending on what you ask, to help get you on your way

Tubesbestnoob ago

The video game industry is full of cucks.

It would be great to see a based dev studio.

Wahaha ago

OP is a cuck that did campaign for more censorship on Voat, so no luck this time.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

couldn't be a studio because it can't make money. that's the rule in the new age of (((corporate))) control on banking, payment processing, sales platform, and marketing.

but some friends doing it on the side could make fun not-for-profit games, as long as they are ok with the risk of doxing and losing their day job over it.

yay future!

theoldones ago

the leftists, and (((corrupt people))), can't have any power over gaming, when tom dick the oil-field worker already knows how to outdo their shit at just a hobbyist level

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Lets make a game where a white knight cucks for his titty pic mamma

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Yes: Please teach game development to the " Fun Pimps " creators of " 7 Days to Die " it has been in Alpha for 6 years, and its stuttery and freezy and takes a million years to load a game, or create a map.

BeauDacious ago

I'd be interested in that.

We could do a simple tower defense type thing maybe. But I think what to build would be better left to the community.

theoldones ago

i'll write this one down to cover sometime

Marsog ago

im interested, i subbed to v/unity for your future posts

I've been interested in making something with unity for a while now. but every time i sit down to do it i encounter problem after problem after problem. every solution feels like 1 step forward 10 steps back, so i go back to programming shit csv parsers in python.

if I could request one tutorial, it would be really general shit like "how to manage your unity project", "how to organize your project", how you build gameobjects and prefabs (do you stick the main camera on the player? or do you have multiple cameras and disable/enable them on the fly?)

grendelbiter ago

Try to avoid the lazy method of just parenting the camera to the player. Make a proper following script with smoothing and collision avoidance (for 3rd person). It's a lot easier to add camera shake and effects too if it is it's own object.

theoldones ago

if I could request one tutorial, it would be really general shit like "how to manage your unity project", "how to organize your project"

this idea, i'll write down and cover in a full post

how you build gameobjects and prefabs

that depends, is it a prefab or a custom 3D model? in unity one of the drop-down menus lets you summon certain prefab shapes like a cube, plain or circle, etc. custom 3D modelling requires finding those files or making them yourself. any 3D model in the right format is valid

you can spawn in an object called an empty, which has no model, so therefore technically doesn't exist, but does exist in the code and gameworld. empties are what scripts are often run on, and measurement points set at. they're for functions you need hidden out of sight, or stuff/components you just need to be there

(do you stick the main camera on the player? or do you have multiple cameras and disable/enable them on the fly?)

"disable/enable them on the fly" yes, that's actually precisly what you do. a camera is either on or off, and has a component called an audio listener. audio listener is your audio feed, and more then one existing/running at the same time causes. apart from that though, yeah, there's multiples cameras and you turn them on or off.

copy down the following c# script excerpts

//calls and defines a group of cameras. these are set from the unity component screen

public Camera[] cams = new Camera[4];


//these 2 if-checks would toggle visibility between 2 cameras. make sure that only one camera is ever on at any given moment. ditto for audio listener component

if (cams [3].enabled == false){

cams [2].enabled = false;

cams [3].enabled = true;


if (cams [3].enabled == true){

cams [3].enabled = false;

cams [2].enabled = true;


GoyimNose ago

what examples do you have to show of your qualifications

theoldones ago

i posted it before but took it down for OPSEC reasons

let's just say i have open world-game experiance, some FPS knowledge, level design and world design are my drugs, and i have a self-learning AI in my bestiary that can slowly learn the best way to smoke your ass

AlexanderMorose13 ago

Damn, that's fucking awesome. I might have some questions to ask you later.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Yes, but I'm not interested much in Unity3D

theoldones ago

it's what i know how to operate, but some principle stuff might be helpful. do you still want a ping when i make posts?

Niggardly_Jew ago

I'm more interested in engine development, personally.


IsaacJan ago

Learn how to stop kvetching first

ex-redd ago

"for those who can't do: teach"

--just busting your balls

thantik ago

I would be incredibly interested.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yes. Been awhile since I've programmed and this sounds like fun.

theoldones ago

i'm making a first post on this to cover getting unity itself. what was it you wanted help making?

Goys-R-Us ago

Have no idea. Thought you were proposing a course on creating a game that you'd already decided on.

theoldones ago

i can tell people how to install unity, and then then for 5 minutes here and there i can give them advice on what they want to make. i don't have room in my schedule to do direct help, but i'm confident at least some people will figure it out

ConquistadorCoronado ago

I would be interested.

Dortex ago

SparklingWiggle ago

You post loli so you are a pedophile. Please kill yourself.

Dortex ago

At least I don't beg for child porn, amirite?

Crensch ago

The user above protects pedophiles, and his summary comment of links doesn't actually describe what he links to.

He literally proves he's a liar with his own links. No need for me to support my words, he does it for me.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Thanks for the heads up.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

It's just another dial alt no?

Crensch ago

I'm never really good at that sort of thing. You'll have to ask someone more qualified.

I think dial always announces himself despite his own admission that it gets him downvotes. Then again, it could be his way of hiding the more devastating of his alts.

Crensch ago

@ConquistadorCoronado please see above

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Thank you for @ing me.

theoldones ago

i got c# unity knowledge even if sometimes i dont know enough in some areas

jkfaksj776 ago

goon squad fuck off..






all posting within in under ten minutes of each other

https://files.catbox.moe/2sfkeh.JPG <------boom after I I called him out




consistently call people called jews in same format



https://voat.co/u/NiggerVirus <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

after calling him out, he this user is "a pretty good guy" on sbbh


hey goy, im "im just like you"

https://voat.co/u/0_--_0 <--gabara alt (oh there is a lot more)

https://voat.co/u/14HonkHonk <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/DayOfThePillow <-----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/ShakklezthaKlown <-------shit alt

https://voat.co/u/SumeJirke <----shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Black_Phillip <-----shitpostingalt

[–] Splooge [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 minutes ago

Cope harder

http://archive.is/RKXk0 <-------------here splooge admitting to it

https://voat.co/u/Splooge <----- shit alt

https://voat.co/u/Diggernicks <-------- most likely /u/splooge its a DV account confirmed

more to come

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Is c# required for unity? I know the basics of c++.

cantaloupe6 ago

C# is needed. Game engines use a scripting layer, while the internals may be C++.

theoldones ago

unity runs c# and something else, and they have linux compatibility via partnering with one of the Linux branches

Maggotbait88 ago

You're game is trash so no

Diggernicks ago

You're a huge whiny niglet.

You shouldn't have control over anything you fail extremely hard at life.

theoldones ago

i got the merit and actual job presence to pull this idea off.

TruthDefender ago

Be careful in the current environment. A lot of people are posting the personal information of others and you are on a lot of radars. I suggest you delete this comment.

theoldones ago

good point