Kreps2 ago

Haha, this picture cracks me up every time :)

minx88 ago

open isreals doors now

Steelerfish ago

The new one’s tits are too big..

Garglemysac ago

I recently saw an American Express commercial where it was a black woman and white guy couple and of course the last name on the card was cohen.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

He should have some gold chains, and a blunt

jthun2 ago

That's awesomeness. They always put these wholesome, non jewish white women with blacks in advertising.

It's about time for a boatload of schnozzle nosed kikes.

BlueDrache ago

oY VeY

MaxShekel ago

oy vey this is anudda shoah!! Jewish people shouldn't be with non-jewish animals or we will not survive reeeeeee!

Khro_ ago

Here is a Catbox link for this Gab(((bai))) image:

kishind ago

Ugh, yentas.

voacoal ago

There we go! side by side very effective

Adriansun ago

I like it, and also not.

DamonAxemaker ago

If it makes you feel any better, Jew fathers hate that their daughters are dating and fucking niggers and Jews do it at a much higher rate

PresidentBiden ago

im a joe biden. im the president. listen hear guy, you arent black if you dont have a jewish wife to play scrabble with. well back on tuesday, thats what we used to call going to the store to get some hamburger meats. if you didnt have the, the, bowl, well then they just wouldnt let you play ball so you had to, you had to, well you'd water the dogs bowl and eat some peanut butter. and if you really were using stamps then you would just get a plant and sit it on an empty egg carton. and thats why you voted for me, a joe biden.

GritD2 ago

I'm Joe Biden for US senator and I approve this message.

clubberlang ago

OMG# legit leader in thief err chief jose beeden i # ❤ that stirry soy inspiration low key ever!!

Khash36 ago

Nice man I love your account idea funny stuff

Nesano ago

The advertisement of race mixing is fucking disturbing.

Khro_ ago

I briefly was near a relative earlier today who was watching a niggerball game and it had just gone to a propaganda timeout.

First up

Propaganda: race-mixing

Who: Kike's Jewelers or something

Shown: Nigger proposing with a jew diamond to a white woman on a bench in a park surrounded by snow and other people ice skating or something.

... I laughed out loud at the absurdity of the scene.

Second up

Propaganda: Demonize people that refuse to comply with the jewflu insanity and the criminal "orders" pushed on the populace

Who: Domino's Pizza

Stated: "We take orders seriously!" Rants about how they are such good goys and follow all of their master's rules (mask orders, social distancing orders, stay inside orders, etc.) unlike "some" people so your pizza is super duper safe if you get it from them and not some "other" pizza place.

... Relative laughed at the wittiness of the "orders" play on words, meanwhile I scoffed at it in disgust and walked away.

Nesano ago

Domino's is bending the knee to the kung flu tyranny? That sucks.

Khro_ ago

Domino's had already jumped onto the Traitors of America list by immediately putting out those 'brand' messages at the same time as thousands of other corporations, brands and traitorous people to signal support for nigger lives matter and their burning, looting and murdering. They showed they will do and say as they are instructed to support and encourage the riots portion of the narrative and agenda like good goys, so doing the same for the current jewflu part of the agenda didn't surprise me.

Here's one of them:

Domino's June 12, 2020

Nesano ago

That's a shame 'cause their pizza's good, albeit a mess.

Khro_ ago

My entire time growing up I always thought it tasted like cardboard and the grease always soaked into the pizza boxes by the time it got delivered or you got it home. Years later I discovered I wasn't the only one that thought it tasted like cardboard and it was apparently what they were pretty much only known for other than the Noid mascot and their "Avoid the Noid" slogan. (Speaking of the Noid:

About ~15 years ago they pumped millions into redesigning most/all of their stores and changed their ingredients and recipes and everything to try to shake off that 'tastes like cardboard' association. They even did a major advertising campaign to inform people of the changes they made to the pizza to even say specifically that it no longer tasted like cardboard and leaked through the boxes.

At that time I figured I would give them a try to see how their new non-cardboard style of pizza was. It seemed to me that they took whatever their pizza was known for and went to the complete opposite of it and also to the extreme - over the top with the spices and salt instead of bland and cardboardy; toughness like bad, dry, stale-tasting garlic bread dipped in a bucket of salt and put in pizza form instead of dipped in grease and sloppy. It was so overpowering that I couldn't taste the sauce and I couldn't taste the cheese, but at least it didn't taste like cardboard. I never got their pizza again after that, so I'm not sure if it is still like that.


Hmmm.... How is that niglet a darker stain of shit then the nigroid?

You think that with a beak like that bitch the relationship is doomed to fail, imagine having a dyson dicknose and standing next to a nigger for more then a minute.

16tons ago

No matter which woman is in the ad, that guy isn't dark enough to be the father of the girl in the picture. Plus, there's only a 1 in 6 gorillion chance that a black man sticks around to raise his mulatto spawn.

cantaloupe6 ago

Put this on a NY billboard

Comment on certain sites.

nomorefat ago

Don't look at tiktok, instagram. Those white women are chasing after those black men like crazy. Wonder why that is.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

wonder why that is


ex-feminist ago

i have a friend whos job is to write information on different articles of clothing being sold. she constantly sees shit like this and sends it to me hugely cringing and dying inside so i write as if im doing her job but in super satire, i hope the humor helps make her job more bearable

Ken_bingo2 ago

Thank you for comforting someone who is betraying the entire White race, goyim.

ex-feminist ago

white men betrayed the white race by letting the jews take over the USA and destroy the culture woman needed to live good godly lives. she is at least aware of the jewish lies but unfortunately relies on work to make a living since the old fashioned way is so hard to come by these days. she is just living in the world men have created for her. i doubt she knew this would pop up in her job when she aspired to be a writer.

most of the god fearing men i see on voat who discover their job is cucked keep the job and just come to voat to bitch about it. my friend didnt do that, i just brought her up because the funny content we talk shit about being relevant to this post.

you going around calling people goyim implies you're actually a dirty jew and explains your bad attitude and black pilled approach. dont expect me to humor you further

klobos ago

No black eye?

RCCollier ago

They just keep shoving this shit down our throats....

newoldwave ago

Tired of the mixed couple advertising yet?

jewish_fables ago

Stealth_Sessions ago

Oy vey goyim this is literally anuddah shoah!

Conejo_loco ago

This is GOLD!

anticlutch ago

Oh look.

More (((gab))) posts.

(((Parler))) was shot down immediately so back to (((gab))).

Pretty sure minds is the only good one.

lord_nougat ago

You'd know, you gabbot faggot.

CaptnObvius ago

You just put a Jew in a Christmas sweater, can you do that? Won't she burst into flames?

FridayJones ago

She's wearing a Snowman shirt, surely you've heard of the Snowman family, they're on the Upper East Side. Irving and Ethel Snowman.

GritD2 ago

Its all about the money for those shapeshifters.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/MUDSHARKMadness comment.

Posted automatically (#83) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@CaptnObvius: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

GrayGadfly ago

Check who is responsible for all those annoyingChristmas songs boomers love.


Hey, jews write some good stuff. Frosty the znowman

Ken_bingo2 ago

I wan't to fucking vomit when I hear a secular "christmas" song. Fuck your jingle bells, kike.

Khro_ ago

Here is Devon Stack on it to help those in their research:

BlueDrache ago

Boycott secular jewish music in any form or holiday. Fuck those goddamn kikes. Hit them in the pocketbook.

Khro_ ago

Money has meant very little to nothing to kikes for a long time. They subjugated enough people in positions of power and acquired control of the currency of nations to where they can simply print more money (and/or add some 1s or 0s in a computer) if they need it, and they don't need it. It's all about the subversion.

Did you notice that hollywood suddenly cranked the degeneracy and subversion present in their productions to outright and blatant -not even hiding it- levels in the months to full year prior to the big jewflu stage of their plan being initiated? They milked that asset in the final days of its usefulness to push as much subversion as they could before it was sacrificed for the next stage of the plan since it was no longer needed.

With hollywood and cinemas no longer being the most effective use of pushing their propaganda during the penned sheep stage of our destruction, in preparation for this stage they introduced the degeneracy and subversion propaganda into all other forms of consumable media. The jews herded people like the sheep they are knowing fell well that forced confinement of the people would result in them needing their entertainment fix and that they'd binge as much as they could for as long as the jews keep them in fear and staying in their homes.

So in preparation for this stage, jewflix, amazog, video game developers, book publishing and all other forms of 'home entertainment' that could be consumed while apart from other people were infiltrated and subverted completely if they already weren't, and now more people are exposed to their propaganda from more directions than they were previously because they're so incredibly bored and starved for an entertainment fix that would keep them from facing reality - increase in fiction book reading, increase in porn use, increase in movie/show steaming, increase in game streaming.

1trizz ago


Khro_ ago

Also edited the comment to add a 12MB mp3 of the video if it's of use to you:


Khro_ ago

You're welcome.

TrumpMAGABoom ago

Voat should be less racist

Splooge ago


JewsControlYou ago

Move to Africa so you can be with your pet niggers, liberal faggot.

wrathfulmomes ago

You know who's racist?

An ethnostate who demands they remain pure at all costs including murdering children while insisting on immigration and intermixing for every other nation

YeetDiscreetly ago

Jews should be less subversive.

Nukeisrael ago

Trump is literally my god and has never done one thing wrong. The deep state is fucked and scared of him for sure patriot.

beefartist ago

You say dumber shit every single day

Nukeisrael ago

Triggered boomoid moron.

beefartist ago

Can you even type boomoid with a straight face? You called Trump "literally" your God; you talk like an idiot 12 year old girl and are probably half as smart

Khash36 ago

He’s being sarcastic dude

beefartist ago

No, he isn't. Dude's a tard

Nukeisrael ago


Shvonce ago

Judaism is not a race.

Shotinthedark ago

Trump should suck less jew cock

TrumpMAGABoom ago

Trump will save us all

Shotinthedark ago

I hope so. I just highly doubt it. He really does need to cut out isreal aid and nigger gibs

lord_nougat ago

Voat generally seems to be the opposite of racist. Voaters tend to love all races and want to protect them from losing their uniqueness by mixing all together!

You can't have vibrant unique cultures by mixing them all together!

Splooge ago

Based and sendthembackpilled

lord_nougat ago

For the preservation of their vibrant cultures!!

CaptnObvius ago

if want less racism, go back to reddit

King_Freya ago

I’d argue there’s more racism on there. Here it’s mainly against blacks. On there is mainly against whites, but other forms get censored, so in reality, it’s still there and more in number, you just don’t see it.

vdwcdfwmmypwybua ago

(I can't tell if you didn't realize he was being sarcastic, or if you are being sarcastic in reply to his sarcasm)

CaptnObvius ago

it can work either way.

TrumpMAGABoom ago

Reddit is too censored. Voat is where it’s at

Just making a few corrections

Splooge ago


CaptnObvius ago

everyone here is fair game for skewering, especially people that own the banks, media empires, and gov'ts.

heroinwinsagain ago

6 gorillion times

tazya ago

I get paid more than $120 to $130 per hour for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this i have earned easily $15k from this without having online working skills. This is what I do....

ChaosCrusader ago

Kill yourself. Fucking faggot.

RabbiAhmed ago

wow free money... fuck off kikebot

fnbs010 ago

One side is just as disgusting as the other

Fried-Laptop ago

Mayum blayik is Uber hawt

Alhambra ago

eventually they're just going to start using straight-up cuck porn to sell shaving cream. "the best a wife's boyfriend can get!"

IAMthePie ago

I would never share a bag of cocaine with the one on the right. Are you kidding me, she'd devour the whole 8-ball in one fell swoop!