Money has meant very little to nothing to kikes for a long time. They subjugated enough people in positions of power and acquired control of the currency of nations to where they can simply print more money (and/or add some 1s or 0s in a computer) if they need it, and they don't need it. It's all about the subversion.
Did you notice that hollywood suddenly cranked the degeneracy and subversion present in their productions to outright and blatant -not even hiding it- levels in the months to full year prior to the big jewflu stage of their plan being initiated? They milked that asset in the final days of its usefulness to push as much subversion as they could before it was sacrificed for the next stage of the plan since it was no longer needed.
With hollywood and cinemas no longer being the most effective use of pushing their propaganda during the penned sheep stage of our destruction, in preparation for this stage they introduced the degeneracy and subversion propaganda into all other forms of consumable media. The jews herded people like the sheep they are knowing fell well that forced confinement of the people would result in them needing their entertainment fix and that they'd binge as much as they could for as long as the jews keep them in fear and staying in their homes.
So in preparation for this stage, jewflix, amazog, video game developers, book publishing and all other forms of 'home entertainment' that could be consumed while apart from other people were infiltrated and subverted completely if they already weren't, and now more people are exposed to their propaganda from more directions than they were previously because they're so incredibly bored and starved for an entertainment fix that would keep them from facing reality - increase in fiction book reading, increase in porn use, increase in movie/show steaming, increase in game streaming.
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CaptnObvius ago
You just put a Jew in a Christmas sweater, can you do that? Won't she burst into flames?
GrayGadfly ago
Check who is responsible for all those annoyingChristmas songs boomers love.
Hey, jews write some good stuff. Frosty the znowman
Ken_bingo2 ago
I wan't to fucking vomit when I hear a secular "christmas" song. Fuck your jingle bells, kike.
Khro_ ago
Here is Devon Stack on it to help those in their research:
BlueDrache ago
Boycott secular jewish music in any form or holiday. Fuck those goddamn kikes. Hit them in the pocketbook.
Khro_ ago
Money has meant very little to nothing to kikes for a long time. They subjugated enough people in positions of power and acquired control of the currency of nations to where they can simply print more money (and/or add some 1s or 0s in a computer) if they need it, and they don't need it. It's all about the subversion.
Did you notice that hollywood suddenly cranked the degeneracy and subversion present in their productions to outright and blatant -not even hiding it- levels in the months to full year prior to the big jewflu stage of their plan being initiated? They milked that asset in the final days of its usefulness to push as much subversion as they could before it was sacrificed for the next stage of the plan since it was no longer needed.
With hollywood and cinemas no longer being the most effective use of pushing their propaganda during the penned sheep stage of our destruction, in preparation for this stage they introduced the degeneracy and subversion propaganda into all other forms of consumable media. The jews herded people like the sheep they are knowing fell well that forced confinement of the people would result in them needing their entertainment fix and that they'd binge as much as they could for as long as the jews keep them in fear and staying in their homes.
So in preparation for this stage, jewflix, amazog, video game developers, book publishing and all other forms of 'home entertainment' that could be consumed while apart from other people were infiltrated and subverted completely if they already weren't, and now more people are exposed to their propaganda from more directions than they were previously because they're so incredibly bored and starved for an entertainment fix that would keep them from facing reality - increase in fiction book reading, increase in porn use, increase in movie/show steaming, increase in game streaming.
1trizz ago
Khro_ ago
Also edited the comment to add a 12MB mp3 of the video if it's of use to you:
Khro_ ago
You're welcome.