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ex-feminist ago

i have a friend whos job is to write information on different articles of clothing being sold. she constantly sees shit like this and sends it to me hugely cringing and dying inside so i write as if im doing her job but in super satire, i hope the humor helps make her job more bearable

Ken_bingo2 ago

Thank you for comforting someone who is betraying the entire White race, goyim.

ex-feminist ago

white men betrayed the white race by letting the jews take over the USA and destroy the culture woman needed to live good godly lives. she is at least aware of the jewish lies but unfortunately relies on work to make a living since the old fashioned way is so hard to come by these days. she is just living in the world men have created for her. i doubt she knew this would pop up in her job when she aspired to be a writer.

most of the god fearing men i see on voat who discover their job is cucked keep the job and just come to voat to bitch about it. my friend didnt do that, i just brought her up because the funny content we talk shit about being relevant to this post.

you going around calling people goyim implies you're actually a dirty jew and explains your bad attitude and black pilled approach. dont expect me to humor you further