An ethnostate who demands they remain pure at all costs including murdering children while insisting on immigration and intermixing for every other nation
Can you even type boomoid with a straight face? You called Trump "literally" your God; you talk like an idiot 12 year old girl and are probably half as smart
Voat generally seems to be the opposite of racist. Voaters tend to love all races and want to protect them from losing their uniqueness by mixing all together!
You can't have vibrant unique cultures by mixing them all together!
I’d argue there’s more racism on there. Here it’s mainly against blacks. On there is mainly against whites, but other forms get censored, so in reality, it’s still there and more in number, you just don’t see it.
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CaptnObvius ago
You just put a Jew in a Christmas sweater, can you do that? Won't she burst into flames?
TrumpMAGABoom ago
Voat should be less racist
Splooge ago
JewsControlYou ago
Move to Africa so you can be with your pet niggers, liberal faggot.
wrathfulmomes ago
You know who's racist?
An ethnostate who demands they remain pure at all costs including murdering children while insisting on immigration and intermixing for every other nation
YeetDiscreetly ago
Jews should be less subversive.
Nukeisrael ago
Trump is literally my god and has never done one thing wrong. The deep state is fucked and scared of him for sure patriot.
beefartist ago
You say dumber shit every single day
Nukeisrael ago
Triggered boomoid moron.
beefartist ago
Can you even type boomoid with a straight face? You called Trump "literally" your God; you talk like an idiot 12 year old girl and are probably half as smart
Khash36 ago
He’s being sarcastic dude
beefartist ago
No, he isn't. Dude's a tard
Nukeisrael ago
Shvonce ago
Judaism is not a race.
Shotinthedark ago
Trump should suck less jew cock
TrumpMAGABoom ago
Trump will save us all
Shotinthedark ago
I hope so. I just highly doubt it. He really does need to cut out isreal aid and nigger gibs
lord_nougat ago
Voat generally seems to be the opposite of racist. Voaters tend to love all races and want to protect them from losing their uniqueness by mixing all together!
You can't have vibrant unique cultures by mixing them all together!
Splooge ago
Based and sendthembackpilled
lord_nougat ago
For the preservation of their vibrant cultures!!
CaptnObvius ago
if want less racism, go back to reddit
King_Freya ago
I’d argue there’s more racism on there. Here it’s mainly against blacks. On there is mainly against whites, but other forms get censored, so in reality, it’s still there and more in number, you just don’t see it.
vdwcdfwmmypwybua ago
(I can't tell if you didn't realize he was being sarcastic, or if you are being sarcastic in reply to his sarcasm)
CaptnObvius ago
it can work either way.
TrumpMAGABoom ago
Reddit is too censored. Voat is where it’s at
Just making a few corrections
Splooge ago
CaptnObvius ago
everyone here is fair game for skewering, especially people that own the banks, media empires, and gov'ts.