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Nesano ago

The advertisement of race mixing is fucking disturbing.

Khro_ ago

I briefly was near a relative earlier today who was watching a niggerball game and it had just gone to a propaganda timeout.

First up

Propaganda: race-mixing

Who: Kike's Jewelers or something

Shown: Nigger proposing with a jew diamond to a white woman on a bench in a park surrounded by snow and other people ice skating or something.

... I laughed out loud at the absurdity of the scene.

Second up

Propaganda: Demonize people that refuse to comply with the jewflu insanity and the criminal "orders" pushed on the populace

Who: Domino's Pizza

Stated: "We take orders seriously!" Rants about how they are such good goys and follow all of their master's rules (mask orders, social distancing orders, stay inside orders, etc.) unlike "some" people so your pizza is super duper safe if you get it from them and not some "other" pizza place.

... Relative laughed at the wittiness of the "orders" play on words, meanwhile I scoffed at it in disgust and walked away.

Nesano ago

Domino's is bending the knee to the kung flu tyranny? That sucks.

Khro_ ago

Domino's had already jumped onto the Traitors of America list by immediately putting out those 'brand' messages at the same time as thousands of other corporations, brands and traitorous people to signal support for nigger lives matter and their burning, looting and murdering. They showed they will do and say as they are instructed to support and encourage the riots portion of the narrative and agenda like good goys, so doing the same for the current jewflu part of the agenda didn't surprise me.

Here's one of them:

Domino's June 12, 2020

Nesano ago

That's a shame 'cause their pizza's good, albeit a mess.

Khro_ ago

My entire time growing up I always thought it tasted like cardboard and the grease always soaked into the pizza boxes by the time it got delivered or you got it home. Years later I discovered I wasn't the only one that thought it tasted like cardboard and it was apparently what they were pretty much only known for other than the Noid mascot and their "Avoid the Noid" slogan. (Speaking of the Noid:

About ~15 years ago they pumped millions into redesigning most/all of their stores and changed their ingredients and recipes and everything to try to shake off that 'tastes like cardboard' association. They even did a major advertising campaign to inform people of the changes they made to the pizza to even say specifically that it no longer tasted like cardboard and leaked through the boxes.

At that time I figured I would give them a try to see how their new non-cardboard style of pizza was. It seemed to me that they took whatever their pizza was known for and went to the complete opposite of it and also to the extreme - over the top with the spices and salt instead of bland and cardboardy; toughness like bad, dry, stale-tasting garlic bread dipped in a bucket of salt and put in pizza form instead of dipped in grease and sloppy. It was so overpowering that I couldn't taste the sauce and I couldn't taste the cheese, but at least it didn't taste like cardboard. I never got their pizza again after that, so I'm not sure if it is still like that.