SearchVoatBot ago

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katphish ago

i would think israel had less nukes than it would want us to know

7e62ce85 ago

The USA is not allowed to aid nuclear powers or something. It would violate a lot of laws.

Optional_Reading ago

There is no gag order in Japan. At the atomic bomb museum in Hiroshima there’s a map of the world and pins in all of the countries to represent nuclear weapons. There’s at least 30 pins in Israel on the map. Hiroshima has volunteers and students write letters to all of these countries asking them to stop. Saw this map in 2009. Not sure how many they have now.

auto_turret ago

Isreal obviously has 'enough' nukes. The warheads look like noses.

7e62ce85 ago

Not accurate necessarily. What is your best guess based on this article?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Haha too right

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol! Israel has nukes for sure. The only place that doesn't have to follow the laws apparently. Fuck Israel.

Phantom42 ago

Fair question. Though it seems some people don't know what the Samson Option fully entails. I've read it is holding practically all of white civilization hostage with nukes aimed or already inside (dirty bombs) Berlin, Paris, London, DC, Vegas, NYC, Hamburg, among other large cities, many in the US. That may be part of why it is so hard to uproot corruption in these nations. Push too much, the kikes kill several million goys and blame it on some bumfuckistan terror cell, getting many more goys killed.

In all, spealing in terms of traditional nuclear weaponry, I'd say 20-50 actual missiles. In terms of nuclear payload delivery systems that aren't your traditional type...

Plenty enough to wreak havoc.

Hitler should've won.

7e62ce85 ago

That may be part of why it is so hard to uproot corruption in these nations. Push too much, the kikes kill several million goys

If true then put everyone in bunkers, then solve the Israel problem.

PuttItOut ago

This guy gets it

Le_Squish ago

Me thinks kikes would prioritize hitting economic centers over population centers so I would think they have available for immediate launch 20-40.

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Pretty sure they have at least 6 million.

7e62ce85 ago

What is your serious answer ?

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

For sure they have nukes. As to how many? Idk how many any county has, or what is considered a lot. But even if they have 1 that is 1 too many.

So if I had to guess I would say 10. They have 10 nukes...

However, I don't think it's nukes we have to fear. We showed off the amazing power of the MOAB. Which I can guarantee you they have.

capnflummox ago

It's either 19.2 or 23.5...

crazy_eyes ago

They have the attitude towards the earth of some loser who's girlfriend breaks up with them and they kill her, if I can't have her nobody can

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

I think it’s closer to 10, not including US nukes.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I'd say Israel probably has around 500-600 nukes. More than enough to send any of their neighbors significantly further back into the stone age than they already are. The world would be better off if they joined the NPT and got rid of them all so there wasn't any chance of some terrorist getting a hold of one and using it.

But to be honest this does sound like one of those "you have to say if you're a cop, or it's entrapment" kinds of supposed loopholes that doesn't actually mean anything to the CIA agents or whoever it's supposed to apply to.

Chempergrill ago

I think they have 93 nukes

EyeOfHorus ago

Israel doesn't need nukes because it own the United States, and by extension all of the US's bombs. But they've got them anyway. 666 or 616 nukes depending on the translation.

Has @puttitout confirmed the number?

PuttItOut ago

I shouldn't even respond to this post but I I think I have the correct answer...

My answer is: however many the U.S. has is how many Isreal has + perhaps 20ish.

7e62ce85 ago

Sorry to waste your time :)

fluhthreeex ago

Unrelated, but for some odd reason I felt like hijacking this thread to say: working for the ZOG explicitly (documentation and proof) vs implicitly (or understood) are two entirely different things.

fluhthreeex ago you know @PuttitOut, there's this old story I'll have to tell you some time.

MinorLeakage ago

I figured you'd ignore it, but I'm happy to be proven wrong. Better question. How many nukes is Voat currently capable of launching? We must have a deterrent!

PuttItOut ago

Voat is currently working on pitchforks and torches. It will take a while until we get to nukes. With that said, we have a ton of pitchforks.

MadJackChurchill ago

Hey, don't forget about our massive stock of weaponized shitposts!

@heygeorge @gabara @SeanBox @Nadeshda

Le_Squish ago

I didn't realize teching up to nukes was a option.

We should have been focusing on science research points and building libraries in every subverse.

MinorLeakage ago

Are you hiring for any of those positions? I can shake a mean pitchfork, and I've been known to enjoy late night torch-lit walks.

PuttItOut ago

Pitchfork Supply Chain Director

MinorLeakage ago

In all seriousness, I wish I could help you out in some capacity. I'm sure I'm not alone either. If you can dream up a way for us Goats to help you out, you might be surprised by the amount of support you would receive!

PuttItOut ago

This is really like a bad employee scenario. A bad employee wants to be told what to do and if not does nothing, whereas a good employee finds something to do.

One thing is merch ideas. If I had goats designing shirts and hats and stuff I'd likely move into offering it. The less work I have to do the more likely it gets done, what I mean by this is if goats can decide on designs and deliver vector graphics that I can just forward to a provider we can move on things like this.

Make sense.

heygeorge ago

If I had goats designing shirts and hats and stuff I'd likely move into offering it.

But apparently not keychains! Lol @rotteuxx your wares are not good enough for Voat.

Rotteuxx ago

I think I pissed off Puttsy with my reaction to him praising a jewess whore & a shit disturber as builders, he never replies to me anymore :(

heygeorge ago

I can see that. It falls sort of in the ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ category.

Rotteuxx ago

Aw well, at least some of the awesomest goats around got to have the few samples made :)

I even gave my personal keychain away so I could make another dedicated goat happy to have voat swag.

MinorLeakage ago

While I do hear you loud and clear, I'd also add, if you sold plain t-shirts we would buy them to help support you. Throwing the Voat Goat, or any of your error page slogans, on the front/back would be a huge hit. From "Safe Spaces" to "Verifying your Bits", etc, they are all gold.

Also playing into any of current hot topics would sell merch easily. Imagine how well a "Merry Christmas" shirt with the Voat Goat in a Santa hat would sell.

I guess I'm just a useless idea-man. If you need some spreadsheets I'm your guy!

PuttItOut ago

Spreadsheets? Lmao, is this Office Space now?

MinorLeakage ago

Well I already finished my TPS reports for the week, and I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume...

PuttItOut ago

You still have your stapler?

I'm coming for it someday.

MinorLeakage ago

PuttItOut ago

Hey @Cynabuns, this guy has your stapler!

Cynabuns ago

grumble grumble my Red Stapler grumble grumble

MinorLeakage ago

I'm happy you still have some time to joke around. Laughter is good for the soul.

Thanks Putts! You brightened my day.

PuttItOut ago

Sometimes you just have to step back and smile at it all. It's a lesson I'm learning over and over again.

Thanks for being awesome yourself.

GreenSlug ago

The samson option, as i was aware of it, was not a specific threat to the US, but rather, the entire world. The threat is, that rather than lose isreal they would nuke the entire planet, thus making it everyones business to protect them.

I say, we gave them the iron dome technology, lets just hack that to stop anything outgoing instead of incoming, and then glass isreal

Niggardly_Jew ago

I've heard the theory that nukes aren't real, and that the Israeli nuclear program, like all countries' programs, is fake to intimidate their enemies. It could be, I suppose, but it seems more likely that they're real to me. There's just compelling reason to believe they're not.

That said, I would guess that Israel has thousands of nukes. You can't pull off the Samson option with just 200. And I bet many of these nukes are already housed in the locations they will be detonated. No ICBMs, no chance to intercept.

Boyakasha ago

I would guess 50-200 nukes in Israel.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AshesAshes ago

Big if true. Israel has 6 gorillion nukes. It's gonna be annuda shoah.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @VicariousJambi.

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Crackrocknigga ago



You fucks both stink of jidf.

I estimate Israel has between 25-100 personality

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a jew because you want all jews dead

You’re terrible at your job. Israel has a confirmed 200 nuclear warheads and likely a hundred beyond that they’ve acquired from such places as China, South Africa, Pakistan, and probably even North Korea, since Israel personally funded their nuclear program.

Crackrocknigga ago

Syrian didn't answer though, just said "oy vey, they're onto me"

gonight ago

I noticed that too.

I'd assume israel has about a hundred nukes, if not more.

Conway2 ago

Reddit-is-kill ago

6 million... obviously.

toobaditworks ago

I will also start to ban those that refuse to answer the question seriously.

Something a glow nigger would do.

NotHereForPizza ago


You guys are actually this retarded, aren't you?

Not only was it brought up here, at Voat, recently and not Poal, but anons have known about it for a while and have done things like this to try to catch FEDs out for quite some time.

7e62ce85 ago

I'm a newfag anon and I don't see everything on voat, especially when the site is down for days.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm more complaining about the trend and less the individual who iterates it.

ForTheUltimate ago

You can't see who doesn't answer... are you going to ban 6 gorillion goats now? Most will not comment.

80-400 nukes

7e62ce85 ago

Not preemptively no.

Rellik88 ago

Was on voat first, poal mentioned it when Voat was down. Also fuck Poal.

toobaditworks ago

Poal = glow nigger central.

smokratez ago

Zero. There are no nukes.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Lets ask @Crensch too!!


chazwhich ago

At least 300. But I figure they'll only use enough to kick things off and make us fight the war for them.

PewterKey ago

I would reason that the samson option is not as absolute as the mutually assurded destruction doctrine. Likely focused on targeting their conspirators and major cities. So 16 to 25 missiles with likely mutiple warheads per missile to give good coverage of target areas. It's likely more of a coverup op for their crimes against humanity, genocide and hiding their financial tactics from the everyman.

dayofthehope ago

Israel has 6 million nukes

tom9152 ago

Israel has nukes. Guessing a few hundred.

Cronenberg ago

So discussing Israel's nukes is like garlic to vampires?

SparklingWiggle ago

6 Gorillion.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

No wonder why I haven't seen @Virge on this thread.

NNdmt ago

I am sure that Israel has nukes

crazy_eyes ago

those fucking kikes got more nukes that they should, they should not have any but i bet they have 359, one for every time they been expelled

Rajadog20 ago

Somewhere between 14 and 88 at least

fluhthreeex ago

I'm tied between 14-88 and @Questionable_1's answer of 666

0cra_tr0per ago

Enough nukes to make the glowniggers avoid answering at all costs.

Also, I'm surpised the US isn't in big fucking trouble for continuing to fund Israel, a nation with nukes, and funding nuke-owning nation is a violation of international law.

CollegeDebt ago

12; one for each tribe

Lovingjudas ago

I’m thinking they have 5... none of which in israel.

pby1000 ago

We need to boycott any country in violation of the nuclear arms non-proliferation treaty.

odinist ago

They have at least 6 gorillion.

7e62ce85 ago

Your serious answer?

odinist ago

Probably half a dozen? Less than ten, more than three.

pcdude ago

Posted numbers I read suggested 80 or so. Also, what are they doing with their nuclear waste?

Questionable_1 ago

I'll bet they have 666

7e62ce85 ago

Do you have a serious answer?

frankenmine ago

The traditional answer is 6 gorillion but recent estimates have risen as high as 20 gorillion.

dudelol ago

Nukes are fake

BrennKommando ago

Well, we know with absolute certainty that South Africa had nuclear weapons and with absolute certainty that it was neither NATO or Warsaw Pact nations that aided them in the design. In fact as a bit of a historical curiosity it was a rare collaboration between CIA and KGB that confirmed they had them, with CIA in the sky and KGB on the ground respectively. That very much narrows down the list of nations capable of supplying the technical knowhow and it's well known that Israel and SA was bed buddies at the time. Also almost the entire Manhattan Project team was Jewish. Of course they would have shared knowledge with Jerusalem.

As to how many warheads they have? If they are meant to be a second strike option it would have to mean some methods of delivery would have been destroyed. You can't drop a bomb from a plane if all your planes are taken out. You'd need alternative methods of delivery. Like with all other weapon designs there's also a chance of the individual bombs turning out to be a dud or fizzle. So they would need redundancy for that too. Considering the neighbors and their respective relations it might also be needed to fire in all directions. In other words they would need a lot!

Without any exact knowledge to base it on I'm gonna wing it and say between 80-120 warheads.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

NATO or Warsaw Pact nations that aided them in the design.

Their nukes were made by the french. I remember reading about that awhile ago.

You can't drop a bomb from a plane if all your planes are taken out. You'd need alternative methods of delivery.

Some really stupid people a while back were not grasping the concept of smuggling nukes in via ships and shipping containers. There is no launch to detect, and you can blame other people for the crimes. They also did not understand the logic behind setting up short range delivery systems behind enemy lines.

I suspect that the method of delivery will be mossad for isareal. They probably have agents in the sand nigger countries that would help them set it up, and who would ideologically love to do so if it martyrs people by causing a big jihad.

Broc_Lia ago

Also almost the entire Manhattan Project team was Jewish. Of course they would have shared knowledge with Jerusalem.

Back then they were aiding the USSR, not Israel. The israeli aquisition of nuclear weapons came much later, they were stolen from a US contractor storage facility. I have no doubt the theft was officially approved.

crazy_eyes ago

the USSR was a kike run operation from the very start, so whats the difference?

Broc_Lia ago

Two different kike run operations.

Fancy451 ago

Can those German subs Israel bought launch vertical missiles?

BrennKommando ago

Not to forget the Israeli space program!

L_Ron_Hoover ago

Samson Option in order to work needs enough to hit every nation's capital in Europe and North America. So at least 30-50. I don't feel like actually doing the math out.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I bet they went ahead and doubled it just in case a couple didn't work.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Also too lazy to do the math, but this is roughly what I was thinking

Othmar_Regin ago

I think they have like 20-30 which are "read to go" and maybe enough material to build another 100-150 within 1 years

Simonsaysgoat ago

Putt wont answer

Merchant_Menace ago

I would guess on the order of hundreds. But, more disturbingly, I bet they have the ability/access to use ours against us or for their own purposes.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Feds won't get fired for discussing that. We talk about it all the time at work and no one has gotten fired or investigated.

Wait... Fuck...

MinorLeakage ago

I doubt Putts will answer this ping, but not for the reasons you suggest. Generally I do like the idea though.

I don't have a clue how many nukes Israel has, but it's definitely more than one. It's probably not very many though. South Africa is likely a nuclear power as well, and North Korea has nukes for sure.

I doubt any of those 3 have proper ICBMs though. Israel and Iran will have to settle for nuking eachother, which will be a huge benefit to the rest of the world. I'm pro nuking both of them preemptively to help get the party started.

Ina_Pickle ago

if he doesnt answer, we should all carefully consider our online options. 👽👽👽

CallMeCis-Male ago

At least 20, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was north of 100

european ago


YoHomie ago

No, six gorillion!

7e62ce85 ago

What is your serious answer?

MrTotenkopf ago


Obelisk79 ago

6 gorillion nukes

FreeBreivik ago

Pakistan has 70-90, South Africa had 6. I think it's closer to the amount Pakistan has. Too many.

iDontShift ago

nukes are don't exist.

pushthis ago

you mean like atomic fission? the kind from an atom bomb? or if i was to put radioactive dust into a presurized container that pops open isn't that a kind of "bomb" with radioactive properties?

your language makes it hard to find truth in what you say

Broc_Lia ago

Dirty bombs aren't nukes

7e62ce85 ago

I would say they are almost as bad though.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm pretty sure that if you have the correct type of plutonium, you could kill a lot more people with a nuke.

pushthis ago

What the fuck is a nuke? An atomic bomb?

Broc_Lia ago

Normally a thermonuclear bomb, but I'd imagine most people would count atomic bombs too.

trseeker ago

Samson killed 3,000 people by knocking down two pillars in the temple of the philistines.

9/11 was the Samson option.

HillBoulder ago

10 for each goy.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Isreal probably has 20 nukes of their own, probably given to them by us. I'm sure they have access to almost all of ours though.

deleteme123 ago

More like 300

jwm5514 ago

I don’t think quite that many, but I guess it depends on how many megatons the ones you think they have are.

FuckYourSafespace ago

That high? Well shit.

Derpfroot ago

In those vids on the link it said likely between 70 and 400. We've got four-fucking-thousand so israel having 400 seems very likely (with how "cherished" of an ally they are).

ggolemg ago

Far far more, and not just in Isreal, but all over the world. Sampson option is real but that's messy, zika on the other hand was a precursor to a crafted virus that permanently lowers a bloodlines iq and is extremely easy to get infected with, they just need to tune it to an IQ of 75 and they'd be able to rule the world.

zepto ago

Israel has 1488 nuclear weapons because Hitler did nothing wrong.

7e62ce85 ago

Serious answer?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Well... He didn't exterminate the jews. We won't make that mistake twice.

VoatsNewfag ago

For anyone confused this is from the first link:

that forbids all U.S. government agency employees and contractors from discussing Israel's nuclear weapons program.

I can't believe anyone would delete their account because of this question. Reminds me of chinese people being banned when you mention the tianamen square.


Broc_Lia ago

I doubt it's a formal policy. I'm guessing the question went outside of the guy's script so he bugged out. They'll formulate a standard response soon.

CameraCode0 ago

Yes, this really shouldn't be relied upon as a "shill buster". They use all sorts of tricks, and I really doubt they are above breaking some laws to avoid suspicion. Still worth a shot if not to just throw them off. (Btw my answers are yes, Palestine or the ocean, yes, yes, yes, and yes. In case anyone thinks I'm a shill trying to downplay this)

Gorillion ago

This was the running theory over there as to why Voat got DDoS'd so hard. Rather than the Epstein thing.

This is similar to the Chinkshill Tienanmen Square trick on 4chan.

VoatsNewfag ago

That would mean that the US is already much closer to China than I would had thought.

I feel like asking a bunch of QAnons this question.

THSenior ago

What gave you that impression? Them buying all our debt after 9/11?

i_scream_trucks ago

haha poal is by complete faggots, for complete faggots.

7e62ce85 ago

How many nukes do you think Israel has and why?

VoatsNewfag ago

At least 109.

MrTitolo ago

1,030 acording to some sources

RustyEquipment ago

can i see them? sources?

this is nuts if true!

how many do merimutts have?

123456butts ago

If Israel has no nukes we can invade them and not worry about getting nuked.

If Israel has nukes, we should invade them to get their weapons of mass destruction into non-terrorist hands.

The question is irrelevant. What is it supposed to test?

7e62ce85 ago

How many nukes do you think Israel has and why ?

123456butts ago

So what is the test?

123456butts ago

I don’t think they have any.

Because they lie about everything and recently there’s an “israeli nuke” meme going around...

Gorillion ago

JIDF confirmed.

Thanks for playing, Moshe.

123456butts ago

Lol ok sounds good