ArielQflip ago

Op =Lame Loser

CameraCode0 ago

Hell no. I respect Jews more than you, sure they are using underhanded and dirty tricks to try to genocide my people, but at least they aren't grovelling at the feet of some masters at the chance to do their bidding for table scraps.

You're going to be wiped out as soon as you outlive your usefulness; I and people like me might be too but at least we'll die with dignity. People like you are probably more pathetic than even Antifa, because you know better and still choose to side with them.

Gopherurself ago

Nah, I'd just fuckin kill you hahaha

LumperJones ago

Reverse glow nigger

virge ago

Legalize-Murder ago

I think you're a faggot that likes to get porked in the bathroom.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If you a shitposter you ok.