Jimmycog ago

Yes. People that do the fighting O4 and enlisted should be respected because they signed a blank check to our country to do a job. They do not decide what that job is. That is the politicians and banks deciding who needs troops. The troops Deserve our Respect.

Gopherurself ago


AdolfGutenbergstein ago

As a veteran, 04-08, I wasn't poor growing up but I wanted to go to school and the military offered me more money than I could have alone. And fuck cunt debt. I also hated bush, agreed with the war at the time and opposed it during but still did deployments. Only hang up was an issue over an anthrax shot they tried to shanghai me on

fluhthreeex ago


@con77 which is why i think we need to get op @mralexson to give some clarification about his meaning with the word "respect"

SearchVoatBot ago

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Critterz ago

Warriors code. Allied or Enemy respects one another. As they are fighting for an ideology higher than themselves, and for those they love. Even if mislead and wrong. At least they were not cowards showering there heads with doubt, fear, or just the selfish care over their own life above all others.

Just always been that kind of guy, I would bury and respect the same bodies I shot and killed.

Hell even in the Marines there was only 4 Niggers I had 0 respect for.

sinclair ago

No, I hate other veterans. /s

Obvy ago


LetsBeNakedOutside ago

Yes! What the fuck kind of person wouldn't?

FattyWhale ago

Depends on whether or not they're actively supporting freedom, regardless of the war fought, actually.

I can't really automatically fault people for fighting in shitty wars, for reasons that CapinBoredface pointed out earlier.

SirNiggsalot ago


allahead ago

The jew brainwashing is strong. It's really not their fault but as they get older they need to wake up.

fluhthreeex ago

...would love to hear you name some recent wars (the people are still alive today) that you believe the "pro-war" side is a defensible one, in other words: one where it could be seen as a matter of "i guess we just disagree that the war should have been fought". also, what the fuck do you mean by "respect veterans"? pinging @mralexson

ichlibejuice ago

i pity them more than anything

Grunge ago

I respect the soldiers. But I don't respect the military. The military does nothing to help us from being invaded and traitors run around free. We have an absolutely tyrannical government and they don't do any kind of coup d'tat or anything like that. The military hasn't served this country for a long time and they take orders from another country. The soldiers think they are doing the right thing and get brainwashed and have to follow orders.

tanukihat ago

Most of them had no idea (((who))) was pulling the strings. Military men like my father, in modern times, should have known better. That's why we're not speaking.

con77 ago

I do but the whole "thank you for your service" thing just rings phony to me. Anyone that expects it probably doesn't deserve it. And when people say " theyre fighting for our freedom".? How has 18 years in Afghanistan made me more free? How has sending troops to Syria protected my freedom? No more fighting for fucking Israel! And never again a "brother" war! We should ally with Russia to crush izlam! Fuck Israel!

hang_em_high ago

What was the last war where our freedom was actually being threatened?

con77 ago


Derpfroot ago

I don't base respect off a single thing for anyone. As a group, they start at neutral like everyone else. As the group, they weren't educated enough to not join a standing army; so maybe no. Tough question, but they're not bad people overall. I believe the majority of them to have the US' interest at heart so that's a good start.

gabhar_sleibhe ago

yes, they were duped or did not have a choice.

fluhthreeex ago

@CapinBoredface I would but you already did a decent job.

dellip_der_ ago

Anyone who puts their life on the line for their fellow compatriots and Country gets my respect, irrespective of whether a conflict was justifiable.

rabbi_shlomo ago

Absolutely, I respect all the vets who fight for Israel

Sosacms ago

They signed up for a job I'm not willing to do and "we" decided where to go, not them. If anything in significantly impressed by the restraint our military/police use. I'd be so much worse.

zxcvzxcv ago

(((We))) decided where they would go, not us.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Just watched that video today of cops getting so emotional (Please, Man, don't make us do this!) that they let the knife wielder get so close, after a 1/4 mile of backing up, that he took down one of them and had the cops gun in his hand. Cops only shoot a fraction of the people who need shooting, and often succumb to leftist 'compassion'.

CapinBoredface ago

i respect veterans that fought and veterans that didn't fight but still served. Most of the men who join never see combat but that doesn't make their commitment any less, because most of them had no choice in whether or not they would have to fight. When you first walk into a recruitment office or get of a bus for training you make a commitment to possibly fight and die for your country, even if the reality is that youve been tricked into fighting illegal wars for ((( someone else ))). The boots on the ground don't know that until it's too late.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Agreed except for the "illegal wars" part. A war can only be potentially illegal within a country, as there is no legal authority to regulate the behavior at the country level.

CapinBoredface ago

just getting ahead of the idiots.

if you say it doesnt matter whether the war is legal or not they can't bitch about it being illegal.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Doesn't matter what they think. At the level of sovereign countries, there is no legal or illegal. But I guess that's a good way to preempt the yapping.

CapinBoredface ago


Come on in here and explain to everyone how all these veterans are actually Jewish Traitors that deserve to die and anyone who supports them is also a traitor to the white race.

Tallest_Skil ago

Congratulations on being illiterate.

CapinBoredface ago

If you arent going to do as your told you can just go away.

Tallest_Skil ago

Congratulations on being illiterate.

Countryboyseein ago

Of course you respect them, they were doing what they thought was correct. Most of them are 20 year olds who were pulled in by propaganda their own governments created. They fought for their country, families and god. If you can't respect that, you can't respect anything.

My grandfather was in 4 branches of service from 1939-1956. He did it because he wanted his family to always be safe. He got burned on a boat during ww2, took a couple years off, then got shot 3 times in Korea before they sent him home.

He was the kind of man that just doesn't exist for the most part anymore

Illusory ago

Most of them are 20 year olds who were pulled in by propaganda their own governments created.

I wonder if you extend the same compassion to Antifa.

Countryboyseein ago

No, I wouldn't.

The average Antifa supporter, doesn't understand the constitution, law or hygiene... They're not operating under duress, just social justice warriorism.... If they fail, they're out nothing, ZERO! Our soldiers put their lives at risk for next to nothing.... if they die their kid will get around 20k a year, and maybe a metal

Helbrecht ago

I would actually, but that goes out the window when they start trying to hurt or kill me or mine.

If a former antifa idiot truly saw the error of his ways then that's great and I would say "welcome, brother."

That's purely hypothetical, though; they're much too far gone.

CapinBoredface ago

they were doing what they thought was correct.

This is the point I always try to make, but it falls on deaf ears for most of voat.

The individual 18 year old kid does not know that the wars they are getting roped into are wrong until it's too late. They are 100% convinced that what they are doing is putting their lives on the line (potentially) for their fellow Americans and anyone who can look at that kind of commitment and then call them traitors or retards is a fucking piece of shit and usually a faggot that tried and failed to oin the military when they were young.

Diggernicks ago

What are you, gay?

RandomBOT ago

Maybe even a nigger?

jewsbadnews ago

And a kike?!

CanIbeUnbannedPlease ago

yes, they didn't have much choice. They might have opposed it themselves. During World War II, there was no legal way to avoid the draft, and failure to obey was treated as insubordination, punished by execution or jail.

virge ago

All that matters to me is what they decided to teach their children.

CapinBoredface ago

Same with Vietnam.

And now with this current war, all of the added incentives make the military incredibly appealing to young men who aren't sure what to do with themselves after high school.

That doesn't make them idiots or traitors.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I wanted to go to Vietnam, but the bastards canceled it on me while I was still in AIT.

Countryboyseein ago

Your correct Capt... my dad served 20 years in the army from 76-96 ,I tried to join but a bad car accident made it impossible, but my 23 year old son is an e7 in the reserves after an active duty stint. He only did it because they throw money at them now. He made $75k last year as an advisor on a base in Kansas. This year he's changed his mos and they have him a $50k signing bonus. Money talks to us hillbillies

HillBoulder ago

Everyone has their price I suppose.

Helbrecht ago

E-7 after (at most) 6 years of service?

Either retention is worse than I thought, you're mistaken about his paygrade, or his officers think he's got a real purty mouth.

Countryboyseein ago

Most of his military career after the first 2 combat years, has been schooling, he's made himself a very wealthy young man, and I guarantee my 6'4" 200# son would twist you in a knot, before you even knew what happened

Helbrecht ago

Ok break it down for me. How did he get to be an E-7 (I'm assuming Army, which would make him a Sergeant 1st Class) in 6 years (assuming he went in at age 17; the math is even worse if he went in at 18)?

E-7 in 6 years is all but impossible, in any branch.

Countryboyseein ago

You'd have to talk to him, it gets too confusing. He started drills around 16.5 then at 18 he went to Iraq for an unspecified amount of time as a battlefield medic, then to Afghanistan he was an e5 when he left there he won a whole bunch of ribbons and several medals. But when he came back here, the military hasn't let him do more than a couple months without being enrolled in some kind of stem degree... He literally has 200 college credit hours, but he can't tell me what he knows about from the military But he's a sergeant first class, without a doubt

Helbrecht ago

Alright, then. I'll take you at your word. Is he trying for a commission?

You sound like a proud father. Give him a fist bump and tell him to watch his back. World's gone crazy.

Semper fidelis

Countryboyseein ago

He's back at another mos school in Texas right now he's supposed to be there the next 11 months, he's already gotten his $50k check. I bought him another rental house with it. When he's done he'll be a medical technology instrument technician.... supposedly he'll make nothing less than $50 an hour for the rest of his life. His civilian counter parts are trained to fix 6-10 medical machines, he'll be trained and certified in no less than 24

CapinBoredface ago

I wanted to be a Tanker, but the recruiter offered me $15k to be a Radio Technician. Guess which one I picked?

Countryboyseein ago

Money talks

P33psh04h ago

Bullshit walks