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BoraxTheFungarian ago

So, my guess is that you're one of them or you wouldn't care... Which leads me to believe that you're seeking some injunctive action which alters the functioning of voat to its detriment. Just a thought.

Crackrocknigga ago

@clamhurt_legbeard you're right were friends sorry for saying your a piece of shit and sorry for letting everyone know that you got ass pounded by the rabbai and wont answer wpn 136 . In going to or whatever his site is so we can get married

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wont answer wpn 136

Can you finish translating this from Hebrew to English for us Americans?

Crackrocknigga ago

Sorry rabbai forgot you only spoke yiddish

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, you're one of the shills pushing the fake shibboleth about nukes.

Israeli secret agents can talk about nukes. Jews lie all the time. Anybody who gives you a "sure fire" way to spot a Jewish agent is lying.

But if you are stupid enough to believe jidf can't talk about nukes, here's irrefutable proof I'm not Israeli.

SandHog ago

Are these 'admit Isreal has nukes' retards still going? Someone should make a list or something.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No. Who do you think they are?

They sell you a solution to finding Jewish agents, then make sure all their Jewish agents pass your screening.

SandHog ago

Most of the accounts pushing it seem to be less than a year old. Searching for the term 'nukes' turns up some posts within the last week. Searching the comments shows the trend goes back about a month.

Looks like it initially got started on Poal. So it's probably just Poaltard troll(s) and slow people that actually believe kikes would never lie on the internet. If you go to the Poal link you can see the user BuddhasTorch saying almost verbatim the exact same thing OP has in posts about a few different Voat users in an atempt to malign them. Probably the same faggot.

SandHog ago

Oops, pings don't work as edits.

@TheBuddha @Nosferatjew see above.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure I've been spanking them off and on for a few days, but I don't always remember usernames. I don't give a shit. I've run out of patience for the perpetually stupid. I think I did okay, holding out as long as I did. I'm all out of empathy.

SandHog ago

Yeah, it does wear on a person. Congrats on the grandbaby, btw.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I'm going back down to spoil the baby some more, next Monday. I have to be back by the next weekend after that, so I will have some more time.

If anyone complains, I'll buy a house down there and move. They don't want me as their neighbor!

I'm actually offering them bribes to move closer. I am not morally above bribery. No, no I am not.

SandHog ago

Haha. You could always buy a jet and spread some chemtrails instead!

TheBuddha ago

I've thought about getting my license and a small plane.

Then, I realize musicians and small planes is just a bad combination!

Actually, no... I don't want the additional hassle of owning a plane. Those fuckers suck a lot of time out of you. They're worse than boats.

SandHog ago

It's way easier and cheaper to make friends with a pilot!

TheBuddha ago

I do. I know a surprising number of pilots. So many people here own their own planes, it's easy to hitch a ride.

I've even landed and taken off. I've steered a plane quite a bit. (Note I don't say pilot!)

It's easy, so long as everything goes right. In fact, it's kinda hard to bump into stuff with these planes. You really have to work at it.

That is if everything goes right. I wouldn't even consider trying to run smoothly into the ground (landing) if there were a strong wind. I sure as shit wouldn't try it at night. I'd smash into stuff if I only had instrumentation. If something goes wrong, I'm probably gonna pee myself.

So, no... I'm not going to invest in becoming a pilot. I do cheat with air travel, however. I fucking commercial flights. Charter really isn't that expensive, if there's at least a small group of you. Even if it was, I still hate commercial flights with a passion.

SandHog ago

Commercial air travel has become the Greyhound of the skies. I pretty much just avoid flying anymore if at all possible.

TheBuddha ago

Charter and you even skip the TSA, so long as it is not leaving the US.

Worth every penny.

You were probably not here when I posted pics. I'm not digging them out again. It's not nearly as luxurious as people think. You have to get your own drinks! There's nobody there to serve you and they price the booze either comped as part of the price or worse rates than hotels!

SandHog ago

Naw, I didn't see any of the pics. That sounds barbaric! My father was a pilot when I was a kid so I got to fly on all sorts of different planes. It was pretty neat. I never got to break into the booze stash tho.

TheBuddha ago

The ones I've been on recently all had complimentary wifi, which was nice. I hadn't experienced that before. It'd been a few years since I needed a plane to take me anywhere outside of Maine. I can also bring my own booze with me, I suppose. It's not like they check and I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest it's not allowed. I have before, but only on little prop jobs. One of my buddies even owns an old military helicopter. It's one of the early UH-1 (maybe?) Huey things. I've been shitfaced every time I've been in that. I ain't doing that sober. It's always got something he needs to replace, and always a different something. "Yeah, that doesn't work!" I've heard that from him, or some variation, more than once.

SandHog ago

I've never flown in a chopper. That always seemed like it would be fun to me although a little sketchier than small aircraft. At least he isn't leaving random nuts and bolts laying around for you to find and ponder the meaning of! right before take off

TheBuddha ago

Oh, man. I have stories!

But a chopper falling out of the sky still has the friction of the rotors. They call it autorotation or something like that. It means that the crash might not kill you, if the rotors still spin smoothly.

It only compresses your spine and breaks your back!

SandHog ago

That happened to a guy my uncle knew a few years back. Fucked him up pretty good. From what I was told he was about 50 feet up and the engine died and he dropped like a rock. Might not have been high enough for the rotors to grab much of anything before it hit the ground. Either way, I'd much prefer to glide in a fixed wing if I had the choice!

TheBuddha ago

Per hour of flight, my understanding is that choppers are more safe. And, both are safer than automobiles, by a rather huge margin. They win per mile, too - at least planes vs automobiles. I couldn't compile the per mile stats for choppers to compare them back when I was interested in such.

SandHog ago

They very well could be. I've never compared planes vs helicopters. I flew a ton when I was a kid and only ever had one pants-shitting close call. We were in a little Cesna and had just taken off. Another plane took off a few minutes before us and for some unknown reason decided to make a loop around the airfield. We were coming up and next thing I know all I can see is this other plane filling up the front windshield. Fortunately my old man was good pilot and was able to react fast enough to roll the plane over and invert it. I bet the wheels of both planes damn near kissed as we passed underneath that asshole. It was that close.

TheBuddha ago

I have stories...

I once flew to an airport in Nepal that has a name I sure as fuck can't spell. It was on a plane with literal tape and bailing wire and the landing strip was like barely a few hundred feet long. I'm not sure how many, I didn't count. Oh, it was in the side of a mountain. As if it wasn't already a stupid idea,,,

I'm pretty much retarded.

There was a legit buffalo (not American bison that many call buffalo) on the plane.

Taking off was scarier than landing. They just rip right over a cliff and hope for the best. I guess it's killed some people. Go figure?

SandHog ago

Haha, that's pretty wild. Can't say I've ever flown with a buffalo before. At least not the four-legged variety.

TheBuddha ago

I really want to fly in a flying boat. No, not something with pontoons, something with a hull.

SandHog ago

TheBuddha ago

No, like British Airways or the PBY.

If you don't know what those are, they're fucking awesome is what they are.

SandHog ago

Those PBYs do look pretty sweet.

TheBuddha ago

They had so many guns that they bristled with then to the point of winning a sort of dogfight - multiple times.

I'm pretty sure I recall reading that the fat and slow PBY miraculously ended up with the Ace status. That's five kills by one gunner.

The Germans called them the porcupine.

Their ranges were exceptional. Flying boats were awesome. The old British Airways was a luxury ship, like luxury liners.