MarauderShields ago

Feck! He knows.... shut it down!

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Some of all Fears

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What did you do, steal this from reddit, fagit boy?

Oh_Well_ian ago

The primary reason for Israel to hide its nukes is so it can launch a FF nuclear war and pin it on country [X].

Voatering4life ago

So it is common knowledge that Israel has nukes. The US overlooks this fact because it does not suit their agenda/program whatever because the US must continue to send money to Israel and since so many members of Congress/Senate signed the AIPAC pledge-I mean are duel dual citizens. US gives money to foreign countries so they won’t develop nukes, right? Wait, what, where was I? Back to sleep because this makes zero sense. A handful of people are awake but this is very sad state of affairs.

lettersofmarque ago

The first rule of the Israel nuclear weapons program is ...

Lanfear ago

I was really caught up by they phrase, "dare to mention...." in the introduction. That doesn't seem like a legal term but I'm not a lawyer. You....better...not...DARE.... !

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Wow, that's FUBAR.

We can be sure those who glow in the dark will never break the law right?

I bet they can't even write the words "Israel's nuclear weapons."

Well, not legally anyways... but you know, here technically they are undercover and like with anything, they pretty much do what they want.

Such is the nature of glowing.

TheGrandMaster ago

Does Isreal have nukes?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Indeed they do.

Many many many.

They have had nuclear power for, what, 50+ years?

Isn't there another law that says stupid laws are null and void?

Original_Dankster ago

Israel obviously has nukes, it's no secret. In fact they rely on them for deterrence and deterrence only works if adversaries get that you have them.

The question is not "do they" - rather it's "should they." And to me, given the number of times they've been attacked and threatened, absolutely they should. I'm glad they have nukes, keeps their Muslim neighbours relatively in check.

dorferino ago

If they didn't have nukes, jews wouldn't feel safe going to their containment desert state.

dirt_reynolds ago

You a cop? You know you have to tell me if you are.

You know how the CIA is not supposed to operate within the country but does it anyway? Yeah, this is kind of like that. They violate every fucking law on the planet but you seem to think they'll stop with this one? That's adorable.

voatusernamevoat ago

Should to talmud and jew quotes.

VicariousJambi ago

Devils advocate.

Do you think words on a sheet of paper mean anything to satanic kid fuckers?

MarauderShields ago

Fat checks are written on paper. So yes.

Turnagain ago

That was filed January, 2017. Has there been any resolution to the complaint?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

From a quick online search it looks like the Court approved the Motion to Dismiss and his appeal was unsuccessful (here is the DC Circuit's per curiam judgment).

To get a fuller opinion of the matter I would really need to read all of the documents preceding this reply (at a minimum being the complaint, amended complaint, motion to dismiss), but I was really unconvinced by this reply.

Virtually everything he points to support his argument that it is a legislative rule just as easily (possibly moreso) supports that it is interpretive guidance. He'd really be in the same boat, since the determination of classification is separate and the rules governing possible repercussions are, too. (I'd note separately that I thought Exhibit A actually undercut his argument, rather than support it.)

And his argument on being personally harmed by aid to Israel thus justifying an injunction to stop it is hopelessly muddled. He is basically just trying to say his complaints about the classification rules are caused by the payment of the aid. But that wouldn't change the classification rules. So all it really amounts to is a disagreement over a classification determination, not a harm that would be solved by the court ordering an end to aid.

Anarchy99 ago

Nukes are fake. Energy and bombs. All bullshit. Just another staged Hollywood Jew production. All hocus pocus. Any questions ?

CowWithBeef ago

If nuclear energy is fake, there is no reason to fake the other details.

VicariousJambi ago

Even if true this is just a question dodge imo

andrew_jackson ago

You're an idiot.

VicariousJambi ago

I mean you cant just say "if nukes are real Israel has 10" or some shit?

andrew_jackson ago

One could, but then one would be giving in to the McCarthyists.

VicariousJambi ago

Something so simple to do but instead you'd rather have some sort of ego problem because people told you to?

andrew_jackson ago

Ouch. No the reason that I hold out, is to foul the process. If a few well known loyalists hold out, then that fouls the process enough that any rational man would abandon it. This particular red herring threatens to derail more important work here on Voat, so the sooner that it is terminated the better.


If my participation is needed for this to work, then it will not work. In that case your side becomes the crazy ones for persisting.

VicariousJambi ago

So yeah, some sort of inflated ego.

Anarchy99 ago

not really pertinant to the jewish problem.

smokratez ago

Yeah, it's a diversion.

VicariousJambi ago

It's more of just a way to find shills out.

If ya cant say something like "if nukes exist then Israel definitely has the most of them" then that's questionable.

carlip ago

This is a fake document, search the court case number listed and you will find see what a real court document looks like and that it's a completely diff err ent case.

Crackrocknigga ago


ex-redd ago

I’ve answered once: do your research


Crackrocknigga ago

Why do you forum slide /v/new with your friends?

ex-redd ago

“Forum slide” ?

“Friends” ?

ex-redd ago

Gots to shill—like fresh pow

Crackrocknigga ago

Figured as much. Hows tel-aviv?

ex-redd ago

Are you a cop?

heygeorge ago

He would have to tell you were he a cop

ex-redd ago


ex-redd ago

Yep...plant one there

ForTheUltimate ago

What if the shill works for a private entity who got a shiling contract from the gob?

andrew_jackson ago

It wouldn't even work for government employees? Why on earth would anyone, least of all an employee of the government, follow such a retarded rule? How would they even learn of it's existence? Man the people on this site are so dumb.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Just go look at their comments and see if they do shit like say that "Muslims got it right, they're pretty based they don't like the jews" and shit like that, defending jews' age-old-greatest-ally, mudkikes, who are 99% genetically identical to kikes and share every single belief with them.

I see that kike shit all the time here as if "based Mudkikes" are the answer to everything.

andrew_jackson ago

But you're even dumber than the people that think believe in the gay nukes issue.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Cool it will be funny when you get assraped and beheaded by your pets.

ForTheUltimate ago

well the muslims are based about two things: oppressing women and using violence outside the law too.

andrew_jackson ago

I'd say they're based about a lot of things.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

It's not saying "If someone can answer the Isntreal nuke question then they are a govt shill".

It's saying "Anyone who won't answer the nuke question is a govt shill". Subtle difference, but it's still useful.

andrew_jackson ago

This is dumb. You're stupid if you believe that.

ForTheUltimate ago

Did you mean it's not saying ''If someone can answer the Isntreal nuke question then they are not a govt shill".

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

Yep, exactly. It proves the positive, but doesn't prove the negative.

Because who would knowingly choose to refuse answering that question knowing that they'll be labeled a glownigger shill for all eternity?

And to answer the question: either six, a hundred, or 30,000, depending on how much control (((they))) have over other nation's militaries.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Because who would knowingly choose to refuse answering that question knowing that they'll be labeled a glownigger shill for all eternity?

Me. Same as I'm going to reject requests by morons to do a chicken dance, "or you're a Fox!". Who cares what morons think? This may be the dumbest meme yet on voat.

andrew_jackson ago

This may be the dumbest meme yet on voat.

It's certainly up there. I'll give a nod to the Qtards and the Pizzagatetards as the gold and silver medalists respectively.

Crackrocknigga ago

then you must pursue other methods such as questioning them until they fucking crack like the weakling they are

case in point

Muh-Shugana ago

if someone thinks you added value, then you did



Crackrocknigga ago

I know. It shocked me as well. Rigging the fucking market and shorting shit is "adding value"? Debt money is fucking value?

Hes a piece of shit

Muh-Shugana ago

If he himself was not jewish, then this explains everything about every stupid white out there.

They are brainwashing our kids into growing up to be just like him, he truly believes the jews lies.

ForTheUltimate ago

nice introduction

Crackrocknigga ago


Your time has come to answer! You think this place is a joke, with your governmental fucking subversion

@magnusveritas if you're still there, i expect the same


Crensch ago

Rent free

antiliberalsociety ago

Forgot my name, you spamming faggot

Conway2 ago

It's fun to laugh about but, to expect the government to follow it's own rules is really asking too much of the government.

The agents will just lie and face no punishment for breaking the law.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm glad thoughtful people still visit this site.

It may work for two Voat shills, but the real deal people are going to go right along with whatever we say right until they nerve gas us in a hotel room.

Crackrocknigga ago

You are a fucking shill, can you answer the nuke question?

NotHereForPizza ago

I only do it for you guys every single day.

In fact, I'm almost positive I've talked about all of the nukes that Israel has specifically with you pretty recently.

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh, so you're NGO. Hello rabbai

NotHereForPizza ago

Why can I not just be me?

Why do I make you feel so much suspicion?

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, its like when retards ask an undercover cop if hes a cop, and then tell the cop it's against the law to lie about their response to that particular question

NotHereForPizza ago

Because why in the niggers would an undercover cop go, "well... shit, you caught me." just because one of their targets asks if he's undercover?

The people making such ridiculous assertions like the one we're all speaking of have got to be so damn dense... Why would they just forfeit because we think we know something? It's like they think glowies have no motivation.

MarauderShields ago

True. But in some cases it genuinely seems to work. Try it. Or check on some of the other threads around here. It's too simple to work, yet for some reason so many fuckers out there can't say a number or any direct answer. It's so common it's fucking weird.

Even if you don't care, just say a number or deny it. They don't do either, they deflect, squirm and cringe from the light. Try it.

How many nukes does Israel have?

Tag, you're it.

andrew_jackson ago

You're so dumb. You're effectively saying that since my bicycle got stolen last night, that's proof that Leprechauns exist because Leprechauns must have stolen it. Horses not zebra you fool!

MarauderShields ago

Read what I wrote again. Then read what you wrote.

Next, wipe the post-nasal drips from your oily proboscis.

Then tell me the number of nukes.

Do it. No one's watching you. Do it. You won't get into trouble. I won't tell.

Father Jack knows how many.

Conway2 ago

At least 50-200.

I;ve been through this before. Posted the links to wikileaks israeli nuke zip(armageddon something I really can't be bothered to find it again). Where they have many pictures of what appear to a high security lab. As well as a round shiny ball which I suspect is the plutonium core of a thermonuclear weapon. But,that's pretty old news..

MarauderShields ago

Nice I'll look for it. I always use it as a litmus test now. Thank you for humoring me. I always thought it would be in the upper end of that number myself as the Samson Option always seemed the most likely scenario to plan for.

Fired from space, sea or already deployed in cities? My bet is on #3.

The "further out" option would be to compromise other nations own nukes and deploy them against neighbors. Which fits common Jew methodology better, but is considerably harder to do.

Crackrocknigga ago

Not necessarily. Violating an official top secret government order is a HUGE crime. If you prove they have done this, they lose their fat salary and pension. Ask them till your face goes blue and save it, they wont be able to red flag or put court cases on you

LordSporkington ago

If the order is top secret, only those with top secret clearance (and a need to know) would be required to follow the order.

CowWithBeef ago

Doesn't that mean glowniggers follow the order?

LordSporkington ago

Not likely.

Ignoring the fact that justice / intelligence agents have a huge amount of leeway to keep from having their cover blown, why would a jnr agent on social media duty have ts clearance or the need to know about Israeli nuclear policy?

The order seems to relate more to those in the position of publishing reports and such, for public consumption.

Conway2 ago

If a CIA agent can rape and pimp out a child to keep their cover, they can talk about israel.

Crackrocknigga ago

is there an official memo saying raping a child is a top secret, and comitting it is treason? i didnt know that

Conway2 ago

More likely that memo was cooked up to give agents an easy way to prove they aren't a fed. We are disseminating that information to the terrorists and what not. To think an agent would rather be executed or taken prisoner rather than talk about israeli nukes is well, Retarded.

To honestly expect the government to follow it's own rules is, delusional and shows a complete lack of knowledge of history.

Crackrocknigga ago

The classification bulletin's first known use was against former Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear policy specialist James Doyle after he wrote the following sentence in an article titled "Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?" which had been security cleared by his employer and published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"Nuclear weapons did not deter Egypt and Syria from attacking Israel in 1973, Argentina from attacking British territory in the 1982 Falklands War or Iraq from attacking Israel during the 1991 Gulf War."

After an unknown congressional staffer read the article and demanded a review, it was referred to classification officials for a second review. Doyle's pay was then cut, his home computer searched, and he was fired.


Conway2 ago

I'll tell you what.

You go right on believing you can blow a multi-million dollar fed operation by asking a question. And I will go on thinking you can't.


Crackrocknigga ago

That is your right as an american to have an opinion

antiliberalsociety ago

You aren't American

NPCGator ago

He's either a glownigger, MediaMatters/ShareBlue troll or just majorly retarded. He tried to make the argument that Venezuela is National Socialism and quote "literally Hitler".

antiliberalsociety ago

He was nobody before the DDoS

dirt_reynolds ago

Still is.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Interesting... Grant Smith is a patriot!

lkjdaqp ago

Get rid of glowniggers quick by asking them about Israel's nuclear program.

Most glowniggers just aren't able to admit that Israel has nuclear weapons.

NotHereForPizza ago

What even makes you think this? They keep our economy afloat by selling large quantities of drugs... They covertly attempt to unseat a president through various means, including, but not limited to, setting off a global war, global recession, or worse, a nuclear disaster. They've specifically pitted countries against each other, facilitated large shipments of children to feast upon after raping them within an inch of their lives and then cover all of those things off by paying off, killing, or threatening to murder a public official's family.

These people are scum of the Earth, but you think they need to follow measly laws you would prefer them to follow? You people are hardly trying.

andrew_jackson ago

These people are scum of the Earth, but you think they need to follow measly laws you would prefer them to follow?

Did you know that if you say the words, "Bloody Mary", ten times in the mirror, a monster will appear?

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Wait I thought this was public knowledge?...

lettersofmarque ago

I did, too. A search for WPN-136 came up with an article from the Atlantic of all places.

"While we might ideally like to halt actual Israeli possession,” then-National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger wrote in a July 1969 memo to Nixon that summarized Washington’s enduring policy, “what we really want at a minimum may be just to keep Israeli possession from becoming an established international fact.”

"Israel's Worst-Kept Secret. Is the silence over Israeli nukes doing more harm than good?"

Crackrocknigga ago

had to post the official court case so my fellow goats have ammo against shills who deny this is real

antiliberalsociety ago

Except you spam it on anyone that disagrees with you

andrew_jackson ago

I like what you said, "do the chicken dance or you're a fox." Great summary.

NPCGator ago

Yep, this glownigger thinks we're stupid.

ForTheUltimate ago

this is a glownigger trick into a false sense of security

israel has nukes oy vey

Crackrocknigga ago

The classification bulletin's first known use was against former Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear policy specialist James Doyle after he wrote the following sentence in an article titled "Why Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?" which had been security cleared by his employer and published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"Nuclear weapons did not deter Egypt and Syria from attacking Israel in 1973, Argentina from attacking British territory in the 1982 Falklands War or Iraq from attacking Israel during the 1991 Gulf War."

After an unknown congressional staffer read the article and demanded a review, it was referred to classification officials for a second review. Doyle's pay was then cut, his home computer searched, and he was fired.


Crackrocknigga ago

no, you can NEVER be secure. However, it works to throw out a court case against you if you PROVE THEY SAID THIS

they also lose their pension and pay


RockmanRaiden ago

Hell yes.