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Crackrocknigga ago

Jewish programming isn't even that good. If your average white npc really analyzed what they are being told, I think they'd see serious logical flaws.

That's why jews are replacing us with niggers and beaners: because they cant think.

Let's not fall into the_donaldism and think such vague concepts as "liberals, social marxism" are the cause of this. It always , most assuredly is the jew.

Sheeitpost ago

No because there are plenty of Jews who are great people and aren't communist/socialist at all. In fact, I'd argue that Israel is more pro-American and capitalist/nationalist and allowing of American greatness than the American people who tend to compromise the leadership of the media and some non-profits. Trump's election may have even started a schism of discussion that we can move towards a post-racist world where countries keep their culture and values.

The issues are more nuanced than pointing fingers at races, and actually works against you because you have billions of dollars as well as highly efficient human resources looking to silence you, who will naturally overstep and be complicit with "white people" being bullied by the public... which is occuring all over the place and is objectively wrong.

The problem is cultural marxism, not races, and you will see that with enough observation. Sorry to burst your bubble, I'm not an agent as you furiously try to make the case of behind the scenes (that I'm fully aware of). Asshole.

Crackrocknigga ago

Thank you. Just wanted the community to see who gunnery sets upvoting. You have a right to your opinion.

You don't see any coincidences between Marxism, banking, Hollywood, liberalism, and the jews at all? Im actually quite shocked

Sheeitpost ago

Cool, you're not the first person to accuse me of being something I'm not on here and won't be the last either.There are many different ethnicities that support all of those intiatives/structures and they intersect in a myriad of ways and not all are bad.

There is an awareness problem in the world and that's ultimately what everyone is upset with.

Crackrocknigga ago

Can you please answer though? You really don't see those coincidences? Did you know jews are the most overrepresented race in academia and law? This doesn't concern you that there might be nepotism, due to 80% of American jews identifying as liberal pro affirmative action,?

Sheeitpost ago

Yes I can answer but you're not going to like my answer. I have worked with Jews and still do, in different areas, and in my opinion they tend to have higher IQ's and EQ's. The bell curve goes into this. Supposing the research was biased in the bell curve, it doesn't match my experience, so I can't believe it is biased research.

Although some can be combative emotionally or verbally "short" (which is more of an amplifier in a competitive environment than it is a drawback), this is no different than other ethnicities who have unique characteristics, or similar characteristics. Sometimes I wish I had the same frame.

However the main difference between performance I don't necessarily think is an IQ or EQ difference. It's in how they view compensation. Christians tend to view getting paid big sums of money as greed or having scammed someone. Jews tend to view getting paid big sums of money as having delivered value to the marketplace.

Value could be defined as a benefit to a customer or client that the person aknowledges is a benefit. In other words, if the customer thinks you delivered value... you did. It is not the place of the business person to say, "Hey... you are 20lbs overweight you need to stop eating at my McDonald's!".

What right does a businessperson have to tell a customer what they can and can't do when we have freedom in this country?

When someone is Christian, they will often subconsciously sabotage themselves from delivering value where there is the possibility of a negative outcome to their peers, unless that negative is applied to the entire social group (in my opinion Christians tend to feel too MUCH responsibility for other's actions). Example would be Chicfilet's rise due to Christian obesity-acceptance. If "everyone" is getting fat, there is no moral question in their psyche if it's wrong to scale the restaurants.

But what's most interesting is that since Jews tend to view value-add as the greatest benefit you can give society (and it is) they want to do it at scale. This ability to scale to serve the greatest amount of people as possible is why they tend to be richer both as a group and at the very top 1% of society, moreso than Christians.

Now to top this off, Muslims largely don't believe in interest, so they are stuck in a previous century as interest is really needed to advance our petri dish called Earth. Had Constantine not made Christinity the official religion of the Roman empire perhaps "white people" would be Stoic and more competitive, but that also would have brought new problems as well.

Life is much more nuanced than hate-- thanks for reading.

Edit: Oh and they almost got destroyed in WW2 which was less than 100 years ago, so can you forgive them if some lean left? Stick to being against cultural marxism.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheLastCrusader777 ago

(((Fellow Whites))), We Joooos wuz kangz an sheit, we built europe, not your white devils, ooga booga we master race

Brawndosaurus ago

Jews have no morals. Jesus was right- you ate odd your father the devil. He was a liar and a murderer and so are you! Get the whip

SearchVoatBot ago

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Fuckle_Chucks ago

Your synopsis would be enlightening if it were actually true. It's not even original. I've heard this same message espoused many times over the preceding decades. One would think that the vaunted "AshkeNAZI high-IQ" would be capable of producing a different narrative; a narrative not so easily disproven by simple examination of history.

You JIDF 'warriors' really are incompetent against anybody with an IQ above room temperature. Perhaps that is why it is so imperative that you get Whites to breed with the sub-humans to create the low-IQ mud race you want as slaves? But alas, that is not how this is going to play out. The jew only exists to serve the whims of Universe—regardless of what your jewgod tells you. (Jewgod also serves Universe.) And right now Universe is in the process of birthing the Übermensch who will most certainly be derived from White genetic stock.

So go ahead and play your jew games—I encourage it. For everything the jew does to preserve or enhance its power only serves to bring about the Übermensch that much faster.

Thanks for playing, Schlomo.

Nukethenarrative ago

This is an amazing opportunity to look into the brain of someone and see the reasons they use to justify negative behavior.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Almost destroyed in World War II? That Kool-Aid taste pretty good huh?

VicariousJambi ago

tend to have higher IQ's and EQ's

how many nukes does israel have, nigger?

Debunking the Jewish IQ Myth - -

IQ, exaggeration, and over representation - -

The myth of Jewish intelligence - -

The myth of Jordan Peterson's integrity - -

Smart Jew Myth infographic - - - - -

Jordan Peterson's theory that Jewish supremacy is due to their high IQ is totally debunked by commentators on his essay "On the so-called Jewish Question" - -

Jews are more closely related to Arabs - - - - -

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese - -

Jews and Arabs Share Recent Ancestry - -

Genetics Expert Insists 75% of Jews Share Roots in Middle East - -

Medical genetics of Jews - -

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia -

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

in my opinion they tend to have higher IQ's and EQ's.

Your opinion is objectively false.

The bell curve goes into this.

There are more white geniuses (130+ IQ) on Earth than there are jews in total.

Sometimes I wish I had the same frame.

“I wish I was like a jew” Holy shit, why are you even here.

Value could be defined as a benefit to a customer or client that the person aknowledges is a benefit.


It is not the place of the business person to say, "Hey... you are 20lbs overweight you need to stop eating at my McDonald's!".


What right does a businessperson have to tell a customer what they can and can't do when we have freedom in this country?

“What right do you have to tell me what children I can and cannot fuck?”


Christian obesity-acceptance.

Excuse the fuck me.

Jews tend to view value-add as the greatest benefit you can give society

No, that’s not what they view.

(and it is)

Get the fuck out, yidlover.

This ability to scale to serve the greatest amount of people as possible


is why they tend to be richer both as a group

Yeah, it totally has nothing whatsoever to do with the private jewish ownership of every bank on earth.

"white people"

Is this whole post your not so subtle way of tanking your entire account?

Life is much more nuanced than hate

Hate is your soul’s immune system.

Edit: Oh and they almost got destroyed in WW2

Okay, your account was either hacked or you’ve sold out. We’ll put you on the list for the DotR.

Anarchy99 ago

If you cannot call out the Jew, you are a TRAITOR

albatrosv15 ago

Edit: Oh and they almost got destroyed in WW2 which was less than 100 years ago, so can you forgive them if some lean left? Stick to being against cultural marxism.

Total damn bullshit.

Sheeitpost ago

Here is Hitler rocking back and forth blasted off meth so bad he can't even control himself (medicine from the doctors):

Do you think he was able to control Reinhard Heydrich's psychopathic dream?

Cant_Call_It ago

Do you have a link at normal speed? Kind of odd that this video is sped up.

Brawndosaurus ago

What a slippery response. Almost like grasping jello

Tallest_Skil ago


Anarchy99 ago

Everybody was on drugs, Hitler had a Jewish Doctor. Hitler allowed the paltry 500,000 jews in Germany to escape Germany. There hardly any Jews in the camps, you dirty fucking jew

CameraCode0 ago

I don't think Adolf was rocking because of drugs in that video, I think he was just excited. And so what if he did drugs? He didn't do it for pleasure, that's for sure. He didn't drink or have any vices. He did it to squeeze out every ounce of performance out of his body that he could for his people, especially closer to the end of the war when he was looking for every advantage Germany could get, which I see as quite admirable.

Anarchy99 ago

if you had war injuries as most German leadership did, you were on opioids and other substsnces that affect your focus and clarity. My research said Hitler had to have it his way, all the time. Germany lost, bad.

Anarchy99 ago

he made too many military blunders

CameraCode0 ago

Yes, that's what people like you always say. And yes, I am aware that they lost. Doesn't change any of my opinions.

Anarchy99 ago

Hitler did not prepare for total warfare.

Hitler left the civilian population unarmed.

Hitler let all 500k Jews in Germany to emigrate out to friendlier countries.

Suffice it to say, Germany didn't stand a chance. They were done from the start.

Anarchy99 ago

I feel like winning this time. Most people can't see the present threat on the "battlefield" which is Jewish medicine.

CameraCode0 ago

Okay, what does that have to do with Hitler losing the war? Do you think they lost because he received drugs? It was his personal use, he was not suggesting or supporting drug use in Germany society.

Anarchy99 ago

Hitler did not prepare for total warfare.

Hitler left the civilian population unarmed.

Hitler let all 500k Jews in Germany to emigrate out to friendlier countries.

Suffice it to say, Germany didn't stand a chance. They were done from the start.

Sheeitpost ago

He probably wouldn't have supported the holocaust without the drugs. He also wouldn't have gone into Russia in the winter.

Sheeitpost ago

I had a flat tire this morning... could have been a nail, but was it actually the Jews because there are some in the tire company?

I once overcooked my steak.. was it the Jews because I used that liberal olive oil and not butter?

Crackrocknigga ago

He had fucking parkinsons you dickhead, from mustard gas exposure in WW1.

DoOver ago

What a pathetic attempt at deflecting while completely ignoring the comment you're replying to.

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ErrorHasNoRights ago

It's definitely true that Jews have a different value system. Perhaps they see making money as the highest value.

For the Christian there has to be a balance between making money and doing what's best for your brothers, your nation, etc. In this sense Christians see value in other things besides money.

Anarchy99 ago

Jews are satanists, there is no doing business with kikes

SanFranTrailerPark ago

since Jews tend to view value-add as the greatest benefit you can give society

This is legit until you see all their competition is literally being killed out and suppressed, destroyed by government itself. All this post is is one big ad for proper business approaches / mentality.

I mean jews take care of their own, they raise their children good, the live in family like communities where they treat each other like ACTUAL family, the provide good, real healthy food each other, they protect themselves against the poisons in the vaccines, and they go after jobs that run the economy / government. If left alone to their own country that wasn't siphoning off of others, they'd end up looking more like normal people. Like a family and community of loggers might raise loggers, jews raise kids that take over an economy and country, absolutely obsessed with these types of jobs and their religion promotes no shame in it.

Anarchy99 ago

You are justifying Jew criminality

Sheeitpost ago

There is no shame in it! That's life. Can it go to extremes sometimes? Of course. But trying to understand the world without aknowledging all this makes people get hateful and spin out into unhappy theories of why things are how they are.

Anarchy99 ago

anyone who cuts a babies foreskin off, then sucks the blood is mentally Ill. A sociopath.

Sheeitpost ago

No, that's a cognitive-bias, and objectively circumcision which is mgm is wrong just as fgm is wrong. It's unnatural.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol go worship jews somewhere else

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Trash_Panda ago

He's just going to call you a Jew and throw out your response regardless of what you say. Why bother?

You're also very naive. At least brainwashed public school indoctrinated poo flinging boomers like @Crackrocknigga understand there's more to it than just "fair market play".

It's because you're an atheist. Your world view is upside down and twisted like a pretzel. Nuance doesn't mean you just reject all foul play in full and insist everything is normal. That's kinda the opposite. I don't think you're very well versed.

Anarchy99 ago

if you cannot call out the "Jew" you are a traitor

Trash_Panda ago

Some of us actually have lives. We don't sit around all day going "Jew Jew Jew jew Jew jew jew Jew Jew Jew Jew".

Tallest_Skil ago

Congrats on being paid to post here. You’ve blown your account. You have no argument. You’re too fucking stupid to comprehend the topics at hand.

Trash_Panda ago

I have no argument against what? The guy has 3 solid pages of Jew comments. So what's YOUR argument? That anybody who sees that as unusual or unhealthy is themselves a Jew? Because that would be the majority of the population.

Tallest_Skil ago

strawman because he has nothing to add

flies into an autistic rage when exposed; claims others are the ones who are upset

actually thinks that he has a philosophy

You’re even more pathetic than the jews you worship.

Anarchy99 ago

I do all that and more ! Jews sre criminals. you are complicit you cumbucket

Trash_Panda ago

I don't believe you. Happy stable people don't sit around neurotically talking about Jews nonstop all day every day. They go out and live their lives regardless of the evil that exists in the world. You hyper-focus on the bad, people who do that cannot see the good. You will not find a single artist who creates a beautiful masterpiece and when asked he says "thanks, it was inspired by my hatred for others". Does not exist.

Anarchy99 ago

you are a Jew traitor

Crackrocknigga ago

Im not a fucking boomer you idiot, get that through your thick skull

Sheeitpost ago

I'm not an atheist. I think consciousness is part of the big bang and was fractionated into unquantifable pieces. I'm not writing that for him. I have no emotional attachment to what he says.

Trash_Panda ago

There's essentially no difference between an atheist and what you just described. They're both nihilistic in nature. There's not much difference between saying "there is no God" and "we are all God". Really. There's not. If you don't believe me, go up to an Atheist and ask if he believes he is his own God. He's probably going to say yes.

Sheeitpost ago

How dare you assume what value I gain from existence by saying it's nihilistic. Lol

We aren't all God. I said, consciousness is part of the big bang. It's probably trying to reunify over the course of the existence of the universe, which scientists say won't last forever, to get mad existential/buddhist for a second.

But who knows? This is just an opinion.

Trash_Panda ago

"I believe there's consciousness and stuff and it's gonna reunify" doesn't mean anything. And Buddhism is nihilistic.

Does good and evil objectively exist? Not as an invention of the mind but an actual tangible thing.

You are just playing games. Fooling yourself. And obeying the whims of modern secular culture that has told us all to think this way.

Ever wonder why communist countries love Buddhism? Easy to control and subvert because they are nihilistic. Any surprise that China now has highest growth rate of Christianity worldwide, is in the process of overthrowing their government, and waving American flag? Meanwhile, the west embracing eastern New Age philosophy, being cucked by communist secular post-enlightenment thought?

No coincidence. You are one aspect of cultural Marxism. Whether you choose to confront the clear contradictions within your philosophy doesn't matter. Your kids will. Your kids' kids will.

It's all about religion.

Sheeitpost ago

Good and evil does not exist mental illness and cognitive-bias exists, as does the opposite. I am not a new ager.

Trash_Panda ago

I'm not a nihilist, even though every aspect of my belief is nihilistic and gee Buddhism sure is great. I feel like I'm not a nihilist tho.

Glad that's sorted.

Sheeitpost ago

You feel like I'm a nihilist. Run along lamb.

Anarchy99 ago

you are an idiot

Trash_Panda ago

What an insightful and thought provoking comment. Any portions of my comment specifically that you take issue with?

Crackrocknigga ago

You will be destroyed at the second coming of the son of our father. Let Jared Kushner know I said hi when you burn with the rest of the babylonian jews

Trash_Panda ago

There's essentially no difference between an atheist and what you just described. They're both nihilistic in nature.

Crackrocknigga ago

Wow. Just wow.

You espouse Jewish supremacy, and blame Christians for Jewish actions? Please don't delete this, people deserve to know.

Muh-Shugana ago

>jews make the shittiest products known to man, but if they TRICK you into thinking its actually valuable, then it is! >BECAUSE APPARENTLY REALITY WORKS BASED ON IF IT WAS REAL IN YOUR MIIIIIIIND

>just like the holocaust!

GlowWorm ago

Screenshot this kike shill faggot.

Sheeitpost ago

Now that you've learned that you can't unlearn it.

Crackrocknigga ago

What did I learn? That I should submit to judaism? I will never capitulate rabbai

CameraCode0 ago

What he says is an unquestionable truth, goy, his word is all that exists. Shut up and quit questioning it.

Sheeitpost ago

Okay? I don't give a fuck.. just typing shit onto a screen because I'm bored.

GlowWorm ago

Bored at work, eh rabbi?

Crackrocknigga ago

Bored? BORED? Are you on welfare? If you think voat is "boring" go away

Sheeitpost ago

Oh gee, is this your identity?

Anarchy99 ago

This guy Sheeitpost is a traitor kike

Crackrocknigga ago

He made his name "Sheeitpost" on purpose to deceive us into thinking he was bigger pilled.

Anarchy99 ago

its because he is a larping kike and they have fecsl fixations on excrement and bathroom humor.

Trash_Panda ago

He's just going to call you a Jew and throw out your response regardless of what you say. We all know how this goes. Why bother?