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Crackrocknigga ago

Jewish programming isn't even that good. If your average white npc really analyzed what they are being told, I think they'd see serious logical flaws.

That's why jews are replacing us with niggers and beaners: because they cant think.

Let's not fall into the_donaldism and think such vague concepts as "liberals, social marxism" are the cause of this. It always , most assuredly is the jew.

Sheeitpost ago

No because there are plenty of Jews who are great people and aren't communist/socialist at all. In fact, I'd argue that Israel is more pro-American and capitalist/nationalist and allowing of American greatness than the American people who tend to compromise the leadership of the media and some non-profits. Trump's election may have even started a schism of discussion that we can move towards a post-racist world where countries keep their culture and values.

The issues are more nuanced than pointing fingers at races, and actually works against you because you have billions of dollars as well as highly efficient human resources looking to silence you, who will naturally overstep and be complicit with "white people" being bullied by the public... which is occuring all over the place and is objectively wrong.

The problem is cultural marxism, not races, and you will see that with enough observation. Sorry to burst your bubble, I'm not an agent as you furiously try to make the case of behind the scenes (that I'm fully aware of). Asshole.

Crackrocknigga ago

Thank you. Just wanted the community to see who gunnery sets upvoting. You have a right to your opinion.

You don't see any coincidences between Marxism, banking, Hollywood, liberalism, and the jews at all? Im actually quite shocked

Sheeitpost ago

Cool, you're not the first person to accuse me of being something I'm not on here and won't be the last either.There are many different ethnicities that support all of those intiatives/structures and they intersect in a myriad of ways and not all are bad.

There is an awareness problem in the world and that's ultimately what everyone is upset with.

Crackrocknigga ago

Can you please answer though? You really don't see those coincidences? Did you know jews are the most overrepresented race in academia and law? This doesn't concern you that there might be nepotism, due to 80% of American jews identifying as liberal pro affirmative action,?

Sheeitpost ago

Yes I can answer but you're not going to like my answer. I have worked with Jews and still do, in different areas, and in my opinion they tend to have higher IQ's and EQ's. The bell curve goes into this. Supposing the research was biased in the bell curve, it doesn't match my experience, so I can't believe it is biased research.

Although some can be combative emotionally or verbally "short" (which is more of an amplifier in a competitive environment than it is a drawback), this is no different than other ethnicities who have unique characteristics, or similar characteristics. Sometimes I wish I had the same frame.

However the main difference between performance I don't necessarily think is an IQ or EQ difference. It's in how they view compensation. Christians tend to view getting paid big sums of money as greed or having scammed someone. Jews tend to view getting paid big sums of money as having delivered value to the marketplace.

Value could be defined as a benefit to a customer or client that the person aknowledges is a benefit. In other words, if the customer thinks you delivered value... you did. It is not the place of the business person to say, "Hey... you are 20lbs overweight you need to stop eating at my McDonald's!".

What right does a businessperson have to tell a customer what they can and can't do when we have freedom in this country?

When someone is Christian, they will often subconsciously sabotage themselves from delivering value where there is the possibility of a negative outcome to their peers, unless that negative is applied to the entire social group (in my opinion Christians tend to feel too MUCH responsibility for other's actions). Example would be Chicfilet's rise due to Christian obesity-acceptance. If "everyone" is getting fat, there is no moral question in their psyche if it's wrong to scale the restaurants.

But what's most interesting is that since Jews tend to view value-add as the greatest benefit you can give society (and it is) they want to do it at scale. This ability to scale to serve the greatest amount of people as possible is why they tend to be richer both as a group and at the very top 1% of society, moreso than Christians.

Now to top this off, Muslims largely don't believe in interest, so they are stuck in a previous century as interest is really needed to advance our petri dish called Earth. Had Constantine not made Christinity the official religion of the Roman empire perhaps "white people" would be Stoic and more competitive, but that also would have brought new problems as well.

Life is much more nuanced than hate-- thanks for reading.

Edit: Oh and they almost got destroyed in WW2 which was less than 100 years ago, so can you forgive them if some lean left? Stick to being against cultural marxism.

VicariousJambi ago

tend to have higher IQ's and EQ's

how many nukes does israel have, nigger?

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IQ, exaggeration, and over representation - -

The myth of Jewish intelligence - -

The myth of Jordan Peterson's integrity - -

Smart Jew Myth infographic - - - - -

Jordan Peterson's theory that Jewish supremacy is due to their high IQ is totally debunked by commentators on his essay "On the so-called Jewish Question" - -

Jews are more closely related to Arabs - - - - -

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese - -

Jews and Arabs Share Recent Ancestry - -

Genetics Expert Insists 75% of Jews Share Roots in Middle East - -

Medical genetics of Jews - -

Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia -