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VicariousJambi ago

What kike downvoted this?

VicariousJambi ago

yeah I saw the other comment chain in this post and took a pic of that kike too

I wonder if he'll answer my question

Crackrocknigga ago

Isn't it a little scary how our front page content has literally been taken over by jidf? I've noticed since I've been calling them out more bad goys like @anarchy99 have been posting some great content.

We have to call these kikes out and support our fellow goyim.

VicariousJambi ago

With voats 10k character limit it's hard for me to make redpill threads with all the info I've gotten. Even if it's just links. Plus I still have research/verification to do which I've gotta get my ass going on. I don't think I can even start a subverse now with voat locked down. Can't archive voat threads with the lockdown either.

And then there's this that I encountered today.