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Wazhappenin1 ago

Over play. Major major overplay. If this law goes into effect consider it fast-tracked to the Supreme Court because one of us will test this out. Will the Jewish justices recuse themselves?

Crackrocknigga ago

Will the so called redpilled peoples of the world even see it when garbage posters like guy below this flood our front page?

Wazhappenin1 ago

Christianity has fucking fucked us as a people. Just saying. Give us your poor tired masses come on Inn take advantage of social system we will help you because it's Christ Way because it's Christian is what they've convinced the people to believe. Denominations of Christianity work with the government to keep the masses chewing the cud. How it into place with business hi would beg to differ because some of the best industrialists came from Scotland England Germany Spain France Greece and Italy so they were all Christian origin. I've also work with juice in my construction work I've never had a problem with them.

But the bigger picture is what the poster is missing. The hive mind of the Jewish culture will do what it takes to survive if that means perpetuating the clown world then that's what it means. To the detriment of everyone else except for them. They are not team players only amongst themselves. The old boy network is alive with them is clearly evident in the Ivy Leagues and in business Jewish preference is all over the place. Now when people like Netanyahu and satanic negative evil motherfukers like Epstein they are the end of the bell curve but it does it mean the tree that they grew from isn't rotten and it doesn't mean that even though there are decent people out there of all shapes and sizes that the Jewish tree needs to be cut down cast Into the Fire. If anything but for the sake of humanity and this beautiful Earth that we live on. We need to bring back the czar's Implement a full ban on all Israelis and semites including the the Arabs from any position of power and influence in America I don't really care what happens in the rest of the world. It's America where the Zog is fully entrenched and they are fucking destroying Humanity figuratively and literally and they will not hesitate to use nuclear if that's their only option. Zionists are like wolverines they will fight until the last man the benefit here for us is there's not many of them and so unlike the black population which is billions. I say this in the nicest possible way with no implied violence or negativity just the way I see it. I believe they started this war back in the first century CE when they were kicked out of Jerusalem. They turned up the volume in the Middle Ages. And the trajectory has been pretty consistently upward since then to the detriment of you me and everyone else

jimibulgin ago

Give us your poor tired masses come on Inn take advantage of social system we will help you because it's Christ Way because it's Christian is what they've convinced the people to believe.

it was a jew who wrote this and it was added to the statue of liberty like 50 years later.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Did not know that thanks. EST.

shillaccount3344 ago

You know, I'm starting to agree. Christianity made it so we could cooperate more and reach a higher level of civilization though.

At the same time it makes you weak to people who don't play by the rules.

I'm starting to think that beating muslims at Islam is the way to go.

Learn the koran. Then start putting girls in apartments on welfare and child support like muslims do.

If the system crashes, save as many kids as you can.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I mean the deep blue. Even going out deep sea fishing in a 40 foot fiberglass boat that has all the magical equipment on it to keep everyone safe. What did they have? Sure it was the finest construction they knew of at that time outside of architecture off the Great cathedrals. I think faith is essential for our survival. To think otherwise is it's like asking the placebo effect not to occur for you. The placebo effect is 20% of all cures it's been said it's just that I think humankind is ready to move on from 1st 2nd 3rd century teachings. Let alone the Hebrew scriptures which go back around 1,700 years ago. Now most religions have some truth to it. And I think the brain has developed at least a little bit for us to deserve a new type of faith something that millions of people already believe it not because it has 2 time tested traditions but one that connects us to the entire universe. But still with the same idea that Destiny is all! We make our destinies that's how many men thought thought and still do. This world wants to prescribe to us what we need to do how we need to do and when we need to do it more often than not today just for velocity off money. If you think about it the college's today are the best equipped the most technologically savvy institutions imaginable they got the best buildings no one is for want of anything in the science department today. Are they graduating that many more geniuses is there a direct relationship? We can make our own destiny first by figuring out what reality we want to choose do we want to choose that we're the losers we're the ones being replaced their side is going to win. I just looked up what mad world syndrome is check it out is everything we knew already. If we wanted to allow them our reality is shaped by those who are pulling the switches. And it probably has been that way since the beginning of time. But I truly believe that there's an Awakening going on and for that to happen people have to have faith.

Wazhappenin1 ago

The way you make it sound is almost appealing. The religion was definitely meaning of days of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and the discovery of the world people's faith brought them across the ocean now there's not a man that wouldn't fear a trip like tha. Belief in Christ the Conqueror was probably the best way to encourage motivation in the man.

odd_pain ago

that's just bait dude. there are some low-iq people on here.