Fetalpig ago

Um...first amendment allows me the freedom to criticize anyone at anytime..including countries I finance, through my taxes.

AllianceDeath ago

Almost a year old. Whats the news around it now?

Anarchy99 ago

Florida supposedly passed it

boekanier ago

Criticizing israel now a worse crime than 'racism'?

FriedChicken ago

One really wonders if the Jews even know why they are hated.

Anarchy99 ago

Pathological narcissists

Fetalpig ago

Hashtag 110

Newmemba ago

this is what happened in Russia after the bolshevik takeover

bitswitch ago

It’s a bill, not a law.

Doglegwarrior ago

About time why the fuck would say anything bad about the greatest most selflless god loving people ever created the literal choosen people of god. If you say one negative thing about jews you should be hung instantly and hung from a public square to prove how bad the antisemetic pieces of shit who say bad things against jews.

Anarchy99 ago


Newmemba ago

go sit on a pole

Anarchy99 ago

Fuck the jews ?

googoogagaimababy ago

I’m pretty sure this happened two years ago and didn’t end up getting passed.

Anarchy99 ago

so you like Schumer . ...

googoogagaimababy ago

Are you retarded? All I said is this story is from a couple years ago and the bill didn’t go through.

Please enlighten me as to how that means I like Schumer.

Anarchy99 ago

this is his intent asshole, I don't care if it was passed or not. this seems to slip past you.

googoogagaimababy ago

Fuck off nigger. The fact that you think I don’t understand that. Are you a bot? Are you a nigger? You sound like you have a sub 85 IQ.

I’m out here clarifying so that glowniggers don’t feed my people false information.

The way it was worded made it sound like it just happened and was about to get passed. Stirring people into a frenzy. I, unlike you who is a faggot, like to make sure I know what the fuck I’m talking about before I speak.

Suck a fucking dick you sub Saharan faggot.

Anarchy99 ago

nobody CARES what you think, you are still s circumsized bitch

Anarchy99 ago

lolll !!!

Anarchy99 ago

They will keep trying. Until it does, though not enforcible

googoogagaimababy ago

I agree however that they will keep trying. They passed it in Florida.

BurqaFart ago

He needs a knife in his throat.

NeonPine ago

These people are fucking insane

NoxAeterna ago

What better way to paint a target at their own back, are they stupid?

yeap, keep pissing people off more and more, that cant possibly go wrong at any point.

GrandmasterAssassin ago

Don't care. Try to come and arrest me.

Tallest_Skil ago

They will. And you’ll die. And no one will stop it or care.

necrophagist79 ago

Ironically the term "Streisand effect" comes to mind.

Anarchy99 ago

what's that ?

necrophagist79 ago

The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely. People hate Barbara Streisand and her music so much it has kept her famous.

Anarchy99 ago


Bigdickedelf ago

He needs to swing from a street light

WatchListMe ago

All they have to do is pass this bill quietly, wait a year or two for things to get bad for them and BAM dissenters all go to jail and scares the shit out of everyone.

Anarchy99 ago

yes its builds off one pretext into another

Anarchy99 ago

to boycott is to be critical. let's get with the pogrom. Israel needs to be blown off the map.

selpai ago

Kill him.

Goys-R-Us ago

We don't kill people we don't like in a civilized society. We vote them out of office.

selpai ago

Found the shill.

No one here trusts the integrity of the voting process, you filthy kike. They know it for what it is. A release valve.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're an idiot or deliberately trying to sabotage voat. I hope the cops knock on your door for a word.

selpai ago

This man is a traitor, by definition. He deserves to die, and his execution would be both morally & and legally justified.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're doing your damnedest to get one of the last places with true free speech taken offline by inciting violence. You're the traitor and I hope it bites you in the ass faggot. GFY. Blocked you gaping asshole.

Anarchy99 ago

its incremental. you are ignorant. and probably a Jew golem. These laws were passed in the Soviet Union.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

The dream of every Q boomer fag.

Anarchy99 ago

what is this Q ? I know nothing about it. You too sound like a jew.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Q is a jewish psyops. Trump is a israel loving zionist. His first wife parents were jewish, his children married jews. https://i.imgtc.ws/5FL4sGc.jpg

Gas all jews, because they caused WWI, WWII and 911. jews are responsible for the death of millions of Germans.

Anarchy99 ago

Trump is a transexual


CivNatisFullRetard ago

Lol shut up faggot Qoomer

SpreeFeech ago

Only criminals and liars are afraid of being criticized.

This sums it up nicely.

viperguy ago

Hah! Jews are BOTH!!! (riminals AND liars)



There are other similar passed laws in florida and in house for US rep rules.

but that is the link to THIS "jews are special" law :


$250,000 sheckel penalty is REAL!!! 250,000 listed here :


(b) Civil penalty

A civil penalty may be imposed on any person who commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) in an amount not to exceed the greater of-

(1) $250,000; or

(2) an amount that is twice the amount of the transaction that is the basis of the violation with respect to which the penalty is imposed.

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

This fuckin mutt! This shit is i dont know. WTF heart rate up, hes nuts

Crackrocknigga ago

Why isn't this at the top of the front page?

Because users like this guy below brigade and collude to flood memes access hide these things


ShadowWatcher ago

I'm glad, I hope it passes and ends up on Trump's desk. Then we can truly find out if Trump is for America first or Israel first. If Trump signs that bill he won't be re-elected.

yt4cz9 ago

Trump is Israel first.

ShadowWatcher ago

It would appear that way, but if he passes this bill the rest of the country will finally wake up. I remember one time he told a story with the ending, You knew I was a snake why did you take me in. Everyone just thought he was talking about someone else but he was talking about himself.

videocodec ago

The purpose of this law is to disarm whites. Truth about Jews = being a felon. The fact their golems will get arrested isn't something they care about as the target isn't them.

flaxom ago

No problem, see I'm not boycotting israel, I'm boycotting the illegal invasion and settling of sovereign nations like Palestine. I'm not boycotting israeli citizens, I'm boycotting anyone with dual loyalties who claims to represent Americans while insidiously subverting our democracy and ideals. I'm not boycotting jews you see, I'm boycotting cannibal pedophiles with outsized representation and power gained through nepotism and trickery. So chill out, chuck.

TheKalergiFan ago

so, we're putting all the muslims in jail now?

randomfuckingidiot ago

This will be fun, nothing we love more than an actual casus belli!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Wazhappenin1.

Posted automatically (#61186) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Anarchy99: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Wazhappenin1)

calcy454 ago

1st Amendment? I mean isn't this obvious treason/sedition? You have no interest in upholding either the Constitution and your Oath of Office.

CameraCode0 ago

1st Amendment? I mean isn't this obvious treason/sedition?

Sure, but what are we going to do about it? The 1st Amendment is just words on paper.

Anarchy99 ago

Except their oaths are non-binding because of the way they are worded, void. People don't read.

Tallest_Skil ago

Their oaths are non-binding because they’re fucking jews and the only thing that matters to them is Kol Nidre.

calcy454 ago

doesn't sound like much of an Oath then, huh? more like a "Loose Guideline of Office."

Anarchy99 ago

"to faithfully discharge your duties" means what ?

Wazhappenin1 ago

Over play. Major major overplay. If this law goes into effect consider it fast-tracked to the Supreme Court because one of us will test this out. Will the Jewish justices recuse themselves?

jimibulgin ago

You mean the 4/9 jew Supreme Court??

Wazhappenin1 ago

It would certainly be enough to change the venue! Or grounds for appeal! Or to delegitimize a negative ruling. If this bill becomes law and if this law goes to the Supreme Court we're talkin information War that will reach nuclear proportions wouldn't you agree?

Crackrocknigga ago

Will the so called redpilled peoples of the world even see it when garbage posters like guy below this flood our front page?


Wazhappenin1 ago

Christianity has fucking fucked us as a people. Just saying. Give us your poor tired masses come on Inn take advantage of social system we will help you because it's Christ Way because it's Christian is what they've convinced the people to believe. Denominations of Christianity work with the government to keep the masses chewing the cud. How it into place with business hi would beg to differ because some of the best industrialists came from Scotland England Germany Spain France Greece and Italy so they were all Christian origin. I've also work with juice in my construction work I've never had a problem with them.

But the bigger picture is what the poster is missing. The hive mind of the Jewish culture will do what it takes to survive if that means perpetuating the clown world then that's what it means. To the detriment of everyone else except for them. They are not team players only amongst themselves. The old boy network is alive with them is clearly evident in the Ivy Leagues and in business Jewish preference is all over the place. Now when people like Netanyahu and satanic negative evil motherfukers like Epstein they are the end of the bell curve but it does it mean the tree that they grew from isn't rotten and it doesn't mean that even though there are decent people out there of all shapes and sizes that the Jewish tree needs to be cut down cast Into the Fire. If anything but for the sake of humanity and this beautiful Earth that we live on. We need to bring back the czar's Implement a full ban on all Israelis and semites including the the Arabs from any position of power and influence in America I don't really care what happens in the rest of the world. It's America where the Zog is fully entrenched and they are fucking destroying Humanity figuratively and literally and they will not hesitate to use nuclear if that's their only option. Zionists are like wolverines they will fight until the last man the benefit here for us is there's not many of them and so unlike the black population which is billions. I say this in the nicest possible way with no implied violence or negativity just the way I see it. I believe they started this war back in the first century CE when they were kicked out of Jerusalem. They turned up the volume in the Middle Ages. And the trajectory has been pretty consistently upward since then to the detriment of you me and everyone else

jimibulgin ago

Give us your poor tired masses come on Inn take advantage of social system we will help you because it's Christ Way because it's Christian is what they've convinced the people to believe.

it was a jew who wrote this and it was added to the statue of liberty like 50 years later.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Did not know that thanks. EST.

shillaccount3344 ago

You know, I'm starting to agree. Christianity made it so we could cooperate more and reach a higher level of civilization though.

At the same time it makes you weak to people who don't play by the rules.

I'm starting to think that beating muslims at Islam is the way to go.

Learn the koran. Then start putting girls in apartments on welfare and child support like muslims do.

If the system crashes, save as many kids as you can.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I mean the deep blue. Even going out deep sea fishing in a 40 foot fiberglass boat that has all the magical equipment on it to keep everyone safe. What did they have? Sure it was the finest construction they knew of at that time outside of architecture off the Great cathedrals. I think faith is essential for our survival. To think otherwise is it's like asking the placebo effect not to occur for you. The placebo effect is 20% of all cures it's been said it's just that I think humankind is ready to move on from 1st 2nd 3rd century teachings. Let alone the Hebrew scriptures which go back around 1,700 years ago. Now most religions have some truth to it. And I think the brain has developed at least a little bit for us to deserve a new type of faith something that millions of people already believe it not because it has 2 time tested traditions but one that connects us to the entire universe. But still with the same idea that Destiny is all! We make our destinies that's how many men thought thought and still do. This world wants to prescribe to us what we need to do how we need to do and when we need to do it more often than not today just for velocity off money. If you think about it the college's today are the best equipped the most technologically savvy institutions imaginable they got the best buildings no one is for want of anything in the science department today. Are they graduating that many more geniuses is there a direct relationship? We can make our own destiny first by figuring out what reality we want to choose do we want to choose that we're the losers we're the ones being replaced their side is going to win. I just looked up what mad world syndrome is check it out is everything we knew already. If we wanted to allow them our reality is shaped by those who are pulling the switches. And it probably has been that way since the beginning of time. But I truly believe that there's an Awakening going on and for that to happen people have to have faith.

Wazhappenin1 ago

The way you make it sound is almost appealing. The religion was definitely meaning of days of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and the discovery of the world people's faith brought them across the ocean now there's not a man that wouldn't fear a trip like tha. Belief in Christ the Conqueror was probably the best way to encourage motivation in the man.

odd_pain ago

that's just bait dude. there are some low-iq people on here.

nosejobsforequality ago

and then one day for no reason at all...

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

..voted Hitler into place, who helped create Israel- the jewish safehaven free from international crimes

nosejobsforequality ago

I don't know if you can blame hitler. He was dead and it was territory the English took from the Turks...

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Hitler and the nazi party helped create Israel with the Haavara Agreement

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Time to be country 110.

123456butts ago

Lol transportation.

Way to revenge those 9/11 victims you goddamn pantywaist.

Whenever I’m fucking children, the last thing I want to happen is a free boat ride.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

American citizens are set to be fined up to $1 million or imprisoned for up to 20 years for criticizing Israel or supporting the BDS boycott

Really, without going to read the actual text, it sounds like it's aimed more at people supporting listed terror groups. Article is suspiciously too biased to learn any details.

CameraCode0 ago

Wait. Are you seriously saying that the BDS boycott is a terrorist group? Boycotting, divesting, and sanctioning Israel is terrorism?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

listed terror groups

The military wing of Hamas, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, has been listed as a terrorist entity since 2010. Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002.

The thin cover between the technicalities of different groups is as plausible as believing that antifa isn't an operation by the democrats.

As for that "quote", there is no source, and if you try to check the address the "misleading" article claims, you get this...

Not Found

The requested URL /index/jewish-senator-introduces-law-to-imprison-americans-for-criticizing-israel/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Verdict: Total Bullshit

If you want to read the actual text of the bill instead of mischaracterizations by some propagandist, here's the link: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1697

CameraCode0 ago

Hamas isn't BDS. If I boycott Israel, am I now a terrorist in your view?

The bill prohibits any U.S. person engaged interstate or foreign commerce from supporting:

any boycott fostered or imposed by any international governmental organization against Israel or any request by any international governmental organization to impose such a boycott.

Any US person engaged interstate or foreign commerce. What does that mean exactly? Who knows, it seems to be purposefully vague. Is simply owning a company that sells across state lines enough to fall under this bill? Even simply buying a product online is technically commerce. BDS is fostered or imposed by the UN, by the writer's of the bill definition at least, so any support of BDS by a citizen falls under this definition even if the citizens does not support the UN's fostering or imposing of it.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The way I read it is that there's a technical difference between boycotting Israel (or any other country friendly to the US...), and choosing not to do business with them. "Boycotting" Israel means supporting a spectrum of moslem terror groups, although the wording of the bill is more diplomatic.

As far as your business questions go, you can simply choose not to do business with Israel - for reasons unrelated to moslem terror groups (BDS) - and you'll be fine. It's the announcing you support the terrorists part where you'll potentially run into problems. This is what you get when you let jews run your government.

Fun fact: The 70s and 80s version of BDS against South Africa is what caused them to finally hand the country over to the niggers. Wouldn't be surprised if it was US jews promoting that boycott, although Israel was one of the only countries doing business with them.

Anarchy99 ago


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The article is. Seems a lot like jewish propaganda.

goatboy ago

This sort of crap always comes back to bite Jews in the ass. How many failures does it take to learn a lesson?

ForgottenMemes ago

jews are actually kind of dumb, that whole high IQ thing is a straight up lie made up in 2007 to cover for their nepotism. Their actual average IQ is ~95, which is almost 10 points lower than US whites who test at around 104.

Interestingly 95 IQ is the sweet spot for crime, you're just smart enough to be able to figure out a scam and just dumb enough to think you'll get away with it.

LaRiver ago

The ultimate wise people are the kind and loving people. IQ is for machines/robots.

ForgottenMemes ago

The ultimate wise people are the strong and just. All that peace and love hippie garbage was pushed on you to make you weak so you could be exploited and conquered.

redwing14 ago

Jews focus on finding the source of power and stealing it. And their mentality is figuring out the human mind and exploiting it. The best violinist is jewish, and its true he really is the best. But when you hear him play you realize he's playing the instrument to be violent and like the devil.. Another jew in a video described his sound as 'fire'. He has the skill set like all great violinist but he's truly targeting specific sounds like how the music in a scary movie plays with the mind.

Isreal probably gave misleading statistics.. Or someone changed it somewhere. So people can say jews are xyz and it shows up as 95. Maybe they do score low.. but they have really solid entrepreneurs.

Whites do not score at 104 but we are definitely pretty smart probably 100. The asians are at 103. And jews probably are at 108. Blacks are 85 lol.

ForgottenMemes ago

Whites do not score at 104 but we are definitely pretty smart probably 100. The asians are at 103. And jews probably are at 108. Blacks are 85 lol.

The US average is 99. With all the blacks and mexicans who do you think is accounting for the over 100 scores? If you isolate areas that are 95%+ Caucasian or look at just Caucasian test scores you'll see an average of 103 in areas like Alabama where schools suck and 104 in places like Maine and Wyoming. jew consistently test significantly lower than comparable Caucasians across the board for all IQ tests and IQ test standins such as SAT and MCAT.

jewish culture, like gypsies, is all about running scams. Often the scams are so obvious and the only reason they get away with it is because no one thinks anyone will be dumb enough to try something like that.

redwing14 ago

I doubt we score higher than asians. They score much better in university that they literally are like 50% of the students. I'd think we are about 100 iq. The national us average likely is 96 and they twisted the numbers to make niggers and mexicans look better. The same way jews twisted their israeli national iq.

ForgottenMemes ago

What kind of leftist bullshit is this? I'm talking about the actual objective test scores and you're all "blah blah blah, there are gooks in universities that any retard can get into, so they must be smart." Stop fagging around and rejecting data that doesn't conform to your feelings and start rejecting feelings that don't conform to the data.

Purged ago

Stop fagging around and rejecting data that doesn't conform to your feelings and start rejecting feelings that don't conform to the data.

What, are you some kind of wise guy? Feelings>>>>all else.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I dont think 95 is, I'm pretty sure its 92 or 93. I'm being pedantic but that's what I remember from journals/books

ForgottenMemes ago

Depends on who you include as a "jew" and which tests you look at. sephardi and ashkenazi may be in the high 90s. mizrahi are low 90s and ethiopian jews are in the high 60s.

Goys-R-Us ago

high 60s

wut, lol? My dog is 73.

ForgottenMemes ago

Your dog might be 73 when compared to other dogs.


Goys-R-Us ago

Brb, sending my dog to Ethiopia to start a bidness.

Purged ago

Problem is, it works for few decades, then the cattle get restless.

Bottled_Tears ago

I think no matter what, they will always be this way.

calcy454 ago

Problem is it only needs to work once out of 1000 attempts.

Anarchy99 ago

they aren't biting fast enough . . .

MaxineWaters ago

The Jewish senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, has introduced House Resolution 1697 – known as the Israel Anti-Boycott Act.

Ron Abbass needs a junior high civics class.

Anarchy99 ago

fuck the Jews. Can you say fuck the jews ?

MaxineWaters ago

I can say jews are evil and contrary to all of man and nature but that doesn't change the piss poor nature of OP's article.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If one were cynical, it's almost like this article would create people using easily defeated talking points against the bill.

MaxineWaters ago

The article starts off with an out right lie. The bill was introduce in 2017 by Rep. Roskam, Peter, there has been no other action on the resolution: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1697/actions

Every son of a bitch involved needs a good hanging, including OP. @Anarchy99 It's not hard to check sources before you post unless you are intentionally spreading bullshit.

Anarchy99 ago

You defend Israel and you are a traitor . This has been in the news, several times. The so called "holocaust denial" being enforced in Europe is along the same lines you circumsized fuck head.

MaxineWaters ago

At no point have I or will I defend jews. You are spreading bullshit that makes you and anybody that repeats your lies look stupid. The kikes and their enablers have sewn enough doubt and confusion and yet stupid fucks like you go on merrily helping them. You are fucking worthless to the White Race.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Ask yourself, who would want people criticizing Israel to be using easily disproven lies?

Anarchy99 ago

If you cannot call out the Jew, you are a traitor.

John 8:44-48 KJV

44 Ye are of your father the devil (Satan) and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth inhim. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 

46 Which of you  convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? 

47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. 

48 Then answered the Jews . . .


Evidence the Jews wanted Jesus dead

John 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

Luke 19:27 King James Version (KJV)

27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.


Tsilent_Tsunami ago

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

But in this case, the people criticizing Israel have been filled with misinformation, so they'll end up convincing people that criticism of Israel is bullshit.

Anarchy99 ago

you are an idiot . . .

MaxineWaters ago

The devil can recite scripture. Stop trying to hide.

Anarchy99 ago

fuck off jew monkey

MaxineWaters ago

You are the one spreading lies from some sand nigger named Abbas. Two lies don't make you White.