Nadeshda ago

Do you perhaps have a said screengrab of that IRC chat confession? Supa curious...

Which IRC chat too?

Nadeshda ago

I keep clicking on your title to see links and context but nothing shows, what you talking about? More info?

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Fuck off with your anti Soaphammer propaganda.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

just look at this whiny bitch post. You complain about other peoples uploads ... but this is the shit you post haha fuckin reject

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @TheBuddha.

Posted automatically (#61326) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crackrocknigga: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @TheBuddha)

BoraxTheFungarian ago

So, my guess is that you're one of them or you wouldn't care... Which leads me to believe that you're seeking some injunctive action which alters the functioning of voat to its detriment. Just a thought.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... hmmm interamesting...

Crackrocknigga ago

Btw whose alt are you?

Crackrocknigga ago

@clamhurt_legbeard you're right were friends sorry for saying your a piece of shit and sorry for letting everyone know that you got ass pounded by the rabbai and wont answer wpn 136 . In going to or whatever his site is so we can get married

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wont answer wpn 136

Can you finish translating this from Hebrew to English for us Americans?

Crackrocknigga ago right?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What about it?

Crackrocknigga ago

You own it

Crackrocknigga ago

Crackrocknigga ago

Sorry rabbai forgot you only spoke yiddish

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh, you're one of the shills pushing the fake shibboleth about nukes.

Israeli secret agents can talk about nukes. Jews lie all the time. Anybody who gives you a "sure fire" way to spot a Jewish agent is lying.

But if you are stupid enough to believe jidf can't talk about nukes, here's irrefutable proof I'm not Israeli.

SandHog ago

Are these 'admit Isreal has nukes' retards still going? Someone should make a list or something.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No. Who do you think they are?

They sell you a solution to finding Jewish agents, then make sure all their Jewish agents pass your screening.

SandHog ago

Most of the accounts pushing it seem to be less than a year old. Searching for the term 'nukes' turns up some posts within the last week. Searching the comments shows the trend goes back about a month.

Looks like it initially got started on Poal. So it's probably just Poaltard troll(s) and slow people that actually believe kikes would never lie on the internet. If you go to the Poal link you can see the user BuddhasTorch saying almost verbatim the exact same thing OP has in posts about a few different Voat users in an atempt to malign them. Probably the same faggot.

SandHog ago

Oops, pings don't work as edits.

@TheBuddha @Nosferatjew see above.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure I've been spanking them off and on for a few days, but I don't always remember usernames. I don't give a shit. I've run out of patience for the perpetually stupid. I think I did okay, holding out as long as I did. I'm all out of empathy.

SandHog ago

Yeah, it does wear on a person. Congrats on the grandbaby, btw.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I'm going back down to spoil the baby some more, next Monday. I have to be back by the next weekend after that, so I will have some more time.

If anyone complains, I'll buy a house down there and move. They don't want me as their neighbor!

I'm actually offering them bribes to move closer. I am not morally above bribery. No, no I am not.

SandHog ago

Haha. You could always buy a jet and spread some chemtrails instead!

TheBuddha ago

I've thought about getting my license and a small plane.

Then, I realize musicians and small planes is just a bad combination!

Actually, no... I don't want the additional hassle of owning a plane. Those fuckers suck a lot of time out of you. They're worse than boats.

SandHog ago

It's way easier and cheaper to make friends with a pilot!

TheBuddha ago

I do. I know a surprising number of pilots. So many people here own their own planes, it's easy to hitch a ride.

I've even landed and taken off. I've steered a plane quite a bit. (Note I don't say pilot!)

It's easy, so long as everything goes right. In fact, it's kinda hard to bump into stuff with these planes. You really have to work at it.

That is if everything goes right. I wouldn't even consider trying to run smoothly into the ground (landing) if there were a strong wind. I sure as shit wouldn't try it at night. I'd smash into stuff if I only had instrumentation. If something goes wrong, I'm probably gonna pee myself.

So, no... I'm not going to invest in becoming a pilot. I do cheat with air travel, however. I fucking commercial flights. Charter really isn't that expensive, if there's at least a small group of you. Even if it was, I still hate commercial flights with a passion.

SandHog ago

Commercial air travel has become the Greyhound of the skies. I pretty much just avoid flying anymore if at all possible.

TheBuddha ago

Charter and you even skip the TSA, so long as it is not leaving the US.

Worth every penny.

You were probably not here when I posted pics. I'm not digging them out again. It's not nearly as luxurious as people think. You have to get your own drinks! There's nobody there to serve you and they price the booze either comped as part of the price or worse rates than hotels!

SandHog ago

Naw, I didn't see any of the pics. That sounds barbaric! My father was a pilot when I was a kid so I got to fly on all sorts of different planes. It was pretty neat. I never got to break into the booze stash tho.

TheBuddha ago

The ones I've been on recently all had complimentary wifi, which was nice. I hadn't experienced that before. It'd been a few years since I needed a plane to take me anywhere outside of Maine. I can also bring my own booze with me, I suppose. It's not like they check and I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest it's not allowed. I have before, but only on little prop jobs. One of my buddies even owns an old military helicopter. It's one of the early UH-1 (maybe?) Huey things. I've been shitfaced every time I've been in that. I ain't doing that sober. It's always got something he needs to replace, and always a different something. "Yeah, that doesn't work!" I've heard that from him, or some variation, more than once.

SandHog ago

I've never flown in a chopper. That always seemed like it would be fun to me although a little sketchier than small aircraft. At least he isn't leaving random nuts and bolts laying around for you to find and ponder the meaning of! right before take off

TheBuddha ago

Oh, man. I have stories!

But a chopper falling out of the sky still has the friction of the rotors. They call it autorotation or something like that. It means that the crash might not kill you, if the rotors still spin smoothly.

It only compresses your spine and breaks your back!

SandHog ago

That happened to a guy my uncle knew a few years back. Fucked him up pretty good. From what I was told he was about 50 feet up and the engine died and he dropped like a rock. Might not have been high enough for the rotors to grab much of anything before it hit the ground. Either way, I'd much prefer to glide in a fixed wing if I had the choice!

TheBuddha ago

Per hour of flight, my understanding is that choppers are more safe. And, both are safer than automobiles, by a rather huge margin. They win per mile, too - at least planes vs automobiles. I couldn't compile the per mile stats for choppers to compare them back when I was interested in such.

SandHog ago

They very well could be. I've never compared planes vs helicopters. I flew a ton when I was a kid and only ever had one pants-shitting close call. We were in a little Cesna and had just taken off. Another plane took off a few minutes before us and for some unknown reason decided to make a loop around the airfield. We were coming up and next thing I know all I can see is this other plane filling up the front windshield. Fortunately my old man was good pilot and was able to react fast enough to roll the plane over and invert it. I bet the wheels of both planes damn near kissed as we passed underneath that asshole. It was that close.

TheBuddha ago

I have stories...

I once flew to an airport in Nepal that has a name I sure as fuck can't spell. It was on a plane with literal tape and bailing wire and the landing strip was like barely a few hundred feet long. I'm not sure how many, I didn't count. Oh, it was in the side of a mountain. As if it wasn't already a stupid idea,,,

I'm pretty much retarded.

There was a legit buffalo (not American bison that many call buffalo) on the plane.

Taking off was scarier than landing. They just rip right over a cliff and hope for the best. I guess it's killed some people. Go figure?

SandHog ago

Haha, that's pretty wild. Can't say I've ever flown with a buffalo before. At least not the four-legged variety.

TheBuddha ago

I really want to fly in a flying boat. No, not something with pontoons, something with a hull.

SandHog ago

TheBuddha ago

No, like British Airways or the PBY.

If you don't know what those are, they're fucking awesome is what they are.

SandHog ago

Those PBYs do look pretty sweet.

TheBuddha ago

They had so many guns that they bristled with then to the point of winning a sort of dogfight - multiple times.

I'm pretty sure I recall reading that the fat and slow PBY miraculously ended up with the Ace status. That's five kills by one gunner.

The Germans called them the porcupine.

Their ranges were exceptional. Flying boats were awesome. The old British Airways was a luxury ship, like luxury liners.

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh no,. I'm only worried about feds because they can criminally charge and red flag you.

Jews are just pathetic, even their "nazi hunting" was an outright myth

I think you're just trying to subvert for financial reasons to make money from

Crackrocknigga ago

Think about what you said

VicariousJambi ago

Wouldn't be surprised, kikes play both sides. Rules for thee and not for me and all of that shit.

Crackrocknigga ago

No, i'm just trying to act before they replace the ones they lost through ccp farm

Case in point @magnusveritas

VicariousJambi ago

Case in point @magnusveritas

What do you mean? How is this account suspect?

Crackrocknigga ago

Fyi, NOBODY was talking about this until i pointed it out

Be careful who sdbh convinces you is a "jew"

VicariousJambi ago

That doesn't really answer my question. I don't see what you mean about magnus. Are you saying magnus is a shill? A CCP farmer? Something else?

And what about them makes you say that?

Crackrocknigga ago

Yes that link

Crackrocknigga ago

He was reposting like a madman to convince everyone he was legit.

Was running some type of script to post comments but if you pay attention they kind of seem automated.

Posting unshielded Twitter links to gather IP and MAC info

Users such as @antiliberalsociety and @clamhurt_legbeard viscously attack me when I tried to question him on his behavior

Has been gone ever since I aired out his fuckery, just like @syriansfuckcorpses and @tendiesonfloor

clamhurt_legbeard ago

viciously attack me


Where did I attack you? Link.

VicariousJambi ago

He was reposting like a madman to convince everyone he was legit.

Was running some type of script to post comments but if you pay attention they kind of seem automated.

I just looked through his comment history and didn't see anything like that recently. Deleted? Seemed alright to me, got any specific examples?

Posting unshielded Twitter links to gather IP and MAC info

I agree that could be fuckery.

Users such as @antiliberalsociety and @clamhurt_legbeard viscously attack me when I tried to question him on his behavior

I don't know anti liberal, but clam is one of those sbbh faggots.

Has been gone ever since I aired out his fuckery, just like @syriansfuckcorpses and @tendiesonfloor

I posted a comment somewhere else. I was looking at putts account to see if hes posted anything recently and looks like syrian changed names or something.

Here it is again

Notice molyjew gone from the front page?

Name sounds familiar.

Makes you wonder

Usually why I don't pay attention to whos who. I treat it like /b/, each post / comment stands on its own to me.

Crackrocknigga ago

I want to reinvent myself

Wow syrian is shapeshifting, fucking great find

Crackrocknigga ago

Molyjew = Stephan molyneux. I think his Twitter was a honeypot

VicariousJambi ago

That guy on twitter thats gotten ridiculously based recently?

Why do you say he's a honeypot? Just cause he's naming the Jew? You could use that excuse to say anyone is a honeypot. Usually the "honeypots" are more controlled opposition. They don't outright name the Jew. They shift blame to something else like muslims or dont mention the whole truth, like infowars.

Plus there's that whole zero day bullshit. If the kikes really want to find out who you are they already can at the hardware level. They don't need to dick around with twitter links.

Not that I'm saying don't protect yourself, but this isn't like it was 5 years ago. At this point I think there's really too many people that know for them to stop us.

Crackrocknigga ago

Plus there's that whole zero day bullshit. If the kikes really want to find out who you are they already can at the hardware level. 

Of course they know who we all are.

But , listen.

To red flag you it must appear LEGAL.

"Good guy Stephan molyneux posed as evil white supremacist, actually helped MAGA!" -CNN news

Can't you see it? Not everything is shadowy actions. They figure out what the fuck you're doing first, then use tricks to make your takedown look legal. It's been going on since the IRS took down Capone.

VicariousJambi ago

Ah I get what you're saying. I don't really think it's going to get that far, though. I think enough people are waking up, and I don't just stay in this voat bubble. I go an redpill on reddit and shit too. Whether you think trump is a kike or not, hes woken the public up to the possibility that they're being lied to by the MSM. It's not that far of a leap to show the people who owns the media and go from there.

And if it does get that far, we're the gun owners. Most people are aware that the government is corrupt as fuck now too, so you at least will probably be a martyr.

Crackrocknigga ago

And if it does get that far, we're the gun owners. Most people are aware that the government is corrupt as fuck now too, so you at least will probably be a martyr.

There were lots of martyrs in the german SS , in the battle of stalingrad. How are they remembered?

All i'm trying to do is help people be safe, and not assume everything here is to be trusted.

The sdbh cabal, federal influencers, and NGOs such as jidf make up about 50% at least of front page content. People deserve to know

VicariousJambi ago

There were lots of martyrs in the german SS , in the battle of stalingrad. How are they remembered?

Times aren't exactly the same, access to information is way easier nowadays.

All i'm trying to do is help people be safe, and not assume everything here is to be trusted.

Thats a good thing, I think people around here have gotten kind of sleepy.

The sdbh cabal, federal influencers, and NGOs such as jidf make up about 50% at least of front page content. People deserve to know

If you really want to convince people whos a shill and not you need to have direct evidence, or a lot of coincidences. Like "this person is a shill and this series of screen shots is why" type of thing, and do that for each account. Really just lay out the evidence. Simply linking them and asking "isn't that suspicious?" isn't really good enough. Something like that isn't good enough to convince people the kikes are behind everything, you need to show them a shit ton of evidence before they do.

If I were to do something like that showing people who's a shill or not I'd have a folder for each account, with sub folders in each categorized by things like suspect posts, various types of shill comments, etc. and dump it all in a thread without telling people what you're doing.

Really inconvenient that voat can't be archived right now.

Crackrocknigga ago

antiliberalsociety ago

A very accurate thought. He is the queen of projection. He's like a Sanegoat 2.0. His overall purpose is to stir the pot and induce some reddit tier mod intervention to stop the spam and harassment. He didn't start till after the DDoS.

He has much to learn about Voat.

MarauderShields ago

If you'd been following events you'd have spotted the hidden messages that lie within sdbh that they are sliding.

It's not voaters posts they're sliding, it's their own. It appears encrypted coms got broken and for whatever reason, voat is now being used as their piggy.

Pay closer attention.

Nadeshda ago

Really, like what, I am new there want to know what I am missing...

antiliberalsociety ago

Only a faggot pays any attention to those shit subs

MarauderShields ago

You see, it's so easy to just say a number and move on with life.

Sure, later you'll post somewhere about "oh, you know those faggot loonies CRN and Marauder, they think that the Israeli nuke question really works, lol, fucking tards... lol"

But that's the problem, you see. You don't just humor us tards, say a number, then move on so we can feed our little fantasy.

You don't.

Or can't.

For some ridiculous reason, this shit test works on some vectors. That is it works unless, you can tell us all how many nukes Israel has. Actually, do that, and make me officially the tard.

BTW, are you good buddies with ex-redd and oldones too, or is it just a cohencidence that all that other shit is flying back and forth on sdbh?

London is still up in the air, everyone knows aged is still at large.

antiliberalsociety ago

You dipshits think that works, and any time someone doesn't answer immediately you think it's proof positive that it works. This is what makes you retards tards. You are falling for a faggot LARP willfully. I'm not going to say a number because I want you to waddle in your delusional paranoia. You think you are so important that mossad would give a flying fuck what you say, think, or do? lol.

MarauderShields ago

Pfffft... who's talking about mossad?

Man, you really missed the boat, huh.

Go read the WPN missive CRN posted. Come back here when you're done.

antiliberalsociety ago

I've read it. It's a larp.

Crackrocknigga ago

Hes a shill, always shows up when I discuss this

antiliberalsociety ago

Quit talking to yourself

Crackrocknigga ago


I want you to see this before he deletes it

antiliberalsociety ago

10.6 hours have gone by and I just saw your comment. You failed to archive before, do it now. In case mossad tries to cover their alt tracks again. Remember, there's trackers in the text making up your username, it can be seen remotely for 10+ years tying your real life identity to this one, and if you think that can't show up on a background check, THINK AGAIN!

Crackrocknigga ago

Did you know clamhurt owns

antiliberalsociety ago

Never heard of that site, seeing all those comments I'd guess you're his advertising firm. Also, your comments were removed yet you're a mod there also. You can simply undo it unless you're playing victim.

Crackrocknigga ago

I just got added after he got shoah'd by another mod. Too bad for you, I was about to quit because I will not be fuvking censored for telling the truth.

He does own it, and is a snake in the grass.

I don't have time to continue my holy crusade but my eye is still on you.

Im not sure if you are jidf or just really stubborn at this point, I honestly can't tell you haven't given me much except backtracking and deleting comments.

I shall see if you show up the next time I call out a shill.

MarauderShields ago

Smells like Jew in here. You can tell because when they get up close their breath smells of foreskin.

TheBudhha ago

What's an alt?

70times7 ago

Something jew cowards use to inflate their presence.

Crackrocknigga ago

Not only that, more scary is that they stifle real content on /r/new

european ago

Maybe voat should implent some sort of verification by national id , passport or driving license so we can be sure there are no alts in use.

ExpertShitposter ago


On a serious note, if you banned the use of more than 1 alt via IP, 90% of people couldn't be bothered to circumvent that, and some wouldn't know how. My only problem with that is that some users make harmless joke accounts, and this would prevent them from doing that. For example, all the nigger rifle company accounts that were created as a response against that jew CEO that threatened putt with a lawsuit.

capnflummox ago

Non-alts use the Oxford Comma... Just sayin'.