RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Glow in the dark

HbMcNutt ago

Its the shills, man.

TheTrigger ago

Very common doxing technique. Link to stuff you control, mine the hits / browser headers / cookies, as they come in. That's why I block all CSS and never click links to weird URLs unless in a tor'd VM.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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WickedVocalist ago

I broadcast mine.

I wanna hear the dod fire every night.

Crackrocknigga ago

Would you mind making a post on web security? People need it here. I'll spam the fuck out of it

Adam_Jensen_ ago

TheTrigger ago

Maybe. Part of it is that it's an arms race, if you catch my drift. The other part is that I'm more secure, the less I say. Thirdly: fuck you, I have other shit to do. That being said: maybe, and if I ever do, I'll tag you.

Crackrocknigga ago

Haha calm down I didnt demand it, just said If you wouldn't mind it would help people. They really don't know shit

TheTrigger ago

I edited the comment; it came off a bit harsher than I meant. That's pretty much exactly what I was getting at, cheers.

Apoplastic ago

Wait, I should be blocking CSS? I have my browser locked down pretty hard, but I didn't know this was a thing. I use half a dozen extensions, including umatrix. Any link to info, other than they can get my IP? I have a vpn.

TheTrigger ago

The custom CSS on some of voat's subs pull the images from third party hosts. Some are hosts which malicious people own and they do this specifically to dox people in the manner described above.

parnellsUprising ago

No, css is simply style sheets.

You can try and block scripts, but that is more of a pain than it is worth imho, especially if you are already using a vpn.

boomersarecylons ago

You can link to an img hosted elsewhere from css. You can mine passwords with psedo selectors. You can do lots of sneaky things.

Apoplastic ago

Wow, thanks. I did not know this. I gave up on web dev years ago. I do embedded stuff now. CSS3 sounds scary. I'll check it out.

Fuckyounigger ago

CSS is a separate request to the server apart from the html file so if it isn’t blocked then the server can see the hit

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Same with all these faggots that keep linking blogspot.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

He refuses to answer the nuke question.

LordSporkington ago

This still.... I don't believe it. Foreign intelligence would use this to eradicate the CIA. Sounds like the "If you're a cop, you have to tell me." myth.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Perform some retarded act for me... OR YOU'RE A JEW!


TheGrandMaster ago

It's simple, does Isreal have nukes?

20365717? ago

Yes. Samson option.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Do I seem like a person to panders to retards?

TheGrandMaster ago

You seem like you're glowing

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If I have the meme right, I'm a CIA employee because I scoff at a retarded "purity test" based on a ludicrous internet meme? I'm more than fine with that. Do you think I care what niggers think of me? Do you think I care what nigger-tier white people think of me? Nah, both are definitely in the category of the excess 4 billion people on this planet who need to go.

TheGrandMaster ago

Okay, glownigger

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Pffft, [some insult]

life_is_earnest ago

wow, you still didn't answer the question :)

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'm a CIA employee because I scoff at a retarded "purity test" based on a ludicrous internet meme?

I don't pander to morons.

life_is_earnest ago

It is just funny, thats all, that you won't answer it.

Saying "you don't pander to morons" is more pandering than a simple yes/no or 200/400 or whatever format the answer should be in.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

What reason would I possibly have to pretend I don't think that's one of the dumbest memes I've heard this year?

life_is_earnest ago

reason? I don't know. But my reason is to keep this going now, to see how long you keep replying without answering the question.

You are stubborn, I respect that, but geeez man... calling it a dumb meme when it is clearly working some magic on you is bizzaro

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If I rejected a request to demonstrate my non-jewishness by doing a public chicken dance, would the chicken dance be working some kind of magic on me? Not only does it not make any sense, it sounds like something that would spread among high school students.

Really seems like an attempt to match the insanity of the left.

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

Fuck man, warn me to put on sunscreen before you glow that hard.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If I didn't care about messing up my current Amazon tabs and recommendations, I'd link you to a case of sunscreen. The right is losing because (the inclusive) 'we' have no standards. A shitload of us literally worship jews. Another chunk are sub-intelligent. The remainder are a hodgepodge of conflicting beliefs about reality, and what should be done. Then there are the kids who lack any relevant life experience. This is the jews to lose.

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

The "right" has not lost. It has just woken up.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I know some people have, but "the right"? Sure, there are right-leaning sites on the internet. But what about in real life? In my society, I see every aspect of our culture and function being controlled by hand-rubbers, which is increasing daily.

Total control is happening far faster than people are noticing it.

Anoxim ago

It's like 200 or so right?

TheGrandMaster ago

I'm not sure how many nukes isreal has but they definitely have nukes