THSenior ago

They wish

fluhthreeex ago

Did you watch?

THSenior ago

My friend, Israel has lost every battle they themselves have fought. They learned their lesson after Germany annihilated them. They realized they needed other to fight their battles. I'm sure thay have some advanced weaponry. I'm sure that their nukes are worthless, stuxnet and all the others raped them. They have no nuclear capabilities at the moment, they were all fiat anyway.

fluhthreeex ago

Israel? Worthless nukes due to stuxnet? wtflol?

THSenior ago

Israel was planning on using Irans nukes, which were given to them by Obama.

fluhthreeex ago

man. what? where are you getting this info? this is the biggest wtf i've heard in a long time.

THSenior ago

Of course it is, but that’s because you’re a fucking retard - not because it’s inaccurate information.

derram ago :

Israel has 200 nuclear weapons ‘all targeted on Tehran’ - Colin Powell email leak - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Strontium_Dawg ago

They have no love for Mecca?

MrPim ago

That seems like a retarded thing to do. Yeah no worries about the rest of the world. And what about that Samson Option thing?

thebearfromstartrack ago

Isn't that REALLY stupid? How many does it take? Are they stupid mini weapons? WHAT would be their objective? How about 1 BIG one?

123456butts ago

If Israel has no nukes we can invade them and not worry about getting nuked.

If Israel has nukes, we should invade them to get their weapons of mass destruction into non-terrorist hands.