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Anon331717 ago

What is a DOD shill?

fluhthreeex ago

Many of them are very funny. But they do this for a living.... and that's where they get you into tolerating and even "growing fond" of them. Maybe even wanting to think they're the "good guys".

When you realize the "Defense" budget goes towards paying their salaries, healthcare, and pensions, that they do this on all "social networks": Reddit, Twitter, Voat, FB, 4/8chan, Dating Apps, LinkedIn, Video Games, Chat Systems (from AIM to IRC) etc, that their intent is to divide and conquer the population (distract them from the reality that it is the corruption that holds the country back, and that they are agents of that corruption--all paid for by you and me), that they do this a number of ways: by increasing the volatility and extremism online and thus in real life, by being agent provocateurs within groups and promoting content and ideas that will get the group banned from the platform or lead towards violence (they are also of course at the same time posting on Antifa forums and chat apps), and lastly in this list at least that their activities range from what you see here to the most vile, outrageous, and extreme actions this country does (supporting the CIA and working with the Mossad in getting the White Helmets prepared to stage False Flag "chemical attack first responder" videos for Western Media consumption (and Trumps immediate expenditure of billions of dollars on warheads unleashed on innocent Syrian populations--a shit-ton of civilian buildings and other infrastructure were hit during the several strikes), you start to develop an understanding that it's social engineering. They're still, as @bb22 said, Kike Traitors.

NiggerFaggot187 ago


CapinBoredface ago

What counts as a DoD shill?

It is possible to support the people fighting without agreeing with what they are fighting for.

Morbo ago

On Voat, anyone who OP thinks is a shill. That's always how it goes. There are no measurable standards for it and there is never any proof that anyone called a shill actually is. It's always just a game with no winners or losers. Might as well just call everyone niggerfaggotkikes because at least that is real on Voat.

fluhthreeex ago

If you can't tell who the shills are you are behind. Persona Management Software is real and active. Look it up. If you're going to pretend that they're not here you're either ignorant or one of them. Look it up and pay more attention. Yes, you can spot them.

fluhthreeex ago

@captainboredface sorry, forgot to bing you in the adove

XSS1337 ago

I'm looking at one right now faggot.

fluhthreeex ago

funny, your on a list of known ones so you're blocked and i had to come here to see this

XSS1337 ago

Hahahahaha not a single source you mutilated cunt rot .

I’m on lists alright , lists of people that have fucked your mother kike.

bb22 ago

You spelled "Mossad" wrong.

fluhthreeex ago

The "Mossad Internet Armie"? Really? You'd propose Syria has the unlimited budget for shti like that?

bb22 ago

Mossad's budget comes from Syria now?

fluhthreeex ago

wut. oh. assad. massad. massadalekeum.

bb22 ago

Glad you clarified that for me.