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Raxotic ago

8ch experienced an attack this weekend and the site operator said whoever it was had deep pockets. Was wondering if Voat was next.

PuttItOut ago

Voat endured a ~30 day DDOS previously (among countless others). I know who did it and 'deep pockets' is an understatement.

MadWorld ago

Time for some lecture from Professor @PeaceSeeker, Voat's historian.

PeaceSeeker ago

On the very day that the database Port attempt #1 began, the DDOS attacks began. This led (or at least largely contributed) to the initial failure of the Port. Here is another record of that day, recounting some of the errors we experienced accessing Voat.

Putt then followed up with an announcement about the attacks, originally posting on the 2nd of October (just over a year ago). He periodically revisited the sticky to edit-in updates (five times, it appears). As you can see, the last edit was made on the 27th of October, almost a full month after the attacks began, and as Edit 5 states, *even then the attacks were not over. Here is my account of the attacks themselves; these were the attacks, if I recall correctly, which led to Voat's removing of the searchbar, killing of Voat Chat, and disabling many inactive subverses (see here where Putt cites the "last DDOS attack on Voat" as the cause for disabling subverses).

In other words, the last time Voat was hit with a major DDOS attack it lasted a month, it was so severe that it could only possibly be financed with someone with insane amounts of resources (a billionaire, a government, or the international finance system itself, which as we all know has actively sought Voat's demise), the attacks threw off Voat's initial attempts at porting Voat's database and delayed the Port by more than a month (see reference to port not being 100% deployed), and we are still feeling the ramifications of those attacks to this day.

We are around the anniversary of the last attacks; I hope they are not this time so severe, especially if Putt says it's a bad time for him. I recall being very annoyed last time at the timing, and this time is no better.

For those who may be curious: /u/kevdude, /u/Crensch, /u/Germ22, /u/Nadeshda, /u/Vindicator

MadWorld ago

@Raxotic, see parent, regarding last major attack.