c_anthony ago

I'd like /v/StardewValley and /v/yiffcomics please. I'd also like to take over ownership/moderation since they are currently dead.

Dismal_Swamp ago

@PuttItOut I know I'm late to this post but I'm trying to open up /v/PipeTobacco again. It's been closed for a long while and reddit is banning all the vice subs. If you can find the time i would appreciate it. We need to bring more people to voat and bring some life into random subs that just seem to die.

daskapitalist ago

Please reinable /v/goldandblack

It'll be great to have an Ancap subverse here

Venturer ago

/v/gunsforsale please, give some some of these redditfags a new home

derrick81787 ago

I know this is an old thread, but can you re-enable /v/BrassSwap? I want to try and get it going again, maybe this time getting some additional moderators on the mod team to help me out. I modded /r/BrassSwap on Reddit until it got banned, and I planned to do the same here but got busy and wasn't active in either place for a while. Now that /r/BrassSwap is banned, I'm hoping to be able to migrate that user base over here.

NeedleStack ago

@PeaceSeeker this isn't resolved yet because there are still requests pending (I and others have returned to this post to request certain subs be enabled and they haven't yet). Please check the new comments to see them. Thanks!

HorseIsDead ago


Blocking is supposed to make you not see submissions, comments, and messages from a user, correct? It's not working for me.

NeedleStack ago

@Puttitout folks are still requesting subs get re-enabled. Would you please have your crack crew help us? Thank you!

NeedleStack ago

/v/luddite please

LaBeerHen ago

MacHinery ago

Thank you.

Smartech ago

Unblock the awesome sub /v/DarwinAward

NeedleStack ago

https://voat.co/v/BugID is another one, thanks!

NeedleStack ago

IForgotMyPassword_ ago

I'd quite like to see the return of /v/sketchrequest and /v/VoatGetsDrawn if I'm not too late - thanks Putt!

ena9219 ago

Some_Guy_from_RI ago

Not sure if you're still taking requests but I wouldn't mind seeing /v/publicdomainmovies back online.

Disappointed ago

Let's see if he's checking his pings this week. @PuttItOut this sub was recommended to be disabled by Cynabuns for commercial spam, one of the first that was disabled by her back in the day: https://voat.co/v/shirtwascash/new. As you can see in the sidebar the sole purpose of the sub is to sell t-shirts. Kevdude was making a joke about it because Haredeenee is a mod there and also one of the controversial mods who took over v/canada (although he's not selling his t-shirts on that sub yet). See parent comments for context.

TL:DR: sub was disabled for breaking the "personal use only" rule on Voat long ago and is now enabled again.

Disappointed ago

https://voat.co/v/shirtwascash/new Lmao I think your comment got this sub enabled.

NeedleStack ago

https://voat.co/v/designrequest is another one I just remembered.

HorseIsDead ago



Pls to re-enable? Thanks bud


EatFoodAndLive ago

v/silverbugs and v/crh please

Garbalon ago

Cool, I was wondering why you were doing that...

mollyringworms ago

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

I'm new head mod at v/politics... Just do it.

Lopsid ago


It's my sub and I think it was disabled because I didn't continue adding to it but I hope you'll still look at it. Thanks.

antiracist ago


EdSnowden ago

turtlesarepureevil ago

V/recommend would like it back

JustGuessing ago

I've been busy with real life lately, haven't really had time to contribute but here's a request to get v/discussvoat reactivated. Hopefully you all had a happy new year, glad to see the site is still standing.

zombielordzero ago


thank you for your time.

nay-nah ago

Broc_Lia ago

Will the subverses eventually be reenabled? If so I'm not in any particular hurry. If they're being permanently deleted I wouldn't mind getting /v/bugfights back.

PuttItOut ago

Yes, I'm going to process them all at once so trying to give everyone a bit of time before I do it.

antiracist ago

Hey dickhole how about ever removing my posting limit fag?

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Broc_Lia ago

Yes as in they'll be permanently deleted?

TheBuddha ago

Please delete sub:


Muchos gracias!

sakuramboo ago

"Debate me, coward faggot!"

Oh, good times. Good times.

HST ago

Cry harder faggot! Get that sand out of your pussy!

chags ago

@HST was TOTALLY HUMILIATED in the last debate. Check the video to see him being ANNALY RAPED and CRYING LIKE A BABY. Join us @ manhood101.com to learn how to debate like a real man. Or something like that.

HST ago

I even got an alt of theirs named after me. It was something like u/hst_fails

And you were pretty spot on

beece ago

Please enable /guns


Libertyisgood ago

thanks for the update, good info. Hope things get better, I love this place!

coldacid ago

/v/LightNovels please.

StickGirl ago

https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/947012 this one is coming up as disabled. Can't see the pics.

Atarian ago

Adminstrater ago


It doesn't need to be re-enabled for at least another year and a half. I used up my best material, so far.

endlesspreps ago

I would like my subverse /v/BeSurvival turned back on please.

guinness2 ago

Hi Putt,

Can you enable /v/SomeoneShouldCreate for me? I use it for testing CSS changes for production subs.

harmlessgryphon ago

So that's why some rather innocuous subverses like jobs and selfhosted show as disabled. I wondered what nefarious things they could have done to receive a ban...

NeverRelevant ago

Could I get v/z0r restored? Much love mah goat.

Alopix ago

Why not set them to closed/mod-only posting etc instead of breaking them?

gramman74 ago

/v/subverserequest Not disabled. but sure could use some attention. You have requests damn near a year old not filled

Disappointed ago

Lmao. Didn't he try to say he only was advertising one shirt because he liked the design?

https://archive.is/Ngc7d https://archive.is/mhuCO boy sure does love his t-shirts.

LlamaMan ago

/v/mealtimevideos - /v/RIPgaming - /v/pipemaking ---- please please and thank you thank you

Wuttier ago

@PuttItOut - I'd like to request and mod /v/Gaslighting (also requested a month ago on https://voat.co/v/subverserequest/2289886)*)

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Isn't this thread for reactivation, not transfers? I've been waiting close to a year for v/AlternateHistory

Wuttier ago

Can't tell because it's disabled. So I thought, since PuttItOut put the topic in a sticky, I might as well ask for it again.

penisse ago

Hello Puttitout

From my own list:

You can delete these (so I can apply to moderate others as I reached the cap):

WhiteRonin ago


v/Resolutions (if somebody wants this I will transfer it)

weezkitty ago

11767653? ago

Ina_Pickle ago

Dear Voat Dev Team :) These are my subs that were disabled. I do NOT want them back. I never did anything with them. They were a complete waste of space. Please feel free to completely delete these three. Get them off muh list please! I would demod myself, but I don't have the access. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about these subs.

v/DELETED v/Earworm v/Mindsoap

Ina_Pickle ago

Okay... it does not allow me to do so because the sub is disabled.

heygeorge ago

You need to replace the asterisks with your subverse name, and then paste it into your browser. This has worked for other users.

Ina_Pickle ago

Please. I am not that incompetent. I wouldn't even acuse sangoat of not understanding how a URL works.
I am getting a message after attempting to remove myself as mod, not after attempting to reach the page.

heygeorge ago

Lol. The reason I am confused it that it reportedly worked for other users.

Ina_Pickle ago


Dylan_Klebold ago

It's PuttItOut's real name.

Ina_Pickle ago

Dear Putt, the Deaf sub has been disabled for awhile now, and is now completely invisible. Before when I tried to reach that subverse I got a message saying to contact you if I was the owner. Now I get a message saying it doesn't exist and to create it. But when I try to create it, I get a message saying that the Deaf subverse exists.

Could you please release it to me or whoever else you think appropriate. Thanks.

turtlesarepureevil ago

You have to say it louder.

Skyrock ago

Odor? What has odor to do with hard hearing? The sense of smell is still fine.

Ina_Pickle ago

Hardee har har. Have an upvoat ya ass.

dtch ago

chrishughesou812 ago

I forget my password, do the reset my password thing, then wait on my verification email that NEVER comes. Wtf?

dtch ago

inthemickoftime ago

/v/pissing, please

MasterShitposter ago

and v/piss and v/pee maybe.

Artofchoke ago

scrimmmy ago

Can I have /v/minipainting please Putt?

Sigurdtheold ago

Slayfire122 ago

Please demod me from /v/fixit and /v/10hours. I don't care if they remain disabled due to lack of activity. Also, there's better subverses out there. Unless someone speaks up, my request stands.

Also, thanks for all your hard work. I really appreciate it.

Reddit_traitor ago

I'll take fixit.... Seems like a good place to post fixit videos.

heygeorge ago

If your request hasn't been granted, @disappointed knows a link you can type to make this happen:


Insert subverse name where the asterisks are.

Smartech ago

I would like /v/Headphones activated back.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yes please. I am always looking for better headphones within budget.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago


Ina_Pickle ago

99.9% of the time. Someone in my house is always breaking a pair.

Memorexem ago

/v/Memorexia and /v/HonestCarnisauras please! I've actually got stuff to post now! Lol

Thank you, Putt!

Edit - And Team. Thank you Putt and Team.

odinist ago

I made /v/poee. I almost never used it, but Eris would be super pissed if I don't get it back. Fnord.

BigFatDaddy ago

No, that 'verse is only for the prettiest one. You can't have it back.

Fambida ago

I would like /v/roguelikes and /v/dcss re-enabled please. And if the mod is absent, I requested to takeover roguelikes in subverserequest.

Cheesebooger ago

Why wont they leave us alone? damn. I bet its me, isn't it

PuttsDad ago

Forgive my poor speculative advice in the earlier thread re disabled subs.

lopan ago


oftotc ago

I would like my namesake revived if you please, sir. /v/oftotc

From time-to-time, as opportunity arises, I just like to say, "Thanks for the website, dude." It's crazy that folk complain about the services this site hands out with an anon login. Your service to us via this place is remarkable. Thanks, dude.

MacHinery ago

v/osint if you'd be so kind.

Titus-of-Voat ago

That's awesome but what about sub ownership requests? I had one requested 4 months ago and it was never addressed. I don't assume that you would make this a high priority, but is there really no one else it can be delegated to?

middle_path ago

v/Taoism, and v/evol - please!

voatHatesTheFirst ago

they were being used as an attack vector against us.

Prove that, liar.

Rifle ago

/v/TopSecret so I can be unmodded. Not a big deal though.

/v/progmetal Not mine but I liked the sub. /v/progressivemetal as well, although I think it was smaller, I don't remember.

heygeorge ago

Unmod yourself with this link:


Insert your subverse name in place of the asterisks.

sakuramboo ago

What if I don't want to keep a subverse that has been disabled?

EDIT: Or, what if I want to take one over that the original owner has left?

Anoxim ago

Is there a way to create my own custom Set?

totes_magotes ago

/AlanWatts is disabled. I also have a subverse request in for that. Can’t fulfill requirements if it’s disabled.

malloryquinn ago

I recently found out about Alan through some video game. Womanizer, alolcoholic and philosoper. Sounds good man.

heygeorge ago

v/heygeorge really has little purpose to exist, and potentially more purpose not to exist. However, I'd like to keep it.

You should probably revive @Failure's CSSDump so I can scrape it.

v/SoapboxBanhammer is most certainly a disabled sub, but we seem to have escaped your twitchy grasp because of "traffic".

Failure ago

CSSDump has been enabled, which is good

heygeorge ago

This is very good. My subs remain disabled. Frankly, just about every one I'm a part of (in one fashion or another).

PuttsDad ago

v/SoapboxBanhammer is most certainly a disabled sub

In that case we are eligible for a welfare check from the NZ govt.

heygeorge ago

Mark us down, papa! I will start listing the 'verse as a dependent on my tax returns.

Disappointed ago

@JustGuessing - don't reply to this comment, reply to the submission directly

bluntripkin ago

love ya putt no homo

Reverse-Flash ago

that's a weird name for a subverse.

bluntripkin ago

ya im gunna start the /v/nohomo sub lol

Owlchemy ago

None ... but would like to be able to remove the disabled subs from my user subscriptions list. I can't do it as it works now and am stuck with them. Not a big deal, but annoying.

Diper ago

@heygeorge gives a solution and @owlchemy updates his post to let people know.

This is teamwork folks, the kind they should teach kids in school !

heygeorge ago

Owl, I believe there is a way to do this from your subscribed list. Although perhaps you have already tried.

Owlchemy ago

Thanks man! Yes ... you are correct. I didn't realize you could do that! You are now a Voat Goat hero to many and deserve a badge! Bask in the glory!

heygeorge ago

You're welcome! @PuttItOut please see this important memo ^^^^^ from @Owlchemy:

You are now a Voat Goat hero to many and deserve a badge! Bask in the glory!

Rotteuxx ago

@Puttitout, hold my beer, I got this !

Georgy ol'boy ! I've had this last available sample run keychain with your name on it for months now but you never PMed me a shipping address, it's worth much more than a mere digital badge !

I don't know what you had to do to convince @I-am-me to pass it up so you could get it (A lot of us would love to know btw), but I'm sure you'd hate for someone else to get it after doing that !

heygeorge ago

YES! I believe I was also promised a full-size goat. :D We will PM shortly to do this deal.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

Oh, this isn’t about subverses for the disabled. My bad.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Reminds me of D ALi G show... about the Youth in Asia coming over hear killing our old people LOL

XxSanityIsSanityxX ago

Remove the Disabled HUZZAH!

Wait, I'm doing this right aren't I ????

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

Sounds good to me.


making atko jokes in an admin thread


Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I’ll make jokes wherever I can. Dumb bass.


You fucking son of a fish, your scales arent as thick as you think they are

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

I got nothing. Cheers!


Mmm another beer

JohnCStevensonSB ago

You have been reported for ableism. It’s this type of rhetoric that causes Voat to be DDOSed. Don’t be surprised if these attacks continue unless Justin Chastain cleans up his act.

markrod420 ago

lol direct threats from the leaders of your retarded organization. interesting. you mean unless he takes away this open platform for people to share ideas? what a disgusting person you are. i hope one day some patriot discovers who you are, comes to your house, and hangs you for the treason that you commit here every day. no it wont be me, and no thats not a threat. its a hope. i hope you are killed slowly and painfully for the treason you commit against the american people every day.

adhdferret ago

Cleans up his act? Who the fuck are you to criticize anyone for their actions? Are you perfection?

No you piece of shit you are no better than anyone else snowflake. Different just like everyone else. Really wish your bottom dwelling parasites would just stay in the basement with your used sex toys and dildos that have had so much use they look like melted 2 liter coke bottles.

You are unwanted and unilaterally despised all across this site. Does that make you feel accomplished? That you can make everyone somewhere hate you? Is that what makes you happy?

I don't get it and likely never will.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

You don't get it because you don't understand the mind of a troll. Trolls like JCS do what they do just to get a rise out of people. They feed off your outrage and your overreaction. Responses like yours are why they keep trolling, because they got the excitement of making someone upset and react to their comment.

Check out some of the reddit trolls of legend, you might start to understand: dw-im-here dwimback FabulousFerd Shanondoa

Want to get them to leave? Get everyone to ignore them completely. No downvoats, no replies, nothing. Starve them of the attention they crave, and they'll move elsewhere.

adhdferret ago

Oh I get that. Thing is they worm there way in just like they have with various subs through the years. I been here since puttitout and I seen them all. This is what they do. They fester like an open wound and if they are not getting the attention they hijack subs like they did with Chicago and niggers in the past. They all.ost did it with the_donald a while back.


Really need to look at user names more often.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

Thanks John. I take your reporting as a compliment.

dooob ago


@JohnCStevensonSB (ShareBlue) was caught upvote farming by attacking himself in the comments.

This is the purpose of the account.

BlockMe ago

Reported for doxxing.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Probably people who suspect you're his alt attacking yourself for points.

*see the newer sister comment.

BlockMe ago

Yeah, I guess.

everlastingphelps ago

That would be pretty much all of them, if we count mental disability.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yeah well, mine's a mental ability. (or so I like to believe)

recon_johnny ago

Is this related to a chan? We're fucked if so.

WeekendBaker ago

And if you can’t count at all might still be mental.

Kromulent ago

/v/autoknives, please.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Am imaging this is an alternative to those autoflamethrowers they have in South Africa. "Ha! Pincushioned!"

harddrive ago

I must say. /v/TheVoatConfessional is just fine ;)


Oh my God I am going to start posting there.

harddrive ago

I hope everyone can use it to feel better.

PuttItOut ago

That css is top notch

Grifter42 ago

Hey, why don't you re-enable Voat Chat?

PuttItOut ago

The tech stack we ported to does not have an implementation yet for sockets. It is being developed right now and all the code in Voat is still there so hopefully soon.

Grifter42 ago

Hey, Putt. Why don't you fucking tell me why you let the same fucking people who spammed chat to death run the site now?

Was it fuckin' bug testing when they spammed Woody's Got Wood ad nauseam in Chat?

I doubt you'll answer with anything of substance.

You'll prattle off some more fuckin' technojargon.

PuttItOut ago

Guy, I'd love to answer your questions but every time I do you think I'm lying to you. Everything I've ever told you was true.

But you refuse to believe me so you might as well stop bothering me.

Grifter42 ago

You always fuckin' dodge the question, like you just did.

Cut the shit, Justin.

Grifter42 ago

That's bullshit.

The same people who spammed the fuck out of Voat chat and "forced your hand" are the same people who do your debugging.

adhdferret ago

Do you ever wonder why these people are so goddamn persistent?

I know I do.

Grifter42 ago

How's your circle jerk coming, sell out?


***"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"***


Give him a break, a man's gotta make his dinner.

harddrive ago

Lmao thanks Putt! I hope it isn't true you are controlled by nefarious people! I don't really know how you could be honest without endangering yourself. But something tells me I'm being silly. Lastly, good job maintaining voat for so long!

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

You've done right by me. Danke.

cyks ago

More sleeper cells