TheWorstImaginable ago

It's almost as though we absolutely need to kill every last jew in the world.

unabashed_centrist ago

I'm pretty sure you're all dumb.

dontmindthemess ago

Just because he works there doesn’t mean he watches Fox News.

MaxAncap ago

archive or I'll do a png of your faggotmom.

username-way-too-lon ago

I heard he was quoting someone and Twitter is weird with quotes and shows them as part of your message. Can anyone confirm if that's the case here?

plowboys ago

he still has gotten over Trump winning ..... but his trying to be a mature middle of the roader is laughable .

mqrmqr ago

Consider this and also JohnCStevenson then consider that people don't forget to switch accounts probably 90% of the time...

big_fat_dangus ago

Oy vey nothing to see here!!

Pointyball ago

Shilling ain't easy.

Kannibal ago

for fox news, too!

Pointyball ago

Advertisers don't care what 3 letters are on your station. It is all about the green to them. They can either convince you to buy, or They can have the government compel you to buy. Makes no difference to them as long as you are buying.

Rotteuxx ago

A lot of that going on today...

0011011000111001 ago

I knew it. I called him out the other day. I welcomed him back. Guys a dumb ass.

scoopadoop ago

this is really embarassing

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Maybe he has an affectation whereby he always speaks about himself in the third person.

MakeUsaGreatAgain ago

Boomers don't know how to use Twitter and just copy paste messages that they receive sometimes.

dooob ago


TheDaoReveals ago

Horse. Shit.

Speakfree ago

You hit the nail on the head.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Incoming PR Spin: he has an aid manage his twitter account that isn't a regular fox viewer and was sticking up for him.

Eualos ago

Or he's a boomer and does know how to use Twitter and just copy and pasted what someone else wrote instead of retweeting it.

TheDaoReveals ago

Shut the fuck up with this dipshittery. This jagoff is a mainstream MEDIA personality with an active twitter feed. He knew what he was doing but fucked up.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Something in the fuckin' water?

freshmeat ago

i would personally do something like this as a joke, but humor wasn't the motivation of this (((fuck up))).

aria_taint ago

Another kike reveals himself

I_TakeupSpace ago

Yeah, that seems to be going around.

discoball ago

(((Howard))) (((fucking))) (((Kurtz)))

billyvvinz ago

Kurtz was born to a Jewish family in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, the son of Marcia, a homemaker, and Leonard Kurtz, a clothing executive.

Every time?

greenfascist ago

I'm only surprised it doesn't say 'working class jewish family'

It's a new trend.

When is the last time you saw a jew swinging a hammer? 1943?

Cat-hax ago

Not to defend the kike, but I do see them all the fucking time at home Depot "buying" shit for home modifications of some sort, they could just be making thier illegal Mexican slaves do all the work.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Maybe swinging the lever on some old accounting machines...

Tipman79 ago

Not likely. Jews have an ancient history of getting other people to do the hammering for them. Just ask the Romans...

WD_Pelley ago

Every. Time.

toobaditworks ago

Well the good thing is that users here on voat would never do such a thing. Like for instance toobaditworks. He's level headed and non biased and always keeps cool even when being attacked. I have to say he's really just one of us. A real straight shooter that guy.

WD_Pelley ago

That took me a second.