BigFatDaddy ago

You too, sir.

digitalentity1497 ago

Make sure to remind him from time to time XD.

Highonfire ago

THEY LIVE ((shills))

Rellik88 ago

Buahahahahahahahahaha SAY THE LINE SHILL!

monkeytoe101 ago


Big_Willy_Wallace ago

There are two types of Nazis. Liberal spies. Wait sorry, only one kind.

Cearity ago

I hope he was banned )

Pasin5 ago

They both have the same name

CognitiveDissident5 ago

The resident troll aka whiny little bitch has several accounts.

worthlesshope ago

No one has gone through his post history yet to point out those that "type" like him and also those who commonly reply to him often? People like Eyevoated, Heavybrain, and Diggernicks. They each have an uncommonly large amount of posts all replying to that same troll.

The way they all type is somewhat similar in using proper punctuation and the way they word their sentences(level of words they use, and placement of adjectives etc).

All people have a certain style they type like online. Difficult to change that style too. It's like comparing handwriting.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

I seem to remember a subverse dedicated to track guys like this. Name slips my mind

albatrosv15 ago

Monday, everyone switch to this course for this week!

Someone forgot to switch to another account

alloutwar ago

What's the point? This is so dumb.

Bob_Ross_Hair ago

Poor JohncsetevensonSB, the guy just can’t keep it all together.

logos_ethos ago

He deleted the comment. It was at

FireSauce ago

Lmao I'm not sure what @JohnCStevensonSB (SB=shareblue?) is trying to pull here. It's not like another user wouldn't call him this anyway.

Bigwhistle ago

What a pathetic scumbag.

green_man ago

Ignore john, he is the reason I have a a ban on a sub. He has many alts and won't stop. Luckily his cancer is stupid enough to keep posting with the same name. Rest assured, when I say something "racist" it's because I fucking mean it. Assholes like john say racist shit to make us look bad, but it's just that, they want us to look bad.. Fuck that guy, he's gaslighting.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Incredibly pathetic, not welcome in the ethnostate.

Norseman ago

Nice. Where are you and your mom going?

commonsenseisded ago

You need to look in small towns at least an hour drive from major cities to find them.

Neral ago

Maybe he was just suddenly very offended by his own comment and wanted to chew himself out? We all make mistakes, not all of us are kike shilling retards who... oh it's JohnCStevenson? NEVERMIND.

Tallest_Skil ago

The site owner and moderators of various boards will defend this. It’s a paid shill whose only purpose is to post lies. It’s a paid shill whose only purpose is to drown out truth with the volume and scope of its lies. But “MUH FREEEEEEEEEZE PEEEEEEEEEEACH” is more important than the quality and factuality of the community.

This is a microcosm of how civilizations die, by the way.

TrueAmerican ago

I am the lowest CCP per unit time. (The only accts that are lower CCP than me have been around waaaay longer). SUCK IT NIGGERFAGGOTS!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You're no That guy is probably the most successful downvote troll in the history of the internet. Reddit changed their algorithm specifically to prevent him from achieving the -100,000 get, and that was years ago. If Trump is GEOTUS, Dw-Im-Here is GEOTDVT.

BigFatDaddy ago


TimberWolfAlpha ago

Hey, self-harranguing idiots. What won't the future bring us?

Blue333 ago

How many more are there? That's the question!

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I mean sure, feel free to do that. Personally I'm just gonna downvote people who feed the troll as I come across them.

Have a good date. Don't forget to let us know what a pretty girl smells like. Us virgins do wonder about these things.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Uug. Oh well. Yeah a good white girl is almost impossible to find. Yeah dont impregnate her. Our street can't take any more shit!

My dad told me to find a girl who grew up hard but came out clean. He was so fucking right. And you can take the girl out of the bar. But you can't take the bar out of the girl. If I were single I would be looking at girls in their early 20s. By the time they are 25 they have the 1000 cock stare, and 40 lbs of fat.

DO. NOT. SETTLE. The older you get the easier it gets. At 30 it's super easy to find good girls in the early 20s if you are thin strong fit confident and have money.

By 40 it starts to taper off. Do. Not. Settle.

looking4truth ago

im pretty sure there are many shareblue shills on voat posing as unreasonable and overtely extreme right wing voaters to turn off people from the truth.

Schreiber ago

Yep, like those hillary shills who keep telling people to not vote for Trump because he is a jewish puppet.

As if anyone sane would ever vote for the alternative.

Anyone who's not a shill would understand what "lesser evil" means. Shills are pushing the narrative that republicans are just as bad (which discourage people from voting and letting dems win in the process).

Anti_Idle ago

Here's the fact of it, you're not being turned away from extreme right wing views, no one is except mentally deranged nutjobs. Extreme right wing is our natural state.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'm pretty far to the right and more extreme than the shareblue people, but that's after watching people do nothing but cave for the past 40 years. Perhaps some of you will be in a similar position in 2060.

More likely, technological advances like quantum computing and genuine AI will lock all public life down way before that. Those dystopian books and movies are not warnings. They're road maps or pointers to what's possible. (and desirable for certain parties)

Schreiber ago

IMHO you are probably like center-right compared to the average voaters. Voat has become way too far right because too many shills who spam identity politics.

freshmeat ago

so you just want the niggers and jews to run a muck here? And dont forget the faggots. Homosexuals are militant slaves to the jewish agenda

Schreiber ago

Voat is basically a white nationalist version of reddit and everybody who don't belong there will get downvoated to hell anyway. The only reason for any nigger/jew to be here is to shill and try to get nationalist people to stop voting for anti-immigration leaders by using method such as calling them "the same as any leftist."

No, right vs left is not a lie. You have one side wanting to close the border while the other is clearly committing white genocide in the open.

I personally don't give a fuck for people who just spam identity politics but when they start the "left and right is two sides of the same coin" rhetoric and "don't vote for anti-immigration leaders because they are controlled opposition" that's when the problem begins. I personally don't give a fuck if Orban shakes hand with a jew instead of gassing all Hungarian jews IF he keeps the invader out. Because his alternatives are literally "white genocide."

BlockMe ago

Just for fun, I reported him for doxxing. He used Putt's real name. The horror.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Cure Aids in one generation. Step 1. Everyone without aids can shoot anyone with aids. No repuecussions. That should take care of it. This is why I say cops cause aids. If they wouldn't arrest us for solving the problem it would have been solved.

dickfitswell ago

Zing zing zing hahahha

Spaceballs-1 ago

Did you pay the extra for the BRRRRRRRAAAAAP option on your sex doll?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

A person who believes "race" is real, and further, that there are characteristics and abilities typically inherent to members of specific races. (i.e. negroes have dark skin and black kinky hair)

meandrunk ago

(And have no moral compass. And like grape drank and fried chicken.)

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

And have a genetic predisposition to take an other persons property.

lexsird ago

And content to behave as a parasite upon whatever society will suffer them.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You know, I have to place some credence in the theory that the jews are behind the downfall of the blacks, and black families in particular. Sure, all the IQ and "propensity to violence" stuff is true, but blacks used to "mostly" work and raise families. They were literally members of society, in their own way, and thought of themselves as such. There have been massive changes in their culture and public behavior over the past decades.

*Same can be said about a significant percentage of whites too.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

MAKE WHITE BABIES. You are a faggot it it's not triplets!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Glorious... Jews... Always the Jews.

JohnGoodman ago

I now assume everyone in this thread is a JohnCstephenson alt account

BigFatDaddy ago


JohnGoodman. . .JohnCStephenson. . .


Anti_Idle ago

Witches, ducks, and small rocks float.

InterDigitated ago

jesus fucking christ, JohnCStevensonSB really really needs to kill himself

seriously, if this is what you do with your time you are a detriment to humanity and the earth in general.
If anyone has had the misfortune of breeding with you, your progeny should be wiped from the earth.

Niggertown ago

He looks like the kind of guy who would do that:

freedumbz ago

This guy is my favorite troll. He never ceases to amaze me at the sheer volume of (you)'s he gets from you retards.

Mr_Wolf ago

Just send a pm and try holding a conversation, you can tell as it progresses.

HST ago

This is how to not be virgin?

knightwarrior41 ago


Wahaha ago

Is it too meta to automatically assume he's your alt and you did that and this post to farm upvoats?

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Could be the case for all you know. But for all you know I'm Donald Trump shitposting while taking a dump.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Are the toilets in Davos nice?

Phupooman ago

Don't forget to bring home the rumham

Nathan_Explosion ago

If you're gonna troll with alts, you need to schedule posts, and have some variation in posting times so that the responses that the responses that you post seem "natural". This will also helo you remember to switch accounts. You also want to develop an orthographical style for each character. For example, you might have an " enlightened liberal" who uses proper caps and punctuation in long rants, and a "Nazi" that posts short retorts in all lower case. Each character should also have established likes and dislikes as well, regardless of archetype. You can play a Nazi married to an Asian, and a Nazi that hates all race-mixing period. Alts are "fake people", but successful trolls know how to place emphasis on the " people" part.

If you would like to enroll in Nathan_Explosion's "Trolling and the Art of Defending Nations on Obscure Content Aggregators" online educational experience, you're in luck. Tuition fees have been temporarily dropped by 18% (when you prepay to enroll in both parts 1 and 2 of TADNOCA) in celebration of entering the year 2018. That means that you can get 16 weeks of expert coaching from one of the Internet's most esteemed trolls for only $1,488. (An additional "fag tax" applies to enrollees who register with home addresses in the US states of California, Wyoming and Florida). Call 1-800- NGR-FGGT to inquire about enrollment today!

Diggernicks ago

Maximum overshill

BigFatDaddy ago


GutterTrash ago

Im more disappointed over the fact that they think they could be taken seriously by phrasing their stance with "polls show" when a fundamental statistics course will underscore how retarded you are for not critically assessing these polls.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Polls show that most people do not understand statistics.

13osiris13 ago


13osiris13 ago

Go gas yourself, you niggerfaggot kike

Anti_Idle ago


22jam22 ago

What the fuck is this? Split personality individual??

Waffles4Everyone ago

And another -1000 CCP for not knowing how margin of error works

HuginnOgMuninn ago

yeah, I think he might be unemployed right now though.

Hall_of_Cost ago

I am not surprised

PuttItOut ago

This is real. And funny. And real funny.

thantik ago

Have you put any thought into some kind of supercookie, or something of the like so that people doing this crap can be identified? 4chan has that whole unique identifier that catches people like this...would it be problematic to implement?

something_went_wrong ago

You sound like you'd be a great addition to the Facebook engineering team.

thantik ago

If people were honest and weren't such shills on Voat, I wouldn't consider stuff like this needed in any way. But we have people constantly creating new accounts, evading bans from subverses, fishing for votes, spamming under multiple accounts so it doesn't look suspicious, etc...

something_went_wrong ago

I hope you understand the conundrum: by removing anonymity just to fight the small handful of spammers and astroturfers who aren't savvy enough to bypass these detection schemes, you also take away that same incentive of anonymity that draws real people to sites like this to being with.

Believe me I recognize a spammer/astroturf blight here and everywhere on the net. But I also recognize that any site that attempts self-preservation will inevitably instead quickly commit self destruction.

thantik ago

IDs are easily randomized - just because you connect one user to a randomized, anonymous ID, doesn't mean you sacrifice anything you've pointed out here.

PuttItOut ago

It's very easy to render any identification efforts useless, but then again, maybe we aren't dealing with criminal masterminds here.

alloutwar ago


Inara__Serra ago


ScreaminMime ago

I'm sure if the majority of racists on this site WERE dosed they would turn out to be multiple accounts of liberals... most of whom are minorities, just like

Tallest_Skil ago

Keep telling yourself that, you fucking traitorous civic nationalist. Either educate yourself or kill yourself, because you’re already dead right now.

Obeastiality ago

/pol/ is similar. Tons of hapas and le 56% face posting about white supremacy

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Don’t spread a fucking “meme” that was designed by a paid think tank. American whites are more genetically pure than Europeans.
  2. Only cuck/pol/.

Schreiber ago

Yep. Most identity politics are spammed by leftist shills to scare away normies from the political right.

Monteblanc ago


With what? Do you mean doxed?

ScreaminMime ago

Aye, doxed, thanks for the co-erection.

BlockMe ago

when I was on deddit I learnt that was called docking ... taught me to stop clicking on deddit links pretty quickly.

HillBoulder ago

I'm certain he gets off being called/calling himself a kike niggerfaggot.

sguevar ago

Priceless when the shill gas himself (^^)

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

He realized he's a worthless faggot.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Nice catch.

Cheesebooger ago

Says JIDF faget

heygeorge ago

What's up with Dio? I do enjoy his submissions of static webpages.

CrudOMatic ago

Says the shill.

mrnicegoy ago

@johncstevensonSB is the alpha troll

Rotteuxx ago

Then @freshmeat is the beta troll.

freshmeat ago


Cheesebooger ago

hahaha whoops

KosherHiveKicker ago

Best Post of 2018 all ready?

ForgotMyName ago

All ready for what?

Rotteuxx ago

We should periodically vote on things like this and get badges.

@Puttitout :)

PuttItOut ago

If only we had a way to vote on things...

Grifter42 ago

It's not fuckin' democracy when one side is stuffing the ballot box with fake votes.

You really are one of the most disingenuous fuckin' people I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to.

It's fuckin' obvious who JohnCStevenson is: A fuckin' plant, in order to make people think the site's under attack.

It's always the same five fuckin' people responding to his posts, and those fuckin' people are almost always SBBH. It's a upvote farm. He posts obvious downvote bait, and then SBBH comes in and posts the "correct" view.

This site has turned from a great fuckin' place to have a discussion, to a shell of what it once was. It's become a cavalcade of cliche'd reposts from Facebook, and the front page of /r/The_Donald.

But that makes sense, considering what Expert said:

***"[–] Grifter42 0 points (+1|-1) 23 hours ago Shut the fuck up. If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again. You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us. So, how much did it cost to buy Putt? permalink parent

[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"***

You didn't have much political power, and it's obvious you fucking caved. You caved and you sold out.

Fucking coward.

Grifter42 ago

@Puttitout, you fucking chickenshit.

Tallest_Skil ago

It's not fuckin' democracy when one side is stuffing the ballot box with fake votes.

Absolutely correct. Also, democracy can go fuck itself.

It's fuckin' obvious who JohnCStevenson is: A fuckin' plant, in order to make people think the site's under attack.

Absolutely incorrect. The site is genuinely under attack and has been since its foundation.

then SBBH comes in and posts the "correct" view.

So the proven paid shill who switches accounts every time he gets too many downvotes is… “correct”, in your mind?

This site has turned from a great fuckin' place to have a discussion, to a shell of what it once was. It's become a cavalcade of cliche'd reposts from Facebook, and the front page of /r/The_Donald.

Absolutely correct.

Grifter42 ago

I'm saying that SBBH and JohnCStevenson are orchestrated by the same people

They don't want people to think about the difficult questions, like who the money men are.

Hell, Putt and Atko's supposed names are listed on Wikipedia's page for Voat, but they won't talk about where Voat got it's funding from, because Voat was designed as a honeypot.

I bet the same fucking people who run Reddit run Voat.

They employ the same fucking tactics, the same fucking bullshit, the same fucking everything.

Grifter42 ago

@PuttitOut, I knew you were too chicken shit to respond.

monoxane ago


Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Joseph McCarthy did nothing wrong.
  2. Every single person McCarthy exposed was proven to actually be a communist and actually wanted the country taken over and a genocide committed on its citizens.

What’s your point, faggot? McCarthy’s posthumous slander is the same as Mudd’s.

Grifter42 ago

McCarthy wasn't right? The US wasn't being flooded with crypto-communists?

Yeah, it fucking was.

Just because you shout a buzzword doesn't mean you're refuted anything. It just means you're fuckin' weak minded like everyone who believes SRS/SBBH's bullshit.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

A best-of with badges would be cool. And voaties is gay as fuck but voats or voating is fucking cool. I asked around. :p

Rotteuxx ago

Pffff, as if you'd have the time to implement something like that.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

I've been literally tellin' you fags for months now, this guy farms accounts by being a downvote troll, and using his alts to call himself names for free points.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Maybe you should have been figuratively telling us.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

My interpretive dance skills are a little lacking for that

albatrosv15 ago

Yeah, he is so bad, while everyone else like you are exemplary citizens of this glorious free speech platform.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Lol nah. I'm an absolute cunt sometimes, but I keep it on the level and use my main when I feel like talking shit.

Atarian ago


Laserchalk ago

What if this post is him farming points?

Inquisitioner ago

That would just prove that effort=Points

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

That would be quite the twist. Seems like a more established account than the ones I usually see following him around, but anything is possible.

ForgotMyName ago

It's not just farming. It's an old/obvious tactic. You see it on Eddit too. It's useful for making it appear as though there are no rational responses to your allegedly rational post. This is why I don't upvote low effort responses to anything. And I definitely avoid entire threads that involve obvious / well known shills.

Schreiber ago


Too bad that low effort post get too much upvoats here. Just spam "gas the kike" and/or "niggerfaggot" everywhere and soon you will have ccp as many as cheesebooger's.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Agreed. Forum sliding/astroturfing is a real possibility as well. I base my theory about farming solely on the young, extremely low-ccp acconts that seem to follow this guy around, thought that could just be for a lack of older accounts to astroturf with.

22jam22 ago

What the fuck is the point? Ive been called a shill.. Im not.. But this seems like a massive waste of time.

MrShill ago

I get called a shill often and sometimes it feels the pain will never end

22jam22 ago

I was gonna say sometbing witty then i looked at your user name and just.... Stopped.

something_went_wrong ago

Ok. Go on with your bad self. But your limited imagination doesn't prevent others from taking advantage.

Norseman ago

Exactly what a shill would say.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

The point is to farm accounts and sell them. Do a web search for "buy voat account" if you don't believe me. Its a thing.

22jam22 ago

Jesus christ. I believe you but cant believe its a real thing something is seriously wrong with the world.

commonsenseisded ago

I found one website with nothing on it. I'd post it here but it's a banned domain.

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Try one of the forums that sells reddit accounts, I've seen sections for voat. I'd link one, but I don't want them getting the traffic, plus they're probably banned anyway.

commonsenseisded ago

I'm sure they are banned, a forum would make more sense than the site I found.

ZenAtheist ago

But who would want to buy a negative CCP account, let alone any account. I don't get it.

Sk8rminion ago

No no no, he doesn't sell the troll account. He sells the accounts he uses to respond to himself, 'fuck this guy' 'downvote the troll' which get upvoted for 'fighting against the asshole' He uses the troll account to collect upvotes on his other accounts.

WithoutaDoubt ago

Some people's egos are so fragile that they need the attention, even if it is from themselves.

Monteblanc ago

I'm pretty sure it's a shared account.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

Thisismyvoatusername ago

To be fair, he’s not wrong about Russia Today as a source. While it is definitely much more reliable than Pravda of the 1980s, it is essentially like Al Jazeera, but published to further Russian interests rather than Qatar’s.

HuginnOgMuninn ago

everybody has their biases, to get a complete picture you must listen to everybody.

Just don't trust CCTV for news about China, RT about Russia, BBC on Britain or CNN at all.

Itsdone63 ago

That's gotta be some kind of mental disorder.

HillBoulder ago

It's called DOID.

Dissociative Online Identity Disorder.

TheKobold ago

Did you just assume its online identity!?!

Le_Squish ago

Bae got caught shilling again.

Shills always trying to make voat seem more right wing and extremist than it actually is.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Except that Naziism is left-wing. Like, very. If you tout it as a right wing ideology, you either haven't done your research, or you're a liberal spy. Probably the latter.

Schreiber ago

It's easy to tell the shills apart. The only thing they ever say are identity politics.

They won't discuss about right wing ideology because they are leftist shill who don't actually agree with right wing ideology.

I_TakeupSpace ago

Gas the kikes.

For real this time.


Like tallest_skil

tinyhousesbrah ago

I really doubt he's a shill.

It doesn't surprise me that a lot of "Gas the Kikes" people here are fictional personas though.

For the record I do not appreciate forum busting techniques (strategies to moderate or make more extreme existing ideological ecology), I think the people behind them are delusional if they believe they can moderate the course of public opinion using these techniques. It will work 99% of the time but when it doesn't work it'll be a Black Swan event and totally fuck up their work until that point.

It is actually a good idea for extremists/radicals to discuss ideas, it's the only way nuance and some kind of rigor can be attached.

Of more practical import is that since it won't require large numbers of people in coordinated groups to enact political violence, forum busting is a technique that is less likely to work in the future, it's like a old war strategy.


Definitely a character, maybe he's not getting paid. That's not to say I even disagree with him, I never have actually. I just imagine what type of person he is, he seems very angry all the time, no healthy sane human types like him. There's a script somewhere, whether it's one he's following or taking.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry more, you stupid fucking bitch. You were proven wrong and have been incapable of refuting anything I’ve said. You lack the courage to admit it even anonymously on a random Internet website. How pathetic ARE you?


You disproved nothing and I claimed nothing. You are a pissy boy.

I never tried to disprove anything you said, either, you're just a joke of a human being.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure thing, shlomo. Whatever you want to believe.


Go get'em, whitey.

I got your back, really.

middle_path ago

Well I just got done talking with a guy who thinks all faggots should be killed to save society, so a lot of extremists do post here.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Wait. Killing all faggots is now considered extreme? Why else would God have invented them if not for target practice and designing women’s fashion? You have strange thoughts.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Maybe not killed... Just sent to live in peace in a friendly pacifist Islamic country! They can experience stoning of peace... Acid of peace. Even being thrown off of roofs. Of peace by soldiers of peace. Those. Muslims... Such nice peaceful people unlike whites... (Wink)!

freshmeat ago

They absolutely should be eliminated from society

whipcracker ago

Obviously not all, once most are executed the rest will turn not gay.

Oh_Well_ian ago

gays would die off in a generation or two if they were represented at 4% in the media like they are in normal society

also, they should never be allowed to adopt

we need to end the programming from the destructive Jew controlled media

Tallest_Skil ago

Faggots are 0.8% of the population. Stop listening to media statistics.

middle_path ago

Poe's law is strong here.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Extremely normal.

fagetty ago

Well it's not like they can procreate.

WeMustRemainPure ago

They reproduce by molestation.

Samchay6 ago

Also, fags can adopt because liberals hate children...

fagetty ago

Did I say reproduce? Are you fucking illiterate?

Native ago

Procreate/reproduce same thing

WeMustRemainPure ago

Woah there boss. Calm down. I wasn’t disagreeing I was adding to your point. You weren’t breastfeeded we’re you?

Le_Squish ago

Well, we do have legitimate ones but there are many fakes.

ShinyVoater ago

And then there are the ones brainwashed into that bucket because their first time was with a cock.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

And I have given up figuring out which is which

Chimaira92 ago

Or you just done talking with a shill.

cue suspense music

Tallest_Skil ago

ha ha wow no one could ever think these things because i say so therefore anyone who hurts my feelings is a shill

Fuck off, idiot.

Chimaira92 ago

Not very Christian of you.

Tallest_Skil ago

Shill for jews and you get the rope. Deus Vult.

Chimaira92 ago

ha ha wow no one could ever think these things because i say so therefore anyone who talks ill about Christianity is a shill

Podd ago

Nah he's right. I think we should audit the Fed and people should live within their means. AKA a bigot extremist.

tinyhousesbrah ago

Shine on you crazy diamond!

Papa_Goebbels ago

Feels good to know that my opinions are pretty tame compared to others on voat.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why would it make you feel good to not believe in something true? Are you that much of an emotional coward or just a liberal? But I repeat myself.

Papa_Goebbels ago

I like that there is a wide variety of opinions on voat, how do you know that what you believe is true or moral if you're not being exposed to people who think differently from you?

Do you want everyone to think the same thing you retard?

Tallest_Skil ago

I like that there is a wide variety of opinions on voat

Who said anything about stifling that?

how do you know that what you believe is true or moral if you're not being exposed to people who think differently from you?

What a retarded statement. I don’t have to be exposed to people who think the Earth is flat to know for a fact that it isn’t.

Do you want everyone to think the same thing you retard?

Yes, I want everyone to know what truth is. How fucking MENTALLY DEFECTIVE are you to think that YOUR STATEMENT is in any way relevant to “knowing truth”? Goddamn lunatic. Truth is objective. Truth is singular. If you can’t handle these two facts, legitimately kill yourself. Moral relativists have no place in society.

Papa_Goebbels ago

You lost me.

I'm glad there are people more extreme than me. This is apparently bad because it makes me a liberal.

I'm glad I'm being exposed to opinions that would normally be silenced. This is apparently bad because I should intuitively know the truth, and so should every one else.

I don’t have to be exposed to people who think the Earth is flat to know for a fact that it isn’t.

But we did have to be exposed to people who thought it was spherical to conclude that it was you fucking tard.

Tallest_Skil ago

You lost me.


This is apparently bad because it makes me a liberal.

If you hold truth above all else, there’s nothing to the right of you but the wall.

This is apparently bad because I should intuitively know the truth, and so should every one else.

Your neurological defects are your problem, yes.

But we did have to be exposed to people who thought it was spherical to conclude that it was you fucking tard.

Translation: “I am too fucking retarded to figure out anything for myself and need “the collective” to tell me what is and is not “true.”

No, you’re a blithering idiot.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Username does NOT check out.

Dylan_Klebold ago


big_fat_dangus ago

lmao what an idiot