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DrPenguin ago

The beautiful thing is that Trump knows this. He's alluded to it before. Ironically that defiant judge in San Francisco who forced the administration to continue renewing applications has ensured it's demise. The case is being expedited to the SCOTUS right now where it will surely be deemed an unconstitutionally created law.

Opinion:The democrats at this point have no leverage. Zero. They will beg for Trump to allow the illegals to stay and offer more than what he originally asked for. IMO, Trump drums up a super dramatic hype about their fate and finally ends up granting those without criminal backgrounds a permanent legal status. They will not be given a pathway to citizenship but they will continue to receive gibs. They won't be able to vote. They will be immediately deported for major crimes and any immigration infractions. They will be glorified permanent visitors. Meanwhile Trump comes out smelling like a rose and his mercy and benevolence shifts the narrative in favor of compassionate conservatives. The democrats DID almost get them ALL deported after all...

WD_Pelley ago

I would be OK with this but I still want those bean goblins out America forever.

JohnCStevensonSB ago

People also want Trump out of America. Polls show that only 31% of Americans support Donald Trump, with a significant number of Republicans wanting a new Republican president in 2020. When margin of error is taken into account, Trump’s true approval rating is under 30%. Trump is clearly more unpopular than Dreamers.

JohnCStevensonSB ago

Go gas yourself, you niggerfaggot kike.

Decidueye ago

Did you forget to switch accounts, small-minded faggot?

archvile7 ago

Now this is hilarious. If I had any doubts he was a troll, they are gone now.