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Atko ago

This would be a very good way to further involve the users and my gut feeling is that this is probably the best solution. Even as low as 1k should be doable. We are open for suggestions.

Escort ago

I would invest a grand or so, no question.

Uma_Thurman ago

This is a perfect use case for a dapp on ethereum.

Donbuster ago

So I had a response for this, and it turned into a crazy long jumble of ideas and personal brainstorming. To keep other users from having to scroll through a giant wall of text, I put it up on pastebin for anyone interested. I talked about issues with this in particular, and my general thoughts on funding. Warning, it's unstructured as fuck...

I need sleep.

go1dfish ago

You could set up something like colored coins on the Bitcoin blockchain:

Basically you map something akin to a share to an incredibly minuscule bit of bitcoin and it gets tracked in the blockchain. NASDAQ and such are experimenting with this for certain types of trades as well.

With this people could invest and receive dividends anonymously. Reddit was looking into something similar with /r/redditnotes (back when they actually had a free-speech and AR15 loving troll of a CEO named Yishan) but they abandoned it partially for legal reasons (and probably because the distributed bitcoin based reddit-like platform he was planning to go along with it would hurt to many feels for Pao).

Legal hurdles are likely to be the biggest hassle with any approach to investment. Being outside of the US you might have more freedom on that front though.

Voat_a_Goat_Mamma ago

My suggestion: A PO Box we can mail money orders to.

Dereliction ago

If Voat is a US entity, you'd be restricted to a small number of investors unless you make Voat a public company, which is a costly and demanding process. You'll need a good lawyer and accountant, regardless what you choose.

flashurnands ago

I'm not sure this is the right way to go but if you decide it's what is best, well, I've done a lot worse with much more than 1k.

Bing11 ago

Mad River Glen is a ski cooperative in Vermont, USA. They sell "shares" for ~$2500 to their skiers. For the share you get 1 vote in shareholder meetings. No one can own more than 4 shares. If you are a shareholder you actually have to spend at least $500/year on the mountain.

This might be a model worth considering...

stuff123 ago

Dude, what is your exact plan for spending this cash? You're asking for donations, yet you're not being transparent about where it's being spent!? I know this is part time stuff, but you need to tell people how you're spending the cash so people can actually assist you if you're making a mistake. What if a cloud provider like Rackspace is willing to give you a discount, but they don't know if you're using AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.

You have the potential to become reddit, stop fucking around.

go1dfish ago

This is an older post but it helps put in perspective how much the hosting costs are:

shakin_my_head ago

As would I sounds like a win win.

Edit. Sounds like a headache for voat.

Robobama ago

It's not a bad idea, and its also a bad idea at the same time. I would take the time to seek out expert industry advice as well as legal advice, and then weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. I want to see this site succeed, but i definitely don't want to see it compromised from its current form.

psymin ago

I'm interested in what you come up with. I want voat to survive, I think it is a valuable resource. Valuable enough to invest in.

whisky_cat ago

I'd very much consider dropping a grand on Voat if this comes to fruition.

user1 ago


DraxxThemSklounst ago

could be a goldmine too if reddit dies and everyone comes here.

MyNameIsBing ago

Reddit dying seems unlikely though. Maybe /u/Spez will fuck up more causing more people to come here. We an hope

ReactTM ago

I can see voat becoming bigger then reddit as they continue to fuck up. But yeah, I don't see reddit dying.

Chiefpacman ago


I don't like the idea of, give us money to throw at it for now, we'll work out a solution when we get there.

How about we work out a solution now. Hasn't this been an issue for a long time?

Edit: I hate to be this guy, but our admin pops in every 10 days. I honestly don't know how much he could be brought to care.

Chiefpacman ago

I went ahead and donated $5 to justify my complaining

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have no problem being that guy!

people boycott video game devs for less.

the lack of communication, transparency, and growth are major warning bells.

qpwt ago

If the service is good, the users should be willing to pay for it without receiving equity in the company. When others take equity, you lose control, either by being beholden to 1 big investor or 1 thousand smaller investors. Plus, it would be difficult to parse through all of those investors. A majority of them could be from the same group of people, trying to take over Voat.

As I stated in my other comment, I would be willing to donate via recurring subscription. I don't mind if my identity is known to Voat, so long as Voat makes a reasonable effort to protect it. Supporting free speech is worth that.

Still others prefer anonymity. Understandable. Give the people what they want, eh?

EDIT: keep it simple. always the best method to ensure quality.

The_Bohemian ago

Pretty much exactly the problem with Reddit. The corporate paymaster controls the show.

Please avoid going down this path.

stuff123 ago

I think the bigger problem here is that we're running out of time to siphon off reddit. Let's say we don't get voat the investment it needs, then voat dies. Ok, now lets say voat gets an investment from some venture capital firm not related to conde nast, then voat lives but is doomed to suffer the same fate as reddit. Ok, so is that necessarily bad if voat suffers the same fate as reddit and ends up being replaced just like digg and reddit? I don't see a problem necessarily with this.

The real elephant in the room that needs to be addressed is that reddit is learning. Do you really think reddit is going to repeat its ellen pao or spez mistakes? No fucking way... Therefore, there will be less opportunities for voat to siphon off users and reach critical mass.

In other words, the enemy of my enemy is my friend for now.

Also, there are some investors out there that aren't complete dirt bags. Spez and Ohanian were mostly always in it for the monetary reward, so they took the first investments they could get (generally the worst come first in venture capital) rather than looking for an investor who shared the vision for the mission statement. Remember, these people have billions of dollars to burn through, they're not overly concerned with seeing ROI's from a couple million dollars of investment into something that has the capability of replacing reddit.