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Atko ago

This would be a very good way to further involve the users and my gut feeling is that this is probably the best solution. Even as low as 1k should be doable. We are open for suggestions.

go1dfish ago

You could set up something like colored coins on the Bitcoin blockchain:

Basically you map something akin to a share to an incredibly minuscule bit of bitcoin and it gets tracked in the blockchain. NASDAQ and such are experimenting with this for certain types of trades as well.

With this people could invest and receive dividends anonymously. Reddit was looking into something similar with /r/redditnotes (back when they actually had a free-speech and AR15 loving troll of a CEO named Yishan) but they abandoned it partially for legal reasons (and probably because the distributed bitcoin based reddit-like platform he was planning to go along with it would hurt to many feels for Pao).

Legal hurdles are likely to be the biggest hassle with any approach to investment. Being outside of the US you might have more freedom on that front though.