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Atko ago

This would be a very good way to further involve the users and my gut feeling is that this is probably the best solution. Even as low as 1k should be doable. We are open for suggestions.

qpwt ago

If the service is good, the users should be willing to pay for it without receiving equity in the company. When others take equity, you lose control, either by being beholden to 1 big investor or 1 thousand smaller investors. Plus, it would be difficult to parse through all of those investors. A majority of them could be from the same group of people, trying to take over Voat.

As I stated in my other comment, I would be willing to donate via recurring subscription. I don't mind if my identity is known to Voat, so long as Voat makes a reasonable effort to protect it. Supporting free speech is worth that.

Still others prefer anonymity. Understandable. Give the people what they want, eh?

EDIT: keep it simple. always the best method to ensure quality.

The_Bohemian ago

Pretty much exactly the problem with Reddit. The corporate paymaster controls the show.

Please avoid going down this path.