denach644 ago

Heya, folks. I'm another TD goy reporting in.

the_donald_abides ago

reddit is a globalist train wreck.

The_Donald_Mod ago

Im one of the mods glad i found this :)

Vc83 ago

"94 uses here right now" and just like that, they scuttle back to their safe space.

antisocialism ago

Reddit refugee here and first time user on Voat. I'm already having bad withdrawals and hoping I can get my news and meme fix here.

ISayWhatIWant1 ago

Hey, faggot niggers, I understand that a lot of us aren't used to the tone on voat that are coming from reddit, but this is what free speech looks like. Note, I'll say again, faggots niggers, because I'm allowed to say that shit here without being banned.

PS: You can upvote ten times a day at first and can post shit when you get 10 upvotes. But if you act like a uptight cunt like you're on reddit, then yeah, prepare to never be able to post shit.

Scrooblemeyer ago

And begging for votes might work on Reddit but it will get you tons of down voats here.

ISayWhatIWant1 ago

I fucking absolutely hated that shit about reddit. Your little E-pee pee's don't mean a god damn thing here, like in real life.

AlgorithmicFairness ago

Anyone here who has the ability to UPVOTE others, please do so. Because people like me can't even POST to this sub, because my karma is not good, because the toxic people here downvote you. So nothing will ever get going here unless we start upvoting each other. Then we can push all the garbage off the front page and get started. Or come to DARTO:


Asking for upvotes will get you driven into the ground here buddeh. Try contributing good points to conversations instead of being a faggot and you'll be able to post before long.

AlgorithmicFairness ago

Yeah I didn’t ask. Go fuck yourself, Nazi.

AlgorithmicFairness ago

COME TO DARTO. I can't even post on VOAT b/c my karma isn't good b/c all the racists/antisemites downvote my comments. I can't even UPVOTE or DOWNVOTE - this site is ridiculous. Come to Darto:

sweepminja ago

I can't believe all the wanton censorship of conservatives everywhere.

SorosShill159 ago

Ha ha, your all retards and are not gonna leave Reddit. At least not in any appreciable numbers anyway. This place is a ghost town, and the schtick is dull without the reactions from “the libs.” I think the best part is you guys generate tons of traffic for the site with your moronic sub and make Reddit lots of money in ad revenue. Keep that in mind next time your posting over there “frens” 😎 👉

LargePeter ago

Boat makes Reddit look like dog shit.

ezwip ago

I'm here. I don't think I like this place though it looks like a bunch of wannabe KKK members run this place. I feel like I'll end up on a watch list just posting on this crap.


If you're too much of a pussy to be around a little talk of kike gassing then maybe you should just fuck off.

The reason this place is so verboten is because we speak truth about the Jew. Learn the truth. Or don't. Just stop being a faggot.

Vc83 ago

oof, why do sites promoting free speech always turn racist and antisemetic! I just don't understand.


ViaAlpina ago

People here are really weird and anti-social about it too. I wouldn't mind hanging out with Nazis if they were a bit more polite.

19401223? ago

I got banned for declaring: "Trump was voted for MAGA not make Israel great again". Banned. The mods are complete shills. Makes me wonder what loyalties T_D has.

Vc83 ago

Comments like that were deleted every day, people like to hate on T_D here but many of us are ally's and should work together

markrod420 ago

Hello nigger faggots. Oh how i have waited for you to arrive since i was banned from TD for racism. Prepare yourselves. Youre about to learn so much :)))))

jimwes ago

Gonna have to go somewhere hope all R the donald come here to meet.

pm_me_ur_money ago

perfect who's ready to watch this clowncar tonight?

Let's do a megathread.

ioillusion ago

Very likely the work of "banout", the same group that took down all the Q forums.

Isaacwankenobi139 ago

I’m leaving Reddit behind until they bring the sub back

Sojourner56 ago

These old time voaters who hate newbies for President Trump remind me of babies playing in shit. They are so proud of their hate and racism.

bonnieblue ago

I do not agree with Reddit and their "quarantine" of The_Donald subreddit. To me it is censorship and that is un-American. I am now here to share the positive love and light with other like minded MAGA voaters.

bonnieblue ago

just checking out the workings here

Chief_Niggums ago

I will upvote ALL of my fellow pede's from The_D. Welcome home, fam!

Flemish-Lion ago

Can't vote for Trump because I'm European, but as a supporter of him and his politics I've gotten seriously disgusted at Reddit's behaviour.

Trip ago

I actually had this account since the day voat opened and rarely used it. Feels good to be back. Fuck reddit.

PatrioticGuppy ago

I started one when Reddit banned pizzagate. But now it’s locked. Go figure.

AlgorithmicFairness ago

Another alternative to Reddit and Voat:

GooseMoose1984 ago

First time here. Hope this community works out!

z89101 ago

Hello from the sinking T-D of the CHICOM and DNC GULAG REDDIT.

Let us roll!

cobaltcolander ago

I'm trying to let them know there's this subverse, but it's not catching. At all.

NorthernMan ago

They ban any mention of Voat (unless it’s negative) because they don’t want to lose control and allow true freedom of speech to the userbase.

cobaltcolander ago

I stopped recommending v/thedonald

It's overrun by stormtards who entirely dominate the discussion. I am still entirely pro-free speech, but this subverse is not going to grow. Just look at all the top posts. Nothing to do with Trump.


We also talk about Jews here.

starvingfatbum ago

lets get radicalllllllllll

redwoods_orthodox ago

...and one more from reddit r/The_Donald

Not_Important ago

The refugees can replace us, but they have to do it legally. MIGA!

Clippinwings556 ago

Hi all.... I’m a reddit refugee...

Fleeing political persecution

Glad to be here

the_donald_abides ago

welcome! voat is a very unique island of sanity in a crazy world.

CausticRaz ago

Try not to be a massive queer.

molonlabe9 ago

Like you?

nutjob ago

Yes, that role is already taken pick something else.

BravoXray ago

I'm just here for the memes

the_donald_abides ago

youll find theres a lot more here than memes. there are heroes and villians, and friends that you havent made yet.

carlip ago

this nigger gets it.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Now wait... I guaran-fucking-tee you that the articles in other subs about Kate Brown sending state cops out to round up Republican senators are filled with people hoping the Rep's get shot for resisting and shit. 100% guarantee - I can't go to reddit here (and I don't really want to), but if you doubt me just look for any article in /r/politics regarding that incident.

Fucking fuck reddit straight to Hell. 4 years ago I was a little sad to see the direction it was heading. Now I realize it was already dead - now it's just starting to stink of a decaying "platform."

TBLvl4 ago

Howdy. Who else is here from reddit?

squeezeweasel ago

I too am from reddit. Let's be internet friends

SecularPenguinist ago

I left reddit 4 years ago when it became a social justice shithole

Fuzzmosis ago

Just made the cross over now.

I can't believe Reddit actually banned The Donald. The big-tech pussies are so triggered that they're now not even "allowing" us to discuss The President of the United States.

Time to get MAD folks!

PatrioticGuppy ago

Here. But my original VOAT account has been locked “for security reasons”. What is that all about?

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Howdy. Israel did 9/11

Chief_Niggums ago

Signing in for duty

Dre4ce1 ago

here. My original voat account from last year is locked.This feels surreal.

Katharsis_king ago

Refugee, I am!

cerulean1313 ago


turdcutter ago

Yep - TD subscriber here. Fuck reddit.

the_donald_abides ago


TehDelegatesDahnald ago

Head Nigger in Charge, standing by.

I mean fuck reddit

Tangent-love ago

Lots of us from Reddit. Boat is probably going to be hard to take but stick around.

the_donald_abides ago

there are hard working nerds making sure the lifeboat is big enough for everyone. make sure you are nice to them.

squeezeweasel ago

The more of us refugees who post without saying nigger kike faggot on a continuous basis, the less frequent it'll be, and easier it will be for norm norms to adjust

shitstartercarter ago

This place was built around saying kike nigger faggot you bitch go back to reddit where you and your thin skinned brethren belong. You didn't care about censorship until it impacted you. This site doesn't need people who are fine with censorship.

squeezeweasel ago

i'm not even suggesting censorship you jaw jacking chucklefuck.

GooseMoose1984 ago

So many more are going to come here. First time for me. Seems like it has potential.

nutjob ago

T_D should've done as they planned and shuttered there years ago, instead of replacing the mods that got banned.

The_Donald closing permanently is the best thing for Trump supporters and New Right / MAGA movement.

Anything is better than bland, sorry assed content and blind conformity. If it was closed permanently, a reset can happen and the GOP loving, conservative treehouse fuckwits that ruined T_D may finally fuck off.

Anyways, was promoting Voat (and this place) and Gab for weeks over there, while pointing out how shitty Reddit was, so hopefully people know to come here.

itchyson ago

This is about to be a lesson in the cultural effects of immigration.

markrod420 ago

You will find its not quite the same here. Despite your numbers you wont change voat. Think of it like dominant and recessive genes. The lies you all live in are recessive, they always recede in the face of dominant truth. Although the donald likely outnumbers the entire voat userbase, here you are not swimming among your own recessive lies. The truth swims free here and will dominate every last one of you. Either you will change, or you will leave. I say this having lived it myself.

itchyson ago

wow, you really give fuck. weird.

markrod420 ago

Its not weird. There is a concerted effort to destroy white western society and this is a battle for the minds of the people. Not giving a fuck is weird.

PhilipeNegro ago

Welcome to Voat.

Gas the likes, race war now.

Sincerely, Voat

P.S.: Nigger.

itchyson ago

Salutations. Am I now a Voater? Is this how this works? Fuck Spez?

markrod420 ago

Not until you can nigger faggot with the best of them.

Chief_Niggums ago

You forgot nigger and faggot. Silly kike

uncommonground ago

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.
Fuck reddit.

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

Checking in.


Hope this is our new home ... didn't see a link at T-D.

Fuck reddit.

turdcutter ago

Hang on to your ass, voat. Here we come.

Doc40holliday ago

Probably about the same as the average IQ this current VOAT sub has.

hang_em_high ago

So you admit blacks are low IQ? Kind of racist of you isn't it to compare them to people you are calling dumb?

ViaAlpina ago

Interesting response. He instantly grants our premise, but still tries to insult us.

Doc40holliday ago

Lol, I don't have to grant you anything. The facts are the facts. That's just on average though, that doesn't mean that all blacks are stupid. Furthermore, someone being less intelligent isn't ground for hating them and continuing to hurl unnecessary racial slurs. You guys are weirdos.

ViaAlpina ago

What about the murder and the rape? Doesn't that at least justify mild dislike?

Doc40holliday ago

Sure, for those individuals. For an entire race? No. I look at people as individuals. Is this the conservative side of identity politics over here or what? Is this where the alt right white nationalists are?

fgtmomo ago

I can see already why users are reluctant to switch off reddit.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago


hang_em_high ago

what do you mean

Tangent-love ago

Give it a chance

ViaAlpina ago

Ask any questions you have. This place is totally uncensored.

Knollsit ago

The refugees can come in but they have to come in LEGALLY

ViaAlpina ago

However, the beatings will continue until they name the Jew.

GEOTUS2020 ago

New user here from Eddit. Fuck spez! fuck google! fuck silicon valley! fuck the brown shirt, book-burning loser leftist shitbirds!! may they all cry again and again for another 1,000,000 years!


The Nazis are the good guys you faggot. Think about the fact that you've just left a Jew run board to come to one of the few remaining free speech places online and the people who've made that community what it is since it's start are in many ways sympathetic to the ideas of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.

You need to listen the fuck up or get the fuck out faggot.

CausticRaz ago

You say book burning like it's a bad thing. Do you even know what books the nazis burned?

hang_em_high ago

why did you stay so long?

Doc40holliday ago

Jesus, the homophobia and racism here is ridiculous.

Not_Important ago

You say that as if those words mean anything.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Go back to Reddit.

ViaAlpina ago

We are homophobic and racist for a reason. Ask any question you've had about any issue.

There is no censorship here.

Doc40holliday ago

K, why are you guys homophobic? What evidence do you have that the holocaust didn't happen? And what do you guys have against black people? It's 2019, not 1960. I wonder what the average age of you guys is.

hang_em_high ago

And what do you guys have against black people?

Name one successful black country or majority black American city.

ViaAlpina ago

Homosexuals are currently targeting children as the next step in their degenerate crusade. Just like we said they would. You didn't believe us.

The holocaust DID happen but the deaths were mostly due to disease and starvation. As far as the oven myth goes...

Blacks commit murder at 7 times the rate of the white population. Rape at 5 times the rate.

TemetNosce ago

"why are you guys homophobic? What evidence do you have that the holocaust didn't happen? And what do you guys have against black people? It's 2019,"


revengeofpepe ago

you either want free speech or you dont. yes, it's that simple.

Doc40holliday ago

Yes I do. Never said I didn't. The homophobia and racism here is still ridiculous, and pathetic.

Mumbleberry ago

So, are you a faggot, a nigger or both?

Doc40holliday ago

None, I'm just not retarded like most of you seem to be. :-P

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, you thin skinned lover of niggers and faggots.

woksauce ago

What is with all the jew stuff?


TL;DR: Jews are over-represented in every position of public facing recognition, power, or privilege that you can identify. This has no good explanation other than a targeted effort by those in power and privilege to hire other Jews. Go plug the term "Jew Over-representation" into any search engine and begin your own due diligence if you don't want to read any further.

This is somewhat of a case where when someone says JEWS, they actually mean JEW SUPREMACISTS (or Jewish Mafia if you're a room temperature IQ NPC and your brain turns off because you associate the term supremacists with Patrick Little). The Jews in power who only hire, promote, and further empower other Jews. It's not every Jewish person, obviously, and the useful idiots who roam around twitter saying meme-worthy shit like "Fellow White People" are not the target of this outrage, but once again the JEW SUPREMACISTS or JEWISH MAFIA in power.

I'll happily start throwing out data, but the general consensus is that society is really run by Politics, Banking, and Media - and when you go look at every Politician, all large Media conglomerates, the educational system, the Worldwide Banking cartel, and every large company CEO, you may be surprised at how consistently they appear to almost all be Jewish (at the top levels in control, C-suite, executive, especially). Why are the majority of people in power and politicians Jewish (often dual citizens?).

When we live in a world of affirmative action and diversity hires, why are Jews (who only make up 1.7% of the population in the US, for example) so over-represented in positions of power?

Jews are massively over-represented at all top-tier American Universities such as Harvard At one time there were 88 Media Companies. Now there are 6, all owned by the Rothschilds - 97% of THE ENTIRE WORLDS MEDIA are owned and controlled by Jewish Bankers. The CEO and leadership of almost every media conglomerate is Jewish, and in some cases this even includes all the way down to every single reporter being Jewish it's so bad. Jews literally own what we read on a daily basis, be it in print, on TV, or online. Jews are 22% of worldwide Nobel Prize Winners, and 37% of US recipients since 1901 Obscenely over-represented in absolutely every facet of society at the CEO-level Jews are (8x) eight times over-represented in UK Parliament Jews are over-represented in US Congress (and this is especially troubling as EVERY SINGLE ONE THAT HAS BEEN QUESTIONED ABOUT THEIR DUEL CITIZENSHIP PUTS ISRAEL FIRST) Jewish London Bankers own the entire Worldwide Federal Reserve system, giving them de facto control over money in any country in the world that has a Jewish owned Central Bank. Isn't it a (((coincidence))) that in 2018, the countries left on the entire planet Earth that don't have a Jewish owned Central Bank are Cuba, North Korea, and Iran? Probably the most striking and easiest to see because we already have systems in place to handle this are how the Jews are over-represented in American top-tier education. In a system which uses Affirmative Action, the only realistic explanation for an over-representation of Jews over both whites and ethno-minorities is Jews in power in Academia letting Jewish people in even over the more traditional diversity hires. Same applies to corporate culture that is predominately Jewish, such as 97% of the employees of Worldwide Media conglomerates, owned by Jewish Rothschild's.

Essentially, the entire Western World's power levers appear to be hidden behind a third tier of Jewish Mafia Affirmative Action that specifically hires/promotes Jews over whites and the other traditional diversity hires (women, ethno-minorities, etc). Until we are honest with ourselves about this reality then we cannot begin to face the real enemy - Jewish Supremacists.

We just need a better name, because room temperature IQ NPC's hear "Jews" and their brains shut off because they just hear racists who hate all Jewish people, when that's legitimately not the case overall.

Final note: I personally think this is just the result. The disease is the Mossad-infiltrated and now run CIA blackmailing and controlling US politicians (giving Israel de facto control over the US Government). This is really the only logical explanation as to why "Israel Is America's Greatest Ally" when we get NOTHING FROM THEM AT ALL, yet yearly give away Military equipment (which they sell in the global market), cutting edge technology (which they sell on the global market), and gobs of money (which they use to lobby Governments and further buy Politicians, Academia, and Corporate C-Suite Executives).

The entire Western World are literally Jew Supremacist (Jewish Mafia) slaves and 99.99% do not even realize it. Change my mind.

MrDarkWater ago

The synagogue of Satan?

Oh ... you'll learn

ViaAlpina ago

It's hard to explain all at once.

Is there anything specific you would like to know about Jews that you've never been allowed to ask?

Putinforpresident ago

Can anyone explain what is going on with the quarantine, and if it could result in the_donald subreddit coming back up, or if this is just the initial phase of censoring the subreddit permanently?

cyka_blyat556 ago

ATTENTION ALL REDDIT BOOMERS: We will tolerate none of your Jew-loving faggotry here. If you do not accept this, FUCK OFF. This is your final warning.

Shotinthedark ago

Says the guy here for a whopping 2.2 hours. Fuck off shill!

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

Why is someone else's love for Jews (I'm a Christian) so important to you? Is someone else's love for Jews the do-all and end-all of your existence? if so, why?

redditrefugee12 ago

Once we migrate in large enough numbers here, we're going to remove all racists losers like you. This is your final warning. I love how you're in a pro-Trump forum, yet Trump loves Jews. Sucks for you.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Looks like you suck giant kosher dick and you need to take off so you're not late to lick bibi's asshole.

GooseMoose1984 ago

you are right. more of us are coming and these racists will become irrelevant.

hang_em_high ago

Come from a censored place to say you are going to censor. You are real smart.

kayakbassfisher ago

You may need to get your nigger faggot ass back to reddit.

The_Oogie ago

@puttitout build the wall. Keep the immigrants out!

YOLOSwag_McFartnut ago

You either believe in free speech, or you don't. That includes shit you don't like to hear.

kayakbassfisher ago

Some faggot on reddit is trying to convince me free speech doesn't include things that make people sad.

SmokeyMeadow ago

LOL, this assclown will be at double digit negative karma by supper time.

BasedLawyer ago

Yeah I'm a ref just like you. But this is stupid.

Joker68 ago

WTF!? I love censorship now!

You might as well leave now and spare yourself the heartbreak

ZeframCochrane- ago

Once we migrate in large enough numbers here, we're going to remove all racists losers like you

Exactly the attitude that's the source of Reddit's suicide, so you come here just to make it like Reddit.

Fuck off you fucking kike.

redditrefugee13 ago

T_D is awesome. You guys tried to replicate it, but did a pretty shitty job. We'll help get rid of racists scum like you on here soon enough ;)

AnthraxAlex ago

Nobody cares about td here nigger cuck. No one ever tried to replicate your shitty controlled opposition sub here beyond creating an unused subverse with the same name so that you dumb faggots when you eventually got banned wouldn't have control over anything.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

The only thing worse than T_D on reddit or voat is niggers like you. Neck your self.

cyka_blyat556 ago

You will be taken out back and shot like the dog you are, along with the rest of your cabal of boomer faggots.

TemetNosce ago

So, I was banned from T_D over a year ago, when I said T_D will be banned, and everyone should go to VOAT. With that known, know this----ALL NIGGER FAGGOT JEWS THAT COME HERE FROM T_D---I AM GOING TO DOWNVOAT EVERY FUCKING 1 OF YOU.

I tried warning them, I tried warning YOU, but you downvoted me and then banned me----FUCK ALL NEWBIES.

nutjob ago

Your sister lovin ofay ass ain't doin diddly, pencil dick. Sit down.


BO2 ago

I was banned for 3 days for antisemitism because I called Mark Zuckerberg a cucked Jew for hanging around muzzies. Fuck T_D

markrod420 ago

I was banned for being racist. So looking forward to them learning how ignorant, retarded, and cuckolded they are.

Isaacwankenobi139 ago

Jeez calm down

Sojourner56 ago

Downvoat me then, you little pussy bitch.

ForzaNapoli ago

Same thing just happened to me for posting that we needed to leave Reddit. It's only a matter of time until it's totally wiped out. Fucking coward mods banning anyone with any foresight.

markrod420 ago

Kikes. They are kikes.

Chief_Niggums ago

Aaahhhh, someone's a little pissy cause no one stormed out the room with him back in the day

hang_em_high ago

What did you get banned for out of curiosity?

archvile7 ago

Member for 3.9 years

Get fucked, newbie

molonlabe9 ago

Because you were never a newbie.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Got me by 3 days you old bastard.

Had ago

Fucking rookies

TemetNosce ago

Damn that made me laugh! Thanks for that.

Doc40holliday ago

How's that going to help anything

TemetNosce ago

It's not. Just like me downvoating you right now. Just like T_D banning me. But damn it makes me feel better knowing I WAS RIGHT, and got banned for it. The tables have turned faggot, fuck off back to Reddit.

AND FOR THOSE IDIOTS WHO HAVE NOT FIGURED IT OUT YET---We hover over your username and see how long you have been here. Us Voaters have been through these migrations many times. Eat a bag of dicks, you faggot ass nigger kikes, go back to reddit. WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!!!! G O A W A Y !!!!

BasedLawyer ago

Sorry broseph, we're a coming. Nothing you can do.


"based" = Jewish

gonight ago

Get gassed you nigger.

Doc40holliday ago

Well too bad, I'll stay if I want. Thanks for your opinion though. You guys seem like a bunch of toxic autists over here so far to be honest.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

This place is what your people would describe as "woke AF." There's some misguided opinions and misinformation or outright ignorance of facts and truth here and there, but you can ferret that out if you're not a nog brain. And it's not all fucking bots, advertisers, and agenda-pushers like on tarddit.

The truths you will learn here are priceless. Depressing and infuriating sometimes, but that's because they're important and the truth doesn't care about feelings. And probably most importantly - you won't find this sort of banter anywhere else on the internet. Hell half-chan "raided" Voat and left without anyone really noticing because the raiders realized Voat was further right than even the chans.

At the end of the day I'm just a truth seeker, and no truths will be silenced on this site. In the same regard, many lies pop up here too. Research and most importantly critical thinking will help you determine the difference.

cyka_blyat556 ago

Then leave you stupid kike, literally no one wants you here.

el-y0y0s ago

Hello Patriots.. I'm here from reddits the_donald. Good to be here. First time user of Voat. Feels Good Man !


Hello patriots, do you accept Reddit refugees? (I don’t care either way, and I’ll vote in your DOM)


You'll see that, unlike Rabbi Trumpstein, we work hard to enforce our immigration laws. Goodbye.


The Holocaust is a hoax.


Back to Israel. Jewboy

Indiana_Jones ago

This place is a little different than what we're used to over at Reddit. THIS place is basically what Reddit claims /r/The_Donald is.

DON'T want to disturb anyone here, but we MIGHT need another place as a permanent /r/The_donald/Refugee-Base that is NOT SJW! LISTEN TO ME, LOOK AT MY LIPS, NOT SJW, but a LITTLE nicer.

el-y0y0s ago

Yeah, there's a distinct line between an appropriate level of moderation (here) and a complete lack of equal protection/due process (reddit)

iwasthey ago

They must be getting ready to whack The Real Donald.

fleetlordAtvar ago

**FFS **tell the others to come here ASAP, why would they put up w/ Oppression!!

Israel-Did-9-11 ago


Israel did 9/11

Pz14559 ago

Me too. I just got here too

AlgorithmicFairness ago

Another alternative to Reddit and Voat:

Nice app, too. Just no members yet.

AlgorithmicFairness ago

Anyone here coming from Reddit with the ability to actually post content (this site is so retarded), please start posting whatever you can think of, so we can push all the racist and antisemitic garbage off the first page. I literally can’t make posts because I don’t have any upvotes yet. Upvote any positive comment, so more normal people are enabled to contribute.

As far as I am concerned, Reddit is done. Saw this coming for a long time.

cobaltcolander ago

Was it one of my posts or comments that brought you here?

cerulean1313 ago

Welcome ;)

AustinTexas ago

I followed you here! MAGA

el-y0y0s ago


yob ago


Keep America Great!

archvile7 ago

Good god you sound like a massive kike faggot

Member for 1.4 hours

Wow, you really are a massive kike faggot

MrDarkWater ago

You have to go back

shitstartercarter ago

I do agree. You fags were fine with reddit censorship until it hit you. Go back to you idiots.

nutjob ago

Nah they're good. You fucking bad WNists are biting after about two seconds. They'll be a break from the norm.

Voat! Free speech reigns here! Anything goes! (99.99% same opinion held by all, lol)

nutjob ago






molonlabe9 ago

You have to eat a penis.

Sojourner56 ago

You got any way of making that happen or are you just pissing out the window of your mommies' basement?

the_donald_abides ago

i have a spot on my lawn that doesnt have grass because its my piss spot.

MrDarkWater ago

Do some research and get back to me

Chief_Niggums ago

Fuck you kike nose. We here to stay so get used to it, bitch boy

MrDarkWater ago

4/10 on the comeback. the intent is there, but it lacks style. keep it up.

If you want my comeback you'll have to scrape it off your mom's teeth.

Chief_Niggums ago

Oof. You junior high kids are spicy in 2019.


Good bye

Chief_Niggums ago

You taking off, kike nose? Oh! Didn't think so. Besides your childood parents, who the fuck you saying "good bye" to? That self respect?

MrDarkWater ago

don't say spicy here. It reeks of farts and semen like the gay shithole y'all came from

Chief_Niggums ago

On a scale of 1 through triggered are you

MrDarkWater ago

Nevermind, thought you wanted to have some fun

Chief_Niggums ago

Always! I definitely don't come here for Internet validation. I'm not even black.

MrDarkWater ago


Is that the same thing as a nigger?

ViaAlpina ago

You recently made a post with the following title:

Vote Trump culture is different, but en masse, we can own it.

GiantGiraffeGuy ago

what did they mean by this?

ViaAlpina ago

Eliminate anti semitism from voat.

markrod420 ago

Good luck lolololol

GiantGiraffeGuy ago

That simply will not do

cyka_blyat556 ago

Boomers fuck off.

alagary2020 ago


el-y0y0s ago

Mass exodus may be on the way.

ViaAlpina ago

Very interesting post history over there:

Shotinthedark ago

We have our first CIA fag.

ViaAlpina ago

You recently made a post with the following title:

Vote(sic) Trump culture is different, but en masse, we can own it.

ahihiconki ago

This account has just been registered and when I searched Voat for reddit alternative. I got here. Simply can't believe quarantined situation is happening folks.

42ent0 ago

i would like to welcome our new frens

welcome niggers

Newjigger ago

Thanks, Jew

Memediana_Jones ago

And faggots

markrod420 ago

And kikes, wait no, not even jokingly.

Many_Coconut ago

We need to strike back. Let us make smurf accounts and mass report on r/politics.

Arrvee ago

If any Redditors are interested in doing something less rule-breaky so they can't claim it was justified to ban you, start posting verifiable stuff from the submissions histories of myself, kestrel9, shadow332, and some of the other deep politics watchers.

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

Waste of energy, time, and resources.

ShariaBlew owns r/politics. We have nothing to match the full time ShariaBlew shills.

T_D was banned because what we did there was a threat.

Best thing we can do is continue to meme and spread truths ... that's what got us banned, and that's what the left is afraid of.

Many_Coconut ago

Indeed, but we can also take the fight to them. We can post on r/politics and make sure we spread the truth there. We will get downvoted, so what. Let us keep fighting.

Also, imagine 100k people reported shit there. The Mods would be in meltdown mode. There is such a thing as DoS attacks, this would the reddit equivalent of it. If we do it in force and coordinated, it will have an effect.

the_donald_abides ago

dont let the shitheads take the fight out of you!

Many_Coconut ago

I wont. High energy :)

AustinTexas ago

I dont think wasting time striking back like that is worth it. Better to support lawmakers that will force a change

cobaltcolander ago

The problem is, very few seem to be willing. Who do you suggest?

AustinTexas ago

We have a Senator and two Congress from texas raising awareness. Calling/emailing will show that we support them.

I used to be an intern for a senator, and every call or email or letter we got, we would tabulate to see how many people supported an issue. Obviously this is only a tiny part as to what influences their votes, but raising hell and calling congressmen doesnt fall on deaf ears.

I dont know of any specific legislation or PAC that is working on big tech problems, but im not too informed

Many_Coconut ago

While I agree, of sorts, the problem with getting the law involved is that they are also usually lefties, and will try and use the newly formed law to suppress freedom of speech in the guise of supporting it.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

The mods and admin are in cahoots with redacted. I have reported terrible bias by mods, and horrific threats by redacted users against me to reddit admin - nothing done

nutjob ago

I even thought that after the for mods got shitcanned the years ago, the positions of T_D miss went to either moles or Reddit shills!

Midterms were a fucking disaster because the mods were banning anything not related to Democrat taking points and accusations!

I had posts of pro-America, pro-Western world maps (slavery, women's physical safety) taken down repeatedly over the course of the midterms.

I'm serious there was some funny shit going on there. No Meme Magick whatsoever.

Many_Coconut ago

I know it from experience. But doing it in mass might have an effect. We must infiltrate them. DoS for the lack of a better word.

carlip ago

But doing it in mass might have an effect


DoS for the lack of a better word


Many_Coconut ago

thats defeatist. At least it will piss them off slightly, that alone should be worth it. Or you are not a real patriot, comrade...

carlip ago

Why would you waste your time trying to take a bathtub from a mental patient after he shit in it?

TheRealAmalek ago

Welcome Nigger Faggots

the_donald_abides ago

hey george!

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

For the record:

My skin tone is of German/Irish melanin levels, and I do not have anal and/or oral sex with people of the same sex as me.

But, thank you for the welcome!

cyka_blyat556 ago

Ask me how I know you're a faggot.

Sojourner56 ago

He wouldn't fuck your mom when she begged him to?

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

Because you are a Qtard?

cyka_blyat556 ago

Close. It's actually because you come from a faggot sub full of fags.

Boomers like you are not welcome here.

Toughsky_Shitsky ago

Are you in charge of that?

cyka_blyat556 ago

Do you think we would have all you kikes running around if I was in charge of that? Lmao you're fucking braindead.

try4gain ago

think voat is going to see some new traffic soon

random128dsf321 ago

DDOS attacks.

cthulhu69 ago

I know jew lover shitstains will have a bad time here.

nutjob ago

Why, because the conversation is so basic and repetitive?

Sojourner56 ago

oh no, Keyboard Commando gonna give us a bad time. Who gives a shit what you do you fucking punk?

the_donald_abides ago

be nice. voat is a good place with good people.

RabbiSheckles ago

Oy israel is our greatest ally you bigot! We should die fighting sand niggers for them!

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, and?