peacegnome ago

Orange Dugong filled his cabinet with shills and banksters.

I, at least, am very aware of that. i guess we will need to wait and see if they play the same role they have in the past. He is also doing stuff like putting farwell in DoEd and having Gulianni run cyber security, both appear non-nonsensical to me, but again, we will wait and see.

Terrorism kills fewer people than electrocution.

Again, I, and many others here, think that a lot of the coverage for attacks is forced on the population to end rights and build up laws that protect the state. A lot of this crap (TSA, scanners, anything NSA, etc.) is not there to make us safer, it is there to control us. I also believe that the NSA, FBI, etc. have no reason to stop attacks, and every reason to let them happen. As far as comparing it to electrocution, electrocution is one of those things that will happen because we use electricity, and usually happens to someone that isn't taking the proper precautions. I actually work with electricity, and (most of it) has gotten to the point that it is very safe as long as you follow the procedures. Also, see car deaths, there are tons of them, but we can't stop driving because of it.

Attacks, on the other hand, are something that we can do something about. We can limit immigration, vet the immigrants that we do let in, and act in the best interest of the citizens when investigating terrorist plots. Many of the recent attacks were done by people on lists, or that had been flagged by the authorities before.

Obama was the deportingest president in history

This i have no idea about, I haven't seen it show up too much, and when i do (like the county list yesterday) all i see is that he blocked people from immigrating in very specific circumstances; for example, if they gave support to north korea blocking aid (i made that up, and north korea is the best korea). I don't think that anyone on voat feels too strongly about this position, and it is more just to say that what trump is doing isn't unprecedented.

Thank you for not being like the other guy.

Eualos ago

Until they finally change their mind to alleviate the discomfort

peacegnome ago

Could you give some examples please? Give me something that is factual that voat users ignore to keep their sanity.

p0ssum ago

and they just don't get it. More so than CD, Dunning Kruger rules the day here!

lettersofmarque ago

I believe most people don't get far enough to have dissonance because they instantly reject contrary info from processing. Information bounces off the previous belief if not fitting a pre-established filter. "La-la-la I can't hear you!" Like splashing water on an oiled surface, it rolls right off, no processing required.

Myside Bias - People evaluate evidence, generate evidence, and test hypotheses in a manner biased toward their own prior beliefs, opinions, and attitudes. This is a noteworthy cognitive difficulty, because a recurrent theme in the critical thinking literature is that critical thinkers should be able to decouple their prior beliefs and opinions from the evaluation of evidence and arguments. Myside bias can be viewed as a subclass of confirmation bias

Myside Bias

Confirmation Bias

OriginalReaper ago

My definition is when younconvince yourself of something because it is more suitable for you to think that way.

Ie: if you work a hard job with shit pay, the pay doesnt gratify you, so you will think the job is not that bad.

In an example with the same job with worse pay, your mind will make up gratification by convincing you that the job isnt so bad.

I think "avoiding situation" distracts from the real strength of cognitive dissonance: people convince themselves of bad facts

Scablifter ago

In other words, its fear. The same for everyone.

smokratez ago

Don't you have some nigger porn to jerk off to?

p0ssum ago

I don't understand why people say you don't add anything to the conversation!!

smokratez ago

It's mostly people jealous because I have fun and they are miserable.

p0ssum ago

Yes, keep tellling yourself that, isn't it cool how this works. You can create your own reality ... like right here on voat. Keep the facts away so the fools can play.

p0ssum ago

And we call this place ... voat. It's a nice safe space for right-wing ideologues who are afraid of news in the real world.

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

This is why reddit loves to ban/mute people and topics.

p0ssum ago

and why voat likes to brigade facts it doesn't like.

peacegnome ago

for example?

I do this all the time with my relatives:

"CNN is full of lies, like this one, and this one, and this one; you shouldn't trust it as a source for the facts"

"Well Breitbart is only lies, and is run by the nazis"

"Find me something where they outright lied, please"


p0ssum ago

Ok, lets start with something easy ... and well just stupid:

They pubished a picture of a YUGE crowd in Jacksonville for Trump ... problem is, it was really a picture of the Cleveland Cavs Championship parade. Stupid ... but insidious as well. They wanted nothing more than Trump to be king president.

Now, look at this:

OH MY FUCKING GOD. How horrible, that's incredible, why didn't anyone report on this ?!?1 Because it didn't happen:

But, of course, they STAND BY their story, even after it's been proven to be bullshit.

Well, and then when they DO get caught outright lying, or being caught using satirical information as true:

They just remove it from the interwebz. I could go on all day, but I get the feeling I'm talking to crickets already.

But by all means, believe everything you see at breitbart ....

ThizzBoss ago

What does any of that have to do with voat though?

peacegnome ago

Okay, you had better keep going, because your "proof" that they outright lie is lacking.

Ok, lets start with something easy ... and well just stupid:

This one was something that was basically a repost of a tweet. a trump supporter posted a picture and said it was something else, and breitbart posted the picture as well with the same bad title and no article.

The second one was "debunked" using absolutely no facts, and basically claiming that the breitbart story was factual (except for the status of the "oldest church") but was exaggerated to make the migrants look bad. It is probably guilty of this; breitbart is very pro-trump, and anti-migrant, so i will not say that they didn't exaggerate, but they also didn't "outright lie"

the 3rd one is from 2013 (so you were looking back 4 years, nice). yes, just like the first one, they reposted something false that they believed was true. There is no archive of this, or anything, so i'm not sure if they added any special sauce, but again, it wasn't a deliberate lie.

Contrast this with the establishment media who has quite the problem telling the truth at all. All your reply did was confirm that people like you have a problem with cognitive dissonance.

p0ssum ago

It is probably guilty of this; breitbart is very pro-trump, and anti-migrant, so i will not say that they didn't exaggerate,

Exaggeration IS a lie. Period. You admit that, but say they don't lie. You know what we call this ... yep, you got it, Cognitive Dissonance, in spades.

the 3rd one is from 2013 (so you were looking back 4 years, nice). yes, just like the first one, they reposted something false that they believed was true. There is no archive of this, or anything, so i'm not sure if they added any special sauce, but again, it wasn't a deliberate lie.

So, now lies have time limits? Is that like a statue of limitations. You can't show me any lies!!1! Ok, well there's that one, but it's old so it doesn't count. Well and then there's that one, but really that's just an exagerration. Oh and that other one, they just didn't use any journalistic integrity and blinded reported on shit they didn't check on. That's doesn't mean they lied, they were just careless, yeah, that's it, they don't lie, they are careless. And how is this any different than the shit you are hating on CNN for?!?

LOL, no need to keep going ... they didn't mean to lie, they just did so, but you can't show me any lies.

I think we're pretty much done here, thanks for the laughs.

BTW, here's some more info on the huge church fire:

But of course, this isn't fact as well, but brietbart is. Jesus fucking christ you people are scary.

EDIT: .... crickets ....

Mobius_racetrack22 ago

I'll take that instead of getting banned.....but counterarguements are always more intellectually stimulating.

Damnpasswords ago

My liheral brother was excited to watch the Norwegian muslim peace conference that "convinced me I was wrong about the refugees", until the whole crowd showed support for killing gays. He got up and you walked away. It's been a few days since then/we talked.

collegetoker ago

Well, you tried.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

Exactly. On a serious note the only people I know of that do not have this bias are autists. They are the true master race.

ThizzBoss ago

can the admins ban these two faggots in the comments?

Anyway, cognitive dissonance is what liberal ideology is based upon. Show them stats and they cry, kick, and squeal until you stop talking to them

p0ssum ago

LOL, yes, yes, ban the dissenters that will certainly make this place less cognitively dissonant, because ... reasons. Or maybe, just maybe banning the opposing side and wallowing in your own ideology is exactly the type of behavior that CAUSES cognitive dissonance. But what do I know, I've only been pointing out the rampant cognitive dissonance here for a year and a half.

ThizzBoss ago

They're just arguing with each other , they aren't dissenters

p0ssum ago

It doesn't matter, it's the thought of immediately appealing to authority to fix your ills, because you don't like what they are doing, that rubs me the wrong way. If they want to argue who are you to say they shouldn't have a platform to do so?

ThizzBoss ago

Their platform would be private messages. You don't have the right to spam the message board and what they're doing is spam.

No one is threatened by their message. They should be banned because they're derailing everythread by posting the exact same thing in unrelated comment sections. They can post their own thread or they can make their own subverse but I have rights here also, and I have a right to not have every fucking thread ruined by these faggots you fucking retard

p0ssum ago

Or you could use that useful little block user feature and shut the fuck up about it already, but what do I know, that's just me.

ThizzBoss ago

Or the admins could use the ban feature you baby

p0ssum ago

Yes, Im the baby that's whining about how other people conduct themselves... Oh wait, no, that's you.

ThizzBoss ago

Good one faggot

p0ssum ago

So edgy!

Anoxim ago

@SaneGoatiSwear didn't RAPE AND MURDER A 10 YEAR OLD GIRL IN 1990! There is zero evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A 10 YEAR OLD GIRL IN 1990. I don't know why he won't deny that HE RAPED AND MURDERED A 10 YEAR OLD GIRL IN 1990, its clearly false that @SaneGoatiSwear RAPED AND MURDERED A 10 YEAR OLD GIRL IN 1990. It would probably put a lot of 10 year olds at ease if he just denied it though.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout

it's been a while hasn't it.

Tipman79 ago


p0ssum ago

@SaneGoatISwear .... I really don't have anything to say, I just wanted to ping you. Cause you know ... fuck off.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@puttitout @atko @kevdude @cynabuns @fuzzywords criminal shilling on voat.

Anoxim ago

BWHAHAHA. YOU FOOL. YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE! Also like I said earlier, until you devugle who you actually are your claims of defamation and slander are moot as the mechanism in which defamation occurs is based solely upon the tarnishing of YOUR NAME. For example if you said "Mike MacLennan, strangles puppies." I could sue you as you're actively tarnishing my name with malicious intent. But if you said "Anoxim strangles puppies" it does nothing to tarnish Mike MacLennan's name as the two are not publicly connected.

p0ssum ago

@SaneGoatISwear oh look these pingy things work. I think I have to keep doing this because it's fun.

mudcatca ago

Sounds like people who need safe spaces. At least until they can get mental health care.

p0ssum ago

Sounds like voat

UnknownCitizen ago

It's actually a significant issue with regards to mental health issues. This isn't simply avoiding something one doesn't like at that level. It affects one's ability to properly weigh, judge or even perceive an issue at all. Cognitive Dissonance is by far one of the most destructive forces on this planet.

Scablifter ago

Overstating its importance I believe, would you be someone who is involved in mental heatth by any chance?

UnknownCitizen ago

Someone intimately involved with it yes. Cognitive dissonance, like many things, is a sliding scale of severity and strength. There is something wrong, beyond low self-esteem or run of the mill depression, when, for example, an accomplished business person and community leader believes they have nothing to contribute to life, hasn't really done anything meaningful and has suicidal ideation. The underlying cause maybe chemical imbalance, but even after that imbalance is corrected the cognitive dissonance between the person's thoughts and the truth of reality need to be reconciled. The mind itself has some extremely strong mechanisms for coping that can themselves conflict with each other making the task range from simple column charting to intensive therapy to pull apart misconstrued beliefs. A belief cannot be changed until it is reconsidered and re-evaluated, but a belief can instantaneously be referenced and used for decision making. If the belief developed out of any manner of cognitive dissonance it can cause chaos if incompatible enough with other beliefs or thoughts.

Scablifter ago

All I can say is that psychology is very fond of inventing ilnesses to cure and rebranding old ones to attract research money. Your assumption that there is one underlying cause to any mental abberattion has not been proven.

As to belief, you have the wrong word, look at people with a set of values and then at people with a sense of values.

It could very well could be nothing to do with psychology at all, that is when the gaslighting starts.

If the only tool you have is a hammer there is a very great tendency to see everything as a nail.

Pylote ago

So for example, liberals?

pcdude ago

TIL you can add shillbait tag

gazillions ago

And dig a hole into ignorance. Call it a safe space.

Tipman79 ago

There is absolutely no evidence that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990. People should stop saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 because saying that @SaneGoatiSwear WAS CONVICTED OF RAPING SMALL CHILDREN IN 1990 is slander to his good name.

gazillions ago

Like most here, i assumed the op was talking about the political situation.

The infighting between you and others isn't anything i want to know about. I have no idea what's going on, i think you explained it me once, but honestly it isn't why i come here, so i couldn't apply any focus to it at all. If you feel you're right then fight on. All the best to you, but I'm stepping around it, not in it.

p0ssum ago

or voat.

Sippio ago

Heh, looks like you just exposed some cognitive dissonance right now, with the negative feedback you just got.

p0ssum ago

LOL imagine that. This place never ceases to amaze me.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey @Sanegoatiswear, is this TIL worthy buddy 'ol boy ?

p0ssum ago

@Sanegoatiswear What do you think about this. I think I like pings.

Chiefpacman ago

Do you think the guys on voat that bitch about something too much are annoying?

how much bitching about someone bitching, becomes bitchy?

Womb_Raider ago
