24890214? ago

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24725793? ago

Just dropping this here


24726312? ago

Nice layout. Was there also a near twin of Huma, some famous actor's wife IIRC? Or am I thinking of the New Zealand PM you already included?

24726909? ago

I think there are many. I just looked for the ones mentioned by DirectorAnon. Then it came to my attention that Beto O’Rourk looks like one.

Feel free to hijack image, fren. Since you have the voats, you can add it up in the post to get more eyes on.

24691256? ago

What do they mean by Virgina?

24691516? ago

Not sure of your reference in these long threads. Probably Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

24691635? ago

Something about things changing when Virginia joined.

24687822? ago

Who is the kingpin

24679221? ago

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24678119? ago

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24648788? ago

I'd like to think the Q teams silence is from taking a holiday break.

thanks for sharing.

24682503? ago

They're out surfing in Middletown.

Tropical Storm coming, the best time!

24683269? ago

Forgot they like to surf, hope they're having fun

24683305? ago

ME TOO!!!!

24681003? ago

There are no breaks in the world of world-saving. Just varying inputs and iterations. Product is not tested on animals.

24647646? ago

24647801? ago

Lol! That's just an American farm boy who walked barefoot through the manure pile every summer as a kid. No relation to jar head Obummer.

Tom grew up on his family’s cattle farm in Yell County. He's 6'5". Obummer is 6' 1".

24648118? ago

How do you feel about Rahm Emanuel? seen directly to the left of Hussein (by obama's right hand)

24648210? ago

Chicago Marxist, Obummer's missing right nut. Gay, dance degree, I believe. Power player. Never let's a tragedy go to waste. Deep State boi.

What's to like?

What a collection of smiling traitors and seditionists in that picture! Maybe they can enjoy a 15th year reunion at Gitmo if they live that long.

24647276? ago

Is person x John Waters?

Old, goofy, tall, flaming...

24646665? ago

Holy shit, bro.

24646755? ago

There is a lot there to digest! 4chan, 8kun and VOAT were buzzing with this yesterday. Not sure if they allowed it on reddit or FB, it would definitely cause a buzz there, shills would be on overtime trying to tamp out that fire.

24646918? ago

Right? You can’t censor everything. We can bet that the entire “entertainment” industry is in the process being scrutinized right now. With all of the freaks and their related/criminal associates all over pedowood and politics, it’s going to be outrageous when it collapses. They are shitting themselves hourly. Sucks to be them.

24647554? ago

Ellen Degenerate looks like she's aged 20 years in the past year. Where's Hanx? David Spade has a basement YT channel with 28K followers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c6I7qvbJNCc, JizzLane jokes, Prince Andy jokes.

24646055? ago

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24645668? ago

This post really blew me away. Anons have probably seen images from one of the DS artists (Podesta had some of her stuff?). One had a creepy non-human (with very long fingers or fingernails) thing dancing with a little girl on a bed. Another had a creepy, non-human thing with rolls of fat snuggled up to a little girl, both sleeping. I had read that the DS had been conducting genetic experiments and I wondered if those creepy things were real and NOT merely artistic imaginings. Didn’t go any further down that rabbit hole. Didn’t really want to.

But now. I looked up all the people named by DirectorAnon. All are tall, lanky, long faces with big teeth.

If (((they))) had all these successes with clones or test tube babies or whatever these guys are, then (((they))) probably had a lot of failures too. Doncha think?

24681471? ago

HP Lovecraft "The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

This shit's been going on a long long long-long time.

24681450? ago

You didn't really think they stopped at Dolly the sheep?

24682180? ago

I remember that Dolly didn’t live very long. Then we never heard anything about it again. Like oh, well, that doesn’t work, on to the next thing. Right.

24645862? ago

Yep. Horrible outcomes, poor innocent kids born of Luciferian level sin. That will be an interesting chapter if we get to read it, dare to read it. What defines a failure, and what was done with them.

24681508? ago

"Those who know can't sleep" instantly comes to mind.

The only possible good thing about this fucked up year: People are going to be so shell-shocked by the end of it, that little is going to surprise/ faze them as much, and they are going to be open and ready to accept a LOT more truths....

This year is battle prep for the masses in a way. Training. They've been put through so much, they're getting hardened and ready to accept what it coming down the pike.....

24643762? ago

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24643604? ago

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24643562? ago

Where can I find more info on cloning

24643463? ago

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24643351? ago

They mention a source...a DNA source...for which the "jar people" have been cloned from...

Let's see - tall, thin, darker skin but not black, more "asian" looking, brown eyes, an overbite or buck teeth, and a taste for transgender or androgynous.

Sounds to me like they were able to extract some DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies. Many had those features including Akhenaten and Tutankhamun (his son).

This might also explain their secret adherence to their "religion" - They Law of One (also called the Law of Ra).

24681558? ago

I think you might be on to something here anon. Why would you take DNA from just some regular guy, when you have access to untold number of past "deities"/ important peoples...

Mummified bodies are ideal. I doubt that knowledge has been "lost" either, but just hidden and known by the select few so they could preserve their special ancestors. I'm sure people like the royals have done this... Think about how many celebrities today resemble important figures from the past.....

HP Lovecraft wrote "The Strange Case of Charles Dexter Ward" 100 years ago....

24646730? ago

You know it never occurred to me how much Tutankhamun's golden mask looks like the blue stripe pattern on Epstein's temple.

24642088? ago

So how do negative and postive blood types factor into this satanic shit? Science doesnt explain why the fact that you even can be positive or negative is possible, how it appeared in some people's dna. Being a negative blood type, the anomaly, im curious.

24641934? ago

There is a Brazilian "model" who happens to be a deadringer for Gisele Bundchen, also from Brazil. (Although Germanic in origin.) The age difference is about 25 years. I think these people are cloning themselves. There's a few others.

George Clooney's wife looks just like George when he was younger. It's common knowledge she didn't really birth her twins, reported to actually be her sister's children, borrowed for photo ops.

Prince Harry has looked "different" lately and many are noticing something is "off" about him, including the fact that he now seems to have brown eyes! His wife reportedly looks different in every picture, different nose, eye spacing, chin/jaw.

Something is definitely going on with these evil sick people.

24642646? ago

Someone did a big zoom in on the royal couple. They were at some theatre in a private box, sitting at a balcony 'talking w eachother.

When zoomed in it was clear as daylight these were robots!! No facial emotional expression. Nothing. None could see with the distance, these were no real people. But they were moving their heads and faces. I believe it was a twitter post.

24682540? ago

Check out this girl. Paula LaCroix. Identical to Gisele when she was younger. I think these people are cloning themselves. https://www.allure.com/story/gisele-bundchen-doppelganger

24642691? ago

Madame Tussauds once had animated wax Harry and Meghan in an audience once for show. That's probably what you're thinking of. It was legit, a demonstration.

But they DO all have doubles. Make no mistake.

24641499? ago

Excellent thread. Clones are believable, there are public figures that always seemed "off" to me, one being Kamala. Makes sense now.

24681281? ago

AOC really stands out to me.

Meghan Markle is another. It's like they are a completely different species to humans.

24641453? ago

This was excellent! Thank you! Although the real show is political this is an important arm AND the more truth we know, the more the pieces come together. In a world where lies and illusion have been told in order to control the people, every fact is significant to hold up against the lies.

24640335? ago

Astonishing. I had no idea Eminem died though. I heard that about Miley Cyrus too (Destiny Hope birth name), it would make sense because when she was younger, she was super wise and Christian for her young age.

However the biggest thing I took away from this thread was corporate feudalism. Mind blowing

24641869? ago

Eminem isn't dead.

24657133? ago

Well I meant in regards to the "real" Eminem vs the clone we see now today

24665114? ago

I think a LOT of the "celebrities" we see today are clones. So many many people, something just....off about them. Prince Harry comes to mind instantly. His grandmother the queen. Madonna, Katy Perry looks like a COMPLETELY different woman (I remember she used to have such big round eyes), not to mention politicians like Biden, Hillary Clinton, who is sporting a new face every time she's in public, Beyonce.....

Hope we get the real story someday on what this odd phenomenon is all about!

24680600? ago

Clones or replacements? Paul McCartney, Avril Lavigne and Stephen Hawking are all rumored to be replacement actors

24680890? ago

More than 1 fake Paul. The Beatles Anthology couldn't fool me. I was only a 90s kid but I knew something was up. I got lost down that unbelievably twisted series of rabbit holes in my 20s and that's how I got onto JFK... Aaand now I'm here, hit the mother lode! Why is it all so fucking connected!? How will we dig ourselves out of this one?

24682558? ago

More than one? Now you got me. What years did number 3 come in? Did they covertly confess the way they did for #2? I've been into conspiracies since I listened to Art Bell as a little kid. Followed the boards til I found this place.

24682887? ago

I'll try and dig up some of the old material. There was an old website that blended the faces and eyes. I thought the first replacement was no good and they had to pull some strings to get another one. Gosh it has been a long time. William Shears, Billy Campbell, then looking at the caretaker John Halliday, and to think we're having Helter Skelter all over again!

24683417? ago

Please post if you find it. I got my hands on the Sgt Pepper's vinyl and had a blast looking at it since I'd read so much on the Paul is Dead theory. As for Helter Skelter, you mean Charlie's race war? I was actually just thinking about that the other day so funny you should mention it

24683695? ago

Yes! the race war, I look at Charlie as the pawn setting it up. The white album seems like the product of their occult sgt pepper conjuring, almost like they hacked into the akashic record. Of course their connections created the tangled web we are left with today. I was so fascinated by the beatles as a kid i always got made fun of for it. But then learning about mkultra, tavistock, maharishi, more popular than jesus, the fainting girls, epstein the manager, wry george martin, there is a much deeper common denominator than I even under stand!

24684305? ago

It's bittersweet learning about the dark side of the beatles. I was teased in high school for only listening to the oldies, then a few years later classic rock bands had a resurgence and suddenly everyone was wearing their tshirts. Did you hear some BLM folk were calling to replace the national anthem with Imagine? That's pretty chilling when you consider the full context of the song. As for old Charlie, I think it's time to revisit his theory. I fitst read about it years ago and thought the idea was crazy. But look where we are now.

24640306? ago

Kundalini is real, wow

24639593? ago

[[[Damian]]] There you go.

[[[He]]] is revealed.


24639080? ago

bwahahahahaha 110

24638883? ago

Paris Hilton is a devil wirshiping pedo and it could be her yacht anon is referring to, just a guess though.

24638818? ago

Hello, OP. This link was posted on Voat about a year and a half ago. I was new here and didn't know how to save a post. I saved the content of the post.

This link will open a 95 page .PDF file of the unredacted Epstein Black Book. (Address Book). I checked today and the link is still good. Thought you would be interested.


24638771? ago

Damn, thanks for this!

24638758? ago

Buffet = corn....

Of course, we know another kind as well. But I think Buffett matches nicely.

24682310? ago

"Victoria's Secret".......

Now you know.....

24638544? ago


24638471? ago

Anything science revealed in the news is 30 years old, Just like technology the military is 30 years ahead

24642042? ago

Lol just not the stuff they give to the average infantryman, cuz his life doesnt matter all that much. The government only has to pay your family $400k life insurance.

24638333? ago

thanks for posting. great stuff

24637415? ago

Added the pod-grown article as a separate post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3913957

24637405? ago

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24637374? ago

Seems like OP is Over The Target. Voat is being heavily attacked right now.

24637211? ago


In .png4 does anyone have any info on the graphic that is nearest to the bottom. It features Obama and a potential clone candidate?

Please upvote for visibility.

24637800? ago

Do you mean this guy - Hamengkubuwono IX?


24639197? ago

No, but that guy was interesting too thanks.

My reference ended up being some cult leader from Indonesia.

24682354? ago

Or this woman? The last Queen of Hawaii, Liliʻuokalani? She's another doppelganger. Hey, wasn't Zero supposed to be Hawaiian or something? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili%CA%BBuokalani

24637175? ago

Who is Jacinta?

24637199? ago

Prime Min of New Zealand Jacinda ...

24638076? ago

long teeth clones

I see it now

24637140? ago

Where is "the list" that was mentioned? I am just getting started...new window with many tabs for this one. Thank you Director Anon, you give me hope that the E industry has a few good people.

24637206? ago

I think he's referring to the list in Q4577

24637485? ago

Ok thanks... I thought he/she was referring to an A-list of celebs in the club.

24637551? ago

"Actors on THE LIST" makes sense for the Q4577 list.

24636912? ago

I wanna know what they have on Alyssa Milano to make her go so over the top.

24641879? ago

Her real name is Alyssa Rogers. She's on the List. Pedo.

24637723? ago

Look into her husband. He is the connection for her.

24636853? ago

WOW! explains a lot.

24636844? ago


24636803? ago

I am stunned... The fattest red pill known to man.

24636780? ago

Ohio Family.... Learn- er

24638560? ago

Who do you think is person X they are cloning from?

24682378? ago

24642236? ago


24640058? ago


24636634? ago

When something is rotten, does it really matter which part of has the worst smell?

24636376? ago

That thread was a wild ride man. - Great post! Thank you.

24637974? ago

seriously i am a meme war vet; and the tranny jar baby clone shit is some joebiden lvl malarkay -- but the photos! it's all fucking true man. they're fucking faggot test-tube babies.

24680503? ago

There was a breakthrough on the secret tranny front here on voat about 3 years ago. The 2 biggest u-tubers were JonHumanity and MrE but both their channels got shut down. There is a sub devoted to the topic but it's been overrun with shills and everything is downvoted.

24640454? ago

This shit is better and more riveting than any fiction book I could possibly read

24636098? ago

Who’s the tall slender, vegan he’s describing??

24656742? ago

he mentioned jazz so my first through was jeff goldblum

24645050? ago

Rothschild. But the spear head of what happened specifically to Hollywood and America is not him, he's more concerned with Europe and operating through the EU. The American operation was a certain Indo leader and his underlings, who included top names among Socialist and Communist hoi polloi living in South and Central American countries. These ppl were and are Marxist fanatics and tried same operation in Brazil where it worked for awhile in the Sixties but got put down by the Fascists, a lesson they didn't forget. The game in America is rigged to prevent Fascism from arising to stop it this time which is why everyone to right of Kennedy gets silenced. They don't want a second Brazil Failure. Rothschild just wants America subverted and destroyed so he can fully control all banking and sex throughout the world. America stands in the way of this though badly damaged. The idea is if you are a CEO who can help him and these people [his allies] accomplish this, you get to run as you like and get a piece of the pie. The end goal is corporate feudalism. This is being sold to Millennials and Zoomers by my industry and the MSM under its fake name:


Far closer to McSocialism

24681360? ago

Why so many CEO resignations recently then? Wouldn't they be so much closer to their "goal" now to just up and quit?

24682137? ago

Must be more going on behind the scenes than we know. MSM sure as hell ain’t gonna tell us.

24682267? ago

Ah, no. No they certainly aren't.

24682304? ago

Agree. Something is going on. Gimme some of that hopium, Anon!

24643383? ago

I have thought about it and come up with the possibility that it is Marilyn Manson.

Tall, slender, well spoken in interviews, sloped forehead/big nose, had ties with atnon levay (who had ties with CIA/Operation Mockingbird / Marilyn Monroe / Church of Satan), long teeth? Who knows.

In addition he has performs with the Sol/Sig rune as a backdrop (think: the S in SS, or the SS in KISS's logo). This is a symbol of the sun and was used in ancient occulted worship of the sun. Also known as the cult of the black sun, which is why it was adopted by the Nazi's. Volkish druidic sun / earth worship. Without going too far into depth here, the destruction of free will and the subjugation of man has been sought by this lunar/sun cult for time immemorial. A good example of how they would exert control over the masses can be seen in Mel Gibson's 2006 movie Apocalypto

He arrived on the scene in the 90's when director anon said that shit in pedowood really started to crank up.

It's a theory, but the pieces fit.

24640918? ago

Long teeth. They have to be British.

24641565? ago

Or Mormon. People from Utah have huge teeth and many blondes.

24638362? ago

This!! I want to know

24636434? ago

Came here to ask the same question... they never explained who this is!

24641560? ago

Obama, I think.

24637987? ago

it's obama im pretty sure ??

24639888? ago

He's saying Obama is one of many half-clones of the mystery person... which means mystery person should be very old (assuming he was an adult at the time of cloning)

24657758? ago

He said Obama was a clone of nigger indo President. Also said Indos took over US/Hollywood but I got the feeling the “person x” of Hollywood tall long teeth was another person to the Obama cloning

24640030? ago

Akhenaten. Straight up. They want to resurrect the Aten.

24680003? ago

Obama is also the Earthly host of Satan. <

24679996? ago

I have said this on here before. The Gematria analysis led me to this information.

24656312? ago

The conspiracy theorist Freeman Fly on Freemantv.com has tons about this.

He thinks Obama is Akenaten, Mike is Queen T, and the Obama kids are all clones of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

24641567? ago

He looks JUST like Akhenaten! Found this article with side by side face matches. https://illuminatiwatcher.com/presidnet-barack-obama-is-the-clone-of-akhenaten-conspiracy-theory/

24640280? ago

There certainly is a resemblance, and that could explain what the Egyptians really had in mind regarding mummification as a form of immortality (preserve the DNA so it could be cloned in the future).

24640135? ago

Interesting theory

24636089? ago

Thank you for this information, much appreciated.

24635293? ago

great work, thanks for your time/sharing

24635238? ago

Can we start getting like all this stuff compiled and put into a torrent file? Or maybe megaupload link? Somewhere ee can back it up with one click of a link?

24680066? ago

I am putting all the best stuff on a new immutable block chain website where I own the domain and ICANN can't shut it down.

Etherium Block chain is where I am going to be storing all our information.

24680772? ago

The man of the hour! Thank you sir!

Have a tip address if you need help with funding.

24680893? ago

Unstoppable Domains: >

Website and Payment Address: cryptoraven.crypto

It uses a wallet compatible for .crypto payments like Atomic wallet.

I really will need to crowd fund this, as it's a lot of work and a lot of cost involved in setting it all up.

I will do it regardless considering it is critically important work that I personally want done.

Funding the website construction and hosting costs are the main issue. I am doing it all on my own at the moment. Even started learning C++ FFS as I am tired of having knowledge gaps.

Onward and upward.


24680989? ago

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24638282? ago

It's in the Akashic Records, no worries.

24680968? ago

Is that how the Simpsons are/were able to predict everything? I just thought Swartzwelder was a psychic. I might just have to read some of his oddly-titled books.

24635019? ago

wonderful post, thanks for consolidating like that. I worked on a major Hollywood lot for about 12 years, never saw anything (was not woke at the time) but the constant feel of an evil presence haunted me the whole time. Wasn't ill after I left and woke up that I realized what I was feeling at the time...I was at Sony, and left right before the "South Korea hack" and the stupid film about Kim Jong Un with pedos Franco & Seth Rogan. Seth used to walk around the lot just getting high right out in the open, that's when I realized he was "protected" so to speak. I ditched my TV and have not watched films since about 2009. The Wikileaks email drops were very revealing!

24640379? ago

My whole life, everytime I'd visit or drive through Hollywood, I would feel a very dark, heavy presence, even as a kid, and I'm not one of those hyper-spiritual clairvoyant types, either.

24638826? ago

I was on that same Sony Pictures lot right before the hack almost weekly for about a year on business. I always sensed a dark, evil type of feeling around virtually all of the upper management types ... could never quite put my finger on what it was back then - but clear as day now that our intuitions were spot on.

24635711? ago

Your timeline makes no sense.

If you are gonna lie, put a little effort into it

24638567? ago

shilly jew facts are for getniles...

24634982? ago

DirectorAnon talks about how Dr. Dre is gay and Eminem was forced to be sodomized by Dr. Dre for his shot at fame.


And this is going to sound insane:

But there is a crummy rap group called the "Insane Clown Posse" - if you could believe that - who wrote a rap song called "Nothing but a bitch thang".

At the beginning of this song they play a skit with a fake Dr. Dre and Eminem -> And Dr. Dre Sodomizes Eminem for fame in the skit.

I know it's small and mostly unrelated, but it's a fact that the Insane Clown Posse knew what was going on between Eminem and Dr. Dre.

In my personal opinion, it is the most heavy handed diss track I've ever heard - Eminem, his record label, and the entire rap industry had to completely ignore that the song existed it was so damaging to him.


24683757? ago

Gangsta rap was fake...a lot of rappers are gay. Ask lil wayne who was raped over and over...he is super gay.

24690791? ago

Dude so many of them got raped and kiss eachother on the lips its crazy.

Theres a ton of gay rappers, almost all the big names pushed on radio.

24679580? ago


Insane Clowne Posse works with the Royal Order of Jesters and commands Juggalo gangs which are involved in gang stalking, terrorism, threats, and drinking and trafficking adrenochrome and human blood. Their names are Violent J or born as Joseph Bruce and Shaggy 2 Dope born as Joseph Utsler. The Scottish Bruce clan are overseers of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Violent J was arrested for making death threats, battery, assault, and robbery. They are extremely evil and involved in cannibalism as well as drinking blood. They are sick evil freaks and they are proud of it.

24682314? ago

Do you have any proof of these juggalo gangs?

Because all the juggalos I've met are damaged people from broken homes who aren't looking to fight or hurt anyone.

Not every "bruce" is a freemason the same why that not every "bush" is in on the new world order.

I'm telling you that the whole satanic voodoo image was a put on.

On their most anticipated album, on the very last song, they admit that the whole thing was about God and getting your soul to heaven. They explicitly say not to buy their merchandise because they don't care at all about it - for nearly 5 minutes the song goes on with the chant "we're not sorry if we tricked you", and "may the juggalos find Him, he's out there". They yell these phrases over and over for nearly 5 minutes in what can only be described as the anti-climax of anti-climaxes on the last song of their most anticipated album.

They explicitly rejected that fans should buy their merchandise, said they didn't give a shit about it - rejection of materialism.

They explicitly state that God is real and they hope you find Him.

They aren't sorry that they tricked those kids.

I don't know man.

24682384? ago

I DO NOT trust or believe them. How 'convenient' to come out at the end and say it was just a load of shit. Sorry that does not sit well with me, considering the horrible shit a lot of people would have done over the years, as a result of listening to their garbage. NO way. I know evil when I see it.

24682812? ago

considering the horrible shit a lot of people would have done over the years, as a result of listening to their garbage.

Right, but you see we can apply this logic to anything and call the source corrupt, for example:

If catholics have pedophile priests then that means Christianity is bad because look at what these people have done as a result of being a priest?

You see, that's how a typical atheist would twist it.

I know evil when I see it.

That's the point. They are depicting evil. It is a warning. That is their "front", get it?

It pains me to say but I have been to one of their shows, and I have heard several songs of theirs (and the music is just godawful. It's really, really bad), but all I can tell you is with my dealings with these people, they are generally damaged goods - extremely beta, pacifist, tries to act tough and look tough, but a lily underneath it all, sharing whatever they had.

Maybe I just had an interaction with these people in a "whiter" town.

But I'll admit the line of hooligans out front looked like a riot, I thought there was going to be fights and looting and shit, people were going crazy - but in the end it was just a bunch of lonely, rejected people excited to be around other people who understood them.

Any other person would have kept the scam going - kept the money flowing, kept the charade alive.

They made up fake satanic shit because they knew rejects would be drawn to it, and in the end they TOLD THOSE KIDS TO GO FIND GOD BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN GOD.


24683284? ago

Fair enough.

24641764? ago

They're both from Detroit.

24639427? ago

They like to tell you what they do. Ever heard Alice In Chains' song Love, Hate, Love? Think frazzled.rip. Also the album name is Facelift. Look at the cover art. Some sick shit.

24680709? ago

Watching AIC, Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, STP , Hybrid Theory, they all make me feel like they felt the guilt in knowing that their music sales contributed to the corrupt entertainment industry's trafficking, rape and murder of children. Perhaps they committed crimes themselves. Yet they were going to do their best despite that. A lot of their music has the ability to wake people up via blackpill. Ultimately the pain becomes too great. I wish some of them were still around to explain context and themes. Their efforts should not be forgotten. Just one look at the Nevermind album cover and your mind can never forget that image.

24683842? ago

Skid Row is another one. Their song "In a Darkened Room" is all about it.

24686056? ago

Haunting. Im praying for the victims all.

24641826? ago

looked up the song... here are the lyrics for those interested:

Love, Hate, Love

Alice In Chains

I tried to love you I thought I could

I tried to own you I thought I would

I want to peel the skin from your face

Before the real you lays to waste

You told me I'm the only one

Sweet little angel you should have run

Lying, crying, dying to leave

Innocence creates my hell

Cheating myself still you know more

It would be so easy with a whore

Try to understand me little girl

My twisted passion to be your world

Lost inside my sick head

I live for you but I'm not alive

Take my hand before I kill

I still love you, but, I still burn

Yeah, love, hate, love

Yeah, love, hate, love

Yeah, love, hate, love

Oh, Love, hate, love

Yeah, Love, hate, love

24680354? ago

Gross. I saw them in concert once. I feel dirty now.

24637183? ago

ICP definitely know what's going on. Love or hate the music, they got out of the mainstream because of the evil going on. Check out the lyrics to the track Hawking:

It always feels like

Ravens and crows are watching me

I think in real life

This shit ain't always what it seems

Our society? Fucking high to me

Be one of them? Fuck that. I don’t try to me

Crows, ravens, and hawks – they've been peeping

Watch. Their behavin's off

Listen, here’s Squawks. Clear communication

With who, though? A lunar substation?

Enemy nation? I feel the air stick radiation

The terror I'm facin'? Uncomprehendable

Poisons in every edible

Harmful chemical is spraying the vegetables

Connoisseurs, tell me what they did to the meat

Answer: Fucked it! Injected it with shit and skeet

They scan us all, even kids in the potty

Plot to stop it, they'll ruin that party

Toxins, cancerous to the body

Exactly as planned by the god damn Illuminati!

Right! We're programmed, so each other we fight

Eazy and Pac saw this and was about to shed light

But they snuffed ‘em, and now we're blamin' Suge Knight

Just they figured we would. They were right!

They travel tunnels underneath where we're standin’

They’re down there making plans of commandin'

Of upperhandin’, of reprimandin'

Fuck! Way above our understandin'

Did you know they control the music our kids hear?

Trying to program the population and steer

Them into private prisons, ‘cause the more inmates

Means the more intake the fuckin' bitch makes

Human life is their last concern

We’re just passengers on the world them bastards turn

Nine eleven was a government plot, we've learned

[Together] Hell's Pit is where lovin' each other burns

What's killin' half a million when you've got no feelings?

They'll bust nuts healing kids die, squealing

If their own son's windpipe's in the way of a profit

There's no end in sight to the ways they'd chop it

These days, they could kill any sickness

But they'll pay keepin' them at bay; it's the business

Hawking. Just know they're watching your face from space

Peepin' (Just in case)

Prince knew about the third eye (Uh)

We've been told an untruth – an absurd lie

That's why the man died in a fashion, bashin' his credibility

They humiliated him for his ability to see

Even Einstein suffered from manic depression

Because he understood… Oppression!

Stay in the dark. Don't watch or diminish

It hurts. It's [?]

Now they splittin' atoms; it's how they make hurricanes

Tsunamis, typhoons, the murder rains

They can make you do anything, any season

Only question: Why the… For what reason?

Zoning, when they need to give the mass bone

It's tragic, and they only clone to own

Look at Kim Jong, evil and all wrong

‘Cause he's a puppet; the original is long gone

Signs, logos, barcodes that speak evil

Behind closed doors, rituals of eating people

Creepy man snakes, secret handshakes

They need and plan lakes to contaminate

Secret societies, cliques of pedophiles

Billionaire boy's clubs with satanic styles

Never enough, lips muffled and stuffed with dick

Sick shit, sold as a snuff flick

24643264? ago


Thats pretty brtual.

24679745? ago

And spot on accurate too.

24641505? ago

Damn - that’s in a song!!!!

24640125? ago

What year was this written?

24640861? ago


24635113? ago

Follow up about the Insane Clown Posse:

They essentially trolled goth kids in the 90's with superior marketing strategies. They built a literal cult around their albums being released as prophetic signs of the times, each album with different messages about society.

They wore facepaint, and talked about satanic shit and voodoo and they made killing people sound like fun - it was violent, it was beyond vulgar, and Goth kids ate it up.

So after decades of releasing these albums, all leading up to the last album or "jokers card", the final jokers card drops.

The final album was supposed to explain the secrets to Shangri La and a mythical spiritual utopia....

BUT, on the last song of the final jokers card album - they reveal that they trolled their fans the whole time and they regurgitate all of their symbolism and secret messages and then finally reveal that they tricked you into listening and the secret message was "to find God".

On the last song of their decades long marketing strategy, they say "It's about God, and we were always behind him, we hope you all find Him".

Crazy shit, right?

Who trolls their own fans for decades only to admit that they were just trying to help them find God?

What is reality?

24655331? ago

They may say that it was to lead people to.god but the behavior and debauchery that jugallos or whatever the fuck they are called get.into is real and date I say dysfunctional.

24639928? ago

That’s interesting that they are trolling their fans to help them find God. maybe God is on their side. For example, I watched an interview with ICP basically explaining their luck with record company contracts. There was three separate record deals that ended up getting terminated and totally benefitting ICP, basically they got paid in full for not having to all the work/ albums. Another thing I remember about them was the interview they had on the Howard Stern show, Ozzy Osborne’s wife Sharon was also on that show, they were going back and forth talking shit and one of the guys from ICP said to her, something along the lines “ we know ozzy is satan” and some other shit. She didn’t like those two guys at all. I vaguely remember the conversation but she did seem to be giving off both subtle and direct threats.

24638991? ago

17 is also a significant number in ICP lore.......

24635336? ago

"Is this the REAL LIFE... Is this just Fantasy. Caught in a LANDSLIDE...No 'Escape from reality' OPEN YOUR EYES, LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEE...I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy. Because its easy come, easy go. Little High, Little Low. Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me."

A state of Enlightenment explained as depression.

Stairway to heaven is also literally about the road to Heaven or to Hell. How you can't buy your stairway to Heaven. That all that Glitters isn't gold, don't lose yourself on the road you're on. Is your Shadow taller than your Soul?(As in, are you closer to the light? Because in order to truly understand Love, you have to understand Evil. That is what makes being Human so filled with Suffering. As a creature that is aware that you suffer, you know how to make others suffer. In knowing how to make others suffer, equally, you have a capacity to help others find ways of relieving that suffering, or of growing through said suffering. The closer one is to the Light, the greater their Shadow. Thus 'Tall, DARK and Handsome'. Women aren't consciously aware(usually) that that's what they have a sense for, but it is. A man that has embraced his shadow is one who is capable of acts of real savagery, but equally, acts of Comfort and Kindness carry a greater weight because of his ability to Restrain his inner Shadow. The closer you get to the light, the more tempting the Dark can become, because it is a road walked by few and understood by even fewer.

That's why you would troll your fans into finding God. Because God has a fucking sense of humor and he's laughing his fucking balls off.

24679619? ago

He sure is!

24641575? ago

Whet did you get that idea from that the clear you are too the light the closet you are too the data and can commit more acts of savagery.. Absolute mind based theory.. Not True.. if wet do our shadow work the opposite happens. the polarised light and dark over lap ( vesica Pisces represents this ) you don't swing from one polarity or the other. It means the consciousness stays centered able to see both sides of duality simultaneously. This is my path. It means the extremes of emotion ( rollercoaster pendulum swings ) don't happen any more general Happiness is increased. I don't strategic drama and drama passed me by because I don't resonate at that frequency now. An example I used to attract violent angry women who I would fight mentally and verbally .. It wasn't until I did my shadow work that this ended. My shadow ( true shadow work not the perverse satanic kind ) was investigating why I kept attracting threes kind of women.. It turns out that was the experience that I had as a young man ( mother issues bullying etc mental torture ) my young subconscious ( shadow program ) was educated that this was normal and what to expect from women who were significant in my life.. That experience ( by repetition from my mother) became an internalized expectation of that's how it is with women.. literally we broadcast a signal that reflects out beliefs ( internalized expectations ) shadow that attracts a vibrational match for our shadow expectations. We can and do consciously change this internal programing all the time.. We can use meditation

Prayer and various methods to do this.. When we re write the program ( whats hidden in the shadow.. our subconscious expectations .. ) we change the electromagnetic signal we broad cast and artifact that which reflects the change we have made in our selves.. This is why the elite had to use us to create their world because that would have to work through they own shadow and face themselves ( its often emotionally very painful to do and requires empathy ) .. They wild literally have to feel what they have done or not done for themselves and others.. So they can only create through us by us giving group permission.. that's why they hate Jesus our any man that can literally vibrate their way past the creation they cant make themselves personally. They have to use us with our permission ( manufactured consent ) To do what one man can do by himself ( That's what they get us in groups to learn create .. Repeat the same thing all of the time because they can't do it alone ) Think school tv etc..

Ask wet have to do to end it is collectible step out and leave them where they are..it's a very clever stern of consent they ate constant reinforcing by using fear to goad us to allow create and addurm the world they have made

24641493? ago

I agree with all you’ve said!

24639452? ago

Another one is David Gilmour's There's No Way Out of Here.

24639117? ago

So...God has a physical body?

24638348? ago

Thanks anon. Your comment reached me on a dark day.

24635651? ago

Except there is no god, so it's all a waste of time anyway.

24640753? ago

You haven’t kept up with the sciences lately have you? They are starting to prove God’s existence. When Darwin invented the theory of evolution we thought cells were basically just gobs of goo. We’ve now learned there are billions of proteins in a single strand of DNA and each protein is programmed with a code far more advanced than the most complex computer operating system. EVERY. SINGLE. PROTEIN. This unbelievably complex programming requires a programmer. This is just one of many discoveries recently pointing toward proof. We are learning there are multiple reasons evolution isn’t possible. Just one example is: We’ve learned recently that 7 different systems have to work simultaneously just for blood to clot. There is no possible way they could have evolved independently without living creatures blending to death. Ever wonder how the moon is the exact distance from earth and size to perfectly eclipse the sun? Do you understand the mathematical odds of just this? There is so much proof if you start seeking it.

24679675? ago

Amazing stuff.

24640898? ago

It’s called irreducible complexity and there are many, many examples.

Darwin himself had big problems with the theory but had to beat a competitor to publish. I know brilliant people who simply don’t question things. We’re trained not to.

Want to be a scientist? Don’t question ‘the wrong things’ or you’ll have no chance...

24640977? ago

Thank you! I couldn’t think of the term. I’m saving your reply for reference.

24639802? ago

Fair enough. If you truly believe that and have zero fear. I suggest you eat some Psilocybe cyanescens mushrooms. See this perspective.

24636681? ago

Lord of the Flies, then is Pascal's Wager just nonsense?

24636236? ago

What lazy thinking!

If there is no God, how could there be an objective morality?

And if there is no objective morality, why follow any morality at all?

Atheism is satanism lite.

24634857? ago

Does sasha baron cohen fuck squirrels?

I looked through about 5 of the above threads. Got bored. mostly blah blah blah stuff. NAME NAMES...give me a synopsis! Who is doing what to whom? Sheesh. are you a reporter or a hoarder?

24634765? ago

YES!!!!!!! Thank you OP. Awesome job. I read these on 8kun today. Didn't have time to drop here. Director Anon is STELLAR!!! Crazy good insight.

Director Anon ... Much love for your bravery.

24634742? ago

I like these kind of threads very much, also if they are reposts. There are new people to the movement all the time, thx for sharing!

24638888? ago

This is the kind of shit I come here for.

24634689? ago

Google image search 'anthony Bourdain holding jar' have a look around.

Instagram Asia argento his girlfriend.

24641558? ago

Jeez those pics are over the top creepy. Can't say it enough, these people are sick.

24634686? ago

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24634630? ago

Google 'anthony Bourdain holding jar' and have a look around.

Then do Asia argento Instagram.

These people are evil. Q.

24680781? ago

Not to mention he was all about the duck press. I don't want to think about what kind of other sick shit that thing could be used for.

24636380? ago

what the fucking fuck

as if eating ortolan under a napkin isn't bad enough

sick fucks

24638190? ago

i had to google that and fucking christ; what a sick and perverted practice. to drown a bird in wine and eat it whole? and you know it doesn't taste any better than fucking chicken; it's just some weird kink for faggots.

24638602? ago

there's a ritual element to it as well where you cover your head under napkin or handkerchief during the feast

remember skippy's emails with pizza related maps?

it's worse than we can imagine

24634595? ago

As in the days of Noah...

24634373? ago

Thanks, very interesting but also disturbing.

Don't know what I can do...

24634294? ago

Good work, OP. I was in those threads, very interesting info and I feel very strongly that he's legit.

24643528? ago

David Geffen & Martin Singer, two really bad demons.

24679562? ago


Insane Clowne Posse works with the Royal Order of Jesters and commands Juggalo gangs which are involved in gang stalking, terrorism, threats, and drinking and trafficking adrenochrome and human blood. Their names are Violent J or born as Joseph Bruce and Shaggy 2 Dope born as Joseph Utsler. The Scottish Bruce clan are overseers of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Violent J was arrested for making death threats, battery, assault, and robbery. They are extremely evil and involved in cannibalism as well as drinking blood. They are sick evil freaks and they are proud of it.

24637327? ago

Could you help possibly get more info on the bottom pic of .png4 , anon?

It’s in regard to Obama clone

24635904? ago

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24634293? ago


You tards will fall for any LARP won't you?

24635898? ago

Can't speak for the other tards, but in my case --- I overlay the narrative against what I see in the world.

Example #1: The MSM narrative immediately jumps out as false.
Example #2: Pedowood. Overlay that concept against the suicides, the clearly damaged child stars, the 'accidental' deaths, the witness testimonies... You get the idea. When fantastic information overlays the world you see with zero distortion, you are probably seeing truth.

24641059? ago

Wow, I love this explanation, it's always hard for me to describe to others what it is that helps me believe one narrative over another, but the way you've described it is perfect, thank you.

24642280? ago

Thanks anon. Try the technique with movies, some insane narratives can overlay the real world with zero distortion. That doesn't mean it's true, but it allows you to dismiss the false narratives quickly.

24634648? ago

What a lonely existence being on here just to call random strangers names.

Tell me, did you jerk off just before, or after you posted this incredibly exhilarating and thought-provoking comment?

24634706? ago

Yes, it's terribly lonely using brain cells and not jacking off to 3rd rate larps by neckbeards on 4chan. Unlike you.

24639273? ago

Yawn. Another retarded shill. Where are all the good ones? We havent had an intelligent shill in probably a month. I'd be willing to be the smart ones see the writing on the wall and that they've been monitored all this time.

24634182? ago

So he claims he is “equal” to legendary director but we’ve never heard of him. He’s already spilling enough beans to get in trouble if people know who he is but talks in riddles anyway even though just naming names won’t make it easier to identify him- so there is literally zero point in being vague but like all cons of this nature he does it anyway because people buy the sizzle, not the steak with these Q/-like FRAUDS.

Tells you who to dig into, instead of just coming out and telling you what he knows. There’s absolutely no reason for that. You’ve already implicated them just see what you know. It makes zero sense.

He’s off his rocker with the cloning crap. Claims he’s not an insider but still knows all of this stuff, but it’s not common knowledge. I mean there’s 50 more things I can list the blatant and obvious red flags and the tales of a complete liar. I can’t believe any of you ever believe any of this crap - how stupid are you?

If you were already pointing fingers at specific people and calling them pedophiles and giving specific crimes there’s no point in holding back. You were already done if you have been identified or if you are lying, or telling the truth, and someone wants to take you to court over your accusations. That’s already well more than enough. Just say what you have to say.

My favorite part is telling you who to dig into and what crimes they committed, we are not going into detail. He goes into absolutely no detail into how he knows these things, and he contradicts himself in several places. This is just unbelievable that you people give this the time of day. Honestly I hate you. I really eat all of you more than I hate liberals. That’s quite a bit. Stop being so goddamn cold will you make us look like fucking retards. This is why you fucking idiots get kicked off of social media all the time because it’s easy to boot people who have these ridiculous fantasies, it makes you seem just as crazy as you probably are. Go get some help.

24634903? ago

48 hour rule applies. Anons will dig, debunk or leave it an open topic for further debate/discussion.

Most of what is claimed fits well with past digs, no new info here beyond some anon confirming Q info, past digs and our worst suspicions and some names, but from an insider perspective. 4chan didn't call him out as a larp, yet. If DirectorAnon is real, his personal perspctive from the inside looks more hideous than I imagined and I'm still processing all that. Looking at it from the outside has been like analyzing an elephant up close with a penlight.

24634340? ago

You just read it, take it for what it is, think on it for a while, then set it aside for future consideration if it's ever relevant. You don't have to take it at face value and truly believe it just to share the links with other anons.

24635990? ago

^ this makes sense. If you have a strong negative reaction to what you want to dismiss as crazy, then you sir or ma'am are experiencing cognitive dissonance.

24633912? ago

Imagine How crazy integrated and damn near irrerplacable all these "key" people are. If they just so happened to "disappear", they'd never be able to replace them with the amount of insider info and trust needed to take over their previous' fews' places.

24635546? ago

This is the long con. They would probably revert to basic con artistry. That is, the upcoming "naturally gifted" psycos among them.

24638087? ago

I hear the villains in Scooby Doo, at the end of every show, from the deep state these days! "Would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for these meddling kids!"

We are, in fact, children, not "kids" (livestock).

God bless.

24640313? ago

Rrrriiiiiiip! Hey, there is no one in here but a neck and some tendons.

24640773? ago

Rut-Ro, Raggy.

24633776? ago

Great thread. Tons of info. If even half pans out, Loliwood is done.

24654741? ago


is lorne michael the mystery man?

at the very least.. this man is rotten

24642259? ago

Hollywood has been a Mossad money laundering operation for decades. There was a CPA tell all book some time ago about it. The movies dont even make a profit. They just need to break even.

24641632? ago

First 3 images don't work for me. Anyone else?

24641315? ago

Rose McGowan just posted a Q pic on her twitter

(the pic of Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislane with red X's on their face)



"Now get Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew"

24651379? ago

wwg1wga, even if Rose McGowan joins. sorry but she is disgusting.

24652286? ago

She is disgusting and probably controled opposition.

Point is that these people all keep up with Q.

24655289? ago

I think she is hot? Crazy but hot.

24641337? ago

Yup. Hollywood celebs read Q drops

24636687? ago

Wait until he tells you about the Emanuels, Clintons and Podestas connection with “True Blood”.

Wait until he tells you where That 70’s Show was really set and why, and what a Red Fez is.

Wait until he tells you the real “root” and model for the entire agenda:

Racine, Wisconsin

24638294? ago

Oh please tell us more! I love the Racine account! I wondered where you went. What's up with True Blood? Please tell us!

24640811? ago

What is the story of “True Blood”? Are vampires real?

What was Peter Thiel doing with transfusions? What is the dialysis capital of the world?

Where did Dahmer hang out with a vampire club?

Where did Podestas claim to have gotten their “big break into art and politics” in this same small city.

Amschel Mayer Rothschild changed his name from Bauer.

Who are the new Bauers?

Who is the star of True Blood? Why does she play a certain role in so many projects?

How does she know the Clintons and Emanuels, and how is she a major figure in Scientology circles?

How do siblings and relatives take care of each other?

Who will control the billion dollar referendum endorsed in a “highly unusual move” by Joe Biden?

How was the election rigged to pass the referendum?

How are common core, community policing and smart cities combined with 5G+ AI, SnapTrends and Cellebrite with Celebrity endorsement? Why are pro athletes and entertainers the models for the virus?

What was Virus X? What is Rotary and why were they so upset when their connection to the Gates and Clinton Foundation were revealed - where is the founder of Rotary from? What company benefited from Zika? How was it a test for the virus? When did the virus begin in the US - was it Jan 15 or before? Where were the first vaping deaths before the virus?

What is The Truth they cannot Allow the World to Know?

24680732? ago

Is Scientology compromised or not? Kirstie Alley has been pro Trump on twitter recently so it gave me hope that maybe they weren't all bad? Aside from work slaves, infiltrating the government and not paying taxes

24679503? ago

Awesome shit. Let the Truth Flow. <

24637358? ago

Red Fex is the Shriners hat dipped in the blood of Christians.

Max Hardcore is from Racine...

24638558? ago

You know about the Red Fez and Max. The Godfather of Gore also lived in Racine. It is the key to the Path of Souls. That 70’s Show was set in Racine - Wind Point is Point Place. The key trade is the slaughterhouse. That Show featured a cast full of rising stars of Freemasonry, Scientology and Kabbalah including Chris (Ashton) Kutcher and his second wife Mila who lied about her age and was how old when she hooked up with Kelso?

He winked at McCain and got special access to investigations through THORN. He is connected with the I-94 project and fight to end exploitation cover organization. He was cast in the Shark Tank and was the first real blue check mark. He had his friends in the tech industry scrub the traces of Demi being a high priestess in a club. Why did he help cover for Danny? Why did multiple girlfriends end up dead? Who are Ron Burkle and Guy Oseary? How did Demi and Bruce know the Clintons and Emanuels? What are NXIVM, SNCTM, Core Club, etc.? What was The Fellowship? How are NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias and Scientology connected? What is True Blood and who is the star?

What is the Mark of the Beast and where did the first corporate chip implants happen?

What is the real “root” and model for smart cities, community policing, world core curriculum, sustainability and sustainable development, art in embassies, resilient communities, water and the real agenda of Eternal Enslavement?

24682144? ago

Interesting. I do not watch TV much, so I had no idea it was set in Racine. Makes sense.

As for the other stuff you mention, I don't doubt it. It is not my particular area of research, but it does make sense. It is all about the ancient Canaanite rituals.

24679475? ago

Damn. You are woke AF brother. Keep it coming.

24642498? ago

I'm assuming you have answers to these questions. Well, we're listening anon.

24647895? ago

i think the point is that you just look it up so you can get the full picture

24655265? ago

I'll just ask Siri. Kek.

24634275? ago

None of it will pan out. The only stuff that ever pans out our “conspiracy theories“ they’re backed up with evidence, witnesses, documents, logic, reason. None of that exists here. It almost never exist in anything you people talk about. You make real investigation look like a joke. This is why no one takes us seriously when we have a legitimate questions about pedophilia in Hollywood. If you people ruining it for the rest of us who actually prized evidence and logic and reason. This is why, you are why, it’s so easy to discredit anyone looking into this sort of stuff.

Half the time I wonder if you guys are plants, if the whole entire Q operation is a plant.

24640062? ago

Even if you don't buy his story, do you think the resemblance between Hussain and the President of Indonesia is a coincidence?


24638023? ago

The audit IS the evidence dipshit

24637021? ago

Would you not agree that the whole point of the thread was to urge Barr/DoJ/IRS to audit Hollywood? How the fuck is a random dude gonna get precious "evidence?" The fact you even made that statement tells us all we need to know about you. Fuck you

24636856? ago

Take the Menorah out of ur ass rabbi - it's showing.

24635840? ago

you guys have to be fake

The jew always accuses other of what they themselves are guilty.

24635693? ago

If you can't see the war playing out across your screen by now, then you are blind. That's ok though, soon even the blind will see.

24635078? ago

Hay! It’s Tom Hanks!

24640905? ago

Why did Hanx quote A League of Their Own when interviewed about the virus saying “there’s no crying in baseball”?

What was Madonna’s breakout role into Hollywood movies? How has Madonna acted under ‘celebrity quarantine’? Why is Rosie an arch nemesis of Donald Trump?

Why would Hanx allude to this movie and to this line in particular? Who was he signaling to?

What team won the World Series in the movie?

Why did Tom and Madonna back out of the movie anniversary events in the same small Wisconsin city?

Why did Tom Delonge, Ashton Kutcher, John Legend, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, Kristen Bauer van Straten and other celebrities back out the I-94 Project events that featured a band who went on The Voice invited by John Legend’s in reward for their work covering up what really happened with Avicii. Why was Elizabeth Smart the spokesperson for the organization?

What happened to Kappy? How would Tom know anything? How is Seth Green connected with Tom Delonge and the I-94 Project? Who else did Kappy name? How are families involved through generations?

Where did Chet go to school and what happened at Penn State, Michigan State and Ohio State University? Why did he delete all of his photos and videos?

Would you go down without a fight? Do you expect them to?

What did SenateAnon say to keep digging into?

24635037? ago

Half the time I wonder if you guys are plants, if the whole entire Q operation is a plant.

There are definitely shills here who champion this kind of thing. They also astroturf the fuck out of this place, 4chan, and 8kun.

24634329? ago

Go drink your soy boy joy.

What a waste of your time.

24633591? ago

I don't believe the cloning stuff. Maybe body doubles, but not cloning, unless E.Ts are doing that for them.

24641892? ago

That's because you don't want to, but it's very much happening, unfortunately.

24641585? ago

Cloning animals for 40 years, Dolly the cloned sheep. Like a commentator said, technology in place decades before public knows. Cloning technology around for 70 years.

24638570? ago

I don’t believe you found this website. I don’t believe you’re real.

24637039? ago

Well it wasn't "cloning." They were stem cell babies, according to the anon.

But the point is that you don't believe it. That's how it works so well.

"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist."

-Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects

Kevin Spacey

24638060? ago

Had me fooled, for decades. I know better, now.

24641407? ago

I'm still not convinced that there even is an actual entity at the top of the pyramid, and not just an out of control society of abused children working for the same imaginary friend.

24683171? ago

Satan's best and biggest lie: Convincing you he doesn't exist.

24635724? ago

I'm with ya, the cloning stuff seems unnecessarily SciFi.

24636728? ago

Not when you link this with Epstein and his penchant for Geneticists and pro Eugenic scientists that he gathered for conferences.

Even hotwheel's dad (Hawkings) made an appearance. A known advocator of trying to disprove the existence of God.

Trying so hard a Plumber proved him spectacularly wrong (Susskind)

24638035? ago

Is he really hotwheel's father?

I made a random joke "hotphysicswheels" referring to him the other day. Mind. Blown, if so!

24638101? ago

It was a joke. But who fucking knows at this point.

24639329? ago

kk, thx

24634725? ago

Project looking glass, project cloverleaf, operation mockingbird, project blue book.... cloning doesn't seem so "out there" more that there's been mostly crickets for the 25 years.... that's kind of a sign.

24636694? ago

Didn't a story just come out of China that they were cloning humans?

24636708? ago

I remember a MSM article about "pod-babies" a few days ago, they're trying to normalize the concept it would seem.

24683190? ago

Is that why they are talking about returning children to school in the fall in "pods" of 15-20 kids? To bury search results?

That would make sense if so. Thought it was a very odd turn of phrase to be using.

24683211? ago

That would make perfect sense, that is such a common tactic, look at how Black Lives Matter covered up for the crimes of the Board of Land Management.

24683295? ago

Exactly right! Or Rachel Chandler. All you get are search results from the show "Friends".

24683443? ago

Believe it or not, I never watched a single scene of Friends in my life, is that a character? I'm seriously in my 30s, F it.

24683535? ago

I believe it! I haven't either. Big 3 sitcoms with laugh tracks aren't my thing. In fact, I really don't watch TV much at all. I watched Game of Thrones, but that was because I read the book series.

I prefer reading any day of the week to staring at a screen.

24683578? ago

When I was a kid in the 90s, I used to write down discovery channel shows that were coming up that I wanted to watch on a sheet of paper by my little 13" TV. That was the last time I was passionate about TV.

24683722? ago

The last time I was interested in TV was.... well, yeah, probably about the same time as you.

Loved it for information, never really saw it as entertainment. Maybe it's just my attention span. I was never the person to just sit down and stare at a screen for hours. I was always busy DOING something or my mind was racing with ideas, way too much so to just sit there. But I get it. People are tired after a long day and want a way to chill. It just wasn't me, that's all, and that's okay.

24683811? ago

Always seeking new NOVEL information, that's the true Human Spirit.

24683962? ago

You know it, anon!

24636749? ago

Yep! i saw the headline and skipped it, already know the bullshit they're pushing!

24634019? ago

then you're still asleep

24633937? ago

Wait. Cloning? Thank you for letting me know I don’t have to bother reading the rest of this horseshit.

You people believe ANYTHING don’t you. Fucking children.

24634242? ago

Maybe they will create a cult around "directoranon" now...

24635762? ago

Who's 'they'? You might be a conspiracy theorist...

24635116? ago

Obviously important enough to take up your time.

Go drink you soy boy joy.

24637997? ago

Doesn't it just drive you insane? Bronies are truly wallowing in the depths of insanity, yet i don't waste my precious time ridiculing grown men dressed as gay ponies. It would make me as mentally unstable as them.

24641251? ago

I do it partly 4 the laughs!

Thanks for yours re gay ponies! LOL

24633913? ago

I didn't believe it either until I read that. The Anon said ETs are not involved, it is all man's doing.

24635304? ago

The anon is, at best, a movie director.

24640405? ago

You mean exactly as he claims to be?

24642216? ago

Man you people are so utterly retarded

24643004? ago

We are retarded, and yet you seem incapable of grasping simple logic. How very odd. You know what's fun to do during a fake pandemic? Packing up and fucking back off to whatever you were doing before you were bothering me.

24644767? ago

There is no pandemic.

A movie director can only credibly speak to what they know. They are not an authority on UFOs.

You dainty little thing.

24635480? ago

And so is the entire Loliwood.

What? They WOULDN'T lie to YOU? Not THEM?

24633865? ago

I don't think cloning as much as creating test-tube people. Anon is saying all of these women and all of these men are siblings. Look at the photo, it really makes one think.


24640360? ago

Prolly the Royals fucked up looking bloodlines needed some science to keep them from looking like they were from the bowels of West Virginia., and viola.

24635363? ago

Who do you think is Person X they are cloning from? Rothschild was thrown out there but he said that's mostly just Europe and banking.

24640048? ago

Akhenaten. The pharaoh.

24634743? ago

They're the ubermench if what you're looking for is a slaverace. It's starting to make more sense.

24634249? ago

You need help. You need medicine. Or therapy. Please, I’m not trying to be an asshole, you need to go get help.

24634751? ago

You need to read about more declassified things.

24634621? ago

Not me - I am sharing what DirectorAnon disclosed in case people do not want to read five threads worth of info.

The photos are intriguing to me. What's wrong with considering whether it could be true or not?

24635823? ago

Nothing at all, the whole thing is fascinating. Somehow the ruling class has stamped out our curiosity. Hardly anyone is able to entertain competing ideas while trying to get the truth of the matter. Instead, people will dismiss out-of-hand without learning the facts. It's painful to watch.

Evil wins when people that think they are good do jack shit.

24634517? ago

I heard the same thing when it first came out about the adrenochrome. It may be true, it may not. It's not psychotic to consider or entertain an idea.

24634198? ago

I've believed both obamas were clones since his first run as prez. Jar people, huh? Those photos... wow.

24635025? ago

Jar Jar Bama

24635771? ago

That's funny till I think about what I'm laughing at... still the humor is very welcome.

I'm grateful the film industry still has enough talent to start again. I expect they will help us all heal from this horror show. Decades of awareness have done little to dull the ache of knowledge.

Tell me, do you know much about the process? Like how long are they kept in jars? I'd hate to speculate the number of them that walk the planet today. And what the heck do we do with this sort of abomination? I guess it would be pretty hard to tell if they contain the spark that makes us human. Would a DNA test prove human or jar?

I had thought a city in N CA was entirely mind controlled. Now I wonder if they weren't just stewed that way. Jars... geeze. That would mean this program has been going on since I was a kid. I suppose it would have had to have been if they grow at the same rate we do.

24636644? ago

Having the same thoughts fren.

Keep the fear low and the Love energy on high!


24633848? ago

Maybe cloned E.Ts.

24633925? ago

No, cloned degenerates.

24644912? ago

Whooooa what??????

24644963? ago

Exactly. WTF.

24641602? ago

Wow, another jar creation!!

24633784? ago

They cloned a sheep. It lived for 7 years before being euthanized.

That was back in the nineites, almost 25 years ago.

You don't think it's possible even in the slightest that they could be cloning humans? That's like the Holy Grail for satanists.

24641885? ago

Dolly. They sure as HELL didn't stop at sheep.

24635756? ago

<not OP> Possible, sure. Likely? No. Too much effort and time.

24641761? ago

China has cloning factories for farm animals and pets. There are about 20 cloned police dogs in America right now. Cloning is much more common than people want to realize. Please educate yourself.

24642193? ago

Can you clone knowledge? If I cloned you, would the clone know what you know? How long would it take the clone to catch up to you?

  • This of course is assuming you can clone and artificially age the clone to match the original, a big assumption.

Possibly, sure. Likely? No.

24647107? ago

Knowledge is retained within the cells and DNA. In the case of the cloned police dogs, they say they are easier to train because they have retained some of the knowledge that the original dog had. Very curious indeed!

24683146? ago

That right there is the TRUE essence of the Monarch Program. Can information be passed down strictly through DNA? Like the butterflies who fly here from Mexico, breed, die, and the newborns somehow know where to return to in Mexico, all without ever having been there......

24683405? ago

Wow! I've never looked at it from that angle. I like the way you think and you're definitely on to something!

24683428? ago

Thank you. I wish I could take the credit here, but this is the product of finer minds than mine.

24683513? ago

I appreciate your humble nature. The world needs more people like you, so they can pass that trait onto their kids, too.

24683558? ago

Thank you for that. I appreciate it. I like the truth. Keeps things simple.

24683703? ago

Very true!

24683949? ago

Okay, maybe not simple, but less complicated (at least on my end!)

24637846? ago

Aside from cloning and jars, what about just plain old eugenics selective breeding? "Test tube babies" are implanted into surrogates. If you have bloodlines that you would wish to continue, why not?

24642221? ago

"...why not?" Because the planning and resources is staggering. You'd have to chose who to clone at birth. You're assuming you can force the chosen one to follow a particular path AND the clone to do the same. You'd have to hide the clone's progress. It would take a company to manage just 1 individual's cloning operation. It would take that company decades to generate a usable result.

Possible, sure. Likely? NO.

24645048? ago

I said.."cloning aside" and suggested normal IV treatments instead as a eugenics program to continue bloodlines. I agree that "cloning" isn't necessary or likely.

24658543? ago

Sorry, misunderstood. Your scenario is likely.

24633761? ago

Yeah that one is too far fetched for me as well.