24699450? ago

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24697694? ago

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24682600? ago

that's why i seriously cannot tell one Hollywood bimbo from another!

24682578? ago

Been thinking about this for the past couple days. One thought is that some of these Hollywood freaks that spark speculation about being trannies are somehow part of this sickening program.

Another is about the film Blade Runner (didn't read the book it's based on, sorry) and how it explores the themes of artificially created humans, trying to distinguish them from the natural ones, "turning against us", etc.

24684685? ago

I just watched it. I'm watching the "Alien" series, and an anon kindly gave me a list of other movies that fit into the greater story arc.

It's amazing! The beginning of the first, "Alien", they wake up in space and need to contact HQ -- so they call out to "Antarctica Traffic System"!!! If they're in space, they're a long way away from "our southern pole" but perhaps that is not what it really is?

Blade Runner was very different with these older eyes! Lots of "reveal" in the dialog.

24685745? ago

And what about in Alien 3 and all the screwed up clones of Ripley in the lab and one is pleading, “Kill me!” Wonder if any of those “failed attempts” are asking the same thing?

24686952? ago

Yikes, thanks. I remember that, saw it a couple weeks ago, but we hadn't gotten to this point yet so I didn't have that to compare it to. If that makes sense. Sometimes difficult moving in four dimensions. :)

24689267? ago

I can’t watch that scene anymore. Once was enough!

24681934? ago

Seems legit

24681358? ago

Reminds me of the movie The Island, its all right in our faces.

24681235? ago

remember that photo of either brad pitt or leo dicaprio (can't remember) holding a jar with a baby in it? from years ago... i hardly remember... it had a nickname too

24681901? ago

Yes. It was creepy. We just sort of skip over that shit because we cannot take it in.

24681749? ago

Dicaprio is smoking a cigar in that one, saw it yesterday.

24681221? ago

Didn't director anon say it WASNT Rothschild though? I interpreted his response to mean that he runs Europe and banking, not this Hollywood stuff. He also said Person X was "Indo".

Someone else suggested it was an Egyptian pharaoh

24689414? ago

I took it as it was an old politico non talented tall corny man with long teeth related to Hollywood OP who runs the actor clone sperm bank, and the dark Obama types + jacinda (although surprisingly light) are from the Indonesian communist

24682661? ago

It's the dalai lama. This isn't a joke.

24681947? ago

Well here is a quote from him:

Rothschild. But the spear head of what happened specifically to Hollywood and America is not him, he's more concerned with Europe and operating through the EU. The American operation was a certain Indo leader and his underlings, who included top names among Socialist and Communist hoi polloi living in South and Central American countries. These ppl were and are Marxist fanatics and tried same operation in Brazil where it worked for awhile in the Sixties but got put down by the Fascists, a lesson they didn't forget. The game in America is rigged to prevent Fascism from arising to stop it this time which is why everyone to right of Kennedy gets silenced. They don't want a second Brazil Failure. Rothschild just wants America subverted and destroyed so he can fully control all banking and sex throughout the world. America stands in the way of this though badly damaged. The idea is if you are a CEO who can help him and these people [his allies] accomplish this, you get to run as you like and get a piece of the pie. The end goal is corporate feudalism. This is being sold to Millennials and Zoomers by my industry and the MSM under its fake name:


Far closer to McSocialism

Then later on someone asked him if it was a certain person (forget who) and he said that he already said it was Rothschild.

24682100? ago

Hmm. Yeah I didn't see his other reply confirming Rothschild. Thanks anon!

24682295? ago

Here was the question:


266502102 #

im thinking rothschild or prince charles

And the answer:


266503241 #

Rothschild. I answered it up above.

Go to:


And search for rothschild.

24685124? ago

You're a hero anon, thanks

24685514? ago

Welcome. TY

24682838? ago

Bravo! If only we all dug like you.

24683058? ago

Thanks Anon!

24681128? ago

Rothschild synthetic clones. I think Hilldog she be added to that list.

24681074? ago

This is exactly the kind of fringe shit I come here to learn about

24681986? ago

It’s pretty fuckin’ bizarre. But if they eat people then they are probably doing genetic experiments too.

24682977? ago

https:/ /www.judicial watch.org/videos/ humanized-mice/

24682854? ago

Oh, no doubt. I listened to a podcast of a victim of Epstein that said he wanted to populate the world with his seed and was doing some fucked up experiments on his island.

24681039? ago

need info about gestation period for a jar to a adult

24680648? ago

Jacob Rothschild always reminds me of the Princess Royal.

24681994? ago

She’s got the teeth!

24680605? ago

Girl Figures out all the presidents are all related Except one


Plus Trump is also not.

24681106? ago

Martin Van Buren is one of two Presidents that are not descendants of Evil King John (John Lackland). President Trump being the other. King John was the brother of Richard the Lion Heart. Van Buren was voted #1 Best Libertarian President. He supported gold and silver as money.

24680383? ago

Ahh, anyone know who the dude is in the uppermost pics? He's supposed to be near the top of the cabal pyramid...

24682028? ago

You don’t know him?

24680470? ago

Lord Evelyn de Rothschild

24680720? ago

And i doubt he is at the top he is too public

24682867? ago

In plain sight.

24680147? ago

Don't forett about Beto Orourke

24682019? ago

Yeah, he looks like one.

24681191? ago

Thank you!! He reminds me so much of Obama.

24680953? ago

Use his given name Robert Francis O'Rourke. He ain't Mexican.

24681494? ago

You're right🤣

24680067? ago

Thasssss fucking careeeeepy!!!!!! We need to start comparing facial features and such with ALL of them.

24679820? ago

The teeth don't mean too much. Most of them have veneers or flippers. That's why it always looks like they are sucking on their teeth.

24679877? ago

Even under veneers they still have enough to identify them. It’s shaved back and filed into a point but dental records are updated with those contours in many cases.

24680438? ago

Is that what they do to apply them? Nasty.

I know it's super expensive but not a lot about the process.

24679806? ago

Clearly they are all from the same bloodline with the same paternal donor, who would be the head.

That's how it works, apparently.

24679645? ago

I wonder what's the story behind the bottom pics?

24681837? ago

Don't know about the others but the one with the little girl looking at the creature is supposed to be art in John podesta's collection.

24680585? ago

My take is, if they can successfully create fully human “jar babies,” they can also create human-animal hybrids, which are a different, sick project

24681675? ago

That's what they did during Atlantean times and one of the reasons they were destroyed. We need to be very careful with cloning tech.

24683855? ago

Rainbow is God's covenant that there won't be any more flooding.

World will die in fire.

24686684? ago

Hopefully not!

24686962? ago

Revelation tells us so. False hope is no hope at all. God bless.

24680149? ago

It is a series of creepy sculptures from an art project. I've seen thses before.

24679793? ago

Podesta's "art" collection. Forget the "artist's" name. Patricia something.....

24679771? ago

My take is that, if true what DirectorAnon says, then all those people and more are test tube babies or clones or something. DirectorAnon calls them “jar babies”. If true, then there must have been many failures before success was achieved.

I’ve seen some of those images in reference to Podesta’s art. Maybe they’re not art?

24681719? ago

Likely. But even if those in power are test tube babies, it's information that doesn't really help anyone. It's similar to saying all those in power are left handed, like the taste of pickles, or anything benign. What matters is that they stand for.

24681877? ago

Not necessarily.

To me it is proof that elections have been rigged for years.

We already know they are but this would be a proof to everyone else. These jar babies were installed into power, not elected!

24680110? ago

Only a psychopath would keep trophies of "experiments," or "art" as they call it, so this is the likely case. It's "art imitating life." Meaning, a representation of the real.

Fucking disgusting, if this is an accurate assessment, and completely changes the game on how we deal with these fuckers moving forward, in my VERY HONEST opinion.

24681465? ago

Thus, symbolism will be their downfall...Their "trophies" prove their guilt...

24679739? ago

A cabal artist that’s a fave of the likes of Podesta, etc...

24679664? ago

Its from an art exhibit. Can't remember the name.

24683588? ago

You sure it’s Art? (Hiding in plain site)

24688408? ago

I hear ya man. The full exhibit was pretty disturbing. A lot of chimera themed sculptures. Transhumanist shit and all.

24679668? ago

Ok thanks.

24679229? ago

Hmmm. DirectorAnon appeared to be getting instruction from the FBI about cooperating with them. The agreement was to post an image as a signal. I think this is it!

24679396? ago

DirectorAnon was posting on 4chan.

24679451? ago

Was the original source 4chan?

24679579? ago

Yes. See links in voat post link above.