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24677165? ago

I don't ever hear about big Hollywood movies anymore. Probably because I spend most of my time here.

24677590? ago

Was reading one of our anons posting a few days ago which was a copy over from half chan. It was good stuff put up by a director anon and one of the things he mentioned was just that. There are no more good movies because the entire industry is controlled by the secret club and nobody gets too far in it until that perform. He said that good writers, directors, etc who has talent isn't allowed in and passed over since they won't do it just like himself who is in for the career of it. So many regular people with so much to offer in creativity are ignored, never to see their works.

24678055? ago

signal boost this

24678105? ago

It is a long read, however, once you start reading, you just cannot stop. Read what Director Anon has to say.

24688562? ago

otheranon here, I remember reading that, very powerful!

24688594? ago

That is one posting I had to save. I used to read 4ch, then when 8ch came out, went there to read. Couldn't post, just read. And forget trying to get to 8kun.