24686829? ago

Please don't tell me LaBron fucks kids.

That has to be one huge schlong.......

24684766? ago

Almost every mainstream influencer is a child molesting piece of shit. The few that aren’t cover for the rest.

24683685? ago

I watched the NBA snapchat release today, showing their little prep-walk.

Using these guys to spread more fear for a virus that is less lethal than last year's flu. I need a shot.

24688648? ago

My head: "don't take the vaccine, oh not what he meant, DON'T shoot yourself, oh not what he meant, ah, alcohol, whew"

24723001? ago

If I could play the dundunpissss drums for you I would. Puns are fun.

24723075? ago

Thanks! And I shouldn't have ended with "whew" either, as alcohol contains evil spirits! :)

24723119? ago

Well, I consume evil spirits on the reg...not possessed yet, ill let you know when ;)

24723301? ago

Last drop was Feb 1st. God bless, anon!

24682475? ago

Isaac Kappy escaped to Israel.

He never had a dead man's switch.

He never told us anything that wasn't already out there.

He's just another Corey Feldman fake whistleblower.


24682194? ago

Arrests or GTFO. I’m now on that side of this...no more telegrams of Justice...no more notices...wanna wait til after the election? Lose votes....it’s that simple. Action over words.

24681080? ago


24680602? ago

You just KNOW the A listers have a SOPHISTICATED social network (private online areas too!) for doing leisure things. Use nobodies are not allowed anywhere NEAR it. Secret passages, places (ie PRIVATE restaurants, shopping, etc). HAS TO BE. Right?

24679846? ago

Have you noticed all their deaths or reported missing? Look at the stuff Th and been going on with those Glee faggots.

24679782? ago

Pro sports is dead too already

24679262? ago

Maybe some pro athletrs, but I don't think most. Recognize athletes have high test, they want to fuck the hottest women. They're real men, dumb but men. Men do not fuck kids. I'd imagine they just understand the hierarchy, do what league says so you can continue making millions for throwing a ball, most hood monkeys will happily oblige

24678409? ago

Which pro sports athletes are you referencing specifically? Sports have been dead for a decade.

Sex offenders? Maybe. Some. But pedophiles? Got sauce on that?

24683630? ago


24686031? ago

Proof? Lol. Fuck Lebron though. He is a piece of shit nigger. Still no proof of him being a pedophile. Shill harder.

24678481? ago

Think of it as Grooming children for hero worship.

Just like Bill Cosby pulled off, only for sports fan's (((Children))).

Using blind trust of our children to coverup human trafficking's ease and simplicity.

24686044? ago

Which fucking sports stars, genius? And I am assuming you have proof.

24690021? ago

Only the ones who can get away with abusing hero worship.

Hint, all of them if the so choose.

24678388? ago

Arrests. Quick trials. Death.

24689166? ago

Drugs, Drink, Travel to Strange Place then Blackmail? Its been reported that 11 year olds were seen departing onto Epsteins Island....the Lufciferian Babylon stuff, Shriners praying to a Moongod from Arabia, the Jewish Occult stuff and European Egypt paganism riruals are actually an essential part of Masonic Ideology. "Satanism". This is what "cremation of care" rituals are all about, other cults are also linked? http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1594214683842.jpg , http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1594401574232.jpg , http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1594066816146.jpg , http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1562659699419.jpg

24678312? ago

Collective Labor uses blackmail and extortion to compromise the assets.

The same Organized Labor picks who get what job.

Benito Mussolini's thousand year army is 97 years old and they have National Security by the balls. But only for any Nation that has (((Unions))) and Labor Enforcers.

24677395? ago

All kike scams must be destroyed.

24677214? ago

Hiding, or productions shut down due to WuFlu in order to destroy the economy of S. California and NYC.

24677201? ago

I cant wait for the new Dinesh D'Souza movie to come out next month!

24678373? ago

So far he is one of the few I regret bootlegging.

I take no prisoners.

24678555? ago

He is the only one I don't bootleg. But I get ya!

24677500? ago

Really? He made another movie? Great!

24677165? ago

I don't ever hear about big Hollywood movies anymore. Probably because I spend most of my time here.

24677593? ago

We’re watching the greatest “movie” ever made, full of villains, espionage, hidden protagonists, deviant sex, violence, heroes... can’t wait for the climax

24678430? ago

For the popcorn though- what's better, real butter or margarine?

24688631? ago

motor oil

24680593? ago

That you even have to ask that ensures you are a niggerfaggot.

24680515? ago


24677590? ago

Was reading one of our anons posting a few days ago which was a copy over from half chan. It was good stuff put up by a director anon and one of the things he mentioned was just that. There are no more good movies because the entire industry is controlled by the secret club and nobody gets too far in it until that perform. He said that good writers, directors, etc who has talent isn't allowed in and passed over since they won't do it just like himself who is in for the career of it. So many regular people with so much to offer in creativity are ignored, never to see their works.

24682134? ago

i have to wonder if a loophole is going through a private production company. adam sandler has owned his own production company for decades, we never hear anything about him or producers of his stuff. tyler perry does too, though i'm not sure if he's clean or not. he did make heavily christian material in his early days. anyway i wonder if you make your own production company, you are no longer under the authority of the weinsteins of the industry. who knows

24683430? ago

They all dabbled...no one is immune

24683050? ago

Hard to put on Mel since he once posted think it was on twitter, calling them out right and saying blood drinking satanists. I would have to look that up for proof.
Also read something on Timothy Holmseth sight about a producer. I will take a look and see if I can find it and then will post here.

24683196? ago

Here's one I found which mentions producer, but that's not the one I read. So will keep looking more for it.

24678458? ago

Solid +1 for you. Was a comedy writer in LA/SoCal from 2003-2009 and got shut out with no explanation. They sure have no problem stealing material from us.

24688570? ago

You know Windows 10 sends every keystroke to Microsoft? Also Microsoft Office will only auto-save if you're also "saving to their cloud"?

Local autosave worked ever since it was introduced, but now Office 2019 can't do that any more, unless you're giving everything to Microsoft?

Yeah, you're spot on with them stealing ideas.

24683408? ago

don't worry...you will be hired back again...sit tight and hold the line

24679532? ago

Wow I'm sorry to hear and hope you recovered from your injury, but you did say a mouthful there. Truth, they have stolen literally everything from us. I keep saying it, the people will need to see a hell of a lot more to break the trance. They will have to see terrible things to believe the whole and horrible truth of what has been going on for so long or they won't wake up. Maybe not as far as that video spoken of found by the NYPD, but nearly close enough so as to break the dissonance.

24678440? ago

All actors have to be whores, as it should be.

My issue is Child Actors and the casting couch.

That and Parental Pimps who make Pedowood the Global leader for Institutional Pedophilia.

24678055? ago

signal boost this

24678105? ago

It is a long read, however, once you start reading, you just cannot stop. Read what Director Anon has to say.


24688562? ago

otheranon here, I remember reading that, very powerful!

24688594? ago

That is one posting I had to save. I used to read 4ch, then when 8ch came out, went there to read. Couldn't post, just read. And forget trying to get to 8kun.

24677568? ago


24678380? ago

Pedowood. Spell it right damn it!

24679652? ago

"Pedophile" is the semitic word for "Child Rape"

24679917? ago

Ped<(O)>phile has built in triggers to drive the point home.

It is the pedovores who consume (((Young Blood))) and (((Adrenochrome))) for long life.

Follow the medical equipment from the factories to find the basement clean rooms scattered across the Globe.

24688559? ago

Everything is tainted. God bless.

24676897? ago

Most A-list actors and top athletes have owners, called, "sponsors", (rarely if ever never spoken of) - those elites who advance them and open doors, who get a good cut of their returns, not agents. It is kind of like betting on a race horse over the long term. Of course most of these sponsors are jews due to the fact they have their hands on the levers of power in the entertainment, advertising ,and media industries. It's just high paid slavery. I know, where do you sign up. 'Member Prince, George Michael, others calling themselves slaves? Seemed outrageous at the time. Anyway, if you are owned, you are obligated to disseminate the message of the elites when asked to, or else..

24680642? ago

Most professional athletes are ignorant, child millionaires.

A lot of our society, their fans, and all of their friends and family realize this, which is why they all these knuckleheads routinely get peeled like a banana and end up broke.

I’d love to see professional sports completely shut down and done away with, if for no other reason than to show these delusional and ungrateful brats that the fans are the reason why they’re all getting paid insulting amounts of money.

It would be hilarious to watch these narcissists try to wrap their puny minds around the fact that the very same people they continually attack and disrespect finally woke up and walked away for good.

24681969? ago

I'd be OK with the Olympics every couple of years, but that's it.

24680303? ago

Prince at one point had Slave shaved onto his head. Also watch the official video of his song "7" and pay attention to the words. I truly believe Prince was trying to get a message out to the American people with this song. Like him or not, at least worth a listen. Like to hear yours and others thoughts.


24685213? ago

Pepe Farms remembers and so do I.

24683989? ago


this album is literally 'missing' from the list of 'all albums' here... https://genius.com/artists/Prince

searching for individual song brings it up.. and the album.. i'm sure they use automatic generation.. this would require intentional deletion I would think.. pretty big album to 'forget'...

24678243? ago

could you stop calling them "elites" please?

They are degenerates.

24680866? ago


24692553? ago


24680063? ago

please do not let words trigger you.

24678402? ago

There are degenerates across the entire spectrum; we are speaking of the elite degenerates in terms of power and wealth.

24678553? ago

They want you to call them "elites" because that means you are asserting their status over you.

It's one of their many witchy occult word-games that you are invited to notice, and then break free of.

The world is what you make it...

24679744? ago

Trump stated at one of his rallies, that (((they're))) not the elite, we are.. Ive changed my terminology since then, i now call them vermin, scum, physco's, parasites, things to fit (((their))) nature.

24679416? ago

WE are The Elites. Super Elites. <

24676871? ago

Any summer movies come out?

24677083? ago

I've been waiting for New Mutants for about 4 years when they first announced the movie. It has to be one of the most delayed films in modern memory.

24678355? ago

Your love of Brian Singer is duly noted. The only thing worse than pedovores is assholes who support the perverts life style with hero worship.

You really are a vile sub-human.

24677186? ago

Bryan Singer involved or is he done with X-Men?

24680024? ago

Bryan Singer is still going strong. He is still being propped up by the machinery. There was a small outcry a while back for about 5 min, but its all back to status quo now. There shouldve been a huge stink. He shouldve bern cancelled. For some reason hes above the law and MSM isnt going after him

24680390? ago

A quick google search tells that the director is Josh Boone. While I'm sure, given his limited success in Pedowood, that his hands are not likely clean, there doesn't seem to be much in his past...

Fool I call you SHILL....

Away foul SHILL, no one cares about your kind around here...

24680200? ago

Same thing with James Gunn. After he got exposed for making disgusting pedo tweets, he was fired, then rehired by Disney once the storm blew over. Nobody gives a shit anymore. Nobody except me and a few others. These sick fucks need to be arrested, not just canceled / fired / blackballed.

24676868? ago

Any time big money changes hands you can bet your ass that the Cabal is involved.

24688513? ago

I know it's pronounced differently but it grates me to hear "cable programming" these days!

24676667? ago

imagine that all deals in pedowood are null if they have harvey strings pulled or still attached. The 20million$ per picture club is royally screwed

24689856? ago

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24683602? ago

The high salaries was money laundering...they only saw a few million of it.

24676483? ago

can you name who's hiding?

I don't read the msm or watch tv except for tucker and laura

24680254? ago

The most recent example is Conan O'Brien interviewing Will Ferrell.


Famous multi-millionaire stars don't hide in a trailer with no windows, forced to watch bootleg DVDs and looking like a homeless man.

Conan isn't looking too good either, but Will Farrell is on another level of disheveled state.

24679240? ago

As I go through the checkout lines at grocery stores, I check the covers of the gossip magazines. Lately there are no A-List stars on the covers. Where are they?

24686380? ago

It’s all royals, particularly that vile Megan