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24628362? ago

Once they admit Q, then it can either either be fake or real, but they cannot back track and deny it exists. They have already failed.

24629681? ago

But they're panicking, lol how long have they been "panicking" for now?

24634808? ago

how long did it take to defeat Germany and Japan?

major world wars span over years

24634858? ago

Lol you're comparing this to actual war? Ok keyboard warrior lol

24634888? ago

covert wars are wars because their outcomes are the same (in consequences) as the outcomes where bombs get dropped

why are you so stupid to not get that?

24635356? ago

Why do you have such an inflated sense of self importance?

24630155? ago

Almost long enough. It’s getting good!

24629903? ago

panic can last a long time as the wheels of justice grind, sometimes it takes many years, but they are not disussing Qanon on the View because its a larp they fear.

24630028? ago

No one fears the larp, they fear the armed whackjobs who believe in it

24630052? ago

and well they should. those whackjobs are armed and dangerous. those whackjobs are the "silent majority". larp or no larp, justice is coming their way. lol

24629706? ago

The Mueller Probe was born of such panic. How many years ago was that?

24629739? ago

That, or there was suspicion of collaboration between a campaign and a foreign government. Your conspiracy theories are worth all of shit in refuting that statement.

24632159? ago

Hello rabbi Shillsheckelstein

24631731? ago

Your answer simply shows that you're a living joke. Go blow your dog again, fuckstain, and quit wasting our time here. But you won't. You'll stay here, making an ass of yourself, making up new, baseless accusations - just trying to quell that nagging fear that you and the rest of your simpleton soyboys on the left are truly good and fucked as your betters stomp you into oblivion.

24632816? ago

Did you finish high school?

24630175? ago

Stfu. During the ‘investigation’, if you even breathed a word to a norm or about it being hollow - or even entertained the idea that it wasn’t going to end in Trump being hauled away in chains - you were an idiot conspiracy theorist or worse. Ask me how I fukkin know....

You’d have bet the dark back then that (((they))) we’re winning. And now you all have amnesia. Now you’re acting like it was no big deal. No one on the planet could have guessed that it was bullshit and that it was a DS hit, yet now here we are with evidence making that obvious.

You can’t logically say Q is a larp anymore unless you’re a drooling idiot or a paid shill. Which one are you?

24631509? ago

Q is a larp

24656070? ago

You're an idiot.

... or worse.

24631780? ago

It says, over and over, as it rocks back and forth desperately attempting to abate the raw terror in its heart with the knowledge of what awaits.

24632825? ago


24630233? ago

You made quite a leap there. It was a big deal. Collusion was a tall order to prove, and Mueller wasn't able to. Could it be because of how much the whitehouse stonewalled? Perhaps.

No proof that it was a DS hit. Your bullshit declas retweets aren't of any meaningful substance, no matter how much you want them to be. But tell me again what the arbiter of truth, Tucker Carlson, had to say about it.

24634485? ago

You're an idiot. It was a desperate setup. Schiff saying they had him dead to rights the whole time.... now we see he KNEW otherwise.

I can't wait to see how you revise history in November. We figured Trump would win again - Biden couldn't have won. The polls? What polls? or the silent majority was silent.

See you then!

24631827? ago

Tall order? I heard that it was a certainty, over and over. This pattern of baseless accusation after baseless accusation is nothing short of treason, and will be dealt with as such. Much pain awaits, cuck.

24632849? ago

Lol, nothing will happen, there will be no great awakening, civilians aren't going to be sent to gitmo, but keep hitting that hopium, maybe Q will grace you with a retweet of some schmuck saying wiggawagga

24628998? ago

All Anons on twitter commenting in feeds like those, tell them: ASK THE Q !!! If they have so much to say about it, and so many articles to write about it, why hasn't a single reporter asked Trump directly about it yet...

24629918? ago

because many of them are guilty and ALL of them will lose their reputations, their careers, and everything they have gained from being complicit, they will be left unable to walk the streets one day.

24629409? ago

One reporter did ask about Q, but it was phrased in relation to terrorism; as in, have you stopped beating your wife? Very dishonestly.

Trump has been asked by the public. He replied, "I hear they are good people."

24630573? ago

I heard him asked the question long ago. Came from a press gaggle as he was walking by. His response was "I don't know anything about. But I did hear they are very good people".

This was a long time ago.

24630987? ago

Re-read. You're also providing an inaccurate response, out of context.

24631303? ago

The truth of this:

A few years back there was VIP anon who was named so because he got to go backstage and meet the President/have a picture take at a rally.

His account of what happened is he asked President Trump the question, Trump thought a second shrugged his shoulders and said “I don’t know.” The President then paused and allegedly said “I do know they are good people.”

24639644? ago

That person is also why they believe trump is Q+

24640658? ago

Yes -- the picture that eventually was shipped to the anon had "(+)" on its back -- or was it "(+++)", I forget? Either way, there was a plus inside parentheses. :)

24644385? ago

It was (((+)))

24648220? ago

Thank you, I'm forgetful! Concussedanon :( but -- gave me time to research :)

24628895? ago

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

We are stage three.

"Buh muh nothin is happenuh... "

24640650? ago

Wow, I remember this with Dr. Ron Paul. This time, we get it right!

24632207? ago

Third party! Q PARTY!

24631217? ago


24635893? ago

33 degree Fart Master!!

24630127? ago

The truth sails on a little tiny boat to wage war against fleets of battleships of lies.

24860254? ago

May I add :

10's of Millions of tiny boats!

Highly Skilled Sailors,Horseman, Racecar drivers, Motorcycle Racers, UFC Fighters, Pilots, Mechanics, Carpenters, Farmers, Engineers, Plumbers, Electricians, Machinists, Riggers, and all in all...Bad Ass Americans with an Axe to Grind on the Faces and Heads of Evil, Corrupt Satanic Pedophiles!

We are much more maneuverable, not beholden to anything or anyone but the Truth!

Pain Is Coming for these Monsters!

They Know It!

We Know It!

And soon the World will Know It!


24635874? ago

Ding Ding!!

24629641? ago

Nah, still laughing

24630962? ago

Mirrors are a bitch.

24630740? ago

It doesn't look like you're laughing though..

24631486? ago

Hi I'm a military intelligence officer on 4chan, here's some top secret cryptic remarks, oh and Hilary is being arrested tomorrow at 7pm


24633807? ago

Let me know when every single major media Corp is attacking smearing and desperately trying to debunk and slander you.

Let me know when Trump and team have retweeted and quoted you on twitter hundreds of times.

Let me know when you hit over 4k+ Drops everyone of them solid gold, enough to fill a textbook.

Let me know when thousands of dollars are spent on you massive state sponsored ddos attacks are done against you and 3 letter agencies shills and troll you on the daily.

Let me know when military generals are quoting and backing you up.

Maybe then you’ll matter. Untill then, one nagging question remains.

Who is Q and why has media hid for 3 years while simultaneously attacking it from every possible angle.

24633973? ago

So delusional I don't know where to start!

When has trump ever quoted Q? Or do you mean retweeted someone who said wiggawagga at the end of an unrelated tweet?

Every one of them solid gold? Like the MSNBC WWZ drop?

You have on proof of state sponsored ddos attacks or any other of that bullshit.

You put generals in plural. And you forgot disgraced.

Hid and attacked at the same time? Lmao

24634039? ago

Q = Trump change my mind

24634233? ago

Q = larp change my mind

24634898? ago

Q+ = Trump change my mind

24633427? ago

Interesting.. Your living in denial kid, run along and get your coloring books - make sure your wearing your helmet before you run though😉

24632257? ago

Flynn was a lieutenant general, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and deeply involved in military intelligence. He repeated one of the Q catchphrases in this very video we are discussing. Isn't that a bit of a coincidence?

24632867? ago

And yet nothing continues to happen.

24634962? ago

You aren't paying attention. Stop following the little dangling thing the msn puts in front of you.