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24628362? ago

Once they admit Q, then it can either either be fake or real, but they cannot back track and deny it exists. They have already failed.

24629681? ago

But they're panicking, lol how long have they been "panicking" for now?

24629706? ago

The Mueller Probe was born of such panic. How many years ago was that?

24629739? ago

That, or there was suspicion of collaboration between a campaign and a foreign government. Your conspiracy theories are worth all of shit in refuting that statement.

24631731? ago

Your answer simply shows that you're a living joke. Go blow your dog again, fuckstain, and quit wasting our time here. But you won't. You'll stay here, making an ass of yourself, making up new, baseless accusations - just trying to quell that nagging fear that you and the rest of your simpleton soyboys on the left are truly good and fucked as your betters stomp you into oblivion.

24632816? ago

Did you finish high school?