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24628362? ago

Once they admit Q, then it can either either be fake or real, but they cannot back track and deny it exists. They have already failed.

24628998? ago

All Anons on twitter commenting in feeds like those, tell them: ASK THE Q !!! If they have so much to say about it, and so many articles to write about it, why hasn't a single reporter asked Trump directly about it yet...

24629409? ago

One reporter did ask about Q, but it was phrased in relation to terrorism; as in, have you stopped beating your wife? Very dishonestly.

Trump has been asked by the public. He replied, "I hear they are good people."

24630573? ago

I heard him asked the question long ago. Came from a press gaggle as he was walking by. His response was "I don't know anything about. But I did hear they are very good people".

This was a long time ago.

24630987? ago

Re-read. You're also providing an inaccurate response, out of context.

24631303? ago

The truth of this:

A few years back there was VIP anon who was named so because he got to go backstage and meet the President/have a picture take at a rally.

His account of what happened is he asked President Trump the question, Trump thought a second shrugged his shoulders and said “I don’t know.” The President then paused and allegedly said “I do know they are good people.”

24639644? ago

That person is also why they believe trump is Q+

24640658? ago

Yes -- the picture that eventually was shipped to the anon had "(+)" on its back -- or was it "(+++)", I forget? Either way, there was a plus inside parentheses. :)

24644385? ago

It was (((+)))

24648220? ago

Thank you, I'm forgetful! Concussedanon :( but -- gave me time to research :)