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24628362? ago

Once they admit Q, then it can either either be fake or real, but they cannot back track and deny it exists. They have already failed.

24628895? ago

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

We are stage three.

"Buh muh nothin is happenuh... "

24630127? ago

The truth sails on a little tiny boat to wage war against fleets of battleships of lies.

24860254? ago

May I add :

10's of Millions of tiny boats!

Highly Skilled Sailors,Horseman, Racecar drivers, Motorcycle Racers, UFC Fighters, Pilots, Mechanics, Carpenters, Farmers, Engineers, Plumbers, Electricians, Machinists, Riggers, and all in all...Bad Ass Americans with an Axe to Grind on the Faces and Heads of Evil, Corrupt Satanic Pedophiles!

We are much more maneuverable, not beholden to anything or anyone but the Truth!

Pain Is Coming for these Monsters!

They Know It!

We Know It!

And soon the World will Know It!