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24628362? ago

Once they admit Q, then it can either either be fake or real, but they cannot back track and deny it exists. They have already failed.

24629681? ago

But they're panicking, lol how long have they been "panicking" for now?

24629706? ago

The Mueller Probe was born of such panic. How many years ago was that?

24629739? ago

That, or there was suspicion of collaboration between a campaign and a foreign government. Your conspiracy theories are worth all of shit in refuting that statement.

24630175? ago

Stfu. During the ‘investigation’, if you even breathed a word to a norm or about it being hollow - or even entertained the idea that it wasn’t going to end in Trump being hauled away in chains - you were an idiot conspiracy theorist or worse. Ask me how I fukkin know....

You’d have bet the dark back then that (((they))) we’re winning. And now you all have amnesia. Now you’re acting like it was no big deal. No one on the planet could have guessed that it was bullshit and that it was a DS hit, yet now here we are with evidence making that obvious.

You can’t logically say Q is a larp anymore unless you’re a drooling idiot or a paid shill. Which one are you?

24630233? ago

You made quite a leap there. It was a big deal. Collusion was a tall order to prove, and Mueller wasn't able to. Could it be because of how much the whitehouse stonewalled? Perhaps.

No proof that it was a DS hit. Your bullshit declas retweets aren't of any meaningful substance, no matter how much you want them to be. But tell me again what the arbiter of truth, Tucker Carlson, had to say about it.

24634485? ago

You're an idiot. It was a desperate setup. Schiff saying they had him dead to rights the whole time.... now we see he KNEW otherwise.

I can't wait to see how you revise history in November. We figured Trump would win again - Biden couldn't have won. The polls? What polls? or the silent majority was silent.

See you then!

24631827? ago

Tall order? I heard that it was a certainty, over and over. This pattern of baseless accusation after baseless accusation is nothing short of treason, and will be dealt with as such. Much pain awaits, cuck.

24632849? ago

Lol, nothing will happen, there will be no great awakening, civilians aren't going to be sent to gitmo, but keep hitting that hopium, maybe Q will grace you with a retweet of some schmuck saying wiggawagga