23073431? ago

and porno spammer joe mac ? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3726705

22788680? ago

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22712176? ago

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22492615? ago

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22360187? ago

If you see advertising that pairs white women with niggers, e-mail the company and tell them they're fucked and you're not buying their product and telling everyone you know. That would be a positive step.

22359319? ago

my 33 yr old son bitches about this daily, his only long term relationship was with a lovely psychotic mixed black/white girl. I don't watch TV so I don't see the propaganda. But I have 3 family members (female), who have at least one black child each and the black father is no longer in the picture. (one is actually in prison). I have 1 coworker who's daughter has 2 black children, 1 white child, and no husband or partner in sight. I had a black coworker, who was married to a white male. (her 2nd marriage, two grown black sons from her first marriage). Then she dumped that white guy, for a different white guy. Personally, I've never been interested in dating a black man, not attracted at all. I agree with the poster about the purpose of creating anger, it's working on my kid. But it's just so obvious, and doesn't really match the demographic, so you aren't sure why they are pushing it. I see much more hispanic males with white females in my state than black males with white females. P.S. I don't have a basement.

22784638? ago

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22355659? ago

It's all about that dick

Notice there are no white males with black females. WHy is that? Maybe it's because black females are asshoe

22785067? ago

is @Trapezoidal /u/Trapezoidal a jihadi apologist?

22806866? ago

why is soap box @tokui promoting the rape of low IQ herpes Niggers?

22359528? ago

I noticed it too....no black women w/whites. My sister dated a black man and she told me the famous meme: once you black, you never go back. She has TDS so we never speak anymore so don't know what or who she is dating anymore. Sad.

23338090? ago

ask @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy because he is always posting the porno mudsharks

22355587? ago

White women cant say no to negros, that makes them racists automatically... and they do fall in line.

22355531? ago

I tell my kids: "Date white, mate white". I ask them which puppy is worth more, a mutt or a pure bred? Start them young and help them to understand.

22355461? ago

THIS is WW3. Schemed by 'chosen' people who schemed the other two.

22355031? ago

Yeah and it's never a black woman with a white man

22354486? ago

Well...none of those women look Jewish. Just an observation.

22353915? ago

Should be capital punishment for anyone promoting race-mixing.

22353836? ago

Wow, you have 16 pics of mixed couples... this is the great white replacement?


22353555? ago

White IQ, perseverance and independence is unconquerable. Therefore, interbreeding was chosen by our Enemy as a means to lower IQ and dull the whites who won't easily roll over and be conquered. We must Talk and Act!

22353522? ago

The jews gotta get whitey out of the way because whitey won't put up with their pedophilia and sex slave rings or financial terrorism

22353456? ago

I saw two back-to-back commercials this morning with all white actors.

Where do we go from here?

22355516? ago

actually i noticed that other 'trend' in Europe. Seems like (1) some advertisers woke up and (2) the mix BS doesnt sell so great any more.

22353992? ago

Depends which area you are in for example tv is going regional and digital commericals are different in Commiefornia, Florida, France, Britbong etc

22353381? ago

This isn't real. You just used Photoshop to darken the skin.

22354003? ago

In Sweden they change the colors, pixilate and blur faces when a jihadi goes on a rampage to make it look like a native Swede did the crimes.

22355545? ago

Mrs Barbara Specter at work?

22353203? ago

Every girl should have a giNger. Whom do you think it benefits?

Cue "Melting Pot" lyrics.

22353065? ago

Wars are things of the past. Now you can just bribe people in to destroying themselves.

23017199? ago

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22352987? ago

Note: I'm a complete hypocrite in writing this. My wife is Philippine and my daughter mixed.

Do not mix races. Diversity is good.

There is a huge disruption phase while different cultures and race mix into a homogenous structure.

We're seeing this now with the forced introduction of the Muslim and African cultures. They need cultural revolutions with their own society, as whites did with Martin Luther, the Protestant Revolution, and the Enlightenment (1750-1900). They are violent and repugnant and to be destroyed then rebuilt.

22359623? ago

I think many Philipinos have Italian blood in them. Am I right?

22353967? ago

The Philippines people seem ok, they are a mixed people with a mix of heritage but they know who they are as people, if filippino have issues its the massive corruption, they also have natural issue from mother nature itself, volcano, tsunami, earthquake zone, tropical storms ... if there ever was a mistake in the Phillipines it was allowing Mindanao to become a islamist stronghold, not all moslem are criminal and bad but their prophet was a war monger slaver and a pedophile, these moslems can only cause problems in the long term

22352951? ago

Interesting there are no white men with black women. That would look too much like slavery maybe?

23530053? ago

22357870? ago

Trudeau can fix this, he's socialist and progressive https://voat.co/v/politics/3638699/22356070

22354156? ago

They often do a White man and Yellow Japanese / Chinese / Latino ... in fact California these days they are not really White any more, not really Black they are not these old Native American either but are starting to have this generic mixed look, its like Yellow European Brown mix a Mongolid Spanish Mexican mix of mulatto zambo mestizo, its like a mix of Arab look but they are kinda Mexican but not Mexicans they would almost pass as White, Black and Brown all at the same time depending on what they 'wished' to be.

22352946? ago

So nasty.

22352828? ago

White women are too stupid to see they are being subverted.

23644582? ago

Mudshark coal burners in gross magazines and all over the tv? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3797970/23639988

22355676? ago

They want to think they are better than black girls by getting pregnant and then .... wait...he left me too.....

OHH i see what they did

22353784? ago

Seeing a white woman with back children is rare here in Alabama! I don't know where y'all live.

There was a surge in the 70-80s but once their culture was understood the interbreeding nearly stopped. End Football and half the problem is cured!

22360217? ago

You're right. Nigger worship is a big problem.

22358854? ago

Seeing a white woman under 200 lbs is rare in Alabama.

22357399? ago

It’s rampant in NY

22354917? ago

I see it a fair amount in Tampa

22356013? ago

I concur

22352827? ago

I’m guessing Niggers cuz nobody wants to fuck their ugly asses. I’m white 6’2” 195 and blonde. Pussy peels off the ceiling and lands on my face daily.

22352676? ago

Fucking disgusting

22352626? ago

Only Low consciousness debate here..

22352616? ago

Muh muh muh muh muh

22352295? ago

Filthy kikes just doing what they do best, steal kill and destroy.

22438475? ago

The music industry, did the family sell her out to globalists and hoodrats? https://voat.co/v/pics/3647904/22428310

22353527? ago

Sounds like what whites do all the time

22355344? ago

You mean "fellow white" right?

22354908? ago

Whites spend millions on propaganda to destroy their greatest threat and breed them out of existence?

22352524? ago

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22352290? ago

If you go to the mall, there is not a single poster that features a young white male.

You will see many posters of young people. In almost all of them, you will see a young white female who is obviously in a relationship with a black male.

Is this because somebody is pushing for the end of the white race?


They are trying to make you angry. They don't care about race. They care about power.

Their strategy to grab power is to use identity politics. Meaning that you vote according to your skin color and sexual preference rather than you opinions about policy. So they invented White Privilege, Black Lives Matter, Intersectionality. The idea is to make a voting block out of people of color and LGTBQ people. They want that block to vote Democrat, no matter what the Democrats actually say and do. They the voting block to be loyal and uncritical.

So they use the advertising houses to create the impression that the white race is under siege. They used the accusations of 'White Privilege' to further drive that home. They have universities doing separate graduation ceremonies for black students because whites are horrible. Then there is a huge push with Drag Queen Story Hour to enrage us that our children are under attack by LGTBQ types.

It is all designed to make us fight back. To go on social media and be outraged against the drag queens. To foam at the mouth about posters with our young women always depicted with the black males.

To cement the identity politics voting block. To convince them that identity politics is the way to go. That the enemies of the Democrats are the white supremacist anti-gay bigots.

Am I saying we shouldn't push back against this? No. But be aware of what they are trying to do. If you respond with pure emotion, you are doing

Exactly what they want you to do.

22358314? ago

You're exactly right. They must keep us divided. It's why they hate nationalism; because we can all unite under "country", and cannot be controlled.

22356439? ago

They ARE trying to genocide Whites.

22356792? ago

I don't think so. They would like to mix all races together so they just have one sheep race. But that's not their short term goal. Right now the primary goal is to incite people like you to scream White Genocide and stuff. Because it promotes their narrative, and gives them political power. So... I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm saying be smart. We are a political battle right now. If you want to win in the long run, don't do what they want you to do. Push back on this shit, but do it in a way that they cannot use to their advantage.

22356941? ago

I disagree. It does NOT give them political power.

22357152? ago

I disagree with you. It is a classic divide tactic. Get the sheep to fight among themselves, so nobody is looking at you.

I'm looking at you.

22357938? ago

I don't give a fuck who you are looking at.

If you consider the preservation of Whites to be divisive, then YOU are the problem.

22353699? ago

Destroying whiteness is their Aim! Whites are incapable of dependence. Race matters! It correlates to intelligence.

I plotted states black population with national Academic performance and the relatonship was blatant! As white% decreases, Academic performance goes down. I.e., Alabama, 40% black, is at the Bottom! Mississippi near 40% is next to bottom. Southern whites are the same as the white national normal.

Whites Need to Be Mad! And talk about this problem. Their slurs of Bigot and Racist are very Dull in recent times. It is Time to Act!

Investigate the Money Lords!

22353485? ago

White men will spend money regardless...need to market to others, it has nothing to do with what you are talking about

22352925? ago

All this rot just so you could call out nonexistent "white supremacist anti-gay bigots". Bye, Felicia.

22352601? ago

Is this because somebody is pushing for the end of the white race? No

So they use the advertising houses to create the impression that the white race is under siege.

There's no fucking impression that it's happening. It is literally happening. Your argument is fundamentally retarded. Anger isn't purely bad. It's a great motivator....get mad, stay smart, and get even. In fact, annihilate your enemy so your posterity doesn't have to keep dealing with this shit.

Not everyone who get's angry instantly becomes a full fledged retard...

22352809? ago

You are reacting in

exactly the way they want you to.

22352877? ago

How...actually explain what I'm actually doing that's so counter productive. Am I rioting? No... Am I shooting up people? No... etc. etc. Stop just repeating yourself and actually explain what, in real terms, I'm doing that's "exactly the way they want you to".

22352983? ago

You're thinking emotionally..."get mad, stay smart, and get even". Instead of thinking logically. They want you thinking emotionally because there is no logic behind emotion. It's a primal reaction with no reasoning behind it. Otherwise, there would be no need to "get even". That is vengeance, not a logical response. Emotion leads to mob mentality. Logic leads to game theory. One leads to civil unrest while the other diffuses the situation with minimal lose of life and is strategic in its execution.

22354942? ago

Is it logical to sit back and just take it up the ass?

22355347? ago

You've just proven my point with your question.

You're question is not logical. It is meant to be emotive.

22356123? ago

Responding to a threat is not purely emotive. It can be logical AND emotive.

You are advocating not responding, doing nothing. That to me is illogical.

22363912? ago

Show me precisely where I have specifically advocated for no response.

You purposely attempt to misconstrue my argument.

Advocating for logical thought instead of an emotional response does not advocate for no response.

On the contrary, it advocates for a logical, concise, precision strategy which is not possible with an emotional response.

22352383? ago

what is a "mall"?

22352725? ago

A heavy axe type tool to split wood.

22352614? ago

You win the prize for the dumbest reply of the month.

22352325? ago

Kikes gotta go.

22352310? ago

Some of the elite they see the West as a Tower of Bable a sinful Babylon, they want it to fall.

22352740? ago

Bullshit. They created the tower and are the source of all pain, death, misery on the planet.

22352332? ago

name the jew, faggot

fuck your "elites"

22352268? ago

It benefits consumer goods companies.

22352578? ago

Using penis envy to sell more clothes?

22352463? ago

The Gibs jihad gimmegrants? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3603661/22082511

22352175? ago

Those who hate the white and black races.

22352294? ago

Remember how much the Christian Bible shares with Jewish texts and other religious writings? ... division according to language could only occur after the confusion of tongues.... the account of the confusion of tongues in serves maybe as a divider between two genealogies... If as one people all sharing a common language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be beyond them. Come, let’s go down and confuse their language so they won’t be able to understand each other.” So the Lord scattered them from there across the face of the entire earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why its name was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the entire world, and from there the Lord scattered them across the face of the entire earth.The West for some of the religious extreme is seen as a Modern SinCity of ancient time, a Babylon, soddomite nation? The destruction of Arts and the end of good music...the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer; and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer; and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer...Cut off the sower from Babylon And the one who wields the sickle at the time of harvest; From before the sword of the oppressor They will each turn back to his own people And they will each flee to his own land...By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down and wept, When we remembered Zion. Upon the willows in the midst of it We hung our harps. For there our captors demanded of us songs, And our tormentors mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion....Those who had escaped from the sword he carried away to Babylon; and they were servants to him and to his sons until the rule of the kingdom of Persia... Your mother will be greatly ashamed, She who gave you birth will be humiliated Behold, she will be the least of the nations, A wilderness, a parched land and a desert. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird? That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

22355341? ago

The return key... use it.

22354131? ago

Although the Old Testament is often referred to as a book, it is really a collection of many books, or separate manuscripts, produced by different individuals over a long period of time.

Same with the New Testament.

The First Council of Nicaea was a council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This Ecumenical Council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom.

Ecumenical Council by the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches, as well by certain other Western Churches, met in 680/681.

They picked the manuscripts for the New Testament.

22352653? ago

Makes the Lord sound pretty evil.

22352880? ago

He is dealing with demons. No God isn't the Jesus portrayed by churches. He is The Righteous Judge of the Universe that He created.

Matthew10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

22352187? ago

[They] want us divided. By race. By religion. By gender etc.

Good vs evil

22352344? ago


22352729? ago

How many times has Q used that meme?

How many Jewish political figures use it on their social media?

22352145? ago

Jews always benefit, while crying about a lie.

22361528? ago

Jews always benefit, while crying about a lie.

I disagree

One Of Many Jewish Patriot Is Laura Loomer :)

• President Trump’s tweet in support of Loomer’s candidacy for Congress at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/president-trump-tweets-in-support-of-laura-loomers-candidacy/

___• https://archive.md/vSyXZ#selection-443.0-443.39

• Loomer's channel with 88,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsWnDtLWKEMJHKYCc9647yQ/videos

• Loomer is a Jewish Conservative investigative journalist and activist

• Videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsWnDtLWKEMJHKYCc9647yQ/videos

• Website at https://LauraLoomer.US or https://Loomered.com

• Support Loomer for congress at https://secure.anedot.com/laura-loomer-for-congress-inc/donate

• Support with donation at https://loomered.com/donate/

• Support with shopping at https://www.fruitoftheloomer.com


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


22355687? ago

how did this become about Jews again? I'm out of the jew loop. Joop

22352067? ago

It is definitely extremely blatant and on purpose.

You destroy a civilization by eliminating it's defenders. White men.

I have also started noticing the lack of White men in movies. It's usually black and jewish men, and White women.

22361514? ago

You destroy a civilization by eliminating it's defenders. White men.

I disagree

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 404,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Minds at https://www.minds.com/BlackConservativePatriot/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/Black_C_Patriot

• Website at http://www.BlackConservativePatriot.net

• Support BCP at http://bcpextras.com

• Shop at https:// teespring.com/stores/bcp-merch


"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


22363413? ago

We would not be weaker if we were not invaded to begin with.

In fact, NO, Whites are not weaker when Whites have their own homes, lands, and nations.

Defending the right of White civilizatios to exist is NOT attacking Black men.

22353682? ago

22361520? ago

Jew Stew.

I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.





22353163? ago

Please show me a movie that is made up primarily of black men and white women....I'll wait

22356410? ago

The one your mumala starred in filmed on that basketball court

22355636? ago

Show me a country that is primarily made up of such people and ask THEM.

22353872? ago

Most shows and movies are mix, you have white guy, token black guy, maybe a pajeet or arab, a dyke or homosexual agenda, there will be a smart funny jew guy who might also seem white, its basically a big salad bowl mix, the only movies that don't bother so much are Italian-American gangster films, the Spanish Latino brand or the Japanese film industry. The Black African American and White maybe the Blade series, Hancock film Will Smith, the Luke Cage Jessica Jones Marvel thing, in Netflix there seems to be a lot of mixing of sexes and ethnicity, it is typical to have a 'girl power' message in film for example Feminist female action start out muscle a man in movies these days.

22356085? ago

Eddie Murphy did Boomerang in 92 and no one even noticed or cared that it was pretty well all Black people because it was entertaining and funny.

22353562? ago

Show me three modern movies where any white male character is shown as a strong and smart person. Every show and movie shows white men as dumb and incompetent who defer to strong women for all decision making.

22353633? ago

Avengers is literally mostly white men with one or two white women and a black guy.

Ford and Ferrari was basically all white men.

They are literally re releasing Matrix with a white man again.

22355641? ago

So? America is mostly white.

22355317? ago

Ford and Ferrari was basically all white men.

That's history , try again

22356053? ago

I mean, they could have cast a body-positive woman of color to play Shelby. But we live in Nazi America, so I guess we must be subjected to more mediocre white boys. Yawn

22354765? ago

RDJ & Scarlett are Jewish..

22353397? ago

All blacked porn

22353352? ago

More clearly lead roles. Shit the latest one I saw yesterday was Jumanji.

  1. Jack Black - Jewish
  2. The Rock - Not White
  3. Black guy
  4. Two White women

Now shove that jew dick back in your mouth fuckface

22353471? ago

Ok, that's one movie....stop acting like all the movies are like that.

22356394? ago

Nice strawman jewboy.

I never said ALL. But it is a pattern I have recently noticed.....

Yes jewboy, people are catching on to you

22352153? ago

"started noticing"

you must be new

22356408? ago

Only a jew would attack allies for noticing the jew problem.

Either that or you are an absolute fucking retard.

22353525? ago

Its okay to see what your enemies are doing.

22357772? ago

important, moreover