I'm home and watching TV for the first time in years... Can someone tell me what all the race mixing in commercials is all about? (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3719732?
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23016914? 4.9 years ago
(((Passive genocide))) of the White race.
23017182? 4.9 years ago
the plan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3638308/22353065
23018945? 4.9 years ago
Oh my God, that is so scary. Run away, run away, or we are lost.
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23016914? ago
(((Passive genocide))) of the White race.
23017182? ago
the plan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3638308/22353065
23018945? ago
Oh my God, that is so scary. Run away, run away, or we are lost.