23031566? ago

Race mixing was the push in the 2000s. Once they got a generation of single moms with mixed babies it is the whole lgtbqrstuv push now. Pretty much all sjw crap is what they have been pushing.

23027957? ago

Don't watch any BBC produced shows from UK. Your head will explode

23026561? ago

It's called Multi cultural programming.

23026475? ago

every. fucking. one.

just play "look for the white person" game.

23026165? ago

Flagrant race-mixing, homosexuality, etc. are now the norm. It is one of the goals of the communist party written in " the naked communist" by cleon skousen in the 60's. Out of about 40 listed goals at least 30 in my opinion are complete. All patriots should familiarize themselves with it. YEP, it is premeditated and planned 40 years ago. Here is a video of a summation of those goals and which are complete.


23024271? ago

Sorry, no TV since 2008.

23022913? ago

white is bad it must be eradicated. They will only show whites with black or black with black or muslim with muslim but never white with white. Those whites that are not killed off in their white genocide all over the world will be bred out.

23022822? ago

When my wife moved to the UK to live, she made a comment about how diverse it is. That is no one seems to be in a relationship with the same race.. on TV that is.. when she visited the USA, her American friends commented on how everyone in the UK is interracial.. "No not at all" my wife told them having lived in the UK... Her friends had been watching British TV, Dr Who etc.

True enough, while interracial relationships exist there of course.. if you were watching British TV you'd think it was fucking every household. An avid Doctor Who fan for instance, would assume that in Britain, there are about 2 white families with a mother and a father.. why, anything else would be bigoted.

Sure enough we moved back to the States last year and American TV has caught the same fucking disease... same with anything marketed in print... there can be same race relationships of course.. as long as they're not white. Certainly not white AND straight, that would be outrageous.

It's the sort of social programming that fucking makes me sick. Be representative by all means.. as in represent the demographics... don't force everyone to be interracial... or LGBTQ... or fucking reptilian..

23022374? ago

As that asshole Jew Bono sang, they want "all the colors to bleed into one". All the colors but the Jews that is. They are to stay within their tribe. They are attempting to make a stupid brown skinned slave class and whites are in the way.

23021916? ago

Have you seen the Fakebook kazoo commercial with the tranny at the end?

23021884? ago

...to put ideas into your wife and daughters mind....

23021873? ago

They scream whites are racist, but have mixed couples and families in commercials. How does that even make any sense for their anti-white narrative?

23021775? ago

Societal mandate means you must fuck a nigger. It's to bring the population's average IQ down, and destroy normal culture.

23021526? ago


Do a google search for ‘White Family’.

23021462? ago

When our women look like Speilberg's oreo pornstar daughter, they left will have won.

23021423? ago

Video games too. They went after the kid's minds, full throttle.

23020954? ago

Screen shot it all and make photoshop your friend.

23020749? ago

It's exactly What the people bought and paid for. Dropping $15 to see that last Star Wars, etc. was the price that financed this shit show. Unearned money that is thrown back at us in the form of control of us.Liberals no longer want to enslave Black folks, They want to enslave all dissenters. They use it to pay off state and local governments to people who have no idea how to run a lemonade stand , let alone a state or city. I fear we have let it go too far. There is no going back now.

23020745? ago

its about you all being marrons to think anything about stuff like that... one would think you were a bunch of progressives' for caring about stuff like this

23020721? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the 23 downvoats are the Qtards and anons who have been tricked by Q larp into ignoring race when maine is the safest state in the country and has the least diversity while japan and iceland practicaly have zero crime because they dont have blacks jews or latinos. they are fucking retarded to ignore the race issue. watch any jared taylor videos if you want some truth about race issues

23020408? ago

Yes there are some who have an agenda. But as an Ad Exec, let me tell you the real reason. HOMOPHILY. (no that doesn't mean queers in Philly). It means LOVE OF THE SAME. It's a scientific fact people feel more comfortable subconsciously around ppl they share something with.

Bi-racial relationships are approved of by about 90% of Americans. Therefore, an all white, all black, or asian or whatever limits your reach. Featuring a White guy and black girl literally adds about 15% to 20% more viewers since it doesn't seem to be an all black or all white ad.

Everyone else out here that claims this 'programming' is full of bullshit. I'm a white conservative and married a black woman.

Stop the ignorant bullshit.

23021015? ago

(((I'm a white conservative)))

23020636? ago

geee… and Madison Avenue only discovered this concept in the last 3 years

fuck off

23020066? ago

Make sure you watch the ADT commercials where all the homeowners are niggers and the burglars are white. Totally believable.

23019612? ago

Its because of the jews, silly. It always because of the jews.

23019447? ago

Ignorant question.

What are commercials usually about?

23019322? ago

"Diversity and Inclusion".

23019236? ago

Actually, as the population of Black Americans gains more employment for the first time in two generations, the large consumer goods manufacturers have begun to model their behavior and teach them the products and services that they should want. The white woman/black male mixing is a marketing study that showed that white women are the primary drivers of consumerism and also very accepting of their own demise when lean "attractive" black males are substituted for white males. This was found in market research to be the best formula to promote the new lifestyle of coveting products and actually encouraging newly "rich" single black males to strive for all of the things that white males held dear; white females, trucks, nice clothes, reading glasses, nice living rooms, etc. The same companies note that white males are fully entrenched in their consumerist behavior and do not require more modeling education to remain engaged in the latest trends or newest items. We go to work, we carry debt and we buy their shit.

Long story short; Proctor and Gambel and the other big 4 are modeling black male behavior to become better buyers. Don't take it personally goy, just keep buying their shit and shut the fuck up!

23019114? ago

Social engineering

23019037? ago

Don’t you know that it’s required to get a maximum amount of diversity points in your messaging? Instead of just using people as people you over represent minority status. Most people will be minority race. Somebody will be gay. Sometimes the white male is skipped entirely since a white female at least gets lady points. Especially true in groups of less than 4 or 5.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with being a minority. People come in all kinds, shapes, colors, opinions, ages, etc. But when corporate messaging shows long term trends away from the population as a whole it’s clear somebody is trying to do some social engineering.

23018987? ago

To niggers, having a white woman is a sign of status. Race mixing commercials is trying to market to niggers and the cucked white demographic has been brainwashed to look past it.

23018957? ago

replacement of the joos' only competition for world dominance - whitey

23018920? ago

I can tell you what the TV is all about. programming.

Human programming.

23018918? ago

LOL, wait until you see all of the homo pushing.

23018900? ago

Stop falling for the bait!

How many people do you know that have stopped watching TV only to say that they started watching once again observing something like this?

This is bait to bring out the shills and make everyone look racist on QRV.

23019049? ago

Aren't the people casting and scripting the commercials the Racists?

They are using disproportionate and false depictions of racial norms.

23018809? ago

This is representative of why they have been removed from 108 countries over 180 times!

A more permanent solution is needed. ww.

23018806? ago

It's the liberals' way of pushing globalism and multiculturalism on us. They've been doing it for awhile. Welcome to the jungle.

23018728? ago

(((Hollywood))) & (((MSM)))

23018720? ago

KALERGI PLAN <-- Google it, know it.

23018643? ago

If you think the commercials are bad just wait until you try to find a decent series or movie to watch. Wife and I have not found one that does promote front and center gender and sexual orientation as the most important factor in every character, unless it is a white male who are almost universally portrayed as wimp, bully, racist, wife beater/murderer etc etc. All leaders, leading roles, savior, hero, now female, preferably gay female of color. (I can only imagine the culture shock for someone who has not watched TV in years.)

23018610? ago

As strange as that is, watching blacks pile out of their neat Cape Cod packing their Subaru for a camping trip seems like from another planet.

23018601? ago

There are only a handful of large ad agencies that handle most large corp accounts. To have a theme like this, is easiest to deploy on the culture by controlling the main Madison Avenue agencies. The goal is to integrate the races, but for what end purpose, I have not figured that out. There clearly is a strong agenda to accomplish this. I have often thought about randomly watching tv, and then recording the number of ads that show white:white, black:black, white:black and other (borderline cases, undetermined, etc), just to quantify statistically if there is a confirmation bias in my head that makes it seem more common than it is,

23018983? ago

Whites make TERRIBLE slaves. Blacks make good slaves. Slavers' solution? Mix them until they are undifferentiated and all are pliable enough to make controllable slaves. These people think long-term.

23018595? ago


it's about white erasure

as much as it is about fracturing community

as much as it is about importing black male irresponsibility and abandonment into white culture so that you break up the family

as much as it is about lowering the IQ of the white race (sorry, but it's true)

as much as it is about making white people much more controllable because black people traditionally do not question things. Look at the media. All the black people are deepstate puppet slaves working for their rich white masters.

I am not sure if this is about IQ or if this is about exploiting their nascent tribalism and 'group orientation' (ie: call and response integrated into every facet of their distint non-integrating culture within america). Black people are MUCH more 1) MIND Controllable, and 2) oriented towards grouphood in the context of self interest, and white people are much more oriented towards individuality within rational self-interest, so if you mix the two, you get a generation of people who are much more compliant and willing to accept socialism, since it fits their models of group orientation

In other words, its about killing the family, killing individuality, and killing the ability to fight back

If you are black and you are mad about reading what Iv'e said here, I want you to understand something very key: I may be racialist in saying these things, but I am not racist. I am here fighting for YOU also, because you are my neighbor and fellow countryman and all I've ever wanted for you is to raise you up and I see how the 'masters of of the universe" (mostly sociopathic white masonic types) have used the invisible black hand to keep you OUT of power and tried to manipulate your community and instill in your cuture this idea that it's uncool to integrate with other white pepole and becoem a cohesive community. You see, we HAD a cohesive community in the 1970s, blacks and whites were dancing and singing together, talking together, speaking the same common langauge. Then in the 1980s they decided to fracture black peple by promoting the idea that blacks were criminal anarchists with rap music. now, in the 2010s, black people speak almost a completely different language than English, it's a subdialect that freezes out anyone and signals membership in an insular blackhood that carries with it all the irresponsibility towards family, the vulgar crassness, and everything else that tells white pepole that black peopel are uncivilized. I think it is shameful what has happened, but its been done for a reason. The only thing I've ever wanted for black people is for them to take ownership of america and work with us, instead of against us, because working against us (white ppl) is exactly what the 'true owners' of this country want for all of us---to be divided and therefore not be able to mount a resistance to them, to overthrow their system of control that doesn't serve anyone--blacks OR whites

23018683? ago

too tired to read all that but let's just say whites and blacks are victims of the Jew, we have things in common.

23018520? ago

When populations eventually wised up as to who was responsible for the disastrous conditions in their country, spontaneous pogroms fired up.

23018388? ago

Jews want your race extinct.

23018379? ago

Yes, I can explain. Many companies do not want money from white people. Best do what they want.

23018364? ago


23018223? ago

(((Madison Avenue))) wants the wytewiminz to see how trendy it is to burn the coal........no talk of paying the toll, but they'll find out after the swelling goes down.

23018079? ago

Jews want Aryans to become extinct.

They are also behind mass immigration of fighting age males.

And banning guns.

And the vast majority of NGOs supporting those things.

That is how Italy got infected. ISRIaid is running ships of infected into Italian and other European ports.

23017965? ago

easy, niggers

23017950? ago

Have mixed race babies goy, it's the cool thing to do!

23017923? ago

Redpilling qtards.

Finally one recognizes the jew control over the nigger and women.

23017885? ago

They're not trying to sell you a product, they are trying to sell you a way of life.

23017779? ago

Loaded question this cant be real

23018746? ago

GTFO nigger lover

23017726? ago

Jews hate white people and use blacks as a weapon. I had Dish turned off years ago and started watching white nationalist podcasts instead. The jews made me do this. The jews will pervert and insult everything we have. Gods chosen my ass

23017670? ago


23020581? ago

Demographic Engineering actually.

23017641? ago

Muh diversity. Look at how YUGE my virtue is.

23017480? ago

Jews are trying to dumb down the white race.

Meanwhile, Jews and Muslims keep fucking their cousins.

23018692? ago

I didn't know their cousins were goats. That is interesting

23017423? ago

There's gender mixing too, and both share the same tap root. Demonic forces desire to normalize things that are inherently against the nature that God created in humanity. God created humans with a desire for love; Evil weakens, substitutes, or perverts this into something that is abnormal and self-centered.

You are picking up on this manipulation; that's good. It means the cabal hasn't won yet.

23017406? ago

The enemy trying to get us to violate God's Law. When we violate God's Law, God punishes us. Thou shall not commit adultery. In the Hebrew and Greek the word meaning includes adultery, adulteration, to mix, to miscegenate. Race mixing destroys God's original creation. Christians have been trained to skip, ignore or place a false meaning on all the scriptures that deal with this subject.

23018737? ago

I'd like you to quote the part of the bible that is against race-mixing

Because I think you're totally wrong here and you're ending up smearing the bible and Christianity with what sounds a lot like racial bigotry

The problem with race-mixing is that first they have socially engineered black people into accepting the normality of black male abandonment (fatherlessness), and now they are trying to import that into the white culture. The net effect of which is to break up the family. And you break up the family because the FAMILY is a structure that is in the way of orwellianism, human cloning, exogenesis, people as drones; ultimately technocratic slavery.,

23020382? ago

Get your software out and start by doing this search in the KJV. KJV because different versions will use different words. "mix or mingle or mixed or mingled". That one will get you started to see that the Bible does make a distinction. We can't change the word meaning for adulteration. It means what it means. Another Hebrew word translated bastard has this meaning: to alienate, a mongrel. Then take a look at Ezra 9:2, Nehemiah 7:64 and Nehemiah 13:3. If it had just been about religion why were the strangers not divorced or just converted? Have you ever considered the phrase "cake not turned" in Hosea 7:8. I can point you to a short article explaining why God didn't want the strength of his true Israel people to go to others. There is more. Have you ever read the instructions on how to use Strong's Concordance. It is helpful. Here is what the Greek says here.Philippians 2:15 That you may be blameless and unmixed, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the middle of a crooked and perverse race, among whom you shine as lights in the world." Also Jude 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." I was amazed when I first read all this.. 2 Corinthians 6:17 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord". People are not the same. The modern day Jews are not Israelites according to their own writings.

23017353? ago

don't you know? 50% of the people in the US are black, and 90% of the men married a white woman.

23017347? ago

White genocide

23017278? ago

White. Genocide...

23017197? ago

Oh, did you buy a TV and all of a sudden decide to get a subscription? Did you never read the news or browse YouTube? GTFO with this weak ass race baiting bullshit.

23017186? ago

White women dating/marrying niggers or muslims is not only normal it's expected. When I snap my fingers you will waken completely refreshed with no memory of this indoctrination session. Good goy.

23017155? ago

While we were off fighting fake wars, we got replaced.

23017077? ago

Subconscious programming to have white women desire another colours seed.

23017059? ago

[They] are trying their hardest to divide us as much as possible.

23017395? ago

Jews initially used ((( ))) around their names on Twitter to self-identify. This was around 2015.

It was weaponized when exposing their treachery now and in the past.

And then you came along and did this tryhard [they].

23026796? ago

They still use it though...and to the sheep it looks like you are their worst enemy...do you want to make us look like terrible people who blame an entire group for the actions of individuals?

Seems un-American....

23017876? ago

The echoes actually originated in the Intel community and slipped out to the rest of us. If the doc I saw was real the JFK docs Trump released talk about it.

23017057? ago


23017071? ago

The companies and ad agencies are the shills, moron.

23017041? ago

Just some observations:

Commercials increasingly show mixed-race couples.

Commercials display traditional white fathers as idiots.

Commercials increasingly show dad as the caregive of children while mother is away at work.

Commercials show men doing more feminine things like housework, cleaning, etc.

Commercials normalize gay behavior.

Commercials are social programming to show young people what is "desirable" and righ for them.

23026285? ago

i am 29 and i noticed from a very young age that in TV/movies, father figures were always portrayed as pussy-whipped and the mothers/wives were always protrayed as "scary" and it made me sooooo annoyed. the men were the constant fuck-ups (mrs. doubtfire, big daddy, the sata claus, everybody loves raymond, homer simpson, i mean literally almost every single sitcom) and the women were usually portrayed as better than, the responsible ones, so annoyed to have to "take care" of the husband etc... as a child of divorce with full custody belonging to my unloving mother, i was soooo angered by these tropes. sally field is a bitch in mrs. doubtfire too. ugh

23026902? ago

I teach 6th and 8th grade. In many schools, the boys are medicated so they will behave like girls. Being a male teacher, the boys do great in my class. I put up with boyish nonsense better than female teachers and I know how to get them to co-operate. Believe me, it doesn't take badgering like they get from a female teacher. Most of them come from homes without dad in them, either because of divorce or because mama was a "ho" and has kids by several men. Because of the programming, boys aren't applying for college in the same numbers as before. They don't let the boys play "aggressive games." They need to be wrestling and playing ball--let them get their dominant side going.

23018854? ago

Commercials and tv shows also show children as being superior/smarter than their adult parents as well.

23018711? ago

Why do you watch television when it's messing up your life so badly?

Can't you just turn it off? Oh wait, I just had a brilliant idea ... how about you just don't watch commercials?

23018770? ago

Can't you just retake the media? Why are you such a little surrender monkey?

23019521? ago

Why can't you make some fucking sense?

23020786? ago

I made so much sense you almost lost your feral mind.

23019808? ago

He did, dumbass

23018673? ago

It's about breaking up the family, because the family is the last stronghold defending against technocratic communism / orwellianism

Once they push this idea that you don't need your parents, then they can get on with human cloning and growing people in vats without parents; and then you can be a drone, kind of like a compliant worker bee, to build THEIR HIVE

23018114? ago

That's why Jews must be removed from power, especially media.

23018793? ago

You Jew Haters are really smart. Is there a Jew Hating club or something I can join?

My car wouldn't start this morning, and it must be because some Jew caused that to happen.

23020987? ago

Is there a Jew Hating club or something I can join?

No doubt there is one, formed by scapegoating jews in order to perpetually fake hate crimes against themselves.

23019796? ago

Planned obsolescence

23018845? ago

Die nigger

23017005? ago

It's then destroying and brainwashing the next generation. Welcome to the Jews push for white genocide.

23018853? ago

Join a Jew Hating club somewhere to protect you from the savage Jews that want to wipe out your racial group. I know It's just awful to be so helpless.

23016963? ago

You have to breed with niggers now.... it's a new law.

23018903? ago

If you try to stay at home most of the time, go out as seldom as possible, it might save you from having to breed with niggers.

Good luck to you.

23016914? ago

(((Passive genocide))) of the White race.

23017738? ago


Loxism is cancer

23027438? ago

Loxism is racism, so yes. Racism is cancer in general.

23029989? ago

No. Whites should look down on all non-whites. Its natural. All non-whites should be kissing our asses.

23018945? ago

Oh my God, that is so scary. Run away, run away, or we are lost.

23016908? ago

In the short term it is about stoking rage and anxiety.

The cabal wants the world to live under communist tyranny. The problem is that Western democracies won't vote for it.

Their solution is to make a coalition of non-white and non-straight voters. They want these people to vote based on their skin color and sexual pref instead of what they think about policy.

They want these people to feel they are victims, and by voting for leftists they can exact revenge upon their oppressors.

They can only get so far by telling people this. What they really need is evidence that it is true that white GOP/Conservative/Populist voters are all bigots filled with hate. So how do they go about providing this evidence?

Saturate advertising with young white women with black men. The last time I went to the mall there was not a single advertisement with a young white male.

Push the White Privilege narrative on our young people. This is designed to piss us off, and make us lash out, because it is so obviously racist.

Black Lives Matter kicking white people out. Universities having separate graduations for black students so they 'feel safe'.

And then all across the USA and internationally too, the big push to have Drag Queen Story hour. Only flaming libtard idiots would bring their kids to these events. Their primary purpose is not to groom the kids. That is only a handful of people. No, their main goal is to enrage us. They want us on social media, demanding that it be banned. The more angry, the better.

Now they are allowing young men to dominate women's sports teams in high school and college. This is a blatant attempt to cause outrage against transfolk. Again, they do want to push transexual lifestyle, but the main reason they are doing is to provoke outrage.

They want power. They want to portray anybody who isn't a libtard to be a anti-minority, anti-gay racist bigot. They want to do this to show all minority and LGTBQ voters that we are horrible people. Vote against Trump because he and his supporters are racist bigots. Not because you have looked at what is good for yourself. Not because you think Trump's policies are good or bad for the country.

This is about identity politics and power.

Push back against this stuff, but do it in a way that doesn't help them.

23023803? ago

"Push back, but not in a way that is demanding an actual solution."

23019026? ago

Where are the nigger pruning and queer pruning clubs? I need to join as quickly as possible before some nigger murders me or some queer forces me to do queer things.

Thank you so much for your expertise on this issue.

23017844? ago

This wouldn't be a problem if we actively pruned niggers and queers at even the same rate niggers murder (x10 according to FBI 2017 stats).

You can't vote in criminals if you don't exist.

23018996? ago

Where are the nigger pruning and queer pruning clubs? I need to join as quickly as possible before some nigger murders me or some queer forces me to do queer things.

Thank you so much for your expertise on this issue.

23017637? ago

In Communism, they call their victims the proletariat. They once were the "workers" but now are the "minorities" groups. Always a global unification strategy.

23021537? ago

Good point

23017095? ago

Black Lives Matter kicking white people out.

They were mostly Jewish, just sayin'.

23019486? ago

Don't you mean, "Just race-baiting"?

23019744? ago

God speaks for whites who were forced to be subverted all this time.

23017056? ago

You could have just said divide and conquer. That's the ONLY reason for any of (((their))) bullshit.

23023127? ago

More detail is necessary, and the poster described it very well.

So, how about shutting up, and letting a person who made a good, thoughtful post have their moment?

23022720? ago

Look into the 'kalergi plan'. the elites want to outbreed the white population. For some reason, I think it's the rhesus thing, they see white people as the enermy and we must be removed. Everything we see is promoting the removal of WHITE MEN! So that's us I'm guessing, wonder why? Because we think more ciritically than others? That's one option.

23027401? ago

White men...man to man...are the best warriors on the planet. Only a Mongol can outfight whites man to man, but look at modern Mongolia, they have nothing. Remember that even in the past the Khans made it as far as Eastern Europe and were blunted when they slammed into the "wall" of white nations, the same ones that beat back the Umyadds, and later the Turks. Modern white nations have endless military logistics, modern Mongolia is one of the poorest places on earth. But whites all live and fully believe in Republic systems of governments and personal liberty. They will not tolerate totalitarian rule. Thus they cannot control whites, and they cannot defeat whites in battle.

THEY want to mix white nations half then 3/4 brown and normalize the totalitarian style of rule common in brown nations. Their plan, Kelergi, is all about turning the white nations using soft power instead of hard power so they can be dominated and controlled.

23020730? ago

from: doglegwarrior

could have just said its the jews

23022887? ago

No, because that would be playing right into what they want.

23022231? ago

could have just said its the jews

I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.





"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


23024807? ago

not you idiot Qtards that love jews and groids

23016954? ago

Wow.. that was excellent and far beyond what I thought my question would bring.

thank you

23016897? ago

Poor shill post go back to divide school.. Lowest quality shilling ever

23016927? ago

lol I'm asking an honest question.

Seems like representing race mixed couples at wildly unrealistic levels in advertising hints at an agenda.

Head back in sand, eh? In the name of what?

23016964? ago

Who cares about your low quality paid for consciousness.

23016987? ago

aaaand that makes zero sense.

You may be an idiot, sir.

23017012? ago

Then you need to learn comprehension s

Kills.. .

23016888? ago

Personally, idgaf what color sometimes skin is or if they are in a relationship with someone of different skin color.

But I just realised, after reading this post, that they need to "kill off " the power of the collective.

Whether a white person is racist or not there's the tendency to be part of something they are similar to. Most people ARE sheep. And right now, that means the globalization of the USA cannot occur until we are no longer the majority.

So, programming us, using MSM.

23017539? ago

You dgaf because you're either a White cuck disconnected from your people and history, or one of the many rootless shitskin races.

Jews need to kill off Whites, but they cannot engage Whites directly because jews are weak, pathetic cowards. That is why jews lie and use the shitskin golems to do their work, then discard them. Whites are generally not racist, but they should be. The part of the brain that houses empathy in Whites is weaponized by jews to include all races. Altruism is a real problem for Whites, and worse when done at their own expense. That is why jews foster White guilt.

The best thing that Whites could do for themselves is to remove all shitskins from their White nations. Even better if they slayed them all so the problem never comes up again.

23017624? ago

No. Its simply about power. Whatever keeps "elites" in place. Think they care about skin color outside of that rule? Nope. Good try, shill.

23017914? ago

They do care about it....go read the kalergi plan....they want a mixed race mongrel class of dumb consumers they can control.

23018323? ago

I've read it. But that actually supports both views. Your thoughts on this fit within them just staying in power. Keeping people within certain lanes that support it and destroying any lane that could hurt it....

23016801? ago

It is there so the ones of us who are not racist can make fun of the racist people - ( Ha Ha )

23016849? ago

Hooking up with Blacks is not virtuous.

It's just plain poor taste.

They put sweaters on them and place them in BMW's for appeal.

Why are they lying about how 90% of Blacks live?

23016929? ago

You are confusing skin color with culture.

23018729? ago

You are confusing culture with choice. There is no question (from a genuine scientific understanding) that there are racial differences in IQ, and there is no need for any scientific study for one to intuitively understand that there is an inexorable nexus betw/ culture ("way-of-life") and intelligence. We see this on the micro (individual) level, and on the macro (cultural) level. To pretend that a highly developed culture is just a likely to evolve from a lowered IQ genetic pool, than from a high IQ pool, is to stubbornly refuse yourself rationality, and to replace rationality with 'feel-good' pop-moralism.

23017014? ago

You're the one who is confused

23017097? ago

Never forget, Obama is 1/2 white.

23017129? ago

He's a faggot though.

23017297? ago

He is not gay, his husband is.

23016827? ago

Laugh it up, nigger-lover

23016951? ago

When the curfews are lifted, those that remain will see it was the cultural not the people who are to blame.

23017025? ago

There is no changing a negro. In Africa or over here, they are damn near chimps.

Don't be a retarded

23017087? ago

KoKo the chimp can sign 90 words, can you?

23017943? ago

How dare you compare niggers to monkeys. Say you are sorry to Koko.

23020194? ago

my apologies Koko.

23017115? ago

He can also throw his feces further than me.

What's your point?

23017289? ago

I lived and worked with a guy (Military) We were great friends, he beat his wife almost to death, He and his wife are balck.MY POINT is the culture is bad not the individual,

23017321? ago

So street thug or military serviceman: either way they are terrible husband's and fathers.

I don't see your point. Sorry

23017439? ago

He was fine until he left the nipple of the military, then he became a different culture. The military is just a conservative culture. This is about people can become like the people around them, If I hung around street thugs, I would have a different moral code.

23017507? ago

But you wouldn't be near as bad as a nigger

23017610? ago

aaww shucks , thanks, neither would you.

23016763? ago

Jews trying to trick stupid white women into throwing their lives away.

23016872? ago

It's white dudes with black women, too.

23018794? ago

Rare IRL. As is White women choosing Black Mens. Usually just the Undesirables do it.

Statistically, the #1 cause of white poverty is having a mulatto child. Unrecoverable.

23018898? ago

“Usually just the undesirables do it.” And Kardashians, but that’s redundant, isn’t it?

23017088? ago

Black men with white women is much more prominent, and disgusting

23016830? ago

This, and simple humiliation

23020530? ago

Aka demoralization. It's an actual propaganda tactic.

23016661? ago
