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CryptoBard ago

Early childhood traumatic programming that prevents rational thought on certain topics, weaponized cognitive dissonance. Certain topics cannot be explored without danger of the worldview shattering.

registeretakes10s ago

I've rarely seen it so succinctly yet clearly enounciated. Thanks?!

ChaoticAwakening ago

Coz these people don't know what they see

The mind behind the eye

Has been stricken, and riddled

With tragedy

nightjar ago

I've seen this first hand many times with Chinese nationals when it comes to the issue of Taiwan.

Extremely smart, intelligent, PhD candidates in physics, math, etc. They lose all semblance of logic and reason when it comes to Taiwan. It's really remarkable.

RodentLord ago

MKULTRA Illuminati programming protocal,s (I literally could not give less of a fuck what you prefer to call it) are quite careful and associate disagreement with Novus Orod Seclorum with death and decay, such that stepping out of alignment with the ordsained progam is seen as the most painjful and abhorent outcome possible in any circumnstance.

Literally just watch the movie The Holy Mountain and all of reality is explained as plainly as it is possible to express in any four-dimensional form. If it's too complicated for you to understand (or the directive-programmin "watch The Holy Mountain" is too complex in-and-of-itself), you are likely untermensch-grade.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

People focused on SURVIVING, not thriving

justregtoasku ago

Yip they want us in survival mode

zuck ago

What sort of thing would you say constitutes "Early childhood traumatic programming"

RodentLord ago

Do you remember tjhe first moment

you learned to associate sex with pleasure?

zuck ago

I'm not sure I do

CryptoBard ago

What was your first experience with war imagery and who were you told were the victims?

blit416 ago

wow, good point.

Aryanawakening ago

And fluoride.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

And porn

And hookup culture, bread and circuses, and not having a food shortage yet

ichlibejuice ago


TheFlameOfTruth ago

and not having a food shortage yet

This is either the main reason or a huge contributing factor. Those being used and abused right now are still being fed and entertained so they don't see what's coming. It's a gradual downhill with a cliff at the end.

Those of us insightful to see it can turn away in time but we still need a place to be if we're not run off the edge as well.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

There's no trauma. People are simply ignorant. The ones who are exposed to information but still choose to remain ignorant are stupid. People typically create a false worldview in order to protect their fragile egos from reality. Therefore, they will actually go to great lengths to reject any truth to which they have been exposed. Of course, this is all predicated upon the notion that they have the intellectual capacity to understand the truth in the first place.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Stupid yes but also I find older people who have grown up trusting the system ( goverment ) and didnt realize they actually used to be ignorant.

You used to be able to cut out a nice life for your self playing the game , you didnt realize it was a game you just thought you were being normal . A lot of people simply dont like being exposed to theories which they have not heard. It makes them look ignorant or Stupid .

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Totally agree. The problem, however, is that The Awakening is here and intensifying. People have to wake up at an accelerating rate or they will be terminated.

TheSeer ago

I was having a discussion with a guy who didn't think America was controlled. He was probably 3 years old when 9/11 went down. I was... Significantly older. So I start having a conversation with him...

How do you think it ends? With him convinced, or he just stopped talking (and listening)?

ardvarcus ago

They stop listening before they even start listening.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

My guess would be the latter. Got to protect that ego and worldview at any cost....

justregtoasku ago

I would expect he didn't believe you, thinks you are mad and quite possibly got rather angry with you.

TheSeer ago

More or less ruined my relationship with the guy, But rather than admit defeat, he said he would "get back to me". Two weeks later...

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

It ends when the investigation of FISA comes full circle, and it's proven beyond all doubt that Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax at all time. That will get many peoples attention.

frickingmeany ago

is that why people get so desperate they take pills thinking itll make them want to commit suicide less? because theyre not traumatized?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

They take pills to push out reality. They take pills because they don't want to deal with life. No different than the people drinking alcohol, taking illicit drugs, having sex (despite not wanting children), over-eating, buying tons of shit they don't need, etc., etc., etc.—they push away life and life pushes back even harder.

Nobody gets out without suffering. If you don't know this yet you have a long hard road to travel.

misaeldodsonQbt ago

Ignoring a made up event explained with bad science


Believing in a made up event by cherry-picking statistics and leveraging the reportability bias

Which one is worst?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That is for the recipient of the information to decide. Free will exists for a reason, and it is incumbent upon each person to develop their critical thinking skills. Avoiding the truth of reality can only lead to more suffering. This is why good parents expose their children to small, but steady amounts of reality instead of misleading them into thinking the world is a good, safe place.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

So the theory here is that getting your dick cut "prevents rational thought on certain topics, weaponized cognitive dissonance. Certain topics cannot be explored without danger of the worldview shattering"?

And here I thought it was simply because people are fucking morons. Traumatized from circucision—you pussy faggots should have had my childhood. No wonder Universe is about to wipe out 95% of the population.

VicariousJambi ago

Our people are being exterminated.....

Except its death by 1000 papercuts.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That's how Universe works. Only the strong survive. The jews know this better than anyone and that's why they are hellbent on extermination of the Whites. The real question is: Are Whites strong enough to prevent this or are they going to foolishly wait in the hope that some external savior is going to come along? (I won't be holding my breath.)

A new world is coming for those who can take it.

RandomFurryDude ago

>Found the demoralisation kike


Nekketsu ago

  1. The Majority of Boys Circumcised as Children and Adolescents Meet Diagnostic Criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

I can bet you right now no-one's gonna be able to get gibs for that either, because if they did it'd prove circumcision does that and much, much more. Imagine getting scarred for fucking life because your parents were too naive, or even worse, go with the "oh, he'll live" mindset.

Glipglup ago

I used to blame service men for signing for kike wars but the older I get the more I realize the onus is on the authority. It's shitty parenting, certainly, but ultimately it's the doctors, trained people who absolutely know better, who push this filth. The Jews are responsible for the mess.

When the dog tears up the house, you discipline the dog, however the blame ultimately lies on little Billy for letting the dog run freely through the house to begin with.

midnightblue1335 ago

I was 16 when I enlisted. If you put the blame on me, an idealistic young man who truly believed (falsely) at the time that I was off to fight for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY (as well as me and mine) against the terrorist boogeymen... then fuck you, you're a part of the problem.

That's no better than faggot hippies spitting on 'Nam Vets, many of whom were DRAFTED, as they returned from a tour. And this is precisely what (((they))) want.

(((They))) want you to focus on the troops/police, the actual boots on the ground fighting the wars. They want you to blame them, and hate them because it keeps the focus off of the fact that (((they))) are behind it ALL. And these men who voluntarily agree to fight in foreign wars as soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors, or voluntarily agree to fight our domestic war against niggers for $30k a year and a few benefits are the men that (((they))) fear most. BY TURNING YOU AND THE ENTIRE PUBLIC AGAINST THESE MEN, (((THEY))) WIN. DON'T LET THE FUCKING KIKES WIN.

fuckthisshit12 ago

You got jew scammed like a fucking retard and can't cope lol

midnightblue1335 ago

You got jew scammed as a child like me, my parents, and every other White person in the West over the last few centuries

Fixed for you, marshmallow.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Every white person? I don't know about that one cowboy.

midnightblue1335 ago

Enough that the ones who weren't "scammed" still are being fucked under the same scam.

Or are all of use who are aware of the kike and their scams now suddenly no longer living under and supporting their schemes?

Do you have your own farm, where you make your own medicine, homeschool all of your children, and do not pay taxes? If the answer to any of those is "No", then fuck you- I was 16 when I made that decision. What's your parents' excuse, or my grandparents' excuse, for letting things come to this?

Glipglup ago

Shut the fuck up glow nigger.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

It's called cognitive dissonance, and it's a hell of a thing.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Had to look that up, knew about it but didnt know it had a name.

CryptoBard ago

The trauma is exposing kids to the horrors of war and attributing it to only one victim. Seeing images from holomodor (passed off as muh holocaust) at such an early age is traumatizing.

RandomFurryDude ago

Can I get some pics of holodomor dead which are passed off as 'muh hollacost' pics?

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Muh-Shugana ago

About time someone figured out how to put it succinctly. Good work!

Mumlbeberry ago

Could have surmised the entire thing in one word: jews.

xobodox ago

The Stuper Bowl half-time show had a taco nigger rapper and his whores chanting "la raza [this].. la raza [that].. "

No one seems to care that they are blatantly/openly racist against white people at a nation-wide event and throwing out the dog whistle for niggers to conquer America.

AmericanJew2 ago

But a commercial saying we stand with vets was banned by Fox because of Colin Niggernick.