Jeffb957 ago

It seems to me that the only possible cure for this problem is not bitching about it on the internet. Find a member of the opposite sex, ditch the birth control, and get to fucking. The birth rate has been catastrophically low for quite a while. Make babies.

analfaveto ago

Making babies is good, but:

  1. You're never going to beat sandniggers at making babies.

  2. The baby competition is not the main problem. Immigration is.

  3. Subtraction beats addition anytime.

boekanier ago

They are indoctrinated by the mass media, who told them that is very wrong to be a 'racist'. They also know by now, that a 'racist' is something worse than a murderer or muslim terrorist. So they keep quiet and keep voting for globalist parties, who will bring more niggers and other shitskins into the country..

BoomerHater1488er ago

Because most of them are Christcucks who think race doesn't matter as long as we're all Christians.

Berichonbegone ago

Frankly I think it's mostly fear. Fear of being ostracized. Fear of being wrong. Fear of being considered mean/hateful. There's a reason why (((they))) surround us with filth in media, ads, cartoons, shows, movies, etc. Makes it seem more popular than it is. Outgroups tend to keep quiet if they feel they could be in the wrong, which is exactly what all of this shit is doing to our kids. I see so many fat liberal dyke teachers now it's no wonder the younger generations are semi-retarded on moral issues.

Shieldmade ago

Because 95% of people are sheep.

ardvarcus ago

Whites have been trained by the Jews to not even think about perserving white nations for whites, to not even dare think about the survival of their own race.

AgentSakura ago

Our European brothers and sisters have been subjected to and pacified by Marxist Eugenics for generations post WWII. Also indoctrination, programming, brainwashing and mind control have been highly effective in transforming peoples minds; how they think, say and ultimately do.

sbt2160p ago

More like marxist dysgenics.

dgun82 ago

They are conditioned. I've found a lot of people have gone through shock and denial when they discovered the truth. So they prefer to be complacent and ignorant. Imagine the mental energy it takes to reverse all that programming. Bottom line is, most are actually not that clueless these days. They just prefer to stay in the comfort of their flock because it is so much easier to survive that way. The best way to save the normies is through fellowship. I am speaking from experience. I lost most of my friends when I opened my mouth. I am talking friends of 25 years. Luckily I still have my family, my beautiful daughter, and places like here that speak truth.

ChickenYiddle ago

Because the (((system))) has told them that its a good thing, and that anyone who disagrees is entirely racist.

projection ago

Carlo Maria Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:

1 Always and inevitably each of us underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

2 The probability that a given person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic possessed by that person.

3 A person is stupid if they cause damage to another person or group of people without experiencing personal gain, or even worse causing damage to themselves in the process.

4 Non-stupid people always underestimate the harmful potential of stupid people; they constantly forget that at any time anywhere, and in any circumstance, dealing with or associating themselves with stupid individuals invariably constitutes a costly error.

5 A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person there is.

lanre ago

They're waking up about it. My normie boomer coworkers are regularly bitching about the forced diversity and race mixing in advertising.

modsrcuntz ago

Cause racism

Shishamo ago

Lots of them know about it, but are so afraid of an actual conflict that they pretend to be ignorant. Too comfortable.

Betty_Liberty ago

Because it's slow, incremental, insidious, and un-reported.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Most normies don't have an internal monologue.

This enables mass media to program people by playing on their emotions.

When shown media of a starving kid in Africa, people like us internalize our thoughts and emotions with our internal monologue, saying something to the effect of, "Look at that skinny nigger. Good. I hope he dies of AIDS. There's too many fucking kids in Africa anyways."

Normies don't have an internal monologue, so when they see a starving kid in Africa, all their brain registers is * sadness *, * frustration over situation they see person in *, * cry for others to take action to help starving Africa kid *.

They are literal NPCs and are precisely what the fuck is so goddamn wrong with our world.

Sandmich ago

They wake up, all whites at home. Go to work, maybe still, mostly whites. Go to their grandkids school, mostly whites. Family reunion, mostly whites, etc. You get the picture, it's not real to them, it's abstract.

SoOutraged ago

Most don't care or want it.

notajew69 ago

Because theyve been taught to self loathe and think of them selves as lesser than people that have dark skin.

Tehreal ago

I'm a normie. I don't really care about changing demographics. Why should I?

Turnagain ago

So, you wouldn't mind being a White person currently living in South Africa?

allahead ago

Sports ball and chemicals.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Why are normies so clueless/complacent about The Great Replacement?

For the same reason you wouldnt publicly admit not to believe in Allah in Saudi Arabia:

Because it is religion, and declaring yourself to be a non-believer is a recipe for getting attacked.

For all intents and purposes, progressivism is a religion, so it behaves like one. As soon as one religion takes power, it will not limit itself to mere ostracism of non-believers, it will pass into outright hostility.

So if under Muslim rule, what is the easiest way to avoid Muslim hostility? You become a Muslim and your force your kids not to only pretend to be Muslims, but to actually believe in Islam, in order to protect them from accidentally giving themselves away and being attacked by rabid Muslim dogs.

Similarly, if under progressive rule, you will not only pretend to be a progressive, you will actually try to really become a progressive to reduce the mental strain necessary to live in a lie.

Thats how every single religion under the sun spreads, thats how progressivism spreads.

The only way out is war, and since there are no martyrs on our side sacrificing themselves and starting a war, for normies it makes more sense to assimilate.

The real question is where are the martyrs on our side? Where are the future purple heart wearing war heroes? Why is nobody selflessly sacrificing his life for our cause? If there was a sufficient number of Breiviks and Tarrants on our side, normies would probably join the fray, but since nobody is leading, nobody is following. It is as simple as that.

AgentSakura ago

Not all heros are spergs

Going postal isn't heroic it's weak and stupid.

It undermines our message and makes our cause look foolish.

Our real champions live in the shadows for now or are doing outreach to spread the 14 words.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Agreed. If you're going to go postal, pick a high-value target. Shooting a bunch of random Jews or Mudslimes just gives them an excuse for more censorship and gun grabbing. If you want to go out in style, take a major globalist player with you.

ninjatacos ago

Murdoch Murdoch talked about this specifically on one of their AMA podcasts. They were discussing how retarded the "optics" concept is because you will be attacked regardless. The best way to spread our message is in a way that doesnt destroy your life. The truth doesnt need a face to be the truth, it just is.

Herkules97 ago

I think it's because most don't care, we're all human so why does it matter. That sort of mindset.

Tucker4president ago

Few people question things while their belly is full.

dirt_reynolds ago

Too scared of being called a racist

wuhani ago

It's not on TV; therefore, it doesn't exist.

corewarrior ago

Most people have never been out of the US, yet alone to a second or third world country. They have no idea, they think that everything is the same just with more diversity.... Or they think, when people come here and see his nice it is they will just want to be like us.. ..

Libtardscum ago

It is incentives. There is no material incentive for the average normie to dig deeper into conspiracies. But there are many negatives. The drawback is social isolation.


Afraid to be labeled a racist. Youth has been pacified, and is afraid of getting in trouble.

MockingDead ago

To reference Illuminatus, they do not see the fnords.

PacifistRacist ago

Once upon a time, people were spiritual beings. they were able to instinctively view another being and recognize whether it was friend or foe, animal, or human.

But this spirituality was taken from us, mostly by the Christian Invasion of Europe. When no more Psychedelic Drugs and Rituals were allowed, soon people werent able to look into the soul of others anymore, and soon started to loose the ability to see that NIGGERS HAVE NO SOUL. They are NPCS, meant only as a challenge to overcome, in order to turn the world into a colorful paradise.

It was Christianity that killed off the white religions of the european shamans. It was Christianity that castrated the fertile Gods of the white Race. Jesus is the biggest jewish betrayer of them all, as his kindness is the first wave of Pussyfication that finally destroyed western culture…

yet, the truth never dies.

use LSD DMT SalviaDivinorum Psyllocybin AmanitaMuscaria and watch how niggers look nothing like a human anymore.

The jews are just sick in the head from being jewish.

The nigger is a rodent that needs to be controlled by wiping it off of 98% of earth.

lets keep some in a natural environment, like a zoo so big they dont know there is a fence, but no society that includes niggers can know true happiness.

RunicSigil ago

Simple. It would entail duty. Whites have been taught from an early age via traumatic programming in order to accept an insane worldview as "normal". Imagine being told tomorrow morning by complete strangers that everything which you have ever loved, cared about, and/or enjoyed would turn to ash within a few generations unless you became an impossibly heroic version of yourself. Imagine being told that the world hates you and wishes for the destruction of everything good, holy, and just. Imagine being told that the people who you have been taught to hate from the very earliest years of your being were actually in the right to begin with. That's enough to fill any soul with terror. So many people are afraid of failure. So many people are afraid to become shake off the shackles of cowardice. Ergo, they simply vegetate away using whatever excuses they can come up with in order to justify their lack of character.

AgentSakura ago

The quest is daunting but the alternative is the complete destruction of your race.

No pressure

RunicSigil ago

Yup. Many people decide to be cowards instead of men.

ados ago

NPC's my man. Most peoples are sheeples. fact of life.

bb4c35 ago

Plenty of reasons. Never been to a developing nation, no firm grasp on the struggles life can bring us due to sheltering, and a literally endless range of dopamine skinner boxes.

TheSeer ago

This is why a thorough understanding of history is so important.

AR47 ago

Because people as whole have lost empathy and compassion. If it isn't effecting their bubble it doesn't exist.

Like right now I am in Columbia South Carolina and this place is fucking nigger-oplis. They are everywhere and have infected each and every sector of infrastructure, but corporations such as hotel chains see the bottom line and that is all that matters.

Well I care as a customer that when I go to renew my room for another day that shaniqua I talking to her mother and looking at me with distain and contempt as she refills the lotion bottles, and other complementary items the hotel hands out in the showers.

I care that she has zero positive response and I bitching about how bad her job is while I am trying to renew my I went ahead and recorded most of the interaction on audio and played back to the customer service line as I am a saphire member (highest teir)

When they offered to compensate my room as an apology and I refused because if this is the quality of customer service I can expect I don't want to stay at this place anymore.

That is what resonates within a company manager and demands action.....I spent most of my time on the road and there are a great many other chains, but when you spend 109 consecutive nights with a get some pull as a customer and that bitch was promoted to a customer.

Until a person is forced to deal with something they just won't......

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm beginning to think the term "normie" is being diluted on purpose.

Most of you here are still normies and it's evident.

Tallest_Skil ago

The dilution began when someone decided to use ‘normie’ instead of NORMALFAG, which is the real word and which doesn’t spare the feelings of queers.

NotHereForPizza ago

No shit... but it's been diluted here. Which, maybe I'm partly to blame, but I think normie was more fun anyway.

What happened to you helping me tell more people about Q? I thought you died or something.

Tallest_Skil ago

I may as well be dead. I’m not going to post as often as I used to. I’ll probably stop entirely soon. None of it matters anymore. No one’s acting, no one’s waking up, no one’s doing anything to save whites or denounce jews. It just doesn’t fucking matter.

NotHereForPizza ago

Your bitterness stems from your lack of "faith", "hope" or whatever you want to call it. I prefer the term certainty.

I know you're a troubled guy, but you really should believe me - you're much more powerful than you realize.

Tallest_Skil ago

you're much more powerful than you realize.

If I’m really one of the best we have left, that’s proof we’re all fucking doomed. No one reads anymore, NHFP. Not a single goddamn person will open a book and actually read it. Least of all on a topic that violates their brainwashing. They’ll put it down and forget about it the second their feelings get hurt. No one gives a shit about a fucking book of truth. There is no hope, whatsoever, of causing them to comprehend any of this unless they are personally, physically violated by their adherence to the ZOG worldview. That’s why there are no peaceful solutions. That’s why literally the only thing left to us is physical violence to mold the bread and collapse the circus. And that’s why we’ve already lost; because all of us are psychologically castrated and unwilling to do this. I’ve dedicated the last fucking decade of my life to studying the modern world, the history of how we got here, the science behind traditionalism, and the military tactics of successful historic revolutions. NOTHING matters except securing the existence of our people and a future for white children. Everything else is a fucking sideshow, because anything else that is done is irrelevant in the face of the genocide of the people who did it, since our works will be swept away once we’re gone. There is no peaceful solution. And no one will genuinely wake up to this until it’s too late to fight back (it’s not now; it will be then). That’s why we’ve already lost.

WeenieHutGeneral ago

I truly hope you are able to harness your striking intellect and knowledge to accomplish meaningful work in this life. I take solace in the idea that technology may someday once again level the playing field.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'd be a little more patient if I were you. I think this year may surprise you.

Also, I'm not talking about how you as an individual are. I don't know. I do know, however, that we've all been convinced that we're incapable of certain things that we're much more than just capable of.

Tallest_Skil ago

more patient

We have 10 years left before whites can’t win anymore. Jews have been doing this for at least 5800 years. They are literally the masters of patience. They can afford to wait. We can’t. Patience is their domain.

we’ve all been convinced

It’s easy when it’s apparently true.

NotHereForPizza ago

Certain entities here were given until 2020 to create the singularity (or what they think it is).

They failed.

2020 Conjunction.

Saturn becomes Jupiter, just like Osiris became Horus, Nimrod became Tammuz or "The Father"/Yahweh took human form and we called him Joshua (Jesus).

Tallest_Skil ago

And just when I think I’ve found a sane one…

NotHereForPizza ago

All the best people are crazy.

SpunRecord ago

Acknowledging it is racism and antisemitism.

performance ago

I think they don't want to broach the topic because they are deathly afraid of where it goes. They know that their lives remain "normal" so long as they swallow the programming so they pounce on anyone questioning the narrative in a crabs in a bucket sort of way. They see it as preservation of the self. Their eyes remain closed yet they will scream and fight and tell you they can see.

ddumbb ago

Like that college kid who did a great presentation on this.. "does intent matter if the result is the same (genocide)" even though he's acting like there isn't intent, ya can't give NPC's the whole enchilada, they'll choke.

dundundunnnnn ago

What was that presentation called? Do you remember?

AgentSakura ago

they'll choke

They deserve to choke and die on it though

Force the message down so they can't think of anything else

CrowUp ago

The nobility of self hatred. That they've taken the white people's desire to be decent and superior human beings and used that as a fulcrum to convince them that scoring brownie points with minorities is the way to achieve superiority.

Talk to any dumb ass and they won't care if they can add two numbers together as long as they 'have a friend who is black."

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Because their comfy little worlds haven't been touched by it yet. Once all the power goes off that will change.

Tallest_Skil ago

why are people who are brainwashed from birth to not notice things not noticing things

It is a mystery.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Death is unavoidable, which makes life a constant struggle. Most humans don't understand life, which makes them fear death. If you don't understand life and fear death you will look for alternatives, at which point your consciousness becomes your partner in crime for excuses and justifications for your actions, thereby making you a hedonist. A hedonist always chooses the path of least resistance.

markrod420 ago

Because they have been taught its nothing to be concerned about because all peoples are fundamentally the same. Meanwhile most of them have never actually interacted with a truly random batch of niggers to realize that they are largely literal ape people.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Because they have been pussified literally, the have no self-respect and would rather fall in line be something they are not rather than be outcast by the ones that gave in. 'thats not nice'. Fuck em they don't deserve nice.

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

Self-hatred has been taught to all Boomers from an early age. That’s what is systemic. Taught self-hatred. That’s why we fight the Vietnam war, to teach white Americans they were evil and not worth living.

Imagine giving white sons to die in battle for poor brown people halfway across the globe. Ali was right. Our government was wrong.

waucka ago

It's not just boomers. Anybody who has been through the government-run school system has been pumped full of propaganda. Their heads are full of thought-terminating cliches and slogans that discourage them from thinking seriously about what's going on. The trick to bypassing the programming is to either exploit an existing chink in the armor (i.e. any unapproved thoughts they already have, like opposition to gun control) or to be extremely indirect (e.g. ask them what they would say if all the "have fewer children for the environment" articles had photos of only obviously Jewish people).

I speak from experience. I used to be one of these people. I dutifully checked the boxes next to the "R" candidates on the ballot every election day and thought I was making a difference. I thought the 14 words were somehow hateful, yet I would have struggled to articulate how. I broke free through a combination of being shocked out of my daze by the 2016 election and my pre-existing unapproved beliefs. GamerGate was also a part of it, showing me for the first time just how untrustworthy the corporate media are.

You have to take a careful and deliberate approach with these people. Avoid letting yourself look like the cliches they've been taught. You'll get through to some of them eventually. Don't lose too much sleep over the lost causes. They are blind followers and will blindly follow us if that seems like the fashionable thing to do.

AgentSakura ago

Don't lose too much sleep over the lost causes.

There have been slaves in all generations before you.

But will you rise above and learn how to free them from their servitude?

Will you become their hero?

bitbug ago

Interesting post. Do you have any jumping-off points for sources of taught self-hate besides the vietnam war? I noticed the civil rights movement was also used, no?

Ol_Hickery ago


Paul_Stamets ago

Why is the population being replaced the most clueless and complacent?

Laffey ago

Where are they going to get the info? Normies watch shit like the MSM and are told all their lives that basic pattern recognition is racist.

HatefulSaxon ago

I agree. That's why putting up posters with direct facts/messages (see Hundred Handers) gets this information to them when they are in the real world. A chance to break their conditioning when the electronic jew cannot reach them.

Nonymous608 ago

I think they're beginning to see it...i think even normies are becoming slightly aware of what we've seen for years. Maybe I'm just hopeful, but i sincerely think it's so "in your face" these days that even your average person is beginning to take notice.

james780 ago

they have food, water and shelter, electricity unless these get disrupted they dont care what is happening

pcdude ago

Terminal altruism combined with terminal normalcy bias

VicariousJambi ago

The answer is the same as the answer to most questions around here.

Because jews.

Because jews camouflaged themselves and took advantage of a welcoming and moral people. Brainwashed them into thinking they are one of us. Took control / created the media to further lie and brainwash people.

I've heard the argument that it's whites fault because they let the jews take over, but thats like saying that someone getting raped wanted it because she couldn't fight back hard enough.

CryptoBard ago

Early childhood traumatic programming that prevents rational thought on certain topics, weaponized cognitive dissonance. Certain topics cannot be explored without danger of the worldview shattering.

registeretakes10s ago

I've rarely seen it so succinctly yet clearly enounciated. Thanks?!

ChaoticAwakening ago

Coz these people don't know what they see

The mind behind the eye

Has been stricken, and riddled

With tragedy

nightjar ago

I've seen this first hand many times with Chinese nationals when it comes to the issue of Taiwan.

Extremely smart, intelligent, PhD candidates in physics, math, etc. They lose all semblance of logic and reason when it comes to Taiwan. It's really remarkable.

RodentLord ago

MKULTRA Illuminati programming protocal,s (I literally could not give less of a fuck what you prefer to call it) are quite careful and associate disagreement with Novus Orod Seclorum with death and decay, such that stepping out of alignment with the ordsained progam is seen as the most painjful and abhorent outcome possible in any circumnstance.

Literally just watch the movie The Holy Mountain and all of reality is explained as plainly as it is possible to express in any four-dimensional form. If it's too complicated for you to understand (or the directive-programmin "watch The Holy Mountain" is too complex in-and-of-itself), you are likely untermensch-grade.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

People focused on SURVIVING, not thriving

justregtoasku ago

Yip they want us in survival mode

zuck ago

What sort of thing would you say constitutes "Early childhood traumatic programming"

RodentLord ago

Do you remember tjhe first moment

you learned to associate sex with pleasure?

zuck ago

I'm not sure I do

CryptoBard ago

What was your first experience with war imagery and who were you told were the victims?

blit416 ago

wow, good point.

Aryanawakening ago

And fluoride.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

And porn

And hookup culture, bread and circuses, and not having a food shortage yet

ichlibejuice ago


TheFlameOfTruth ago

and not having a food shortage yet

This is either the main reason or a huge contributing factor. Those being used and abused right now are still being fed and entertained so they don't see what's coming. It's a gradual downhill with a cliff at the end.

Those of us insightful to see it can turn away in time but we still need a place to be if we're not run off the edge as well.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

There's no trauma. People are simply ignorant. The ones who are exposed to information but still choose to remain ignorant are stupid. People typically create a false worldview in order to protect their fragile egos from reality. Therefore, they will actually go to great lengths to reject any truth to which they have been exposed. Of course, this is all predicated upon the notion that they have the intellectual capacity to understand the truth in the first place.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Stupid yes but also I find older people who have grown up trusting the system ( goverment ) and didnt realize they actually used to be ignorant.

You used to be able to cut out a nice life for your self playing the game , you didnt realize it was a game you just thought you were being normal . A lot of people simply dont like being exposed to theories which they have not heard. It makes them look ignorant or Stupid .

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Totally agree. The problem, however, is that The Awakening is here and intensifying. People have to wake up at an accelerating rate or they will be terminated.

TheSeer ago

I was having a discussion with a guy who didn't think America was controlled. He was probably 3 years old when 9/11 went down. I was... Significantly older. So I start having a conversation with him...

How do you think it ends? With him convinced, or he just stopped talking (and listening)?

ardvarcus ago

They stop listening before they even start listening.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

My guess would be the latter. Got to protect that ego and worldview at any cost....

justregtoasku ago

I would expect he didn't believe you, thinks you are mad and quite possibly got rather angry with you.

TheSeer ago

More or less ruined my relationship with the guy, But rather than admit defeat, he said he would "get back to me". Two weeks later...

8Years4TrumpMAGA ago

It ends when the investigation of FISA comes full circle, and it's proven beyond all doubt that Trump-Russian collusion was a hoax at all time. That will get many peoples attention.

frickingmeany ago

is that why people get so desperate they take pills thinking itll make them want to commit suicide less? because theyre not traumatized?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

They take pills to push out reality. They take pills because they don't want to deal with life. No different than the people drinking alcohol, taking illicit drugs, having sex (despite not wanting children), over-eating, buying tons of shit they don't need, etc., etc., etc.—they push away life and life pushes back even harder.

Nobody gets out without suffering. If you don't know this yet you have a long hard road to travel.

misaeldodsonQbt ago

Ignoring a made up event explained with bad science


Believing in a made up event by cherry-picking statistics and leveraging the reportability bias

Which one is worst?

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That is for the recipient of the information to decide. Free will exists for a reason, and it is incumbent upon each person to develop their critical thinking skills. Avoiding the truth of reality can only lead to more suffering. This is why good parents expose their children to small, but steady amounts of reality instead of misleading them into thinking the world is a good, safe place.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

So the theory here is that getting your dick cut "prevents rational thought on certain topics, weaponized cognitive dissonance. Certain topics cannot be explored without danger of the worldview shattering"?

And here I thought it was simply because people are fucking morons. Traumatized from circucision—you pussy faggots should have had my childhood. No wonder Universe is about to wipe out 95% of the population.

VicariousJambi ago

Our people are being exterminated.....

Except its death by 1000 papercuts.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

That's how Universe works. Only the strong survive. The jews know this better than anyone and that's why they are hellbent on extermination of the Whites. The real question is: Are Whites strong enough to prevent this or are they going to foolishly wait in the hope that some external savior is going to come along? (I won't be holding my breath.)

A new world is coming for those who can take it.

RandomFurryDude ago

>Found the demoralisation kike


Nekketsu ago

  1. The Majority of Boys Circumcised as Children and Adolescents Meet Diagnostic Criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

I can bet you right now no-one's gonna be able to get gibs for that either, because if they did it'd prove circumcision does that and much, much more. Imagine getting scarred for fucking life because your parents were too naive, or even worse, go with the "oh, he'll live" mindset.

Glipglup ago

I used to blame service men for signing for kike wars but the older I get the more I realize the onus is on the authority. It's shitty parenting, certainly, but ultimately it's the doctors, trained people who absolutely know better, who push this filth. The Jews are responsible for the mess.

When the dog tears up the house, you discipline the dog, however the blame ultimately lies on little Billy for letting the dog run freely through the house to begin with.

midnightblue1335 ago

I was 16 when I enlisted. If you put the blame on me, an idealistic young man who truly believed (falsely) at the time that I was off to fight for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY (as well as me and mine) against the terrorist boogeymen... then fuck you, you're a part of the problem.

That's no better than faggot hippies spitting on 'Nam Vets, many of whom were DRAFTED, as they returned from a tour. And this is precisely what (((they))) want.

(((They))) want you to focus on the troops/police, the actual boots on the ground fighting the wars. They want you to blame them, and hate them because it keeps the focus off of the fact that (((they))) are behind it ALL. And these men who voluntarily agree to fight in foreign wars as soldiers/Marines/Airmen/Sailors, or voluntarily agree to fight our domestic war against niggers for $30k a year and a few benefits are the men that (((they))) fear most. BY TURNING YOU AND THE ENTIRE PUBLIC AGAINST THESE MEN, (((THEY))) WIN. DON'T LET THE FUCKING KIKES WIN.

fuckthisshit12 ago

You got jew scammed like a fucking retard and can't cope lol

midnightblue1335 ago

You got jew scammed as a child like me, my parents, and every other White person in the West over the last few centuries

Fixed for you, marshmallow.

fuckthisshit12 ago

Every white person? I don't know about that one cowboy.

midnightblue1335 ago

Enough that the ones who weren't "scammed" still are being fucked under the same scam.

Or are all of use who are aware of the kike and their scams now suddenly no longer living under and supporting their schemes?

Do you have your own farm, where you make your own medicine, homeschool all of your children, and do not pay taxes? If the answer to any of those is "No", then fuck you- I was 16 when I made that decision. What's your parents' excuse, or my grandparents' excuse, for letting things come to this?

Glipglup ago

Shut the fuck up glow nigger.

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

It's called cognitive dissonance, and it's a hell of a thing.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Had to look that up, knew about it but didnt know it had a name.

CryptoBard ago

The trauma is exposing kids to the horrors of war and attributing it to only one victim. Seeing images from holomodor (passed off as muh holocaust) at such an early age is traumatizing.

RandomFurryDude ago

Can I get some pics of holodomor dead which are passed off as 'muh hollacost' pics?

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Muh-Shugana ago

About time someone figured out how to put it succinctly. Good work!

Mumlbeberry ago

Could have surmised the entire thing in one word: jews.

xobodox ago

The Stuper Bowl half-time show had a taco nigger rapper and his whores chanting "la raza [this].. la raza [that].. "

No one seems to care that they are blatantly/openly racist against white people at a nation-wide event and throwing out the dog whistle for niggers to conquer America.

AmericanJew2 ago

But a commercial saying we stand with vets was banned by Fox because of Colin Niggernick.

WhatAgain ago

The UN calls it replacement migration

Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?

The UN have an official term for it. So it is not like the left and the normies can deny it any longer.

favoritecoloriswhite ago

We're officially trying to replace you, but if you talk about it, we'll call it a conspiracy theory, and you a racist!

TheSeer ago

There was the clip of the British radio host recently. He pretends to be interested and sympathetic, but when people start providing details, he called the callers racist or started making 'snoring' noises (talking over them so the audience doesn't hear what they have to say).

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

I saw that I thought he was effectively unemployable but had cut out a nice salary job working for a working for a jewish funded radio station, I did think most of the people who phoned it were better qualified to host the show than him .

HatefulSaxon ago

Mike Graham. The name will not be forgotten and is added to the long list.

justregtoasku ago

Is there anyone in 'media' in the uk not fully on-board with the agenda?

tokui ago

Yes, jews. But that doesn't explain the mechanics involved.

Niceballsnigga ago

They are not aware or dont care or dont believe it

AntiMason ago


ALIENS2222 ago


i_scream_trucks ago

because most of them are busy doing shit like...

working for a living and not sitting on websites shitposting constantly. sadly one of the side effects of that is getting hit by things like newspaper and radio ads and news and billboards and shit.

ive got my feet in both camps. i dont have to work my fucking tits off any more and a full 9 hour day to me is actually a blessing if i can get one because it means a kick ass pay week so i have plenty of time to fucking mope and whine and dont have other distractions at home so you cunts cop it all.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

ok boomer

Dambuster ago

Because reality shatters their percieved view. One reason the military does so much in the first stage of basic training to purposly disorient people. It is much easier to avoid anything that makes you uncomfortable.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I'm not sure they are. All they really need to do these days in many cases is go outside.

The cluelessness is sufficient enough even on Voat though that I sometimes wonder if people here do even that.

AntiMason ago

Fuck off porn jew

Joe_McCarthy ago

Seeing Jews everywhere is probably a function of not going outside.

AntiMason ago

Lol you mean reading the news?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Has little to do with reading the news or anything else. More like any functioning adult is likely to know that meeting any content they object to with secret Jew accusations is ridiculous. So if they do do that there is something off there. You are definitely off.