v871 ago

One potential solution is to advocate a political platform that is explicitly racist. That is the only alternative to violence if violence is untenable or unworkable in an advanced democracy. On an individual basis you can avoid interracial relationships and you can publicly advocate a policy of segregation. I don't know how successful it would be, but it is an alternative if the other option fails.

Given the current trends, there may be a few generations left before the melting pot becomes the standard. It's worth trying to do it legally first and see how far that goes before dying in a blaze of glory. Don't you think?

nobslob ago

If you compare rural to urban the picture is less grim. We will form enclaves, look to Brazil how the country will be mostly a shithole with walled off zones. There's time still before the final white flight to space.

Cacciaguida ago

enclaves aren't good enough

nobslob ago

I don't make the rules, I just react to the insanity around me.

Cacciaguida ago

be a national revolutionary, not a reactionary.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Anyway, will be posting and reposting this. The day of the rope is coming. Probably for us. But don't be surprised if we take a lot of you down with us first.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

But don't be surprised if we take a lot of you down with us first.

What do you mean by this?

Joe_McCarthy ago

Demographic transition like this tends to lead to violence. Though in advanced democracies less so. But this is revolutionary, unprecedented change really - so this is terra incognita.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Expect the unexpected, got it.

Joe_McCarthy ago

There's a decent bit of literature on this but this article deals with Roger Petersen's work on the subject among other things.


BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Historically, power transitions between ethnic groups have led to violence. In his 2002 book Understanding Ethnic Violence, MIT political scientist Roger Petersen argued that ethnic killing is often caused by a particular kind of collective resentment: the feeling of injustice on the part of a privileged portion of society when it sees power slipping into the hands of a group that hadn’t previously held it.

Drawing on social psychology, Petersen argued that one of the underappreciated causes of ethnic violence was a change in the legal and political status of majority and minority ethnic groups. Members of dominant groups simply believe they deserve to be the dominant force in their societies, and resent those challenging their positions at the top of the pyramid.

It's sad when a bear attacks a hiker. It's not sad when a bear attacks someone in a bear cave. The violence is expected, natural, moral, justified, and I hope the natives on defence win against the invaders. Who initiated force? Not Heritage Americans. Encroaching on a tribe's property leads to violence. Violence will escalate as long as there is hope of victory or knowledge of certain death.

last18500 ago

White people need to have more children in order to survive.

Phantom42 ago

You're fucking joking...

You can literally see that little plan of yours hasn't, cannot, and will not work, yet you still advocate for it?

Fuck it. I hope someone lobs a nuke at Israel that way everyone launches and we all die.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Difficult when the average white is over 40 and the younger ones are surrounded by younger swarthies trying to fuck them.

jimibulgin ago

It's women who are age-sensitive. I fathered 4 children after 40.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Naturally females are the main concern here. But with them being limited it doesn't exactly leave old men a lot of choice selection. The most common age for whites is like 58.

And while aging isn't the stopper it is for women it doesn't help, at best.
