22791405? ago

Wtf is this the new goddamn Infowars page???

22791047? ago

Why is it that every time there is some small outrage piece that crops up. It features a chameleon like Tommy, and of course Alex Jones. These kinds of pieces are there, so that Alex Jones can continually send feelers back into the online spaces in an attempt to search out a foothold. = Trojan Jones. - I’ve seen several pieces like this in the past 6 months. All designed to get obligatory clicks, all featuring a story of legal/moral outrage etc, all featuring Alex Jones without saying anything about Alex Jones. Nothing against him actually, - but you can see the MO.

22787810? ago

remove the jew, then remove kebab.

if the jew is allowed to remain, it will just bring more goat-fucking sand-niggers. this dance is as old as babalonian sacrifices to moloch

22787660? ago

I understand the hate for this guy but I would have expected some disdain for the cops protecting pedos.

22793621? ago

More likely they're fully aware of this scammer. Wouldn't be surprised if he set up his own daughter to be abused so he could keep scamming for money.

22787409? ago

Fuck Tommy Robinson.

22786799? ago

So, fucked. The US people need to support large gun shipments to China, England and the EU. We should get peps lime the deep stated had the in the White House, but on our side. The guns would be marked for the immigrants. But our operatives would give them to citizens like Tommy.

Can that plan be put into place?

Also, kill an elite day. Take out a representative that does not represent your national interests.

1% March, we lost so much ground marching. We are dumb.

22786782? ago

Reporting a crime is a crime? What universe are these prosecutors working in?

22830226? ago

Why did Alex Jones spend so much time with Charlie Sheen? Was infowars blackmailed and controlled?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3697421

22788777? ago

islamo apologsist are all over voat now

22786230? ago

None of this particular story has to do with Jews, ok people? Your character assassination attempts are left wing tier shit when it comes to tommy robinson. If you can't appreciate him bringing to light this basic surface level stuff like grooming gangs and british police being more than a little bit complicit, then you're lost.

22793589? ago

He's a scamming piece of shit zionist jew, and needs to be exterminated forthwith. So do the moslems, but the story is about the scammer.

22788782? ago

There was an investor ... crypto muzzies have infested voat

22788887? ago

Why don't any of these pieces of shit want to make society better? Instead they take advantage of white people wanting the best society possible. There is no way for this multicultural experiment to work. Get the muzzie fucks, the jews, and the niggers out.

22786089? ago

TOMMY (((YAXLEY-LENNON))). the mossad agent that is out scamming the fuck out of the brits. The last pile of money he made to 'defend brits from the muzzies' was spent making a documentary about how the brits he claims to defend ARE ANTISEMITIC.!

22785916? ago

Why would Tommy Robinson place his daughter within reach of such danger?

22785997? ago

Why would you say that he did?

22785908? ago

He made a video about this maybe a couple days ago

Basically if I remember right. He grabbed her ass while in a pool. and Tommy beat the shit out of him, as any father would. And they were swimming in a kiddy pool.

You know they were shit fuckers


22786798? ago

That’s it? He should have taken that as a compliment. Geez, she wasn’t raped. Unbelievable.

22787011? ago

If seen some grab a child's ass sexual.. I would smash his face into the concrete


22793601? ago

But it was Tommy Robinson, so you can be sure he arranged the whole thing.

22794731? ago

fuck off shit head

22798925? ago

You might as well be a leftist with that attitude. TR is a scamming zionist, and you worship him...

22785895? ago

He is MOS--SAD; he made up or staged the "assault". God he is a needy bitch.

22785735? ago

Damn all the comments are (((shills)))

22793599? ago

This place is usually crawling with shills for the psyop.

22790077? ago

Looks like it

22785564? ago

Never believe the guy seeking attention. This dude is a lie in white skin.

22785439? ago

Wrong nigger. He was arrested for detaining the dude who assaulted his daughter.

22786196? ago

Who would have wandered away if he hadn't, so essentially he called the police on a nigger and was arrested for it.

22786105? ago

Tommy YAXLEY-LENNON... The jew? Is that who you mean... Why did he change his name?

22785368? ago

Fuck this Israeli shill.

22786885? ago

just call them kikes.

22785503? ago

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22785346? ago

Tommy Robinson is another name changing nose job trying to protect jews from being held accountable for what they've done to White nations by getting people to focus on Muslims rather than the real problem which is always jews.

He took all the money good people donated to help wake people up to the problem of grooming gangs, to instead make a documentary about how the poor jews continue to be persecuted ... when jews never get persecuted they are the original perpetrators of every evil we're trying to fight.

22786016? ago

This place has not been the same since the big crash. Voat is full of turk roaches now and Low IQ sand nigger islamo apologists ... and yes i agree fuck the kikes but fuck those dumb retarded inbeeding koranimal kebabs even more!

22786855? ago

yes i agree fuck the kikes but fuck those dumb retarded inbeeding koranimal kebabs even more!

relax, there are enough ovens for everyone.

22787187? ago

oh my, you guys are too funny.

and I love it.

someday we're gonna have a beer together😘

22787217? ago

Lol, astroturfed conversation. You two are glowing.

22786022? ago

yes i agree fuck the kikes but fuck those dumb retarded inbeeding koranimal kebabs even more!

Semites have no place in the West, they must all be quarantined to their own nations in the ME and northern Africa (which now includes Paris apparently).

22785519? ago

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22785376? ago

Yep. Gas the faggot.

22785212? ago

Not sure on Tommy, im guessing he's right here but infowars Jones is a strange one. Ex-Wife Of 'Infowars' Host Alex Jones: 'He's A Really CRAZY !! self-proclaimed "performance artist". Preacher, Doomsday, crazy conspiracy news shill, specialty is making up conspiracy theories to amuse, confuse and shock his audience with rumors he will pass as facts? Texan radio host and Conspiracy Theorist, Alex Jones is an ultra-conservative/ libertarian who purports that the elite is plotting to kill us all any minute now. He's also a 9/11 truther who, if you believe everything he's said over the years, believes that not jihadi snad niggers but Rockerfeller and the US military cyborg alien trained the pilots who crashed the planes into the Twin Towers fake drone demolition and that the planes didnt exist or people were kidnapped and replace or most of the planes weren't real....or something? David Icke is similar but not the same as Jones, an attempted collaboration with fellow conspiracy loony Jeff Rense resulted in a very vicious falling out between the two, mainly because both of them suspected the other of being a double agent for the 'other side'. Alex Jones and British journalist Jon Ronson delivered film footage of the Cremation of Care ceremony at Bohemian Grove on a silver platter. This took place in San Francisco on July 15 2000, exposing a “mock” human sacrifice ritual by the elite hollyweird masonic satanic faggot Bohemian Club. In reality, this was a dedication ceremony to Moloch and to the Owl of Minerva. In short: Jones has been predicting the end of the world for 25 years, but every year Jones becomes more truthful and the world less sane?

22786113? ago

Tommy YAXLEY-LENNON... The mossad agent? You better get sure in a hurry.

22785574? ago

Never believe a woman who calls her ex crazy when he filed for divorce.

22785330? ago

Blah blah blah. Tommy Robinson is the story here, not AJ's legitimacy.

22785388? ago

If tommy is a jew lover, than hes just as cucked as AJ and belongs in the same category.

22785586? ago

Not just a lover, but a Jew himself. He changed his name to appear to be a fellow white male.

22786249? ago

You think either Yaxley or Lennon are jewish, or even jewish sounding, names that would necessitate him adopting the moniker of Robinson to veil? Yaxley is a place in England, and Lennon is a very common Irish name. If he’d changed his name from Goldstein or something you would have a point, but he replaced an English/Irish name with a Nordic name.

22788980? ago

yeah Lennon sounds very Scottish Irish, he might have some Jew connection and he probably makes excuses for kikes but something is wrong with voat these days ... the kebab shill acting as 'whites' here are pretty fucking dumb calling him full Jew, he aint a Jew, maybe a JewKike apologist, anyways its the jihad islamic kebabs doing most of the bombings and rapes.

22788761? ago

He is an admitted Jew. I'm not going off the sound of his name I going off the words that came out of his mouth.

22793933? ago

Obvious North American is obvious. That was a joke that you people don’t understand because you don’t understand football culture.

22800655? ago

Very true. Didn't get the joke. So sorry to miss the jest. Don't stop trying though, one day we North Americans will establish our own culture that you'll not understand and then we'll have nothing to debate or reason out. Long live The Queen or like they say in California, Long live the queens.

22784969? ago

Right on cue. Gullible American conservatives will start sending Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon money.

22785083? ago

Well he aint full jew just a stoopid kike apologist as for 'Murica they could be paying taxes to mayor jihad of Britbong or other koranimals

22785341? ago

Jews like to buy off possible opposition. Robinson's main nemesis is Muzzoids but he hasn't figured out that Jews are the ones who push to import the Muzzoids.

22784914? ago

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