22833597? ago

Could be a dozen reasons. Poor judge of character, fellow traveler, also a pedo, owed him money, shared his weed, trying to win him for Jesus?

22833580? ago

Alex Jones Playing A Character

According to Alex Jones himself, in his InfoWars show he is playing a character. In other words, he is an ACTOR.

"He's playing a character," said Wilhite the Alex Jones lawyer

"He's not a stable person," said Kelly Jones, Alex Jones ex-wife

If Alex Jones is an actor, then who controls him? In other words, who pulls the strings on him?


Is Alex Jones using fear and fearfully hiding behind "playing a character" to monetize?

Did Alex Jones let large amount of fear into him? Will he try to put fear into you? Will you let fear into you?

22942494? ago

Not a good look for Alex Jones for sure his recent dui weird also I assume controlled opposition

22832685? ago

Is this even a question at this point?

22832492? ago

Why was Charlie Sheen lambasted all over Hollywood again? Oh right, because he named the jews....

Q directly named Alex Jones in a post calling out bad actors under foreign influence, but I think it must be an Arab connection and not an Israeli one. Bear in mind that we’re infested with more than one foreign horde.

22831394? ago

Alex "every conspiracy but the jews" Jones.

22832952? ago

! Everybody knew it was Charlie Sheen https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3697780/22832731

22831220? ago

Alex Is Dicking Sheen

22832262? ago


22831087? ago

Isn't it obvious by now ... AJ is one of them ... no, not the Jews, you antisemite losers ... he's DS ... a swamp rat ...

22831422? ago

Oh you sweet summer child....

22843246? ago

Not naive, just in touch with reality.

22845920? ago

109 nation's but no....it's never the jews....it's never the jews that subvert and abuse the people of the nation it's always the deep state.

22846503? ago

"Jews" are capable of the same things every other human being is capable of doing. You must be a shill and hate the Jews for the same reason Satan/Lucifer hates them - they're God's chosen. To throw a blanket over the whole of the Hebrews is stupid. If you'll take a close look, the "Jews" every one loves to hate really aren't Jews at all. But they call themselves Jews. Hmmm. Wonder why?

Anyway ... it is the DS ... which are the satanist. That's the real enemy. Or maybe your on their side. I dunno.

22831037? ago

teh buttsecs

22831026? ago

They got him with prostitutes

22830609? ago

Because they're both pieces of shit.

22830396? ago

They are all in it together, Jonestein, Rogan, Sheen, etc.. Their supposed friendships and feuds are all gatekeeping theater in order to fool & win over the less awake,

22830389? ago

Alex Jones was caught with tranny porn on his phone live on air. Wouldn't be surprised if he's into some other sick stuff too.

22833090? ago

Pretty mild compared to his employers if you ask me.

22832391? ago

In 2010, Sheen was the highest-paid actor on television and earned US$1.8 million per episode of Two and a Half Men. Mueller married actor Charlie Sheen, stars in Witchouse is a 1999 horror film and a softcore? porno drama Strictly Sexual (2008). Her father was Lutheran and her mother, Moira Roskin Fiore, was Jewish. Arrested on DUI charges in Palm Beach County, Florida near Epstein house? In March 2001, she was arrested in Miami-Dade County, Florida for cocaine possession. In July 2011, Mueller completed an outpatient rehab program. Friends with Kathy Hilton, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, and Paris Hilton. Sheen in 2006, launched a clothing line for children, called Sheen Kidz. His oldest daughter is from a previous relationship with his former high school fatass girlfriend, Paula Profit whose name has also been given as Paula Speert. Sheen met actress Denise Richards on the set of Good Advice and in March 2005, Richards filed for divorce, accusing Sheen of alcohol and drug abuse and threats of violence. He was with the hoodrat nigger ship rapper noise group Chain Swangaz featuring Brother Marquis. Sheen was concurrently living with two porno hookers, living with pornographic actress Bree Olson and model and graphic designer Natalie Kenly, whom he collectively nicknamed his "goddesses". On October 26, 2010, the police removed Sheen from his suite at the Plaza Hotel after he reportedly caused $7,000 in damage. Olson left Sheen in April 2011, and Kenly left in June 2011, Piers Morgan Tonight, Sheen stated that he was in a relationship with adult film actress and 2011 Penthouse magazine Pet mongrel porno star of the Month Georgia Jones. in February 2014, Sheen became engaged to former adult film star Brett Rossi, it was reported that Rossi was hospitalized for an apparent drug overdose. On November 17, 2015, Sheen admits AIDS publicly revealed that he was HIV, having been diagnosed roughly four years earlier. it was announced that Sheen was under investigation by the LAPD stalking unit for threatening to kill his former fiancée Scottine Ross aka adult film star Brett Rossi,. The Luciferian Satanic Sheen starts to loose his mind, if he ever had one? had highly publicized events which were broadcast on television and the Internet. He made statements in television interviews, suggesting that he was a "warlock" with "tiger blood" and "Adonis DNA", and that he was "winning"

22832502? ago

And blames it all on his bipolar

22830579? ago

Thought it was tentacle....

22830733? ago

different creep

22830297? ago

Jones is a star f-ker...always has been. The homo creeps in every now and then with him, like gushing over Drudge.

22830309? ago

filed by Denise Richards, that have been publicly available https://archive.ph/wip/xTKDz

22830269? ago

Becase jews have always owned Alex dummy

22831557? ago

hes still hollyweird Johnny Depp had to sacrifice River Phoenix in an occult ritual to get career opportunities

22830647? ago

there a baphomet shemale porn stars on the phone of Alex Jones?

22830230? ago

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22830158? ago

Charlie was a big Hicks fan.

22830208? ago

22830144? ago

Charlie Sheen woke up to the madness of the Illuminati and tried to do something. As punishment they publicly ruined him for it, then broke his mind. You fucking goats are the epitome of stupid posing as red pilled

22830249? ago

Degenerate Chuck Sheen has been asleep and controlled his entire life..nice story though.

22830168? ago

Burt Reynolds - AIDs punishment from God, Charlie Sheen Deserved HIV Diagnosis https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=8oiYm-9mzK8HookTube

22830096? ago

AJ is a member of the family, aka, he’s a C_A asset. His mission was to fulfill the rules of engagement (2 Corinthians 2:11) whilst making the truth movement look crazy.

22830184? ago

Also part of the Rosicrucian masonic club, the same cult guys involved in the shooting of Bobby Kennedy

22830120? ago

Aj is mossad. Which doesn't matter i guess, since mossad controls the cia.

22830824? ago

AJ works for Stratfor Intelligence based out of Austin.

22830219? ago

Yes. More accurately put.

22830508? ago

Jews will try anything to twist it in such a way as to make people think they arent doing all of this. Pretty much a 24/7 bombardment around here

22830083? ago

Two jews being degenerates

22830193? ago

crazy days website talked of mason symbols and blackmail

22830212? ago

I would imagine that Alex and Sheen fucked each other in the asshole. Probably molested some kids together. Jews are disgusting demons from hell

22829872? ago

What a stupid fucking question

22831373? ago

ask why so many people like Rense, Paul Watson etc break from Jones. The hollywood occult witches, fake sex tapes and occult bombing, war rituals, blood for bankers? Husband of Alyssa Milano works at Creative Artists Agency in Plaza Towers, founded by Michael Ovitz, stars Will Ferrell, Courtney Love, DiCaprio, Masonic Babylon theme twin towers https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=M6UfHTzxCGwHookTube

22829940? ago

the son of Hanks? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693227/22801685 Illuminati All Seeing Eye Tattoo… Not Subtle Folks!!

22829865? ago

they're alll jews

22832526? ago

What if I told you that evil can still exist (and even flourish) outside of its purest form? The idea of evil can itself, can never be destroyed; only identified and contained.

22831493? ago

Soda Pop Club? https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/ultimate-teenage-wonderland-inside-soda-pop-parties-and-the-whispers-that-wont-go-away/news-story/b43bbeac1a0927a3fd7da9c7da458f40 The Exorcist actress Linda Blair [centre] and Scott Grimes, Alfonso Ribeiro, Alyssa Milano, Corey Haim and Tina Yothers.

22830040? ago

and lots of Masonic symbols, what is the soda pop club? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693456

22829863? ago

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22829688? ago

controlled info?

22841964? ago

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22830088? ago

Yes, Alex is a limited hangout, gaslighting, mossad op. He's probably a kiddie rapist, which is how mossad prefers to blackmail.