WTF happened? I log onto Voat today and see a plague invasion, the Zionist Warmonger Kikes, Globalist Commies. Turks, Pakis and Iranian Hezbollah Cockroaches .. all saying we know whats best Goy (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3591884?
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22230331? 5.1 years ago
Why do kike and kebab want to ban Pork?
22720970? 5 years ago
one and the same?
22721041? 5 years ago
Serbian Kebab has an obsession with every fucking kike?
22785510? 5 years ago
turk and pakis on voat trying to act white?
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22230331? ago
Why do kike and kebab want to ban Pork?
22720970? ago
one and the same?
22721041? ago
Serbian Kebab has an obsession with every fucking kike?
22785510? ago
turk and pakis on voat trying to act white?